Chapter 22

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"Here ya go, baby."  Harry handed Julie a glass of ginger ale from over the couch.  He looked at her curled up on one end under a blanket.  "How are you feeling?"

"Better.  A little tired still, and my feet hurt a little.  But my stomach has settled a lot."  Julie took a drink and set the glass aside.  "Yesterday was a long day.  I'm surprised I don't feel worse, actually."

"Yeah, but it was a great day."  Harry leaned on his crossed arms on the back of the couch.  "I mean, we are husband and wife."

"Scary."  Julie laughed up into his eyes.

"Not scary, wonderful."  Harry stole a kiss before she turned back to her glass and he stood up.  "Are you up for brunch?  I had brunch set up for everyone back at the diner.  Same place as the reception."

"Yeah, I think I can manage.  Do I have a few minutes to wash up?  Look a little presentable?"  Julie asked him as he came around and took her hands helping her up to her feet.

"You can take as long as you'd like, love."  Harry smiled and kissed her lips wrapping his arms gently around her waist.  "This is our time, we can blow it off if you want even."  He smiled into her eyes.  "We are the only ones that matter."

"And so does everyone else down in that hall right now."  Julie smiled and kissed Harry's lips one more time.  "But thank you.  For being the always supportive husband."

"But stop being so damn accommodating?"  Harry asking chuckling down at her.

"Well, I mean, it may get a little overwhelming."  Julie patted his chest as she turned away.  "But I'll try to remember to tell you to fuck off before I get to annoyed."

Harry reached over and slapped her ass gently as she stepped away.  "That's my dirty mouthed wife.  Go get ready, then we'll walk to brunch together."

"Yes, sir."  Julie mock saluted as she turned and went to the bedroom.

Harry shook his head and took Julie's glass to the kitchen.  He couldn't stop smiling though.  They had actually gotten married.  Well, engaged and married all in a day, and he didn't have to fight her at all.  He wondered if she would question things after they went home and she had time to think about it, but so far he hadn't even caught her to deep in her thoughts.  He cleaned the kitchen of the few dishes they had used this morning and sat and waited for his girl.

Julie washed up and pulled her hair back into a pony tail.  She threw on her favorite old hoodie of Harry's and a pair of leggings.  The jeans she tried to put on, did not fit comfortably.  Guess it was time to give in and go maternity clothes shopping.  She sat on the bed and put on her sneakers.  At least she could still see her feet to tie her shoes.  She grabbed her small bag and walked out to the front room.  "Ok, I'm ready.  Sorry, this is the best you're going to get.  Nothing fits me anymore."

Harry smiled as he he got up off the couch.  He walked over and put his hands on Julie's stomach.  "That just means that the baby is growing well, and healthy.  And it's perfect."  He got down on his knees so he was face to face with her belly.

"Ok, I totally wish it were possible to let you be pregnant with this kid.  You're kind of annoying with this."  Julie looked down as he looked up into her eyes.

"I'm not annoying.  I'm cute."  Harry grinned and then kissed her belly.

"Annoyingly cute?"  Julie laughed.  "Can you get up off your knees now?"

"You've been asking me that a lot the past couple of days."  Harry winked up at her and rubbed over her stomach.  "Daddy may annoy your mummy a lot.  But, that's ok.  Because I love you both so much, and I just want to be as close to you as I can be."

"Ok, you're adorable.  Now get up."  Julie reached down for Harry's hand.  "We've got people waiting."

"And I'm adorable, but annoyingly so."  Harry took Julie's hand and stood.  He didn't let go as they started walking down towards the diner.  "You know, you should enjoy being looked after.  Take advantage of it while you can.  Use me.  Abuse me."

Julie laughed.  "As fun as abusing you sounds, I'm not sure I'm the type that wants to be pampered all of the time.  But, I'll try to ask you for more things from now on."

"Thanks, I appreciate you trying to take advantage of me for my own sake."  Harry opened the door and stepped back for Julie to walk in first.  He looked around to see everyone sitting around eating and chatting like a big extended family. Which is what they all were now, he supposed.  He wrapped his arm around Julie's shoulders as people started noticing they had arrived and started clapping and cheering.

Julie buried herself into Harry's side.  "Why do they have to be so embarrassing?"  She mumbled as she felt his arm squeeze her.

"They aren't.  You just can't handle even the teeniest bit of attention."  Harry lifted her chin and kissed her lips.  "But it's all about us right now, so you have to deal with it."  He walked her towards the table Amanda was sitting at, stopping so her mum and his, could hug them and speak to them for a few minutes.  "Here, sit.  I'll bring you a plate and a drink."

"I can get something."  Julie said sitting as Harry all but set her in the chair himself.

"Remember, take it while you can get it."  He kissed her and then walked over towards the buffet.

Amanda laughed as Julie shook her head after Harry.  "He's just being a good husband."

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure I can handle being babied."  Julie chuckled softly.

"He's not babying you.  He's taking care of you, and his baby.  You're doing all the work.  He feels left out."  Amanda gave Niall a kiss as he got up so Anne and Donna could sit with the girls.

"I know.  He's great.  Really.  I'm just not used to being coddled and he really doesn't have to do all of this.  I don't really do anything when he's around.  It's like I have to sneak just to get my own bottle of water."  Julie shrugged.

"Sounds like heaven."  Gemma sat down, handing her mum a cup of tea and sitting down.  "Why are you complaining?"

"It gets old after awhile.  Trust me.  For awhile, while I was so sick, he sort of had to.  And it was nice.  But now that I can move without feeling sick every second, a little independence feels nice."  Julie watched Harry place a plate in front of her which contained a cheese omelette, toast, bacon and a bowl of fruit, along with a glass of apple juice.

"Here you go, my queen."  Harry smiled and then laughed at the look on Julie's face.  "Why can't you just enjoy me taking care of you?  You weren't feeling great this morning.  Just allow it."  He looked down at her.  "Do you need anything else?"

"No, it's fine.  Thank you."  Julie picked a strawberry from her bowl and ate it.

Donna couldn't help but laugh.  "My stubborn girl.  You would think after almost 30 years she would learn that when a man offers, you just accept."

"Oh my god.  Seriously."  Julie laughed.  "I'll let Harry come take care of you all then."

"We aren't pregnant with his baby, we aren't going to have as much leverage."  Gemma sipped her tea, glancing at Julie over her cup.

"Ok, let's stop talking about it now.  I'll keep him.  I did marry him after all.  Besides.  I know how to get him to back off if I need him to."  Julie picked up her fork and took a bite of her omelette.

"That's right.  She just tells me to fuck off."  Harry set his plate and drink on the table and scooted his chair closer to Julie.  "Isn't that right, baby?"

"Yes, that's right."  Julie rolled her eyes.  "No need to sugar coat it.  Especially now that you're legally bound to me."

"Yeah, well, I've never been scared of your mouth.  So, I wouldn't start to be now."  Harry smirked as he threw a grape into his mouth.

Later that night Harry watched Julie applying lotion to her elbows and legs.  They had spent the day with their family and friends and ended it around a fire between the cabins.  They were just about to crawl into bed and he found himself watching her through the flicker of the fireplace flame.

"Harry, you know I hate it when you stare at me."  Julie pulled her legs up and slid them under the covers, pulling them up to her waist.

"Well, it's not my fault that you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."  Harry checked the fire place and then walked over to the bed climbing in beside his bride.  "How are you feeling?"

"For the one hundred and tenth time today, I'm fine."  Julie laughed.  "Still a bit tired, but other than that, I'm ok.  I don't know what answer you're looking for."

"Ok, ok, I can see how I'm getting a little bit annoying."  Harry leaned over and kissed her before turning out the bedside lamp.

"Maybe, just a teeny bit."  Julie held her thumb and pointer finger a little bit apart.

"Ok, so let's talk about something else."  Harry lifted his arm and draped it around Julie's shoulders as she leaned against him.

"Oh boy, already?  We've only been married for like two days."  Julie snuggled closer to Harry's side as she felt his hand find it's usual resting place on her stomach.

"Shut up.  Not like that."  Harry shook his head.  "About the baby."

"What about the baby?"  Julie looked up at his face as he lazily rubbed over her stomach.

"Well, you said during the ultrasound in a couple of days, we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl, right?"  Harry looked down into his beautiful blue eyes.  Yes, his.  Maybe he wouldn't say it out loud, but he considered them his.

"Yes.  We could."  Julie confirmed.

"So, are we going to?"  Harry asked curiously.

Julie shrugged her shoulders.  "Yeah, I don't know.  I keep thinking about it, and part of me wants to know."

"And the other part?"  Harry closed his eyes and rested his head on hers.

"Wouldn't mind the surprise."  Julie admitted.

"You?  Wanting a surprise?  Ms. 'I need to be in control of absolutely everything'?"  Harry chuckled as she elbowed him lightly in the side.

"I'm not that bad.  And that joke is getting really, really, really old."  Julie complained.  "I don't know.  Maybe I want them to announce 'It's a girl or boy!!', in the delivery room and be excited about it.  Like in the old movies."

"You don't want to know if we should have the nurseries painted blue or pink?  Or if we should have cute little poofy dresses, or handsome little suits at the ready?"  Harry asked.

"I'm surprised to hear you say those things.  Aren't we crossing gender norms these days?  Isn't that your message?"  Julie raised her eyebrows at Harry.

"Hey, I never said my boy can't wear pink suits."  Harry chuckled.  "Come on, baby, seriously.  Are we going to find out?"

"I don't know.  You really want to know?  You don't want it to be a surprise?"  Julie asked him.

"I get it, I do.  I can see why you'd think about it.  But, I'm so excited to know.  Then we can have a name, and I can call the baby by his or her name when I talk to your belly."  Harry stuck out his bottom lip at her.

"Well, we could just think of a name for a boy and a girl and then be surprised."  Julie tried.  She looked up and could swear she saw a brief moment of disappointment flash through his eyes but he covered it quickly.  "Ok, we can.  It can be just as exciting finding out at the ultrasound."

Harry smiled and kissed her lips.  "Only if you're sure.  I'd love it.  Like really love it, but I don't want to take away what you want either."

Julie smiled and searched Harry's eyes.  "Honestly, seeing the happiness in you right now, just by finding out now, is plenty incentive."

"Awe, love, you're growing soft."  Harry laughed as she moved and pushed on his chest.

"Watch it.  We haven't found out yet.  I could change my mind."  Julie pushed him back so he was lying on his pillow.

Harry reached up and pulled her down to him.  "You wouldn't.  Even if you did.  I could find out, they don't have to tell you."

"There is no way you'd be able to keep it a secret.  I'd find out no matter how hard I tried not to."  Julie settled back onto his chest.

"True.  That's very true."  Harry rubbed over Julie's back gently.  "So, we can find out?  We will know in a couple of days?"

"I guess we will."  Julie yawned and traced lightly over his shirt where his tattoos would be.  She didn't need to see them any longer in order to trace over every line, every detail.

"So, have you thought about names?  For a boy?  Or a girl?"  Harry asked sighing happily as his wife's fingers gently traced over his chest and stomach.  It was a feeling he would never tire of.

"I have actually."  Julie admitted sheepishly.

"You have?  And you haven't shared with me?  Why would you keep it a secret?  I'm more than curious now."  Harry opened his eyes and looked down best he could at her face.

"I don't know.  Seemed a bit early.  You know me, I don't want to get to far ahead of myself."  Julie took a deep breath.

"Well, share.  Please, let's talk about it."  Harry put his fingers under her chin and lifted her face towards his.  "Please?"

"I don't know.  I mean, I always thought you'd want a little Junior, if we had a boy.  But then again, I don't know if I'd want to put that much pressure on a child.  Living up to the name Harry Styles would be tough."

"Yeah, but the pressure wouldn't come from us."  Harry interjected.  "Our boy could do whatever he wanted in this world, a little Harry Styles or not."

"Or, we could just, play a little outside of the box.  We could name him Edward Harry Styles."  Julie chuckled.  "I don't know.  Maybe we could be completely unique.  Like, Colby Robin Styles."

"Robin?  Like for...." Harry watched Julie nod.  "You're incredible.  Just for thinking about that."  He kissed her lips and looked her back in the eyes.  "We can still talk about it, but just you offering that, right away.  I'm just glad I get to see your whole heart.  It's bigger than most people will ever realize."

"It's not, really that.  He was, and even still is, a very big part of your life.  It doesn't seem like that difficult of a decision."  Julie smiled.  "Plus, if it helped instill any part of how good of a man Robin was in our little boy, it would just be amazing."

"We are like 10 minutes in to this conversation and you're already making me cry."  Harry wiped at his eyes.  "What are you going to do when we talk about little girl names?"  Harry watched her face.  "You have a name in mind for a little girl, don't you?"

Julie nodded.  "I just, I don't know how to explain it, but it feels right when I think of the baby as a little girl.  Obviously, I have no idea, but I constantly have to stop myself from calling the baby her, or referring to it as a she.  So, I've thought more about girl names.  And one, just, seems to win out over any other, every time."

"Julie Junior?"  Harry chuckled.

"God, you are an idiot sometimes."  Julie shook her head.

"So, that's a no?  Hey, I wouldn't mind.  I'm kind of fond of girls with that name."  Harry kissed Julie's head.

"Nice.  That's adorable and cute and all that, but no.  I wasn't thinking of naming a girl after me."  Julie took a deep breath.  "Saying all this in my head sounds wonderful, but I'm a little embarrassed to say it out loud."

"Embarrassed?  To say anything to me?  Really?"  Harry asked a little bit shocked.

"Ok, maybe not embarrassed but it probably sounds much better to me than it will to anyone else."  Julie tried to explain.

"Well, why don't you let me decide that for myself, love?"  Harry gently moved her to her own pillow so they were laying side by side looking at each other.  "Hit me with it, beautiful."

"Ok, so, you know how I've been struggling to just admit that I'm ok with having this baby because it wasn't planned, and I've always thought I needed to have a plan in order for things to be good?"  Julie asked as Harry rested his hand on her hip and nodded.  "Well, secretly, I've been happy about it.  Well, more up and down, because I can't seem to convince my head to be 100 percent ok with it."

Harry tried to stifle his chuckle as Julie rambled through her explanation.  He knew she'd get there, and he knew she rambled when she was uncomfortable or nervous.  But why she was still nervous telling him anything, he didn't quite understand.  He'd run his mouth multiple times and embarrassed himself more times than he could count with the things he said.  But over the years, he had learned, if he stayed quiet, she'd get to the point eventually.

"Well, after my initial shock, of 'oh my god, I can't have a baby', I started to realize a few things."  Julie looked at Harry's intense, but loving gaze.  It used to overwhelm her, scare her.  She used to wonder how someone could love her the way she was.  Scared, scarred, impossible.  But he did.  Through all of it.  "I started to realize that, as bad as my past was, it didn't change how my future could be."

Julie took a deep breath as she sorted through her feelings and the words she needed to explain how she came to the name she did.  "After I calmed down, and had to accept that I had this baby growing inside me, I realized that I was just like any other woman living her life.  I realized that Johnny didn't change what I could have in my present, and in my future.  He didn't take away my ability to find love, or happiness.  He didn't take away my ability to have a home and a family.  He just filled me with so much fear I didn't think I should have any of that, because I was afraid of screwing it up."

Harry hated Johnny talk, more than anything.  Johnny filled him with a rage that he never experienced any other time in his life.  But, he also learned it was a necessary evil for Julie to move forward, and this was one of those times.  He liked what she was saying, and was extremely curious as to where it was leading.

"Well, after a few days of knowing I was having a baby, realizing I had a home, a man I loved, and now, I'm even married.  It's all things that just happen in life.  It has nothing to do with Johnny or what happened to me back then.  It only has to do with what I have now.  With my decisions now.  My past may have lead me to where I am, in so many ways, but it didn't make you fight for me, it didn't make you love me, it didn't make you stay."  Julie cleared her throat and blinked back the tears in her eyes.

"It's ok, baby."  Harry kissed her forehead and cupped the side of her face, hand running into her hair.  "Take your time."  This was one hell of a story.  He honestly didn't think it would be so deep, so thought out.

Julie closed her eyes and embraced the comforting feeling of Harry's arms.  The protective feeling of his lips against her forehead.  The belonging she never thought she would ever feel.  She smiled as she pulled back and ran her thumb over his cheek.  "This baby, gave me a purpose I didn't know I needed.  But it also showed me that I have the same life to live as everyone else.  It's a feeling of hope, and love, of strength and security.  A promise of something more than what I had or even what I have in this moment.  I was stuck, in a place where I fought everything, and everyone."

Harry nodded and laughed a little.  "Yeah, you don't have to tell me that."  He searched her eyes for a little clue of where she may be going with this.  She said the baby gave her hope, Hope would be a beautiful name for a little girl.  It would make a lot of sense.  Or Love.  Julie had a hard time with showing love or even admitting it, maybe naming her little girl Love, would be the final acceptance of it.

"Well, I believe that even though this baby wasn't planned, wasn't expected, it was exactly what I needed, to finally accept my new life.  It was, or is, in essence, my saving grace."  Julie looked at Harry's face when she said it.  "So, I was thinking, if we had a little girl, we could name her..."

"Grace."  Harry said quietly.  He looked alternately between Julie's eyes and said it a little louder.  "Grace."

"Grace Anne Styles."  Julie said confidently.  "Anne with an 'e' for your mom.  I mean Ann is my middle name, but adding the 'e' gives it part of your mom too.  I know we need to discuss it, but I just thought...."

"No."  Harry shook his head.

Julie was taken aback by his outburst of 'no'.  "No?  What do you mean, no?  You won't even discuss it?"

"No!  I mean, we don't have to discuss it."  Harry climbed over Julie pushing her onto her back, laying over her and straightening his arms so he was hovering above her body.  "It's perfect.  If we have a little girl, her name will be Grace Anne Styles.  And she will be as perfect as her Mum."  He leaned down and kissed his wife.  "I love you, so much.  There is no other name that needs to be discussed, because it's absolutely perfect."  And now, more than ever, he hoped he got his brown, curly haired, blue eyed, perfect little girl.  He leaned down and kissed Julie again before running his hands under her shirt.  It was time to end this story by making love to his beautiful, smart, deep, and thoughtful wife.

As always, thank you for your patience...
Hope the content is enough to make up for it!
Y'all mean the world to me...
Thank you thank you!

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