Chapter 10

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Harry had hit 9-1 but didn't get any further before he watched Julie's eyes start to flutter open. He dropped his phone and dropped to his knees next to her. He put his hand on her face and watched her eyes try to focus on his face. "Hey." He searched her eyes. "Are you ok?"

Julie nodded slowly. "Yeah. What happened?" She wondered how she'd gotten on the couch.

"We were talking, and I stood up and pulled you up and into my arms. And I had just basically said that I didn't think you felt real well, and your eyes rolled back and you fainted in my arms." Harry rubbed his thumb over her cheek and watched her take a breath and let it out slowly.

"Weird. I don't think I've ever fainted before." Julie tried to sit up slowly.

"Wait." Harry gently pushed her back into the couch. "I'm worried. Can you just lie there for a bit, please? I was about to call an ambulance when you started to wake up."

"Don't be silly." She almost started to chuckle at the look on his face, but she realized how serious this would be to him. "I'm ok. Really. Just gonna sit up now." She slowly pushed herself up, but to ease his mind, she let him help.

"Well, I'm calling the doctor, then. You should not be fainting. You haven't been feeling well for awhile now. But you've ignored it." Harry picked up his phone. "I'm going to see if I can get Dr. Mansfield to see you now. And if he can't, then I'm taking you to the ER."

"Harry. Really?" Julie looked at him. "I just fainted. People do it all the time."

"Yeah, but you said you've never done it before. After all your head injuries and being in a coma, I'm not taking any chances. Please, don't argue with me about this. I will fight you on it." Harry said gently but also with an infliction in his voice that made certain there was no room for argument.

"Alright, compromise. If Dr. Mansfield can't see me today, then just set up an appointment the next time he can." Julie had no doubt that Harry would persuade the doctor to see her tonight. Even though she felt ok now. "I'm probably just dehydrated. I've been really stressed out. And our fight last night didn't help at all. It really bothered me; so I really haven't eaten much the past couple of days either."

"Maybe, but they can check you out and do some tests anyway." Harry dialed Dr. Mansfield directly. He normally had Jeff or someone on his team do it, but that was when it was for him. He doubted very much that Julie would want Jeff to know enough to call the doctor on her behalf. This was one of the times he would use his name and contacts to get something done though. He wanted Julie to see someone tonight. Money talked, and Dr. Mansfield was paid well to be his go to doctor. Harry talked briefly with the good doctor. Luckily his wife was also his nurse, so Dr. Mansfield told Harry that they would open the clinic for him to bring Julie in. He thanked the doctor repeatedly and then hung up.

Julie looked up at him. "So, I'm going to see the doctor tonight? I really think you're overreacting. I don't even feel that bad right now. Just a bit of a funny tummy."

"Yes, Dr. Mansfield and his wife are meeting us at the clinic in an hour. He said he'll do a physical and then run some tests to see if there's something going on." Harry leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead. She didn't seem to have a fever. "I'm going to get you some water, and then take a shower quick before we leave. Please just sit back and relax." He went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and a package of biscuits from the cupboard. He set them down in front of her. "Don't move. I'll be quick." He kissed her and then bounded up the stairs quickly. He didn't want to leave her alone for too long.

Julie took a deep breath and then leaned forward and picked up the water bottle. She took a few sips, but her stomach wouldn't settle. Maybe she had a stomach bug or something. She took a biscuit and ate it slowly. Maybe she was just a bit hungry. It had been a rough couple of days. She'd eaten a couple of biscuits and drunk about half her water by the time Harry came back down.

"How're you doing?" He asked running his hands through his hair and coming to sit next to her. "We should leave soon."

"I ate a few biscuits and drank some water, and I'm actually feeling a bit better. I think we can tell Dr. Mansfield I can wait." Julie looked over at him. She knew immediately he wasn't going to go for it.

"I'm sure he's already left his house. It would be rude for us not to go after he's so kindly offered to see you tonight." Harry took her hand. "You scared me, baby. I want to make sure you're ok."

"I understand it had to be a bit scary. But a little food and a little water seems to have helped. My stomach is still a little iffy, so maybe I have some sort of virus." Julie tried one more time to convince him there was no need to go right now.

"Please? Just humor me. It won't take long. And if you're still feeling ill, we shouldn't take any chances." Harry held her hand in both of his. "I'll never get over seeing you in the hospital bed not waking up. Please, it really scared me."

"Ok, alright, I'm sorry. I didn't think about that. I'll go." Julie said standing up. "I'm going to use the bathroom and clean up and then we can go." Julie walked slowly up the stairs. She could feel Harry's eyes on her the whole way. He really was worried. She could see the doctor for him tonight to ease his mind. She made it to the bedroom and grabbed some leggings and a T-shirt. She didn't feel like wearing the black dress she'd worn to the funeral. She went and washed up and used the bathroom, but before she could leave it, her stomach betrayed her, and she got sick. Well, there you had it. Just as she'd suspected. She had a stomach virus. She rinsed her mouth and made her way back downstairs as she pulled her hair back.

"You ready?" Harry asked standing up from the couch and walking towards her. "You look a little pale again. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, it's definitely a stomach issue. I got sick upstairs. So I'm sure they will just order some rest." Julie walked with Harry towards the door.

"Well, he can at least give you some fluids to help." Harry opened the door and let Julie walk out in front of him. Watching her pass out in his arms affected him more than he realized it would. Her laying unconscious on the couch had made him flash back to the hospital years ago when he couldn't get her to wake up. He was worried about possibly long term affects on her brain. Johnny giving her a concussion in Vegas, then the car crash, and he could only imagine how many concussions she'd received from being hit when she'd been with Johnny. He'd never wished so hard for someone to just be sick before. But he hoped that's all it was.

Harry looked over at Julie who was taking some breaths. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Just queasy." Julie said trying to calm her stomach. "The car ride doesn't seem to be helping."

"I'm sorry, love." Harry glanced at her often as he drove the rest of the way to the clinic. He parked as close to the door as he could and came around and helped her out. He put his arm around her and helped her to the door. The door was opened before they got there by Mrs. Mansfield who greeted them kindly before walking them to the exam room that was set up. "Thank you, for doing this tonight. Julie tried to get me to cancel, but I convinced her to come. So, it's my fault you're out here."

Mrs. Mansfield smiled. "Oh, no worries Mr. Styles. We're happy to help." She had Julie sit on the exam table and started taking her vitals. When she was done, she excused herself and came back with a cup. "If you could give us a urine sample and then I'm going to take a little blood. Mr. Styles, if you'd like I can take you to a waiting area."

Harry looked at Julie. He didn't want to go. "Baby, would it be ok if I stayed?"

"It's not necessary, really. It's just a sample and blood draw." Julie looked him and the worry in his eyes was a bit hard for her to take. "Ok, ok, of course. Mrs. Mansfield, if it's ok, he can stay."

"Of course. The bathroom is just down the hall. I'll get the things for the blood draw while you're there." Mrs. Mansfield walked Julie to the door and pointed her to the bathroom.

Julie did as she was asked and then came back to the room. Harry was pacing back and forth across the room. "Harry, you have to calm down. You're making me nervous."

"Sorry, but you didn't see what happened." Harry stopped in front of her. "I panicked, and I'm not sure I've relaxed at all yet."

Julie set the sample on the counter and rewashed her hands in the sink in the room. She climbed back up and sat on the table. She reached her hands out for Harry. When he put his in hers, she pulled him a little closer. "I'm not trying to minimize this. I really think I'm ok. It's just some sort of virus, and once I get back to eating and drinking normally, you'll see. Plus the stress of the funeral after having that nasty fight, and I didn't get much sleep. Does it really surprise you that I'm a bit off?"

"No, I guess not." He played with her hands and then looked up from them to her face. "I'm sorry, really sorry, about what I said to you. About what I called you." Harry fought the tears. "It really bothers me that I said that to you."

"It's ok. I am a bitch. I think Panda and I covered that back in Vegas, oh so long ago." Julie smiled at him.

"Julie, that's not funny." Harry sniffled.

"Oh, it's a little bit funny." Julie smiled again as Harry chuckled a little through his sniffles. "It's not like I was Ms. Innocent in it, Harry. I sort of snapped, too."

"Yeah, you did, and it surprised the hell out of me." Harry looked into her eyes. "I've never seen you snap quite like that before. You usually reign yourself back in before you do."

"Yeah, I was always too afraid to get angry, because of how I was treated when others got angry." Julie shrugged and looked at their hands together. "Guess that means I'm not that scared of you losing your temper." She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles on his right hand, and then the scar on his wrist where they eventually had to go and clean up the break he got from punching the wall at the courthouse. "But you really need to stop punching solid objects that aren't made to be punched."

"Well, the door was a lot more forgiving than the wall. But yeah, probably shouldn't become a habit." Harry forced a small smile at her. "So, that means that you forgive me?"

"That shouldn't even be a question. Although I hope we are able to control our tempers a bit better in the future. I love you, Harry. And one fight, no matter how bad, isn't going to change that."

"Good." Harry smiled a real smile and leaned down to kiss her, but before he could, he was interrupted by Mrs. Mansfield coming back in with her tray ready to take Julie's blood. He kissed her forehead instead and then stepped back.

"Sorry to interrupt. This won't take long though." She smiled as she set things up and searched for a vein to take blood from. She looked at Julie. "You are definitely dehydrated. We are going to do this a little differently. We're going to set you up with an IV so we will put that in and take the blood from that before we put the fluids in."

Julie nodded. She hated needles. She knew it was weird since she'd worked as a nurse, but those needles weren't going into her body. She'd had enough when she was in the hospital every time she'd ended up there. She looked away when the needle went into her arm. Since she was dehydrated, she knew it would take a bit to find and get the needle into the vein. A couple of minutes later the blood was drawn and the fluids set up. Julie lay back on the table. Her head no more than hit the pillow behind her when she heard the doctor come in. She looked over to see him shake Harry's hand.

"Mr. Styles, it's nice to see you." Dr. Mansfield smiled shaking Harry's hand. "Sorry it's under such urgent circumstances." The doctor then turned his attention to Julie. "Ms. Jackson, seems you're the one causing all the trouble this evening." He held out his hand to shake Julie's hand that was not hooked up to the fluids.

"Yeah, sorry, Dr. Mansfield. But Harry's worried, so figured it would be best just to ease his mind." Julie smiled at the doctor. She'd always liked him. She had only seen him once when she was ill while on tour, but she had run into him and his wife a couple of times. Very kind, very helpful. But that's what Harry did. He attracted those kind of people in his life.

"Probably best, you are pretty dehydrated. Your blood pressure is a little low; the combination of those two things alone could have caused you to faint." The doctor looked Julie over. Concentrating on her eyes. After he did the routine checks and wrote down what he wanted, he looked at the chart. "We are starting with a few tests we can run here, and then we will have to send a few out." He sat on the table beside Julie. "Is it ok if we talk with Mr. Styles in the room? We won't if you don't want us to."

Julie looked at Harry. "It's fine. He can hear anything you have to tell me." Julie was now starting to get a little nervous.

"Alright. Well, the good news is I don't think it has anything to do with any previous head injuries. If we can't find a cause though, we will send you to get a CT scan to rule it out for sure. Or if you present with any additional problems."

Harry let out the breath he was holding. That had been his number one fear. It was good to hear she wasn't presenting with those type of symptoms. He gave Julie a relieved look. "Do you have any ideas then, doctor?"

"There could be many things. I'm not keen on guessing. Let's go see if we've gotten any results back yet." He patted Julie's arm before he got up and then patted Harry's shoulder. "I shall return shortly." He walked out and shut the door.

Harry moved over to Julie's side. "How are you feeling now that you have some fluids?"

"Ok, I guess. A little less light headed. Guess I should have noticed, huh?" Julie held his hand when Harry sat in the spot the doctor had just vacated. "Just seems to have come on so fast."

"Yeah, it did, but you can't foresee everything. As long as you're ok and the doctor figures out what's going on, that's all that matters." He leaned down and gave her a kiss. "I was worried, love. That something wasn't healed right in that beautiful head of yours. I couldn't fathom going through that again."

"I know. But I've dealt with my head before. A lot. I haven't even had a migraine in awhile." She smiled up at him. "You aren't lucky enough to get rid of me yet."

"That's not even funny, love." Harry shook his head. "You need to stop that."

"You need to lighten up, love." Julie squeezed his hand. "I'll be ok. I'll be coming home tonight, and if you're lucky, I will even be in your bed."

"Well, if you're not, then I'm sleeping in the spare room tonight. And by the way, it's OUR bed. Don't start with that 'your' shit." Harry tapped her nose. "Got it?"

Julie rolled her eyes. "I will not say 'yes sir'."

Harry looked at Julie lovingly. There his girl was. Sassy, classy, and a bit smart assey. "'Yes, Daddy', will do."

"Oh, for fucks sake." Julie groaned which caused Harry to laugh. "Really? In the doctor's office?"

"I just wanted to make sure you knew we were all good. Doesn't that just prove it?" Before she could answer, Harry turned towards the door when the doctor and his wife came in. He winked at Julie and then got up and moved out of the way.

Dr. Mansfield walked up to Julie as his wife checked the fluids in the bag. "So, my stubborn patient, how are you feeling?"

"I'm actually feeling a little bit better. I imagine the fluids had something to do with that?" Julie asked.

"I would say yes." The doctor said. "So, we have some test results back." The doctor looked between Julie and Harry. "I just need to clarify that we can talk about everything with Mr. Styles in the room since the two of you aren't married."

"Yes, yes of course. He can hear anything. Really." Julie tried to sit up a little.

"Relax, dear." Mrs. Mansfield gently pushed her back onto the bed. "Let's let the fluids do their job. You just relax." She adjusted the flow of the fluids and walked back over to a tray she had brought in with her.

Dr. Mansfield looked at her. "The first thing we found was a slight urinary tract infection. Your urine was quite concentrated which confirms the dehydration. And it's not uncommon in situations like yours."

"Situations like mine?" Julie asked. Her brain was going a hundred miles an hour, going through all her medical training she hadn't used in years to try and figure out what he was talking about before he said it. She felt her eyes go wide when it hit her.

The doctor was driving Harry crazy not just spitting out what the main cause was. When he saw Julie's eyes widen, he figured she knew, and it wasn't good. But how could she know, and what was it, and how bad was it for her to make that reaction? "Julie?" Harry took a step forward.

"You know the first thing we have to do for a woman your age before we do any kind of treatment is, don't you?" The doctor asked, but he didn't need a verbal answer to know she did. "The pregnancy test was positive. You're pregnant. The inability to eat and your nausea would be caused by morning sickness. Which then exasperated the dehydration, which dropped your blood pressure, which caused you to faint."

Harry stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the doctor talking. He heard 'the pregnancy test was positive' and the rest he didn't comprehend. She was pregnant? He shook his head. Had he heard wrong? "What?" He asked perplexed.

Julie was just as shocked as Harry. "No." She said shaking her head. "I can't be. I'm on birth control. Faithfully."

The doctor nodded. "Yes. We need you to stop taking them now."

"No. You're wrong. You need to run the test again. Something's wrong with that test." Julie insisted.

"We ran two. As we always do when the tests come back positive." The doctor put his hand on her arm. "That test was positive, too. There's no doubt, my dear. I can show you if you'd like. And the blood tests will come back tomorrow, and they are going to show the same thing."

Julie looked over at Harry with tears in her eyes. "I swear to you, that I never missed a day. I can't be pregnant. I took every pill. I swear."

When Harry heard Julie's frightened voice, he shook his head and snapped himself out of his thoughts. "I know, Julie. I believe you."

"Ms. Jackson, one of the medications you're taking to control your anxiety affects the effectiveness of the birth control pill. It's not uncommon for that to happen." The doctor got up and let Harry come next to her. "Do you happen to be able to remember when you had your last menstrual cycle?"

Julie felt Harry take her hand, but she was freaking out inside. She may have been calm and still on the outside, but on the inside, she was losing it. She'd taken every damn pill! How did this happen? How did she not read the part where it said that side effects from the anxiety med might lessen the effectiveness of her birth control. She would have made sure they used additional protection. The doctor asked her a question. She didn't really hear him. "Wh-What?" Julie looked up at the doctor. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Dr. Mansfield said gently. "Just wondering if you remembered when you had your last menstrual cycle."

Julie thought about it. When was it? "About 3-4 weeks ago." Julie said. She started thinking harder about it. "But it was really light. I never thought too much about it. But it was." She should have known it wasn't normal.

"So, you'd be at least 8 weeks pregnant. Possibly more. With the birth control, it can give you light bleeding during the placebo stage while you're on them. Which is why it's important you stop them now." The doctor looked at Harry and Julie and wasn't sure if they were even hearing him at the moment. Julie had her eyes closed, chin to her chest, and Harry was standing about 2 feet from the table staring at the wall. He looked over at his wife. "Why don't we give them a moment, dear? We can get the first dose of antibiotics for the UTI." He let his wife out first and closed the door quietly behind him.

Y'all are amazing!  Remember that!  You have no idea what your unwavering support means to me!  😘

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