Chapter 21

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After pictures were taken outside with all of the guests, the photographer took Julie and Harry off on their own for a few more personal and intimate photos while everyone else made their way to the small dining hall Harry had negotiated for their reception. It was where they'd had dinner and sung karaoke the first time the four of them had been in Tahoe.

Julie walked inside when Harry opened the door for her and felt her cheeks blush as she shook her head when her friends and family cheered for them. She felt Harry's arm go around her, and she looked up in time to feel his lips find hers. She buried herself into his side as she felt his arm rub over her back.

"Mrs. Styles, welcome to our little celebration." Harry said quietly before kissing her forehead. Mrs. Styles. They'd actually done it. They'd stood in front of their friends and family and become husband and wife. All in one day.

"Wow." Julie pulled away just enough to look up at him. "This is crazy."

"Not crazy. Perfect." Harry grinned. "I love you."

"I love you, too. But it's still crazy." Julie laughed her happiness sparkling in her eyes making Harry take a deep breath. He couldn't get enough of those deep blue orbs.

Harry helped take the light alpaca jacket from Julie's shoulders since they were now inside and handed it to the staff. "You look absolutely beautiful." He let his thumb rub over her jaw gently and kissed her lips.

"I can't believe you did all this before you even asked. You seemed awfully confident I would say yes. I'm not sure I would have been so confident." Julie took her hands and played with the collar of his shirt and smoothed it gently.

"Well, I was secretly terrified that you'd run, and tell me I was crazy, but I played it up like I knew you'd say yes. I wanted you to say yes." Harry smiled and then chuckled. "Couldn't you tell when I asked just how frightened I was?"

"You never seemed frightened." Julie kissed his lips and then moved her hands and unbuttoned a couple of buttons on his shirt and then patted his chest. "There. Now I know you're more comfortable."

"You know me so well." Harry kissed her one more time and then took her hand and led her over to where they were set up to sit for dinner. He poured her a glass of water and handed it to her. "This isn't exactly how I planned on celebrating our getting married. I thought it more champagne, less water."

Julie took a drink before looking up at him and answering. "You've thought about it in detail, have you?" She shook her head. "It doesn't matter, Harry, at all. It's perfect. Everything."

Harry grinned from ear to ear. "Perfect? Really?"

"Yes. I'm married to you. That's all I need." Julie said reaching up and putting her hand on the side of his neck. "And that's perfect in itself. But it being here, and small and quiet, makes it that much better." She kissed his lips when he leaned down towards her.

"Get a room, you two." Amanda joked as she walked up to them. She smiled as she pulled Julie tightly into a hug. "You did it! Can you believe it?"

Julie smiled with her chin on Amanda's shoulder. She watched Harry hug Niall and turn away to talk to his friends. She stood back up and took a deep breath while she shrugged her shoulders lightly. "It's weird, right? This morning I thought we were just coming to spend another long weekend in the cabin we all love so much, and now, I'm married." She glanced down at her ring just to make sure she wasn't dreaming, before looking from Amanda to Harry and then back to Amanda again. "But, yeah, I can believe it. It feels right. It feels good. And I'm, happy. And as scary as that is, it's just right."

"Harry said this baby seems to have mellowed you, and it seems he is right." Amanda laughed at the look on Julie's face. "Sorry, it just is gonna take some time to get used to this, well, whatever this agreeable version of you is. The one who doesn't fight everything with absolutely everything she has."

Julie took a deep breath and looked over at Harry and smiled when he caught her eye. "Yeah, well, who ever thought I would find someone like him. He's sweet and kind, supportive and loving. He is everything I need when I need it. Makes it easier to deal with the fact that he is world famous, super talented, and wanted by millions."

Amanda put her hand to Julie's forehead. "Wow. What have you done with my pessimistic, expect and see the worst best friend?"

Julie just shook her head. "She's there. Somewhere. And I'm sure she will come out when I least want her to, but I just can't help it. I thought I needed to be angry about getting pregnant. I thought I needed to feel bad for it happening." Julie put her hand on her stomach and looked down at it. "But, truth is, I'm not. I'm just not. And I don't know why, but when I stop telling myself how I should feel, and just feel, I'm just ok with it."

Amanda couldn't stop one corner of her mouth from raising into a smile, which then turned into a full smile. "I knew it wasn't too late for you to learn." She hugged Julie tightly again and then held her shoulders. "It's called being in love. Completely. Knowing that, no matter what, you can always trust and lean on the other person in your life. Or, other persons."

Julie nodded and slowly looked around the room as Amanda made sure to emphasis the plural in persons. She still had a rather small social circle. Only a few people were missing she would have even suggested inviting to their little trip. She wished Liam and Louis were here. They were there when all of this crazy started. She would have loved to have them be a part of the wedding. And then Marcus and Jaime. They were the only two friends she had made on her own, besides Amanda, since moving to LA. She would have loved for them to have been included. "My life has changed completely since the day Niall limped into the ER."

"Both of ours have. But, it's not just because of Niall or Harry, JJ. Especially with you. You've grown, learned, loved, conquered, accepted, and done it more than once." Amanda squeezed Julie's hand. "And I am so proud of you."

For the next couple of hours, everyone ate dinner, had conversations with everyone, had a few drinks and a few dances. A few speeches were given, lots of tears were shed, and a lot of love was shared. Harry was happy with how everything turned out. He excused himself from his conversation with Mitch and Sarah when he saw Julie walk away from the group she was talking to and sit down by the window. As soon as he approached her, he got down on his knee and helped her unbuckle her heel she was trying to take off. "Hey, baby. How are you doing?"

Julie smiled a small smile and put her hand on Harry's cheek. "Thank you. My feet are quite sore." When Harry moved up to sit, she kissed his lips when he came close. "I'm doing ok. Just getting tired. It's been quite the day."

Harry set Julie's shoes aside and got up to sit across from her stealing a kiss on the way. He held her hand and scooted his chair closer to hers. "It has been quite the day. But the best day ever." He kissed her knuckles. "Time to call it a night? We do have a nice cabin to go back to. Pretty sure the fireplace is working."

Julie nodded and tilted her head as she looked at Harry's handsome face. "Are Niall and Amanda staying with us? Or was that part of the ruse?"

"They are. I could only get a certain number of cabins, and I had to split everyone up into them." Harry rubbed his thumb over Julie's knuckles. "I'm sorry I'm not whisking you away to an amazing honeymoon, and now we have to share a cabin on our first night as a married couple, but I will make it up to you. I promise."

Julie shook her head. "I don't need an exotic honeymoon. And I don't mind them staying in the cabin with us. It seems right to have them there. All I want to do when I'm cleared to travel is go home. To the house on the lake and be there with you. That's the perfect honeymoon to me."

Harry shook his head and smiled. "You're amazing. And so simple. My life in the spotlight is so big and so complicated. So many moving pieces. So many big places. And then there is you. I get to come home to quiet and simple. To someone who doesn't need the grandeur of what I can provide and just needs me."

"Well, I do like that nice house you built me on the lake." Julie shrugged. "I mean, that kinda is a big deal." She laughed a little and then leaned forward and kissed his lips before resting her forehead on his. "I'll take all of you. But I do prefer, 'My Harry', the one who comes home to me and wears sweat pants and old t-shirts sometimes for days. The one who will eat a five dollar take out burger just as easily as at a 5-star restaurant. And who sometimes does both in the same night." She reached over and ran her thumb over his lips. "My husband."

Harry leaned back quickly in his chair when she called him her husband. "I love those words coming from your lips. But I can't say that it doesn't sounds a bit weird." He took a deep breath. "And I get to introduce you as my wife."

Julie started to laugh. "Ok, ease me into that slowly. Cuz, that's, just, a lot."

Harry laughed and stood up taking her hands and helping her stand. "Think you could put those shoes back on long enough to get back to the cabin?"

"Don't think you could carry me and the baby from here over the threshold?" Julie joked. "You really are out of shape."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't dare me, because I will, and then you'll just complain the whole time to put you down." Harry picked up her shoes. "You could probably walk barefoot back. It may be a bit cold but wouldn't be too bad."

"You're right. I probably could manage." Julie walked with him over to where their families were talking. She was amazed how well they seemed to be getting along. It was definitely nice to see. She and Harry thanked everyone for being there and hugged them tightly. It was so nice to be able to have the closest family members there today. When Harry held out her jacket she put her arms in and looked around one more time at the perfect little dining hall. Once they stepped outside, she ducked her head as the bird seed came flying from every direction as everyone lined up to see them off down the path towards the cabins.

Harry wrapped his arm protectively around Julie's waist as they maneuvered between the crowd lining the start of the path to the cabin and kept it there as they started their slow walk back to the cabin. "So, give it to me straight. How'd I do?"

Julie couldn't help but shake her head and chuckle softly. "It was beautiful, Harry. Unexpected, but beautiful. All that matters though is that we are married. That we are together. Everything else was just icing on the cake."

"So, was there anything you would have done differently? Something missing?" Harry asked removing his arm from her waist and lacing his fingers through hers.

"I just missed Louis and Liam. And would have loved to have Jaime and Marcus here. That's all. But that doesn't change the fact that all of it was magnificent." Julie looked up at him. "I'm not angry or disappointed. It just would have been nice."

"Ah, yes. Well, Liam is with Bear in the UK, and Louis is there too with his family. It was sort of last minute. They would have been here otherwise. Jaime is in Mexico. Apparently, he and his new guy had a trip already planned. It was non-refundable, but he still almost skipped. I told him he could come see you when he came back though. And Marcus." Harry sighed. "I did have Amanda ask him. I know how much he means to you. But he didn't think he should come alone. He didn't think he'd feel comfortable."

"Yeah, I don't blame him." Julie took a deep breath. "Thank you, for thinking of him even if I know it wasn't easy for you."

"Baby, I love you, and I know how important he is to you. It's hard for me knowing how he's felt about you. But he's your friend. He and Jaime have been good to you. I wouldn't have left him out, even if I'm jealous as hell." Harry shrugged at her. "I'll always be when it comes to him."

Julie gave Harry a half smile. "I'm married, to you. If that doesn't tell you that you have nothing to worry about...."

"Yeah, I know. But I will always worry you'll come to your senses." Harry helped her up the couple of steps to the cabin door.

"You've never come to yours. You said 'I do', to me of all people. So if you haven't come to yours yet, I doubt I'll come to mine." Julie screeched a little and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck when he scooped her into his arms one arm under her knees, one under her shoulders.

"And here I thought I finally came to mine. Did what I should have a long time ago." Harry kissed her lips and then used his foot to open the door fully, stepping across the threshold with his new bride. Once inside, he used his foot to close the door and kissed her as he walked towards their bedroom.

"Watch where you're going! Precious cargo here!" Julie exclaimed as they bumped into the entrance to the hallway.

"Sorry, I'm distracted by the beautiful package in my arms." Harry chuckled as he walked down the hallway a bit more carefully. Once he stepped inside the bedroom he set her gently down on her feet. He cupped her cheeks gently and smiled into her eyes. "You promise me this isn't a dream?"

"Nightmare, you mean?" She asked smiling. She asked him something similar the first time they'd been in Tahoe.

"No, dream, my love. My wife." Harry kissed her again.

Julie closed her eyes and took in his words, sinking into his body. They'd met just over four years ago. They had gone through hell and back a couple of times. Yet here they were standing in front of each other newly committed as husband and wife. As crazy as it was and as fast as it all happened, it felt amazing. It felt right. It made her heart feel full. "Say it again."

"My wife?" Harry asked her. When she opened her eyes and looked into his, he repeated it one more time. "My wife." He leaned down and kissed her again. This time he swept his tongue over her lips asking for entrance and deepening the kiss when she granted it. He pulled her closer by placing his arm around her waist, and when he finally broke the kiss to catch his breath, he rested his forehead on hers. "Let me help you take some of this stuff out of your hair." He kissed her lips and turned her around so her back was towards him. He reached up and took the beautiful sapphire hair comb from her hair.

"Careful. Your mom brought that. It was your Grandma's. It was my borrowed item." Julie took it gently from Harry's hands and looked at it. "It's beautiful, and I'm truly honored I got to wear it." She stepped to the vanity and wrapped it gently in a handkerchief until she could get it back to Anne.

Harry walked up behind Julie and nuzzled her neck. "Grandmum would have been proud to see you wear it." He kissed her neck gently and then helped her remove some of the bobby pins from her hair. It took some time, but he finally removed them all and watched her hair fall over her shoulders. "So, beautiful."

Julie smiled as she felt Harry move the hair that fell off one side of her neck and kiss it gently. "I swear, you say that so much, I should be used to it, but it still makes me blush every time you say it."

"Well, it's the truth." Harry rubbed his hands gently over her stomach as he looked down at it over her shoulder. "And this just adds to your beauty. I can't wait to watch it grow." He turned her to face him and helped her unbutton her jacket. He threw it aside onto the chair and then ran his hands down over her shoulders. "I can't wait to get you out of this dress. The same way I got you out of the one on New Year's so many years ago."

Julie took a deep breath. "And I'll probably feel the same now as I did then. You're still so intense."

Harry smiled. "But, I've studied your body for a long time now. Plus I need to see if that bump has grown anymore."

Julie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Sometimes he was just too cute for his own good. "You really are one of a kind, Mr. Styles."

"As are you, Mrs. Styles. As are you." Harry reached behind his beautiful wife and undid the small zipper on the dress. He slid the dress off her shoulders and watched it fall slowly from her body. Watching her skin expose inch by inch had always been one of his most favorite things. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. "I know you're really tired. It's been a long day, and you're growing a baby, but I need to make love to my wife."

Julie nodded. "I am, exhausted." She put her hand over his that had just found its way to her breast. "But, I need to make love to my husband."

Harry lifted his eyes to hers and smiled. "There have never been better words spoken." He kissed her lips, deepened the kiss, and then kissed down her neck to her shoulder and then down to her breast before sucking gently on her nipple. He reached behind her again and untied the ribbon so that the dress could fall from her hips and then with one arm around her waist lifted her up and out from the dress. In one movement, he spun her and set her down so she was standing at the end of the bed.

Harry watched as Julie's hands went to the buttons on his shirt and she slowly undid each one. His eyes wandered to her body taking in every inch. Her baby bump was still small, but it was one of his favorite things. Her breasts were also starting to get slightly bigger. They seemed to be growing along with her belly. Something else was growing as he felt her push his shirt from his shoulders. His pants were growing tighter against his zipper. "God, I want you so bad."

Julie couldn't help but smile when he said those words out loud. She glanced down to his zipper as her hands found the button on his pants. "I want you, too. I'm ready."

Harry's eyes widened when she told him she was ready. He glanced at her hardened nipples and then slid his hand down the front of her panties and then movEd them aside, sliding a finger into her and groaning as he felt how wet she was for him. "Oh, you are ready for me." He dipped his finger in and out a few times as she undid his pants. He heard her suck in a breath and knew she liked what she felt. He pulled his hand back when she pushed his pants and boxers down, and he stepped from them. He pushed her back onto the bed and then removed her panties before climbing over her.

Julie felt her body shiver as Harry's hands ran up her as he climbed over her. She felt him knee between her legs and settle himself there. She felt his length pressing against her thigh, but instead of entering her, she felt his fingers start to rub over her first as his lips found hers. She felt her back arch into his fingers and her hand go into his hair. She groaned into his mouth and could feel him smirk into their kiss. He loved having the power during sex. And it was the one time she was ok with relinquishing control to him.

Harry loved making her feel overwhelmed with pleasure. He loved her losing control, and he loved the fact she gave him control in the bedroom. He'd make her orgasm before he entered her, then he'd make her do it again, and that would give him the high he wanted. He could tell she was trying to hold back. "Cum for me, baby; let it go, I promise I'll make you feel it again." He moved his fingers around her faster and harder until her moans picked up. He felt her legs clench together and her hips start to move as her orgasm ripped through her body. "That's my girl."

As Harry felt her start to come down, he removed his hand and placed himself at her entrance moving into her slowly. It was his turn to groan as he settled fully into her. He grabbed her thigh and moved her leg up to his hip as he started to move in her. He pushed up on one arm and looked down at her flushed face. "Open your eyes, baby." When she opened her eyes and looked back into his with her stimulated blue eyes, he smiled. "You feel incredible. I love you, so much." He continued to stare into his beautiful wife's eyes as they made love together for the first time as husband and wife. After being connected in such a moment for quite some time, they both came undone together collapsing into each other's arms. It had been a long day, with a perfect ending. It was a day he would never forget. The day he'd finally got his girl to commit to a forever life with him.

I know it's taking awhile between updates and I do apologize!
Thank you so much for sticking around!
I appreciate every read!  Every vote!  Every comment!
If y'all don't mind I was nominated for a fan favorite award in the Victoria Awards and if you could go to the fan favorites chapter (the book is shared on my profile or in my contests reading list) and comment an emoji for either TTD or Free or both it would mean a lot!

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