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It's finally Friday. I'm already up before my alarm goes off. I sit up on my bed releasing what I had just said to Emma the night before. I actually told her I had feelings for her. I didn't give her time to speak because I just had to kiss them soft parted red lips. I head out of my room and go downstairs. Matt and Garry are sitting on the island having breakfast.

"Hey Man, want something to eat?" Matt requests, I've missed him too much. He's always the chef around here.

"What's on the menu?" I say grabbing the coffee mug and pouring some into my favourite red mug. I look on their plates and they are empty.

"I've done some bacon and scrambled eggs. Don't get used to it. You need energy for the game today so I decided to make you a Sunday breakfast." He's the best I think to myself. I pass him a plate from under the counter as a sign of yes, please. He serves me and I hug him pretending to be emotional for the food. I get cut off by the sweet soft voice of Emma coming down the stairs,

"That smells delicious! Can I have some?" She walks in wearing Dean's clothes and I feel the adrenalin rising in me.  We all turn around and they the king eventually makes his way to the bottom of the stairs with the biggest grin on his face. Matt nods to Emma and faces to Dean and asks.

"What's with that grin on your face, big man." He fills up Emma's plate and she comes and sits in between Garry and me.

"Nothing. I Had a good night sleep that's all." He replies. Emma bursts out laughing and adds.

"Talk about the king of kicking. I slept awful! You didn't stop moving all night." I am a bit surprised she said that but also relieved. He laughs and gives his sharp look over to Emma and gets a slice of bacon from the pan.He puts two slices of bread into the toaster and goes to lie down on the sofa.

Half an hour later we are all in my car, heading to school. Except for Matt, he's just staying and home. He doesn't go to college until Monday. We arrive in ten minutes into the parking lot. He parks right in front of school like he normally does. We step out of the car and Emma waits for me because now we both have history. Dean waits for us too and then the three of us walk in. Garry has already disappeared. I open the door and all faces turn around to look at us and Mr Kendrick yells.

"Look it's the three musketeers." Everybody laughs and we just make our way to the end of the class. 


After classes, I'm just chatting with Meghan in the cafeteria. When I see Dean and Hunter pass in the corridors.

"Meg, talk later. I need a ride from the boys to there house because I left my car there." I say picking up my bag from the back of my chair. She nods and I kiss her cheek softly and run out the doors to catch the boys. I see them just leaving the building. I finally catch up with them and say.

"I need a ride to your place. I left my car there." They turn around and I can hardly catch my breath when pronouncing the words.

 "Great we were just heading home," replies Hunter in a hoarse voice. We walk over to the car and I can see in the glance of my eye, Jennifer looking over to us. I stand in the middle of them both and hold their arm like I was some kind of princess walking down the aisle. Dean looks down to look at me and asks.

"Are you okay down there? Are you scared of falling and that's why you're holding us?" I laugh at the silly question he asks. I just smile and we arrive at the car. Hunter walks over to the driver's seat and of course Dean in the passenger's seat leaving me in the back all alone. Hunter starts the engine making a really loud noise on purpose to make everyone turn to look in our direction. They sometimes do that and I don't see the point of it. He puts the four windows down, even mine. And turns the music on maxim and starts to revise. I try to pull the windows up but it's no use because they won't work. I look out of the window and everyone is staring at us. I slide to the seat in the middle and learn in and yell over the music.

"Is this really necessary?" I reach over the commands and turn the music down. They both turn to look at me and laugh at my facial expression. We are just leaving school grounds when the car behind us starts to press the horn to us.

"Motherfucker!" Shouts Dean. The Black SUV turns onto the lane on the left so we are parallel. I can't see who it is because of the black shaded windows. The windows scroll down and there he is, John Ashton. Our windows are already down so they start having a conversation talking about the timetable for tonight's game. The SUV turns right and we turn left and then we have finally left school until Monday, I mean until tonight. 


The NEXT TWO CHAPTERS  are the best chapters that I have written yet. You'll see. xx 


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