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This is how Talya should look like but you are free to imagine....pics are not mine from the internet so Credit to whoever it is or whoever posted it

Ally's POV

I saw someone

Right before Talya pulled me I saw someone fall out of the trees

A tall,well built guy,with brown eyes,and brown hair looking at me

It felt as if he was reading me

A strong Aura was around

He clearly had magic and not a little a lot of it,but if he did then it was quite stupid for him to fall out of a tree.

Talya didnt realize,seen as she was busy threatening me........typical

After ten minutes they left warning me never to open the door......and blah blah blah.

When they left I banged the door...and here I am now lying down remembering the person who I saw his face was behind a tree,so you couldnt really see his features but you could see he was really good looking... ......

He doesnt seem like a bad elf,criminal or anything like that,even though he kinda looked like a Rebel....I could see his arm through the tree and I could see a Tattoo on it even though I didnt know what was written,He had brown hair one side short and the other curly combed back messily and he had quite a sharp edged Jaw.

He knows someone is here

What if he comes back??

What if he is bad???

But on the bright side.......Maybe I might see him again.

Ash's POV

I pace back and forth in Haden's workshop bugging him with questions about the green eyes

"Could it really be true that he is the other Magic Wielder"

I ask

"What makes you think its a he?"
Haden replies

"Two of us are,So why not??"I reply

"Dont assume stuff like that,Rebels are open minded"
He says Calmly

Haden is quite young and yet really wise,he is nearly always calm and gives really useful advice.I remember when I first joined the rebels and I was always causing fights and I had some bad friends who led me to do something wicked...even though I didnt do it and now Im wanted lets not go into details, Anyway,Haden and Lyla were the leaders of the rebels......they stil are.....anyway
....I was always causing fights and Lyla wanted to kick me out

(Inpatient-one trait she has in common with her sister)but Haden took it easy and calmed me down, trying to help me chanel my aggression into magic........And More sooner than later it worked and I could express my magic easier

"Mm ok ,whatever"
I mumble


I say and mumble an apology and walk to my room,and see the book I was still reading on my bed


A long time ago there grew a land....a kingdom infact a kingdom ruled by a young King and Queen they were wise beyond their ages,and were very powerful.
They ruled in Justice and were fair to their people
The Queen was going to have a baby and she grew very sick and lost her powers and the king was not strong enough to save her alone

So thats when the kingdom started looking for something to cure their queen.....A miracle

They search high and low for something in an ancient myth called The Orb

Which had the power to heal,to give power...Take power if in undeserving hands,and Punish those who used it for evil.

At the time was a beautiful lady who lived in the outskirts of the kingdom
And envied the Queen but also admired her,she searched for the orb as well,and found it in a cave just to the East of the town

She run to hide it,but was caught in the process
The people that time Knew No one who hated the queen so it was assumed The beautiful Lady found The Orb

She was taken to the palace and had to give The Orb to the Queen

She became better and gave birth to a bouncing baby Fourth level elf

The Woman was rewarded with money and was made the Duchess

Later on,Three yeats later the baby was lost and was said to be missing,the kingdom searched and searched then eventually gave up.

And the story goes on till now,it is actually the history of Craedor, like thirty years ago,Yeah Craedor isnt so old,the Baby was born Ten years after Craedor was founded,I was born three years before the baby

My parents took care of me for a little while and left when I was three,my Aunt then found me and took care of me then eventually she got married to Haden,even though they were taking care of me,as leaders of the Rebels,I wasnt a Rebel

They didnt force me...they said it was a free choice....even though they feared I'd be like my parents,I found out about my Parents when I was Sixteen,it crushed me but I lived,

Then the rebellion started

Hey guys how do you like it

Any Thoughts????

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Ps:Pls hit that little star🌟

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