Chapter 9

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Harry wasn't even sure what time it was when he heard the door shut.  He had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Julie to come home, although he wasn't sure she would come there or go to Niall's.  He sat up and looked at the door.  She threw her keys on the counter and set her bag on the stool.  He was trying to read her before he said anything.  He sighed as he stood up.  "I wasn't sure you'd be coming home."

"Yeah, well, Amanda didn't give me much of a choice.  Apparently, I'm not capable of making my own decisions either."  Julie angrily addressed Harry before grabbing her bag.  She really wasn't up for a confrontation right now.  Even though she inevitably knew it would happen.

Well, she was using Amanda, that in itself made him aware she wasn't happy.  And her tone was another good indication she wasn't thrilled with him.  Harry watched her walk towards the stairs.  "We should talk about it."

"What's there to talk about?  We both know exactly why you came.  Funny how you had such important meetings you couldn't cancel before, and now that you think I'm fucking around with Marcus, at his Grandmother's funeral, none-the-less, those meetings aren't quite as important."  Julie somehow managed not to scream those words at him, but the tone definitely got the meaning across.

Harry walked towards the stairs and was about to say something when she turned and literally stomped up the stairs.  "Oh, for fucks sake."  He said quietly as he threw his head back.  There were very few times in their relationship that he'd really seen her angry.  Especially directed at him.  As sassy, sarcastic, and mouthy she was, he hadn't really seen her use anger.  He'd gotten a tongue lashing a couple of times.  A frustrated voice raise, been told he was acting like an idiot more than once, but never true, uncontrolled anger.  He imagined why.  She saw anger so much that losing control of herself probably wasn't something she wanted to do or see. He wasn't quite sure that streak was going to last though.  He made his way up the stairs to see her shoving some things in her bag.  "What are you doing?"  He asked as he watched her go to the closet and pull out her black dress.  "Where are you going?"

"Spare room."  She said simply as she picked up her bag and put it over her shoulder.  "If no one will let me make a decision about which house I'm going to stay at, I'm staying in the spare room."

"Why?  Come on, baby."  Harry whined.

"Right now is not a good time to be calling me 'baby'."  Julie walked out the door and turned down the hallway to the spare room.  She opened the door, turned on the light, and threw her bag on the bed.  She hung her dress on the back of the door as Harry followed her to the room.  "Harry, I don't want to talk to you right now."

Harry leaned in the doorway and crossed his arms.  "So that's just it.  You're going to come in here and just pretend I'm not here."

"You're not supposed to be here."  Julie turned to him and crossed her arms.  "You're supposed to be at home.  The UK home, doing work while I'm here supporting a friend.  And it's not like I even went alone."

"You were looking pretty comfortable, in that gazebo, ALONE with a guy that would jump to be with you if he could."  Harry stated firmly.

Julie shook her head exasperated.  "You don't even know what you're talking about."

"I sure do.  I saw it.  Sitting close, hand on your face, looking into your eyes."  Harry took a step into the room, his whole body a tense spring.  "Pretty sure I can see."

"If you didn't hear me the first time, we were talking about how much I love you.  So, you think I'm going to talk about how much I love you, and then what?  Fuck the guy in the back of the funeral home while his Grandmother's funeral is happening inside?"  Julie turned away to get something to sleep in out of her bag.  "That's rich, Harry."

"You're taking that just a little bit too far, aren't you?  The guy's in love with you, and you can't even see it."  Harry was starting to get angry himself.

"Even if he was, what does it matter?  You should trust ME!"  Julie responded throwing her things on the bed.

"What do you mean 'what does it matter'?  Of course, it fucking matters."  Harry spat out frustratedly.  "If I were to be caught in that position with someone else, what would you think?  Would you trust me if you walked in on Kendall and me that fucking close? What would you do?"

"First, if you can't determine the difference between Kendall and Marcus, then I'm just done with this fucking conversation."  Julie turned to Harry with fire in her eyes.  "You want me to break it down for you?  Let's start with the obvious.  I never fucked Marcus, even though I would have been free to.  You and I weren't together, he wasn't your friend or your enemy.  He stepped away as soon as he knew I was in love with you.  He never sold you out to some tabloids for some shit revenge because you were dating me.  But sure, Harry, compare Marcus to Kendall."

"You and I weren't together when I was with her either."  Harry retorted.

"And the rest?  You got answers for that, too?  Or are you just going to go on with this shit jealousy when I've told you time and time again that I love you and Marcus knows that.  He lost is Nonna.  He's going to question a lot of things.  But he has never been anything other than extremely kind to you."  She shook her head.  "But it shouldn't matter.  Because you should trust ME!  That even if he wanted me, that I wouldn't, because I love you.  I've never stopped you from spending time with any of your other friends, even ones you've dated.  So, if you can't see the difference with Kendall, that's your own problem."

"You wouldn't trust me with her."  Harry said.  "So, how can you rationalize me trusting you with him?"

"She ruined my life, Harry!  She handed my abuser a pay day to lie about me and sell those lies to every media outfit he could.  She treated me like a second class citizen every time I was near her.  She bullied me and caused me endless grief for how long."  Julie was starting to shake with the rage that was building up inside of her so quickly.  "And for you to even bring her up, with a possibility of you spending time with her, hurts me more than you can even imagine.  I would trust you completely, but since she caused me so much hurt and pain, I would think you'd stay away because of that.  Marcus stepped aside for you.  He's treated you with respect and always did the right thing even if I asked him not to."

"He's in love with you!  How can you expect me to understand that and not worry about it?!"  Harry threw his hands to the side.

"You THINK he's in love with me!  But, I think you're wrong!  Things aren't clear to him right now.  He lost the most important person in his life.  You would think you'd understand that just a little bit more."  She grabbed her things to go change.  "I'm done with this conversation right now."

"Of course you're done, because now you had the last word.  Isn't that how this goes?"  Harry huffed.  "Always need to be right, can't see the other person's point?"

"Yeah, that's right."  Julie said turning towards him.  "But this time, I just happen to be right.  I'm tired of the constant jealousy.  Double standards are always how it is, right?  I accept everything you do, because that's your 'job' to mingle with exes and models and whoever the hell you choose to see, whenever you choose to see them.  Yet you're advised in advance when I'm going to see anyone.  You wanna lock me in the house, too?  Tell me I need to be a good little woman and do what I'm told?!"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me right now!"  Harry bellowed.  "How, the fuck, you keep comparing me to your ex asshole is getting really fucking old!"

"Well, then stop fucking acting like him!"  Julie screamed back.

"You have lost your damn mind!"  Harry glared at her.  What the fuck was wrong with her right now? He couldn't understand how she could compare him to Johnny, and was so angry, he was beyond expressing himself logically, handling it the way he knew he should.

"Apparently, my decision-making continues to fail me."  Julie shook her head and turned towards the window.

"Right, is there anytime you'll stop being a bitch and listen to anything I say?"  Harry asked to her retreating back.

Julie froze when he called her a bitch.  She didn't even give him time to continue.  She spun on her heel and pushed him out the door.  "Fuck you, Harry!"  She slammed the door, leaned back against it, and slid down to the floor.  Fuck him!  She burst into tears as she sat on the floor.  They'd had arguments before, but not like this.  She flinched when she heard a loud bang and felt the door rattle.

Harry shook his hand after he punched the door.  Apparently, his temper wasn't exactly under control, especially when it came to her.  At least it didn't hurt like when he punched the wall at the courthouse.  He probably would have to replace the door now that it had a bit of a hole, or maybe just a dent, in it.  He went downstairs and grabbed a drink.  Wine wouldn't be strong enough right now, so he went to the bar and grabbed the whiskey he saved for special occasions and poured it over some ice.  He drank it all in one big swig.  He refilled it and took another drink and set the glass on the counter.  He leaned on his hands and hung his head.  They'd never argued like that, and his words stung, just as much as hers did.  He shouldn't have called her a bitch no matter how angry he felt.  He sighed as he pushed himself off the counter and grabbed his glass.

Harry walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch.  He set the glass on the coffee table and rested his elbows on his knees as he rubbed his face.  'Fuck!'  He screamed in his head.  What the fuck were they going to do now?  They definitely weren't on the same page, and he wasn't sure how they were going to get there.  She needed to understand his feelings towards Marcus.  He wasn't constantly jealous.  This was warranted.  This fucking guy wanted his girlfriend, and that in itself should make her respect his feelings and not spend time with Marcus.  He leaned his head back against the couch and groaned.  What the fuck was happening?

Julie eventually got off the floor and changed.  She looked in the mirror and closed her eyes.  She looked ridiculous.  Red puffy eyes, wet cheeks, splotchy skin.  She hated how much arguing with him hurt.  He needed to stop acting like some overgrown child throwing a temper tantrum because she was friends with Marcus.  And even if Marcus wanted something more from her than she was willing to give, Harry should trust her.  She was in love with Harry, and if he didn't realize that by now, she wasn't sure if he ever would.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes looking in the mirror one more time before turning away.  She didn't really like what she saw right now.  She shouldn't have lost her temper like that.  What was going on?  They hadn't spoken to each other like that ever before.  It sucked.  And her yelling back like that shocked even her.  They'd had heated conversations, like back when Zayn left the band, but it hadn't ever been like this.  She wasn't quite sure how to deal with what had just happened.  She climbed into bed, alone, and that in itself brought tears to her eyes.  She curled up in the comforter and closed her eyes as she cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, Julie went to the burial for Marcus's Nonna alone.  Amanda and Niall had some sort of photo shoot for Niall, and since Amanda basically worked for Niall now, she had to be there.  Julie hadn't seen Harry since their major fight the night before.  She had gotten up, showered, and left, and he never appeared.

Julie watched from the back as they had a nice service at the grave site and then followed per Marcus's request as they went to have lunch at a quiet little restaurant.  After everyone had finished eating, Marcus suggested they go for a walk in the park that his Nonna used to like to sit in whenever she had the chance.  After a pretty quiet walk, Marcus bought her an ice cream and had them sit at his Nonna's favorite bench.

Julie people-watched for a few moments before she heard Marcus ask if she was ok.  "Yeah, of course."  She looked down at her ice cream.

"Not very convincing, JJ."  Marcus looked at her face.  "I mean, you don't look all that ok."

"Are you saying I look like crap, Marcus?"  Julie asked reluctantly looking up at his face.

"No, I would never say that."  Marcus sighed.  "What's wrong?"

"Today isn't about me.  It's about you.  I'm here to make sure you're not alone."  Julie played with the napkin holding her ice cream cone.

"Well, how about we talk about something else to keep me distracted, and my mind off of the past week or so."  Marcus ate some of his ice cream as Julie remained quiet.  He did notice that she wasn't eating the ice cream she had in her hand either.  He removed the cone from her hand, got up, and threw it away before coming back and sitting down next to her again.  "JJ, talk to me."

Julie shook her head.  "Harry and I just had our worst fight we've ever had last night.  Guess it's still getting to me."

Marcus sighed.  "Fallout from when he came to the funeral home?  From me?"

"Yeah."  Julie admitted as she sighed.

"So, it's my fault?"  Marcus leaned back against the bench and closed his eyes.

"No, it's not your fault.  There's no reason he needed to come from the UK.  I was to come and then go back after a few days. He had work he was to do while he was there.  He came here for one reason."  Julie shook her head.  "His jealousy and his distrust."

"His jealousy and distrust of me."  Marcus stated.

"No, his distrust of me."  Julie looked over at Marcus.  "He needed to keep his eye on me.  It just didn't sit right with me.  And one thing led to another and we ended the night screaming at each other, me slamming the door on him, and then him punching it.  I didn't see him this morning before I left."

"Jesus, Julie."  Marcus sighed.  "It's what he saw at the funeral home, isn't it?  My weak moment?"

"We just didn't agree on a theory he has."  Julie looked down at her hands in her laps.  Marcus was another who used her full name when things got a bit more serious.  "I think he's wrong."

"And what theory would that be?"  Marcus asked her.

"Does it matter?"  Julie asked.  When he looked at her she sighed and gave in.  "He thinks you're in love with me and that means I shouldn't have anything to do with you."

Marcus nodded as she explained.  "And you don't think I'm in love with you?"

"I think you need a friend, and I think you're hurting, and I'm not sure you know exactly how to go on.  You're looking for a way to combat that pain.  Looking for someone to repair that hole in your heart."  Julie quietly said to him.

"I won't deny that I'm hurting.  That my heart hurts.  But I'm not looking for you to come in and save me from my pain."  Marcus turned towards her.  "But you're right.  I am in need of a friend.  I did tell you last night that I regretted not taking a chance with you.  Of letting you go."

"So?  What?  You're telling me he was right?  And he should worry about you and me because you're in love with me?"  Julie asked.

Marcus blew out a breath.  "I don't know, Julie.  Look, I walked away for a reason, and that was because I could tell you were in love.  Sometimes, I regret not asking you to give me a chance before your birthday, before Harry came back into your life.  But then I think about how you looked at Harry when he walked into your birthday party, and realize I did the right thing."

"So, he's wrong.  Just like I said."  Julie shrugged.  "I just don't know how much more I can take of this unwarranted jealousy."

"He's not wrong about that."  Marcus looked over at Julie again.  "My feelings for you didn't just vanish overnight.  You will never accept that more than one man could ever have feelings for you.  But I'm here to tell you, it's true."

Julie shook her head again.  "I don't understand."  She was confused now.  "So, you now tell me your feelings were a lot stronger than you let on the day I came to you.  And that Harry's right, and I shouldn't come to you because he shouldn't trust you?"

"No."  Marcus took her hand.  "That's not what I'm saying.  What I'm saying is, I can't just shut off my feelings for you.  They won't just go away.  But I see your love for him, more and more every time I see you with him.  Even when you were angry with him last night, I could see it.  And I would never do anything to hurt you like that.  I won't ever come between you and someone you love.  But I won't regret feeling for you either."

Julie let out a breath and tried to stop the tears filling her eyes.  "Sometimes, you're way too good of a guy for your own good."  She looked up at Marcus.  "Guess I should go home."

Marcus stood and helped her up.  He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.  "Don't be so hard on him. If the roles were reversed, I'd be jealous as hell.  I would probably overreact in his position, too.  He loves you, and he doesn't want to chance you being persuaded to choose someone else."  Marcus pulled back and looked down at her face.  "You should go talk to him, and then get some rest.  You look exhausted.  The stress looks to be getting to you."

"So you are saying I look like crap."  Julie wiped her eyes from the tears and looked into Marcus's eyes.  "You are an amazing man, Marcus.  And I'm so grateful to have you in my life.  You will find someone one day who you will make you extremely happy."

Marcus smiled and kissed her cheek.  "Just as you make Harry happy.  I look forward to that day."  He squeezed her biceps and let her go.  "Go talk to him, make it right."

With one more hug and a 'see you later' after Marcus walked her back to her car, Julie drove back to Harry's.  Or, home, she guessed.  She pulled into the driveway and sat in the car for a moment.  She had been so angry last night.  More angry than she remembered ever being.  Usually fear came before the anger and overcame the loss of control.  But this time, not so much.  She took the keys and got out and went inside.  She set her bag down and dropped the keys in the bowl.  She walked to the living room and saw Harry sitting on the couch.  She took a deep breath and stopped at the end of the couch.  "Hey."

"Hey."  Harry said looking over at her.  He picked up the remote and turned off the tv.

"Can we talk?"  Julie asked him.  She sat on the edge of the couch when he set the remote down.  She leaned her elbows on her knees and clasped her hands.

"Of course."  Harry turned towards her.  "Julie, I'm..."

"No, don't please.  Can I say something first?"  When he nodded she continued.  "I'm sorry that I blew up at you last night.  I shouldn't have.  I should have talked to you and not gone on the defensive right away."

"And I shouldn't have just shown up like that.  And I shouldn't have immediately questioned you."  Harry looked at her and was a bit concerned.  "Are you feeling ok?  You look a bit pale."

"Yeah, I'm just stressed."  She looked over at him.  "I just talked to Marcus.  He admitted he had feelings for me.  But he also reiterated he knew how much I loved you, and he made the right choice in walking away.  He said he would never hurt me by trying to come between you and me."  Julie closed her eyes and shook her head a little.  She really wasn't feeling all that well.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it."  Harry reached over and took her hand.  "And I'm sorry for the things I said last night.  Basically, all of it.  I love you, and I can't help that I'm worried about Marcus.  He can give you the normalcy and quietness that you crave.  The part that I can never give you.  And that scares me, Julie.  Things will never be quiet with me.  Not like he can make them for you."

"Normalcy is overrated."  Julie tried to joke.  "I accepted a long time ago that I couldn't help my love for you.  Crazy life or not.  It was basically over the first time we met."

Harry stood and pulled her up wrapping his arms around her and clasping his hands behind her back.  "As it was for me."  He leaned down and kissed her lips.  She really didn't look all that well.  "Baby, you really don't feel well, do you?"  Harry tightened his arms when he saw her eyes roll back into her head and felt her legs give out.  He stopped her from falling to the floor as she fainted in his arms.  "Julie!"  Harry panicked.  He laid her down on the couch.  "Baby, wake up."  He moved the hair from her face and cupped her cheek with his hand.   "Baby, wake up baby."  He grabbed his phone to call for an ambulance as she lay passed out on the couch.

As always....thank you!!

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