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And then I realise that the sentence I had just pronounced had no going back. But I don't care because he said the 3 words that I didn't have the courage to say, and I won't right away. His eyes are glowing like the first night I spent with him, how could I forget them brown eyes sparkling like stars.  

 An elderly lady taps Hunter's shoulder, he turns around and she is a short beautiful human, dressed really fashion and of course with red bright sexy lipstick, like most of the grandmas wear.

"Dear, could you please place my belongings in the overhead bin," she says with a weak voice. Hunter stands up and gives her a warm smile. And answers.

"My pleasure, Madam." his sweet, firm voice says. He stands up and squeezes between the seats. Lifting up the heavy suitcase makes my arms look at his biceps, I can see his veins trying to pop out of his brown tanned skin. The little lady sees me staring at him and when I look down I see her winking at me. Hunter walks back in and the lady thanks him again. He can't keep his eyes off me and that's when I released the little old lady is smiling from ear to ear looking at us from the seat next to Hunter's.

"I remember when I was so in love like you two. We meet when we were seventeen." She says in a for passionated voice than before, hunter turns around to look at her. He grabs my hand as she continues speaking. "And we got married at 23. He was my prince but unfortunately last year he passed away." The story is heartbreaking as she continues telling us her memories and that she had two beautiful children and now she is flying over for her grandson's wedding.

"How many years were you married?" I am so curious to know. I notice that she is still wearing her two wedding rings.

"We were married for 68 years!" She announces with pride. I am so happy for her because nowadays it looks like everyone gets divorced once in their life, but hearing the story of this wonderful lady gives me hope again. 

The flight attendant stays to go over the safety rules and Hunter sits back facing me once again. I can feel his eyes looking at every imperfection I have on my face. That's when I start to feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter at the second, they're on fire. He smirks. I turn my body so I'm facing him and not looking out of the window. He leans in slowly and when we are only two fingers away from each other he whispers not taking his eyes off my lips,

"I intend to come closer and that you will never let go!" And then he pecks my lips so quickly that I urge to need more, but the fact that we are on an aeroplane begs to differ.  

I know what he feels for me and I know what I feel for him, but what about Hannah? I don't want to be in a three triangle and my auntie always said to me; If you take him away from someone what makes you think that someone won't take him away from you. Those words always got to me and just thinking this now made me sick to my stomach. They do say once a cheater always a cheater but Hunter is different. I don't want to get hurt by the first boy I fell in love with but I can't live my life preventing and not taking any risks.

We finally arrive at Miami International airport and I can't wait to see my brother. We walk over to arrivals and Hunter grabs my hand and starts to stroke my palm. And there he is standing with his arms cross resting on his chest. His brown hair all over the place and then our eyes meet. He narrows his eyebrows unconsciously when there is his little sister holding hands with a boy. I let go of hunter's hand and run up to my brother dropping my suitcase on her floor when he picks me up in arms.  

 "I missed you so much!" I say when he leaves my feet back on the ground. He smiles at me. And then there is an uncomfortable minute of silence when hunter reaches us with my suitcase that I had dropped on the floor.

"Oh right, yes sorry. Daniel this is Hunter, Hunter this is Daniel, my big brother!" I have never seen Daniel so serious in my entire life. Something tells me that they aren't going to get along, and that's when Hunter stretches his arm to shake his hand and adds.

"Nice to meet you!" Daniel looks at the hand and back to Hunter's face and just ignores him and looks at me.

"So how is my little princess?" I am still shocked why he was so rude to Hunter to not even shake his hand. 


Hope you liked it!! I have still got finals but I wanted to make a long chapter! So here you have it! 


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