Chapter 24

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The night was winding down, and Julie found herself off towards the back of the patio sitting down on the outdoor sofa just to get a little breather. She set her water on the table and settled back against the corner when she saw Marcus walking up to her tentatively. "Oh, a little bit scared to talk to me now, are you?"

"I don't know about scared, but maybe a little embarrassed." Marcus sighed sitting down beside her but perching himself on the edge of the sofa and playing with the water bottle in his hands. "I wasn't exactly on my best behavior when I got here."

Julie chuckled a little as she looked over at him. "Well, you can relax. Harry says this pregnancy mellowed me, so I won't pounce on you or anything." She reached over and touched his shoulder gently to try and get him to relax back a little. "Marcus, I get it. Kind of. I don't like it really, but I get it." She sighed when he moved away from her touch. "I hate the fact you weren't honest with me a long time ago, because now we are here, and I feel like I'm losing a huge part of my life."

"You weren't exactly the easiest person to get close to. Especially for someone like me." Marcus leaned back against the couch and looked over at her.

"What do you mean, especially someone like you?" Julie asked confused.

"There was me, and there was Jaime. We were the only two that got anywhere near you. Jaime became the easy choice to let in, because it didn't take all that long for you to realize he wouldn't be interested in anything deeper than a friendship." Marcus watched the revelation spread across Julie's face. "We talked about this briefly a long time ago. I knew that in order to have a chance at a deeper relationship with you, I had to get you to trust my intentions first. You were hurt, and so guarded. But, I took it too slow. You and Harry worked things out faster than I could get through to you."

Julie shook her head. "It was painfully slow, Marcus. Even for me. It didn't seem like I was the only one holding back. Even when we did go out. Even the times I thought it was a date, it was agonizingly platonic."

Marcus couldn't help but chuckle. "Remind me never to ask you to sell me to a potential partner."

"Shut up." Julie laughed a little. "I'm not sure you were anymore ready than I was. I think you're using me needing time, as too much of an excuse. And I think maybe you're using me as a cop out now, too."

Marcus looked at Julie as his eyes widened. "And how do you figure that?"

"Because, if you continue to concentrate on what you could have done different in the past, years ago, you don't have to focus on what could be in the present or the future. You have no idea if we would have been anything more than what we are now. We could have been together, and it may not have worked. But it's safe for you." Julie shrugged. "Maybe it's time, my sweet, stubborn, friend, to realize that wondering 'what if' about us isn't going to change what is right now." Julie took a chance and took his hand. "And there is a lucky woman out there who is waiting for you. One who will put up with your stubbornness, your brooding, your dark artistic personality. And I hope I get a chance to say I told you so."

Marcus looked down at their hands together. He did spend a lot of time wondering what it would have been like to have her be his. To do everything she ended up doing with Harry. Dating, moving in together, getting married, having children. But, maybe she was right. Maybe he did that because he'd found someone who understood him in ways he'd never had anyone understand him before, and maybe he hadn't opened himself up to the possibility again. "Yeah, I mean, if someone can put up with with your stubbornness, your mouth, and your dark and depressing attitude, I should be a piece of cake."

Julie removed her hand from Marcus' and backhanded him. "Don't be a dick."

Marcus chuckled. "Don't be a dick? Really?" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "No matter what you say. You'll always be the one who got away." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "But, I'm happy that you're happy. And I'll do my best not to be a dick, and be there for my friend."

"And try to make yourself happy as well. I will understand whatever you need to do with yourself. But selfishly, I want my friend. I want my little girl to grow up with an Uncle Marcus to completely contradict Uncle Jaime and all his crazy teachings. I needed you both when we first met, and I'm always going to need you both. If you can stand to have me."

"We will work it out." Marcus smiled. "But this party is breaking up. I'm gonna take off. I've had more than enough coffee and food. Can you please tell Jaime I can have my keys back now? You know he won't do anything you won't approve."

"Y'all act like I rule the world." Julie shook her head, smirking a little, and stood up.

"Well, this world, you do." Marcus fell into step beside her as they walked towards the small group of people surrounding the boisterous pink-haired center of attention.

"You're delusional." Julie chuckled. "I don't rule anyone's world. I don't even rule my own."

"You are the one that's delusional. You just don't see it, and you never will. You, my dear, are the glue that holds a lot more people together than you will ever realize." Marcus shook his head at Julie. "And don't try to tell me you're the one that rips it apart. Open your eyes and look around you one day. Seriously, look around you. And maybe you will actually see the truth."

Before Julie could respond to Marcus, she heard him interrupt Jaime and ask for his keys. She shook her head to try to push aside her thoughts. Jaime put his hands on his hips and looked at her, and Julie couldn't help but chuckle. "I think he's ok. It's been hours. I haven't seen him have another drink, and he's had coffee and food. So, I trust him. So, unless you want to drive him, then I guess you should give him his keys."

Marcus gaped at Julie. "You were supposed to convince him to hand them over."

Julie shrugged. "Can't be too safe. For once, Jaime hasn't had a drink. And he's with Gregory. I can allow him to be responsible this once."

Marcus shook his head. "And you don't think you rule this world." He took a deep breath as he watched Jaime puff up with pride as Julie called him responsible. He looked down at Julie. "You're creating a monster. Just so you know." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations again. And, we will talk soon. Just, don't be mad if it takes a few days ok?"

Julie nodded slowly. "Yeah, that's fine, if you don't go off drinking yourself into a stupor every day you wait." She raised her eyebrows at Marcus.

Marcus couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, ma'am, I will try to limit my self-indulging." He hugged his friend and then turned and said his congratulations and goodbyes to Harry. As he walked away, he watched as Harry wrapped Julie gently in his arms and nuzzled her neck. He didn't want to ruin her happiness. He just wished he knew how to move past wishing he were the one to be able to provide it. He was quickly jolted from his thoughts when Jaime's arm wrapped around his shoulder and ushered him from the house.

Harry looked at the clock and saw that it was just before midnight. All the guests had either left or retired to their rooms for the night. He had just finished cleaning up the rest of the yard. He had sent his stubborn wife up to bed about a half an hour ago. He had tried before that, but she just wouldn't listen. He shook his head as he turned out the lights and locked up. He set the security system and then made his way upstairs. "Hey, baby." He walked to the vanity and leaned down and kissed her head. "I'm gonna shower quick and then I'll be ready to cuddle in bed with you."

"Alright, I'll be there waiting. I'm sleepy." Julie looked up at him as she rubbed the lotion into her arms.

"I can't wait to hold my girls." Harry smiled. "My girls. I love that. I think it was meant to be."

Julie nodded. "I have to say, I've felt she's been a girl the whole time. I'm not sure why, but I've always seen her that way. I don't know if it's the mother's instinct or whatever they say, but just seemed that way. I'd have loved a boy just as much though."

"Oh, me, too. But, yeah, a baby girl seems right." Harry kissed Julie's lips. "Ok, I'll be quick. Don't fall asleep on me." He grabbed his pajamas. "But if you do, I won't be mad." He smiled as he went to take a shower. She'd had a long day, and she did a lot more work than he'd wanted her to. She never listened to him, so he wouldn't be surprised if she was sound asleep by the time he got to bed.

Harry washed up, pulled on his pajama pants and towel dried his hair before walking back into the room. He saw his wife sitting in bed with her hands on her stomach. "What's going on over there?" He tossed the towel and sat at the edge of the bed.

"She's deciding that since I'm trying to relax that she needs to be doing somersaults or something. She's rolling around like she's a ferris wheel." Julie looked up at Harry. She could see the crease in between Harry's brows. "Sorry. You can't feel anything from the outside yet, but I'm sure it won't be long."

Harry chuckled. "That obvious? I can't help it. I know it seems I'm trying to hurry it along. I'm not, really. I just want to feel her. It has to be the most incredible feeling ever."

"Honestly. It's a bit creepy." Julie laughed. "It's hard to explain. But it's just weird. Now it just feels like a bunch of butterflies roaming around. Tonight her movements are going from one side to the other, so that's why I said it seems like she's rolling around. She was calm during the whole party pretty much. But now, I'm relaxed, she goes crazy."

"Takes after her stubborn mother." Harry teased as he stood to pull back the covers on his side of the bed.

Julie gave him a side eyed glare. "Excuse me? You mean, she's exactly like her pain in the ass father, right?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I meant." Harry laughed as he climbed into bed and pulled Julie over to him, wrapping his arms around her. "Let's see if her pain in the ass father can calm her down a bit. A little song, maybe?"

"You're going to make me cry. Don't make me cry. It's not nice." Julie said choking back the emotion in her throat already.

"You don't even know what I was going to sing. How can you even say that, or start crying before I even mutter a word?" Harry laughed. He probably shouldn't laugh at her emotions. She was definitely more sensitive these days, so it might get him in some trouble, but he couldn't seem to help it. He hadn't even started a song yet. "I could sing something like, 'I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny....'. He laughed again as she groaned. "No?"

"You know you weren't going to rap Sir Mixalot." Julie sniffled. "I know exactly what you're going to sing to calm her. And it's going to make me cry. It will always make me cry."

"Well, maybe you're right, but it will forever be the truth, and forever be our song." Harry lifted Julie's chin and planted a kiss on her lips before starting to sing 'If I Could Fly'. His eyes remained on hers as his thumb wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek. He would always come back home to her, to his family, whenever she needed him to. It had been 3 ½ years since he'd written this song, and it still held as much truth now as it did then. He put his hands on her stomach as he finished the song. "I love you girls, more than anything. No matter where I am, you are my home."

Julie cleared her throat, but it didn't really help rid her voice of the emotion flowing through her. It was evident the moment she spoke. "I told you not to make me cry. It's bad enough I'm emotional every second anyway; now you purposely make me cry. It's not fair Harry, and it's not right."

"I'm sorry, baby. It's just how I was feeling. And I wanted to try and help calm the baby." Harry chuckled under his breath this time. He rubbed gently up and down Julie's arm. "So, I booked a flight back to the UK for us day after tomorrow. I know you said you wanted to get back to the lake house. I hope that was ok."

"Yeah." Julie sniffled trying to relax against Harry's chest. "That's perfect. "I can't wait. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time there. Things kinda went a bit crazy, fast."

"Yeah, and we have a bunch of London friends who want in on the congratulations of everything happening in our lives, too." Harry looked down at Julie's fingers starting to lightly trace over his tattoos. He smiled as she did. It meant she was finally starting to relax.

"Oh, geez. Remember, this is supposed to be my relaxing honeymoon. So, you don't get to bombard me with a ton of people. I think I deserve some quiet, reflective time. I've been the proper social butterfly for quite some time here." Julie stated.

Harry chuckled out loud this time. "That you have love, that you have. I promise to give you some time before I bombard you with people. However, that doesn't include me. If it's our honeymoon time, you will not get rid of me. So, quiet has its limits."

Julie sighed purposely pronounced. "Well, I guess nothing's perfect." She laughed at the chuckle that emoted from deep within Harry's chest.

"But don't think I'm not going to be bothering you like a proper sex-deprived newlywed." Harry teased.

"Sex-deprived newlywed? In whose world does that even make any sense?" Julie questioned shaking her head.

"Mine." Harry laughed. "You know all I ever want are my hands on you and your body, but I'm trying to behave. We've been doing a lot, and I know you're tired. I just don't want to overwhelm you."

"Oh, good lord. I can not believe you are playing sex-deprived. Seriously?" Julie pushed herself off Harry's chest and looked down at him.

"Julie, I was joking. It's not that serious." Harry reached up to pull her back down to his chest, but she shook his hands off her arms. "Baby, seriously, I was just joking."

"I don't see how you think that was funny, at all." Julie shook her head. "How you think that wouldn't be hurtful. Like I'm purposely doing something to you. Holding out on you."

"Ok, let's just take a moment here. I was totally joking. You need to stop and listen to me." Harry pushed up onto his elbows. "Stop being unreasonable here."

"Unreasonable?" Julie glared at him. "Unreasonable? So, now I'm being unreasonable for thinking my husband shouldn't complain about not getting sex 24/7 when I'm like 20 weeks pregnant, barely found out because we thought I was dying, and we just went through a shot gun wedding because, well, I got pregnant by mistake, and this all happened within like 2 months. And my husband of about 2 weeks is already complaining that we're not having enough sex? But, yes, of course, I should stop being so unreasonable."

Harry stared at Julie. Mouth agape. What the hell was happening? They were, as always, just messing around. It was what they did. He was play pouting, as he always did, and she normally just gave him shit. He never meant it as a truth. And now, she obviously thought he was being serious. "What is going on with you? Usually you just give me hell about acting a fool. Now, you think I'm serious? I think your hormones are messing with you." And as soon as he said it, he regretted it. He prepared for the onslaught of hell he was about to receive.

"Oh, so now my reaction to your stupidity is my hormones messing with me? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with you just being stupid?" Julie started to walk towards the bathroom.

"Baby, come on." Harry sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Don't, baby, me, Harry." Julie spat out as she slammed the bathroom door.

Harry groaned as he fell back onto the bed his arms spread out to his sides. He knew things were going way too easily in this pregnancy. But this is what she flipped out over? Really? She had dealt with so much, and done so well. Even earlier tonight. And this? Something they'd teased each other about mountains of times over their relationship was going to set her off? She had to have a major overreaction to this? And here he'd anticipated a nice celebration of them finding out they were having a baby girl. Now he needed to fight it out if he could get her to leave the bathroom sometime soon.

Harry took a deep breath and got up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Julie? Are you ok? Can you open the door, please?" He put his ear to the door and swore he heard her sniffle. Jesus Christ! Now she was crying? Over this stupid conversation? He should have never tempted fate by bringing up the fact over and over again that pregnancy made her mellow. He shouldn't have done that. "Please open the door, ba..Julie." Lord, don't let him call her "baby" right now. He let out a deep breath slowly as he heard the water running. He figured she was washing her face after crying. Smooth Styles. Mess with a hormonal pregnant woman.

Harry took a step back when he heard the door unlock and looked down at Julie when the door started to open. "Hey, come here, please." He reached for her as she stepped past him. She stopped, but she didn't turn towards him. Well, it was a start. He took her arms gently. "Please, Julie, I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise you, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just play pouting, how I always do. Just waiting for you to put me in my place. I didn't mean to upset you."

Harry sighed when she wouldn't look at him let alone say anything. "Please, just, let me apologize. I definitely did not mean for you to be upset, or for you to take me seriously. There is nothing wrong with how we are together, at all."

"Don't you think I feel bad enough? That it's changed everything? Like I can't see that? Nothing's the same. And now this?" Julie said as she wiped the stupid tears from her eyes again. "The one thing I seemed to be able to give you that you seemed to enjoy, and now you don't even get it enough?"

Oh, for fuck's sake! Harry thought to himself. Luckily his brain worked faster than his mouth this time. Every now and again there was a small miracle. And instead of saying she was ridiculous out loud, he kept it to himself. He took a deep breath and responded calmly. "Julie, you can't seriously think that sex is the only thing I enjoy with you?" He shook his head. "It's the last thing you should be worried about. And I'm sorry if I didn't see that it would bother you more this time if I teased about it." It's not like I haven't teased about it before. Like almost every time we've talked about having sex. But hey, I should have foreseen it this time. The inner monologue, he kept to himself. "I do not feel deprived in the least. And I really wish you'd believe that."

"I can tell, you now, think I'm being stupid." Julie said frustrated. "Just stupid, hormonal, and pregnant." Julie swiped at her eyes. "I don't even know why you bother. I can't do anything good enough. Apparently, I can't even be myself good enough anymore."

Ok. Harry took to rubbing Julie's arms up and down slowly. It was the only comforting thing he could think to do in this moment. Words were failing him. He hadn't realized until this moment how much easier she had been to deal with. Even through her previous breakdowns, there was always something a little defiant and strong behind them. He knew how to deal with that. This, though, this complete self-doubt, the weakness and defeat he saw. The only other time he could compare this to, had happened in Paris, way back in the beginning when she'd questioned her worth because of Kendall. But even then, there was a strength she used. She was purposely defiant. She fought him, and even though her choices weren't rational, she was strong throughout them. Ready to stand on her own.

Harry looked at her face, downturned to the floor, disappointment in herself showing in every little crease. Disappointment in what though? He put his hand in the back of her hair and tilted her chin to make her look at him. "You're upset because you think, somehow, you're disappointing me?" He shook his head. "You are so very wrong." He wanted to tell her 'Woman, you're crazy', and any other time that may have worked, but not this time. "You, do not disappoint me at all. I have looked up to you and your strength our entire relationship, and I still do. You, my love, inspire me every day. The way you have dealt with everything that has happened in your life, from years before we met until this day, has been with more strength and grace than I could even imagine."

Harry cupped both of her cheeks and looked down into her tear-filled, brilliant blue eyes. "Baby, I love you, for everything you are, and no matter how often we have sex, that isn't going to change."

"You just want it to be a lot." Julie said through her fish-like lips since Harry was squishing her cheeks. She heard him groan and put her hands on his wrists removing his hands from her face. "I'm being ridiculous, aren't I?" She shook her head. "Even I sound ridiculous to myself, but I can't seem to help it. It's like back in Tahoe that first time when I didn't want you to leave. No matter how much I know I'm wrong, I can't seem to stop myself from overreacting."

Harry smiled down at Julie and used his thumbs to wipe her cheeks. "It's ok. It could have been worse. And I really don't mind telling you how brilliant you are. Besides, I love you, silliness and all." Harry said bringing her into his chest and hugging her tightly. "I love you, baby, very much."

"Shut up, Harry." Julie mumbled against Harry's chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Harry chuckled as he held Julie tighter when she told him to shut up. "I love you." He repeated. He knew she'd say it. But he wasn't surprised he got the shut up first.

"I love you, too. Now, shut up." Julie sighed and then stepped back and pulled Harry by the hand to the bed. "I think I might be sex-deprived by my husband. All this talk and no action."

Harry threw his head back and laughed. Well, that could have gone a lot worse. But there was still half a pregnancy to go. Lord help him now. He climbed over Julie as she lay back on the bed. He would never turn down an opportunity to make love to his wife. However, he better keep flowers and chocolate and maybe some jewelry on standby, because he had a feeling the next 20 weeks were going to be very long ones indeed.

Thank you as always for your patience!  I hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know!  Even if brief words!  Any little bit can keep be motivated!
Love y'all! 😘

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