Chapter 23

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"Julie?  Baby?"  Harry called out dropping the bags he had onto the counter.  They had come back from Tahoe to LA and brought their families with them.  Harry and Julie had gone to the doctor yesterday so that Julie could have her ultrasound, and they were going to have a small gender reveal party today.  His difficult wife thought it was unnecessary, but he thought they could do with a bit of normalcy.

Julie walked in from the patio by the pool.  "Hey, you were gone awhile."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to make sure everything was going to be ready in time."  Harry started to unload the bag and paused a moment to kiss Julie as she walked over to help.  "How you feeling?"

"I'm good."  Julie shook her head.  She was just getting used to being asked her state of health every time Harry saw her.  He could leave the room for ten minutes, and she swore he asked the minute he saw her again.

"Are you excited to find out what we are having?"  Harry smiled.

"A baby.  We're having a baby."  Julie laughed as she put some of the groceries aside.  "I saw it on the screen yesterday.  And they say it's even normal and healthy."

"Shut up, smartass."  Harry gently smacked her ass when she turned around.

"I'm fine with it, Harry, really.  I can tell how excited you are to find out."  Julie looked at everything on the counter.  "Geez.  How many people do you have coming to our small, intimate gender reveal?  Between this and what's already in the back, it's like we're feeding all of the greater LA area."

"It is not that bad.  There's not that many people.  Those at our wedding, plus a few more.  Including Jaime and Marcus."  Harry shook his head.  He put his hand on Julie's stomach and rubbed it gently.  "Is there any movement going on right now?"

"No.  When I'm active, it's like I rock the baby to sleep."  Julie reached over and grabbed one of the fruit trays Harry had bought.  "You don't think they'd miss just a bit of this later, do you?"

Harry chuckled.  "I got plenty.  I know what my baby likes."  He leaned back against the counter and watched as she opened the tray and filled a bowl.  "And after what I watched a few weeks ago, you eat whatever you want, whenever you want."

Julie smiled.  "I'm going to go sit on the couch and eat this.  I cleaned up the pool area.  And now I need a break.  You'd think that this kid is so small there's no way it would take so much energy from me.  But I'm exhausted.  I want to put my feet up for a minute before everyone arrives."  She grabbed her water and bowl of fruit and walked to the couch.

"When will you listen to me?  I told you I was going to do that when I got home."  Harry took a deep breath and followed Julie to the couch.

"You wouldn't let me go shopping, you wouldn't let me clean the house, you wouldn't let me...."  Julie started to list.

"Yeah, yeah.  You can stop.  You shouldn't be.  There's no need for you to."  Harry interrupted.  "Only a few weeks ago, you were passed out in my arms from barely doing anything.  Forgive me for being a little over protective."

"But it's not a few weeks ago any longer.  I'm doing so much better.  The morning sickness has pretty much stayed in the mornings, and I'm eating and drinking plenty.  I'm doing fine; the baby is doing fine.  And it's not just me saying that.  You were there yesterday when the doctor said the same thing."  Julie picked a piece of watermelon from her bowl and took a bite. She knew he meant well, but she really hated to be mollycoddled.

Harry took a breath and let it out slowly.  "Yeah well, you're just going to have to deal with it.  I have the ability to make this easy on you.  And damn it, woman, you're just going to have to suck it up and accept it."

Julie shook her head, rolled her eyes, and laughed.  "Well, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that I will continue to be self sufficient, and there's really nothing you can do about it."  She stretched out and put her feet up on Harry's lap.  "Thanks for sending all of our house guests out for a few hours."

"Oh, how I'm super excited to deal with your stubbornness for the rest of my life."  Harry rested his arm over her shins and took a drink of his water.  "I figured you may need a break from the constant attention.  Plus, figured the pampering wouldn't be all bad for the women, and men and golf are never a bad thing.  But, they will all be back soon, and then some, so enjoy the quiet now."

"Quiet?  You're here. It's never quiet when you're here."  Julie laughed when Harry pinched her toes.  She handed him her bowl and dropped her feet so she could turn and lay her head on Harry's lap.  "Ok, I'm going to nap for a bit.  Wake me before they get back, please."

Harry smiled and played with the hair by Julie's ear.  "Of course, my beautiful wife.  I love you."

"I love you, too."  Julie yawned as she closed her eyes.  Her life was changing quickly.  And it wasn't nearly as scary as she'd expected it to be.

A few hours later, Harry stood at the grill with a beer and watched his friends and family meandering and conversing around his yard.  The kids were loving the pool.  He couldn't wait until he could be in there with his kid.  He set his beer down and took the tray from Julie when she walked up beside him.  "I can't get you to stop, can I?"

"It's a party for you, too.  Not just me, and you're working.  I just helped get things ready for the grill.  Or I should say grills."  Julie looked at the two other grills Harry had set up.  Niall was manning one and Julie's step-father the other.  She watched her mom and Amanda hand over trays just how she did.  "Seems it's the wifely duty anyway."

"Yeah, well, why start being a normal couple now?"  Harry looked down at her and laughed.  "I know I didn't need the extra grills, but it gets the food done faster and we needed a lot of food cooked."

"This is one of those times that I'm going to pick my battles.  This is one I'm going to choose to avoid."  Julie looked up at the shocked look on Harry's face.  "What?  I have more important battles I'm going to need to take on."

"You?  Give in on any battle?  Everyone says beware of pregnancy hormones, but I don't know why, cuz they make you easy.  Ouch!"  Harry rubbed his chest after Julie backhanded him.  "Ok, ok, that didn't come out right."  He started to laugh.  "I didn't mean it."  He looked at her face and leaned down and kissed her scrunched up nose.  As he was straightening up he heard a familiar voice yell 'Girlfriend!' and couldn't help but laugh.  "Saved by the over exuberant boyfriend."  He saw Julie turn and picked up his beer to take a drink as Julie was engulfed in Jaime's arms.

"Hi, Jaime."  Julie hugged him tightly.  She hadn't seen him since she'd found out she was pregnant.  She'd barely had a chance to speak with him.  "I'm glad you could come."

"Me too."  Jaime kept his hands on Julie's arms and moved back just enough to look her up and down.  "You look beautiful.  Glowing.  Much better than you described a few weeks ago."  He let his eyes stop at her stomach.  "I suppose I see a bit of a bump there, but you should be wearing something to show it off a little bit more."  He took her left hand and lifted it so he could inspect her ring.  "Now this, on the other hand, you can't miss.  That boy has amazing taste.  But I already knew that by whom he chose to marry."

Julie chuckled through Jaime's quick and over excited run through of everything.  "I haven't really gotten any maternity clothes yet, and the only things that don't fit me are my jeans.  So, I just wore a dress I already had, tied a little looser.  Trust me this little bump came out of no where.  I still have like 20 weeks to go.  And yes, the ring is perfect.  I couldn't have asked for anything more."

Julie looked over Jaime's shoulder and then glanced back at Jaime.  "So, are you going to introduce me to the guy that you skipped my wedding for?  Because, you know, I get to hold that over your head for a long, long, long time now."  She teased as Jaime turned around putting an arm around her waist and looking at the man that was standing a bit behind them.  She could have sworn she saw Jaime blush when she said that.  She loved the odd time she could catch him off guard.

"Listen, Sassy, your hunky husband told me not to give up the trip.  He said I'd get to come celebrate soon after, and here we are."  Jaime looked from Julie to Gregory.  "Julie, this is Gregory.  Gregory, this is Julie, my very difficult, very stubborn, very impossible, but very beautiful, very kind, very giving best friend."

Julie reached her hand out and shook Gregory's hand, but when she felt a little nudge from Jaime, she stepped forward and gave Gregory a hug.  "Thank you for coming.  It's nice to meet you.  I'd like to say I've heard a lot about you, but I really haven't."

Gregory hugged Julie and smiled.  "Thanks for having me.  It's nice to meet you, too.  I have heard quite a bit about you.  It's nice to finally see you in person instead of just pictures."

"Oh, I don't even want to know."  Julie shook her head.  She really didn't want to know what pictures Jaime would have used.  "Please, help yourself to drinks and food.  Anything.  Our house is your house."  She introduced Gregory to Harry and then stood next to Jaime as Harry and Gregory had a pleasant conversation.  She pushed Jaime with her shoulder.  "So, he's cute."

Jaime chuckled and looked down at Julie after he pushed her back with his shoulder.  "Yes, he is.  He's a great guy.  I'm enjoying my time with him."

"I bet you are."  Julie smirked.

"Not like that, dirty girl."  Jaime put his hand to his chest and gasped.  He then laughed and shrugged his shoulder a little.  "Ok, that too.  But really, he's just great to spend time with."

"Not exactly what I expected if I'm honest."  Julie looked up into Jaime's eyes.

"What's that mean?"  Jaime asked curiously.

"He's a bit more reserved than I though he'd be.  Seems a bit, I don't know, un-Jaime-like.  Not the type I'm used to seeing you with."  Julie tried to explain.  Gregory was well dressed in black slacks and a black polo shirt.  His dark hair was styled and conservative.  Such a contrast to Jaime's colorful wardrobe.  He had on pink shorts with pink and blue checkered button up and his hair was dyed pink today and even though styled as he wanted, it was a more of a messy and light look.

"Yeah, I hate to say it, but if I had to compare him to someone.  I'd say it would be you.  Guess I just needed a male version of my female best friend to come along, and now, I'm all smitten."  Jaime smiled over at Gregory talking to Harry.  "So, does that mean that Harry Styles is a version of me?"

Julie couldn't help but laugh out loud.  "I don't know.  We should ask him."

"No, we shouldn't.  Besides, we all know he's a lot more like me than you are.  Seems opposites do attract.  You need him and me.  And I need you and Gregory."  Jaime followed Julie's eyes when she looked over towards the sliding doors coming out of the house.  "Go on, go say hi.  I'll keep these two boys occupied.  It will be hard work.  But someone has to do it."

"Yeah, I'm sure it will be the worst part of your day."  Julie rolled her eyes at Jaime and then put her hand on his arm.  "Thank you."  She said as she stepped around him and walked towards the doors.  "Marcus.  Hey.  I'm so glad you could come."

Marcus slowly wrapped his arms around Julie when she hugged him.  "I wasn't sure if I was going to.  I almost didn't."  He told her honestly.  He glanced around the yard at all of the people that were there.  "I'm not sure this is the right place for me."

"What does that mean?"  Julie asked feeling a slight tinge in her heart when he said that he almost didn't come.  "I only have a few friends, and you're one of them."

"Look around you, Julie.  You're surrounded by people who love you.  Family and friends alike."  Marcus looked down at her.  She wasn't going to understand, and he didn't want to hurt her.  Which is why he was standing here feeling more than slightly uncomfortable.

"Besides my mom, step-dad, brother, and his wife being here, it's only Panda, you, and Jaime that are here because of me.  And Panda would be here because of Niall with or without me, and Jaime would be here if he knew Harry, and I wasn't around.  So, that leaves just you."  Julie forced a smile up at him.

"Julie."  Marcus shook his head.  "You know Amanda would protest anyone else Harry was with.  And Jaime is all talk, and besides if it weren't for you, he wouldn't know Harry."  He looked down at Julie's stomach and then back up at her eyes.  "I just don't think it's appropriate that I'm here."

"Why?  Harry's the one that invited you.  He invited you to Tahoe from what I hear, but you turned that down, too.  So, now you're just going to run out now, too?"  Julie asked incredulously.  She knew Marcus was still going through a difficult time.  He hadn't gotten back to himself since the funeral, and she'd been so busy with the pregnancy and all that came with it and then Tahoe and getting married, she hadn't focused on Marcus as much as she probably should have.

"Me, coming to your wedding alone, in Tahoe, with just your close friends and family there, would have been awkward for everyone."  Marcus sighed.  He hadn't come here to upset her and was wishing he'd just kept his mouth shut.

"Why?  Again, except for my small family, and Amanda, I had no one else there for me.  I don't have anyone else, Marcus.  You used to be the first to remember that."  Julie reached out and touched his arm and looked into his eyes.  She could still see the pain hiding behind them.

Marcus stepped back just enough so he was out of Julie's touch.  "We talked about how I've felt about you.  I don't think I should have been at your wedding.  I told you I regretted giving up so easy that day you came to tell me about Harry.  I told you that about six weeks ago.  That I wondered if it would have been different.  And now, here we are, and you're married and pregnant."  Marcus closed his eyes for a second.

Julie stood there staring at Marcus.  This was not like him at all.  He was always so calm and cool.  She'd always felt he would be there for her, no matter what.  But right this moment, she felt like this was the end of any type of relationship they had.  "Marcus."  Julie crossed her arms just above her baby bump trying to hold herself together.  She felt herself ready to burst into tears. "What are you saying?"

Marcus opened his eyes and saw Julie's bright blue eyes filled with tears searching his with so much confusion and hurt.  He sighed and slumped his shoulders.  "I'm happy for you. You know all I want is for you to be happy.  I didn't come here to do this. I'm sorry.  I should have just stayed away."  He rubbed over his face.  "There are so many things I regret right now, and you're at the top of that list."

Julie glanced back at Harry who was still standing at the grill in conversation with Jaime and Gregory and then back at Marcus.  "Have you been drinking?  Marcus?  What the hell?"  Even if Marcus felt this way, and he had admitted it before, he wouldn't normally walk in here and openly admit it like this.  There was something odd about his behavior.  She leaned forward a little and behind the overly minty smell of his breath mints, she could smell his favorite brand of whiskey.

Marcus pulled his keys out of his pocket.  "I shouldn't have come.  I'm sorry."  He took his thumb and wiped a tear that dropped onto her cheek.  "I'm sorry I forgot my manners and opened my mouth.  The last thing I want to do is hurt you.  I've tried hard not to hurt you for years.  And now, that's all I seem to be doing."

Julie reached over and took the keys from Marcus's hand.  "You're not going anywhere.  You're especially not driving anywhere."  She reached up and wiped her eyes and took a settling breath.  She looked back at Jaime and gestured her head for him to come over ignoring Marcus's protests.  "Let's get you some coffee and some food, and you may think you don't belong here, but I'm going to show you, that you have friends here, that go beyond me."  Julie was going to suck it up.  Marcus was lost, and she recognized that look in his eyes.  She'd felt what he was feeling before.  It was for a completely different reason, but she refused to give up on him.  "If you still feel like you need to leave after that, then I won't stop you."  She looked back over her shoulder when she felt Harry's hand on her hip.

"Marcus, I'm so glad you could come."  Harry reached his hand out to shake Marcus's.  He knew having Marcus here meant a lot to Julie, so he was truly glad he had made it.  He could feel there was a bit of tension, but he'd ask later.

"Yeah, uh, thanks for inviting me."  Marcus rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Of course, you're always welcome, I hope you know that."  Harry threw in for good measure.  "I need to get back to the grill, but please help yourself to anything you'd like."  He smiled and shook Marcus's hand again before leaning down and kissing his wife.  He searched Julie's eyes, giving her a reassuring look before turning and walking away.

"Ok, what the hell was that all about?"  Jaime asked, hand on hip looking back and forth between Julie and Marcus.

Julie handed Jaime Marcus's keys.  "Seems our friend decided to have a little party himself before he came here today.  Could you maybe find him some coffee and some food?  Make sure he doesn't drive if he decides to leave?"

Jaime looked at Julie.  "Of course, but I think someone better do some explaining."  He looked between Marcus and Julie who were just staring at each other.  "Yeah, ok, never mind.  Come on, Marcus, let's find that coffee."  He put his hand on Marcus's shoulder and steered him towards the house before throwing Julie a glance over his shoulder.  He knew beyond a doubt she was in love with Harry.  But he also knew the last thing Julie wanted to do was hurt Marcus.  She was struggling with the possibility that she was being selfish by wanting to hold on to her friendship with Marcus so badly.  Seeing his two friends now, maybe there was something to it.  He hoped they could work it out, though.  They really did a lot for each other, especially with their silent understanding of one another.

Harry watched Julie walk over to him after Jaime had gone into the house with Marcus and Gregory.  "Is everything ok?"

Julie sighed.  "I hope so.  Seems Marcus may have been drinking before coming.  Struggling, I guess.  Doesn't think he should be here."  She looked up at Harry.  "Because of, well, because...."

"Of the way he feels about you?"  Harry asked her.  "Julie, it's no secret.  Thank you for being honest with me."  He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her to him.  "I'm sure you'll work it out.  Things are still healing for him, and things are still new for you."

"Thank you for trying to understand.  But maybe I'm expecting too much."  She took a deep breath and then smiled up at her husband.  "But that's for another day.  Today is about us, and I want to include him if he stays, but if he doesn't, I'll figure that out later."  She smiled as Harry kissed her.  "Let's eat and find out the gender of our little tot."

"I like rational you."  Harry laughed at the look on her face.  "I do."  He kissed her and then finished pulling the food from the grill.  After all the food was set out on the tables, people were free to grab plates and eat as they wished.  Harry sat back and watched everyone interacting so effortlessly.  Everyone intermingled so easily that he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with pride.  Even Marcus, after awhile, seemed to be able to interact with everyone quite simply.  He was glad; he wanted Julie to be at ease and not worry.  And it seemed to be working.

When dessert was brought out, Harry reached out for Julie's hand and stood her in front of a massive black balloon floating on the pool.

"Oh, my god.  What is this?"  Julie's eyes widened.  "How did you even get this in here?"

"It doesn't matter."  Harry laughed.  "I gave the envelope with the ultrasound picture to a team member.  They took it and had someone fill this balloon with either pink or blue coloring.  When we pop the balloon, it will either change the pool water to pink or blue."

"You couldn't have just had them bake a cake?  Or have confetti?  Or balloons?"  Julie shook her head as she laughed.

"Already been done."  Harry chuckled and shrugged at Julie.  He handed her a big pin and held one himself.  "You ready?"

Julie shook her head.  "No, not really."  She took a deep breath.  "But, let's do it anyway."

Harry smiled at the crowd gathered around the pool.  "Alright, ready?  3...2...1...". He leaned forward just a little with Julie, and they both popped the balloon.  His eyes widened as he watched the balloon burst and the pool fill with a massive amount of dye and immediately turn a brilliant shade of bright....


"It's a girl!!"  Harry exclaimed as he took the pin from Julie's hand and set them both aside before picking her up and spinning her around.  He set her down and kissed her lips.  "Our little Grace Anne Styles.  I love my girls so much."  He kissed Julie one more time and then leaned down and kissed her stomach.  "Daddy loves you, Grace.  I can't wait to meet you."

Do you all feel like this story will never end?!?

I will try to update more often!
Trying to control my chronic migraines and the meds are messing with my head...for real!
As always thank you for your patience!! And I adore each and every one of you!

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