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After an hour more playing this game, we start to become bored of it and the situations aren't so creative as the beginning so we turn on the television and watch this program of celebrities. I lie down and rest my head on Dean's shoulder. His muscularly biceps aren't the most comfortable thing to have as a pillow but I guess there's no other option. Matt is the first one to go to bed, it's already midnight and tomorrow the boys have the game.

"I'm heading up to bed. I'll come to see you guys tomorrow. Text me the details." And with that, the blonde guy disappears up the staircase.

This is the worst tv show I've seen in my life, I think to myself. I get up from the sofa and walk over to the kitchen. I open the top cabin and reach for a tall glass and then open the fridge and pour myself some water. When I close the fridge, I get the biggest jump. Hunter's there.

"You scared me!" I tell him while I leave my glass on the counter. This scene was like in most of the horror movies when you close a door and then someone's there just waiting for you to close it and then they pop out. I pull myself up onto the cold counter and sit on it. Hunter comes in and just as he leans in, I think he's going to kiss me, he stretches his arm and gets a glass from the cabin that's above me.

"Nice move!" I say trying to stop my cheeks blush any more than they are at the minute.

"You fell for it. So tomorrow will you come to the game?" He asks in a hoarse tone. I couldn't possibly miss this game because that's everything people have been talking about for the last week.

"I'll be there. It starts at seven right?" He nods his head to answer my question just when Dean yells my name. I jump off the counter and walk back into the living room with my glass of water.

"Yes?" I direct.

"You're going to sleep with me tonight, babydoll!" I laugh at the hilarious joke that just came out of this mouth.

"And why would I do such a thing." I investigate in my defence. He looks up at me and grins so much it looks like his teeth are going to drop out.

"You are my secretary for the week remember? I'm going to use it as much as possible." I sigh at the ridiculous argument he just gave me. Well, it's only sleeping in the same bed I guess.

"I was actually planning to go home now," I announce, but I don't think that's going to help me get out of this one.

"Well, your plans just got interesting in Dean's room!" Says Hunter from the kitchen. I look over at him and he's definitely not happy about the whole thing but what's he to judge after all he is still Hannah's boyfriend. I look over at Garry and he's just laughing at the whole panorama.

Deans sprints off the sofa and grabs my hand and takes me up the stairs. I roll my eyes and drop his hand because it's ridiculous.

"Good night," I respond to the boys. I look over to Hunter, now he's just standing in front of the tv facing us, I give him a big shoulder shrug and with that Dean pulls me to the top of the stairs.  We arrive at the bedroom and the books that we were studying on before are still placed on the bed. I grab them and put them into my bag. I reach my phone from my pocket and text my mum. <<I'm not sleeping at home tonight. Is that okay? Good night mum x >> It's weird that she hasn't texted me to ask where I was but it doesn't really concern me.

"Could you give me a t-shirt and some joggers, please?" I demand in a soft tone. He looks in his wardrobe and throws me a black t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers. I'm a little uncomfortable to change in front of Dean, so I head to the toilet. The clothes are a bit big, but I like the way they look on me. I get under the soft sheets and cuddle up with the pillow. I'm facing Dean when he suddenly takes his shirt off. Every muscle in his body is toned and you can definitely tell that he goes to the gym. I can only see his back but that's enough to see that he's strong. No wonder why he always gets girls in bed, I had never realised he was this hot until now. He turns around and then my checks quickly turn into flames. I try not to look but it's no point because he's already caught me looking.

"Like what you see, babydoll?" I roll my eyes, because he knows he's hot and that he can get many girls but trust me he won't get me in bed. Funny because I'm in this bed but not for that sense. He crawls into bed only wearing black joggers. He switches the lights off and adds.

"Good night Em," And with that, I close my eyes. He moves around several times until he's comfortable. He places his arm around my waist and I can't be bothered to say or do anything and that's when I fall asleep.

This chapter is dedicated to hollymareeeee ❤️ (dean and Emma) Thank you for everything

If any of you have some suggestions on my story. Please text me and If I use them ( I probably would because you guys are the readers and have a wild imagination <3) you will get credit on my chapter. Thank you. <3 


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