Chapter 20

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"So, Harry has pretty much thought of everything." Amanda said following Anne and Gemma into their cabin with the rest of the women. "But first things first, we need to pick a dress." She stepped aside so Julie could see the large rack of dresses hanging along one wall of the room.

"What is this?" Julie asked trying to stop the tears from filling her eyes.

"Harry talked to a few of his designer friends who talked to a few of their friends, and this is what we were able to get." Amanda said taking Julie's hand and walking her closer. "You should have seen all of the options. We picked the ones we thought you would like best. And now, you're to try them on and see what dress you'll be getting married in."

"I just, I didn't, I just thought I'd get married in something I already had when he said we'd get married tonight." Julie shook her head. "This is crazy."

Anne walked up and put her arm around Julie's shoulder. "Are you kidding? Harry has it all worked out. As a mum, I'm pretty proud."

"He's used to getting what he wants." Julie sniffled and wiped her cheek. "Doesn't surprise me."

Anne laughed. "That's true."

Julie untied her jacket and took it off her shoulders. She smiled when her mom walked over to her and looked at her stomach. "Yeah, can you believe it's real?"

"Can't say that I expected it. Or any of this really, but you have a pretty special man in your life. So even though so much is happening, I think I'm less worried about you now, then I have been in a long time." Donna smiled and put her hand on her daughters stomach. "You've gone through a lot. Some I'm sure I don't even know about. But all a mom wants to see is her children happy. You'll know that soon enough."

"Ok, it's easy to make me cry these days. Be easy on the lovey dovey sappy stuff." Julie shook her head and wiped her eyes and gave her mom a quick hug. She looked around the room at the women standing with her. Besides Panda, her mom, and her sister-in-law, these were all women in Harry's life that accepted her into theirs. Ones who were in the small group that knew about the baby, and every single one was immediately supportive. She wasn't used to any of that. She was happy to be back on good terms with her mom and her immediate family after the debacle that was Johnny, but she'd never had that large circle of those who automatically loved and supported her, and she was gaining that; well, she had already gained that because of Harry.

Julie was so deep in thought that she had to physically clear her throat and shake her head when she was handed a glass of sparkling grape juice. She smiled as she was toasted by her group of friends before looking through the rack of dresses. She set aside a couple she liked more than the rest on the end of the rack and went and grabbed one of the sandwiches that were left on the counter. She looked around the room taking in the laughter and lightness in the conversation being had by all.

"So, you're really going to do it, huh?" Amanda asked as she walked up and sat on the stool at the counter next to Julie.

"I guess so. Unless I find a way to talk myself out of it. Figures he wouldn't give me long to do that." Julie shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

Amanda laughed. "Yeah. He may have known what he was doing with a shot gun wedding." She looked at Julie. "JJ, that man loves you to bits. He would have married you long ago, and he would have waited years if he needed to. That's when you know it's right."

"I know. I mean, I said yes, didn't I? That's pretty shocking in itself." Julie took a deep breath. "I never saw myself here." Julie gestured to the room. "Physically here, with all these amazing women, or here as in, in love with an amazing man, having a baby, getting married. But, I wouldn't want it any other way. He's everything I ever needed, even though I never wanted it."

Amanda wiped the tears that fell to her cheeks. "Ok, I know I'm the emotional one, but it's your wedding day, don't be making me cry. You did that to me on my wedding day. It's supposed to be payback." Amanda reached over and hugged Julie tightly. "But I'm so glad to see you finally accept this life. Your life. How it is, and how it should be."

"Oh, I'm sure I'll question a lot yet. And I'm sure he knows that, too. But, I have him, and I have this amazing little human growing inside of me." Julie rubbed over her stomach.

"Ok, stop." Amanda pushed Julie's shoulder with her own. "JJ. You're killing me here."

"Ok, well, then let's make this official, before I stop with the nice. Panda, would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor, well, tonight?" Julie asked.

"As if you had to ask." Amanda smiled. "Are you done feeding that baby? Can we try on some dresses?"

"Yeah, I think I know which one I'm going to wear." Julie stood up from the stool.

"Ok, but since I know you, and you probably do, could you try the others on first? Can I at least see you in more than one? Can you placate me?" Amanda wheedled going over to the rack with Julie.

"Wouldn't it be absolutely amazing if I could just put the first dress on and fall in love with it?" Julie looked over at the pout on Amanda's face. "Ok, fine. Let's try on a few dresses." She shook her head and took the handful of dresses she'd placed at the end to the rack. She had to admit Harry knew her well. The dresses were beautiful but also simple. There was one in particular that she just loved. She would save it for last though, she could try a few dresses on, just to be sure. It was her wedding day after all.

Julie modeled four dresses in front of the women in the cabin. And with each dress, she saw smiles and comments as to how she looked beautiful, and they were all beautiful dresses. But this last one was the one she'd really fallen in love with the moment she saw it. She pulled it from the hanger and stepped into it slowly, pulling it up over her body and tying the ribbon behind her back. She looked on the mirror and couldn't help but smile. This was it. This was the dress she was going to wear to marry the love of her life, and it was perfect.

She turned back and forth in the mirror checking out the V-neck floor length lace chiffon dress she had on. The color was off white but was simple and flowing where it needed to be. The ribbon tie around her waist lay just above her small baby bump which allowed the dress to hang perfectly to conceal the little bump she was now sporting. The dress was a bit long, but with heels, it would be perfect. The sleeveless top also had a V back and was covered in lace.

Julie opened the door and stepped into the room, and there was complete silence. She could feel her cheeks becoming red and heated as she walked to the middle of the room. All eyes were on her as she stopped, and she couldn't help but cover her face. "Oh my god, you guys are embarrassing me."

"You look beautiful." Donna said walking up to her daughter. She took Julie's hands and held them in front of her. "Harry's a lucky man. I hope he always remembers that."

Julie sniffled as she smiled at her mom. "I'm the lucky one. Even though he tells me he's lucky, I just don't see it."

"Of course you don't." Donna shook her head. "But you should. You're finally getting your spark back. I think I may have a certain British boy to thank for that, even though I gave him hell when we first met."

Julie hugged her mom tightly. "Luckily that British boy was raised by a pretty amazing woman, too, and understands quite a lot." She looked over her mom's shoulder at Anne. "I'm gaining a lot, and I've gotten back a lot because he pushed back, pretty hard, even when I didn't want him to." She stood up and held her mom's hands. "But I'm not sure I can take much more of this and still manage to get through a wedding, so, can we maybe save anymore of this emotional stuff until later?"

"Ok. Hair and makeup." Amanda stepped forward in practical mode. "We know better than to overwhelm JJ with too much emotion all at once."

Julie had hands on her for the next two hours. First Anne and her mom pinned the dress in a couple places so they could help make it fit perfectly in the few areas it didn't quite hug her body correctly, then Jules and Meredith worked on her manicure and pedicure before Amanda and Gemma completed her hair and makeup. Julie's sister-in-law, Katie, made sure Julie had enough to eat and drink so she stayed settled through the attention, and then, she was ready. She stood in the middle of the room as the full length mirror was set in front of her. She turned and looked at herself and could see her look of astonishment reflecting back at her.

"Wow." Julie took a deep breath to try and contain her emotions. "Wow, I don't know what to say."

"Harry is going to be blown away." Amanda smiled standing beside Julie and fixing a stray piece of hair. "He always is, but I know tonight he will be even more."

Julie let out a shaky breath. "Shit. I don't know what I'm doing. What am I doing?"

"Breathe, JJ. Breathe. It's ok." Amanda said rubbing lightly over Julie's back. "You know exactly what you're doing, and you know it's right."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Julie stood there taking a few deep breaths.

"You're going to be fine." Donna said walking up to Julie. She held up her hand in front of Julie as a necklace fell from her fingers. "So, we have to go through all the traditions, right? This necklace was the diamond necklace your Grandma wore when she married your Grandpa." She stepped behind Julie and clasped it around her neck. "I believe this covers the something old. But it can't be the borrowed, because it's now yours. Free to pass down to your child of choice when you're ready."

"Mom." Julie eyes began to water as she touched the small diamond pendant now hanging around her neck fighting that emotion in her throat.

"Wait, let's get it all out first." Amanda walked up to Julie. "So, you only have to be emotional once." She opened up a small box. "This is something new. They go perfectly with your necklace. Your mom and I may have talked a little." Amanda held out the box holding small diamond earrings for Julie to see before taking them out and helping her put them into her ears.

"My turn." Anne said stepping forward. "This can be the something borrowed, and the something blue." She held out a small sapphire hair comb. "This was my mum's, and I'm sure she would be more than happy to have you wear it when you marry her grandson.  Plus it matches that ring perfectly." Anne smiled as she gently put the comb into Julie's hair.

"Ok." Julie shook her head gently as the tears streamed down her cheeks. "I can't handle this. It's too much. All of this."

"Stop. You're going to ruin your make-up." Amanda handed Julie some tissues. "You deserve it all." She smiled. "Oh, ok, cry all you want. But do it quickly, we have to fix you, because it's just about time."

"Well, we have just two more things." Jules and Meredith walked up to Julie. Jules held up a short white alpaca wool wedding jacket to Julie. "You'll need this, as the ceremony will be outside by the water per Harry's request as long as it's ok with you."

Meredith smiled. "And Harry wanted to make sure you had this bouquet." She handed Julie a beautiful bouquet of deep purple calla lilies. "I'm guessing there's a story behind these since he was very particular."

Julie couldn't stop the tears as she looked at the beautiful jacket and took the amazing bouquet of flowers. "There is. In Jamaica, outside of the villa we stayed, there was a path we walked down that led to an amazing waterfall." She tried to hide her blush and definitely wouldn't be filling in the details of what happened at that waterfall, but smiled at the thought. "The end of the path was lined with these calla lilies. They don't grow well in Jamaica, but the grounds keeper was particular about keeping these in pristine condition. They were so beautiful. Definitely brings back amazing memories."

Julie handed Gemma the bouquet and took a new tissue from Amanda. "I'm going to kill him for all of this." She went and sat down on the edge of the stool, careful not to mess up her dress.

"You are not." Amanda went over to Julie. "I have to admit, it's hard for me not to record this moment, just to prove to everyone that you are capable of being a real girl in moments like this."

"Shut up, Panda." Julie wiped her eyes. "Oh my god, this sucks." Julie sucked in a shaky breath. "Why would you all help him make me cry? This is a bad idea. A very bad idea. There's something wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you." Amanda tried to comfort Julie without laughing.

"You're not helping when you're laughing at me." Julie scolded Amanda.

"Well, stop fighting it. For the first time in a long time, you're having emotions like you're supposed to, and whether it's simply because you're finally comfortable in your life, your relationship, or that baby who's growing in you, it's completely normal. Embrace it. There is no one judging you for having actual emotions." Amanda shook her head.

Julie took the glass of juice that Anne handed her and took a drink. "I can't handle all this"

"Yes, you can." Donna smiled and took the juice. "Now, let's get you fixed up and married to that boy before you do try to run away from your feelings."

Julie did her best to squash her emotions and let Amanda touch up her make up while the rest of the women got ready. She put on her nude colored simple strapped heels and pulled on her alpaca jacket as Amanda went and put her dress on. Julie looked in the mirror one more time. "So, this is it? It's time?"

"It's time." Amanda smiled walking up to Julie.

"Wow. You look amazing." Julie looked around the room. "You all look beautiful. Thank you so much for being here. For helping me through this day. For helping me, well, look like this." Julie said glancing down at herself.

"It was our pleasure." Gemma smiled as she handed Julie her bouquet. "But, you're beautiful from the start, and Harry is the first one to notice. This was easy."

"Let's get you married." Amanda took Julie's arm and helped her walk down the steps to the cabin. They walked slowly towards the lake as everyone else went ahead to make sure things were set. "So, are you going to make it? You're quiet all of a sudden."

"Trying not to burst into tears." Julie admitted. "This is all so crazy. Everything. All of it. From Harry asking me to marry him to everyone overwhelming me with all their gifts and the dress and just, all of it."

Amanda smiled and hugged Julie's arm to her. "I know. And I know it's hard for you to accept all of it, but every person here loves you."

"You mean, they love Harry, and they put up with me?" Julie meandered slowly through the path towards the lake.

"No, JJ, they all love you. I get you trying to keep from crying, but don't be too much of a smart ass." Amanda stopped Julie at the start of the smaller path that led to the opening where the short ceremony was going to take place. "And the man who loves you more than anything is standing at the end of that path waiting to make you his wife. To accept once and for all your crazy, smart mouthed ass and show you he wants you that way forever."

"You've become Harry's biggest fan." Julie looked down the path, but couldn't see any one at the end.

"I'm a fan of anyone who loves you as much as he does." Amanda held Julie's hand. "And I can't deny what I see when I watch him look at you."

"Ok, stop. Aren't we supposed to keep me from crying right now?" Julie stepped back from Amanda's touch.

"Right, so no touching." Amanda laughed. She smiled as Julie's step-dad walked up to her and wrapped Julie's arm with his and she stood in front of them. She would walk down the small path first leading the way to Harry.

Harry stood at the lake with Niall and Julie's brother and his friends. He watched the girls walk up the path and knew that the time had come where he would finally have Julie as his wife. This place, with all its towering conifers and pristine bay, was beautiful, and it was a perfect setting for them to make this commitment to each other. It reminded him of Julie. Such a simple beauty. Definitely one you saw immediately, but if you took the time to look deeper, you could see even a deeper beauty within. He smiled when his mum walked up and hugged him. "Hey, Mum. How's she doing?"

Anne smiled at Harry and smoothed the collar on his jacket. "She's pretty emotional. She's handled it fairly well I'd say, but she's definitely not comfortable with feeling all of it at once."

"I can only imagine. She came though, right?" Harry asked eyeing his mum suspiciously.

Anne laughed lightly. "Yes, love, she came willingly. She had some pretty lovely things to say about you, also."

"Well, that's a first. You should have recorded it so that I could have heard." Harry smirked.

"Oh, but then I would have had to have recorded her saying she was going to kill you for making her so emotional." Anne smiled. "Amanda said she should have recorded it too, though, since Julie was acting like such a normal woman who was about to be married."

Harry took a deep breath. "About to get married. Wow."

"Yeah, married." Anne smiled, and when she heard the music, she kissed Harry's cheek and went and stood next to Gemma in the small opening.

Harry glanced around at all the guests as the soft sounds of the instrumental version of Ed Sheeran's Perfect quietly spilled from the speakers set up on each side of the path. This was it. He was about to become a married man. And as ready as he was for this, he was also nervous. He took a deep breath as he saw Amanda round the corner and walk towards him and Niall standing next to the lake. In a few moments, he would see his beautiful bride round the same corner, and they would be standing hand in hand as they promised to spend the rest of their lives together.

Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back quickly at Niall who squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. He returned his gaze to the path, and it seemed forever, and he still didn't see Julie yet. He was starting to wonder if maybe she'd gotten cold feet at the last second. If when it came down to it finally happening, she couldn't actually go through with it. Was it still too much for her? He laced his fingers together and wrung his hands together nervously. But then, he saw them. Julie's step-dad first and then his beautiful bride. His hands relaxed, and he smiled. She looked stunning. Her eyes were down watching her steps along the path, and she was breathtaking. His heart skipped a beat or two in his chest as she made her way closer. When she lifted her eyes and met his, he almost felt faint. That beautiful face, those bright blue eyes, those beautiful red lips breaking into a smile when their eyes locked. He couldn't stop the tears from filling his eyes. He took her hand after her step-dad kissed her cheek. "You look stunning."

Julie smiled when Harry whispered to her. "So do you." And he did. Always. But he wore all black. Her favorite. "All black. On purpose I'm sure." She smiled when he smirked. She handed Amanda her bouquet and slid her free hand into Harry's so he was now holding both of hers in front of him.

The justice of the peace provided a short, sweet ceremony before allowing them to say their own vows. Harry took a deep breath and smiled down at Julie. "I know how hard these things are for you, so I promise I will keep this short." He smiled when she shook her head at him. "From the moment you walked into my life, I knew I was in trouble. You ran around my mind nonstop, even before you would give me the time of day. We've been through so much, we've loved, we've fought, we've fought harder, we've pushed each other away, we've run, and we've found our way back to where we belong. Maybe we have always taken the longest, winding path there is, but we've made it to where we belong. Here, together. I promise to love you with everything I have, for the rest of my life. No matter what we go through, we will find our way through, together. I will love you, forever, Julie."

Julie took a few shaky breaths and looked down at the ground when Harry was done speaking before finding her way back to his eyes. "Well, considering I've only known about this for a couple of hours now, I haven't really had time to think about anything to say." Julie tried to steady herself. She searched Harry's eyes and licked her lips. "I honestly don't even know what to say. There are no words to say what you mean to me. You've been everything and more to me for years. Without your persistence, your patience, your love, your imperfection, your belief in me, your strength, your loyalty, and your dedication, I would not be near the person I am today. I never knew I could love anyone, and now, not only do I love you, I love myself. I love my friends and my life. And because of you, I know that our baby will know love like no other. All because you taught me how to love unconditionally, faults, imperfections, and all. I love you, with everything that I have, Harry, and I am so proud to be able to call you 'my husband' for the rest of my life." Julie reached up and wiped the tear from Harry's cheek as the ceremony concluded.

"Finally." Harry grumbled as he was given permission to kiss the bride. He wrapped Julie in his arms and kissed her lips to the cheers of the small crowd before them.

Welp....don't be shy, let me know what you think.....
I'm extremely nervous about posting this one....
Hope it lived up to expectations
Thank you all so much as always!

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