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I had to split up the first chapter as I thought it was really long :)



I'm in my bedroom watching pretty little liars and suddenly my phone goes off. Ring... I look on the screen and see one of my best friends calling, Meghan, when I answer I hear her soft voice through the phone. - Em, I'm picking you up in twenty minutes, get ready, Ashton's throwing a party.- I get out of bed, open the wardrobe and say - Okay I'll be ready – I hang the phone and pick out a nice tight black lace dress and some high heels to go with it. In 10 minutes I'm dressed, I go into the bathroom and let my hair down and do my make up nice and simple.

10 minutes later Meghan is parked in front of my house, I run down the stairs and go into the kitchen and see Daniel on his phone.

" I'm going out, see you later," I say as I run out before he can say anything. I open the door and get in her new white Ford car.

"Hi Meg, I'm not feeling this tonight. Is Dean going to be there?" She rolls her eyes and says.

"I texted him and he told me he was going. I know you're not in the mood but it will cheer you up." She says while she starts the engine. I hate being in the car when Meghan is driving, she drives so fast and I always think that one day we will end up in a car accident.

It's half past ten when we arrive at Ashton's house and the place is blasting with music, plastic cups all over the loan and people everywhere. We go in and Meghan sees Dean and shouts in my ear over the music.

"Go and have fun, I'll see you later!" She says while I look at the house full of people seeing some familiar faces.

I go into the kitchen and see Jennifer hooking up with this random boy that I don't know.

How typical, I think out loud, but lucky nobody hears me, thanks to the loud music in the background. I grab a plastic red cup and pure a bit of tequila and add a touch of diet coke to make it sweeter. I take a mouthful and feel the tequila burn my throat so I add a little more of diet coke.

I go in the living room and see my lab partner, Fiona. She is dancing to the beat of the music with her best friend, Chloe. Fiona never drinks so she is 100% sober but on the other hand, Chloe loves to drink, so normally Fiona is her taxi driver for the night. I head over and Fiona sees me and walks through the crowd.

"Em, I didn't think you would come after what happened on Thursday. I had no idea, I'm so sorry" She says in her innocent voice. I really don't want to talk about it. I want to forget that it ever happened but I think that won't be possible.

"I know it was Meghan's idea to come," I mumble looking at the floor. She gets dragged away from Chloe and then says "Sorry Em, see you on Monday."

And that's when I'm standing in the middle of a party by myself. I go into the hall to go outside and get some fresh air when someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see this drunk blonde tall guy that I have never seen before. He pushes me against the wall and whispers in my ear,

"Want to go upstairs and have a good night with me." His breath tickles my neck but it reeks of alcohol and now I start to panic because I hand feel his colds hands making his way up my dress.

"Get off me you jerk" I yell trying to push him away but he is too strong. He doesn't listen to me and starts kissing my neck and goes down until he arrives at my cleavage. And this point I am so disgusted and trying to do my best to get him off me, but its no use. Someone comes from behind and pulls the guy away from me and punches him in the nose and says.

"You don't treat a woman like that you asshole, get the hell out of this house. NOW" he shouts, he sounds pissed. When he turns around and looks at me. I am shocked to see him.

"Emma, I didn't know it was you. Are you okay?" he says looking over this shoulder to see if the asshole has left the house.

"I'm okay, thanks for that. I'm going to go home." I say just when a tear makes it's why for my check. Hunter wipes the tears off my face with his thumb and says.

"Let's go and talk outside." I agree with a nod and make my way to the door through the door. I try not to lose Hunter so I hold is hand. When we finally get to the door we open it and there are still people lying on the loan, cups, and bottles of alcohol. I wonder why the neighbors don't call the police because of all the chaos.

"My car is parked 5 minutes away, we can go for a ride if you like." He mumbles through his teeth. I respond with an ok and we continue walking in the direction of the car.

Two minutes after walking in silence I realize we are still holding hands.

"We can now let go of our hands," I say smirking and looking at his big green eyes. He chuckles and then let's go and says.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" I cut him off and say.

"No need to apologize, a lot has happened in the last 24 hours." I actually liked the way our hands fit together, mine are small and he has big muscular ones, so it was just the right fit.

When we arrive at the car parking I have no idea which car is his, so I follow him to a nice Mercedes, sports car. We get in the car and fasten our seatbelts. I look at Hunter for a few seconds and say.

"Thanks a lot for before." He turns around to look at me in the eyes.

"No need to thank me." He smiles at the floor and continues talking. "Do you want to go to the pier?"

It surprises me that he doesn't want to take me straight home, if not take me to the pier. To talk or something. I'm a bit confused.

"Yes that sounds like fun," I say trying to hide the fact that I am anxious to find out why he is talking me.

On the journey to the pier, he turns the radio on and starts tapping his fingers on the steering wheel with the rhythm of the music. I look out the window and see the lovely streets full of people; it's a Saturday night so that means that all the young people go out to party, around here.
Five minutes later we arrive at the car parking. We unfasten our seatbelts and get out the car. I grab my handbag and then close the car door.
We start walking towards the pier but then he turns left and I follow him to these rocks and we sit down.

"Here it's nice and quiet so we will be able to talk." He says while he stretches his legs out and looks at the amazing view of the ocean and the moon. I smile and take a good look at the sea, no waves, only the reflection of the moon.

"It's so peaceful," I mumble.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask looking at him straight in the eyes.

"About last night..." He closes his eyes and his smile turns into a frown. I am nervous about what he is going to say next so I wait impatiently. I can see that he isn't going to speak so I say.

"It was a mistake I'm so sorry, please don't get mad at me, if you want we can never talk again, but we have to act normal, for... Hannah's sake." It's hard to pronounce Hannah's name but they finally come out. He looks up at me and grabs my hand and then says.

"Look maybe it was a mistake because I cheated on Hannah, but if I could I would do it again, I had a lot of fun. When he pronounces these words my heart flips, the feeling is weird because it's Hunter, Hannah's boyfriend and I say.

"Honestly I would do it again too, but it's not far for your girlfriend." I get interrupted because his phone starts to vibrate. I look at the screen and see Hannah's name.

"Speaking of the devil." He says while he hit the ignore button on the phone.

Twenty minutes later we decided to take a walk because it starts to get chilly. We are walking through the sea walk and we're laughing and just talking about life when someone comes up from behinds us and says "Hunter, Emma...?"

When I hear her voice I want to turn around and slap her across the face but unfortunately, I can't. Hunter and I turn around and I tell him talk first.

"Hannah, what are you doing here?" I think he is more shocked than I am at this point.

"I went to eat at the Italian restaurant down the street, with my dad." She says trying to get my attention but right now the floor is better than looking at her. Hunter turns to face me and I look at him and say.

" Can you take me home please?" I say blocking Hannah out of the conversation. Just like she wasn't even here.

"Come on Em you to have to talk about this." He says looking at the two of us.

"Em? When did you two get so friendly?" She is in total shock because normally the people who call me Em are the closest friends and me and Hunter have never had a friendly relationship but now everything has changed.

"When my best friend betrayed me, that's when I needed someone to talk to, apart from Meghan."

I say looking at her with a black look. She slowly swallows and then says.

" I am so sorry, I am the worst best friend." and then starts crying.

"Hunter, can we please have a minute," I say. We need to get this over with now and make it all better or lose my best friend that I have known 12 years.



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