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A week had already past and seeing Hunter in school wasn't helping me. He has called me more than ten times and tried to talk to me in school. And now was no different. Walking out of Science with Meghan I hear his husky voice call my name from behind us.

"Emily!" I have been avoiding him now for a week. I have to ignore every bone in my body to not turn around and take him back. I couldn't be that mad with him because he cheated on Hannah with me and of course the saying of once a cheater always a cheater circled in my head. Meghan turns around to look at him as she whispers,

"Keep walking." The minute I kicked hunter out of my house and the tears began to stream down I called Meghan over. I didn't want to be alone and she stayed the night with me as we watched movies and ate pizza instead of ice cream. Hunter rushed over to us holding onto his backpack hanging off his shoulder.

"This Saturday is Valentine's day and I wanted to take you out for dinner so we could sort this out." Did he actually think over dinner and a few roses I would forget about all this? I totally had forgotten about Valentine's day and of course, I'm single once again on this shitty day. I find valentines cute and all but mainly I find it more about marketing. If you think about it it's a way of making people take their loved one to eat at fancy restaurants and to buy them gifts like roses and chocolates.

"I don't know what you want to fix when clearly this is over!" I say still walking at a faster pace to make him lose us. But knowing him he just continues to walk alongside us as he reaches for my arm.

"I really messed up and I've apologized many times. I'm asking you for a second chance that's all. Just dinner on Saturday." I suddenly stop and think about all the pain I have been feeling this week. And especially when I see Christina walking around school looking all cute and innocent. Was I actually thinking of giving him a second chance? I understand people make stupid choices and we are all humans but this had to do with my feelings. I can't let go of the fact he cheated on me.

"I need time for myself!" And without releasing I hear a loud bang. I look back and Hunter has clearly lost it. Everyone is staring at us now. I walk back to him and grab his wrist as I examine his bright red knuckles that had just punched the metal lockers. I pull him into an empty classroom to talk in private as everyone looked at the scene.

"What the fuck was that about? You don't get want you want and you get all violent and pissed about it? That is not going to win me back." I say taking a step back to leave the right amount of space between us. 

His hand passes through his hair as he looks up straight into my eyes. I hate when he does this because he just stares at me with full of emotion in his eyes as silence surrounds us.

"Stop that. I'm letting you speak to me so now is your only chance." I had never felt this punch pain over someone before and the fact that I made Hannah feel this pain too was horrible. Not only she lost her boyfriend she also lost her best friend.

"I am sorry. There is nothing going on with Christina and I. I swear. You are the one I love." I really want to believe him and throw myself on top of him but it's not that easy.

"It's not only about Christina. All the lies and things you have been hiding from your past. We were in a relationship and I opened up to you and you didn't. There is no point in having this conversation because I don't know you anymore I have never truly known you. I fell in love with Hunter and I didn't care about your past but it would have been nice to know and I never pushed you on telling me I just wanted for you to tell me." For once in my life, I think that I deserve better than all of this. I have never felt like this before because I had never opened up to someone like I did with him. He takes a step closer and adds,

"The night I wanted to talk about my past, I told you the witness protection program and my real name but I had to tell you about Christina. I wanted to tell you everything but I didn't have the chance to because you kicked me out. Saturday come with me for dinner and I'll tell you everything you want to know. I want you back." I do want an explanation but I don't really need it anymore. It's too painful. 



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