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Hearing Emma say the words were just as heartbreaking as seeing her cry the other night. Nothing was going to stop me from fighting for her, I have never fought for any girl, with Hannah things were easy and I was grateful that with Emma it was different. She was my drug, she is my drug, my only drug. I can't let her slip through my fingers I won't forgive myself if I do. I go downstairs and see Fiona and Garry on the sofa cuddling up. After all, today is the most romantic day of the year. 14th February always was a very red, sexy day. Dean is in the kitchen making his breakfast.

"I need you to do something for me," I say grabbing a mug from the top cabinet. He looks over to me as he nods,

"Remember that bet you made with Emma you won? You still had some days left of her being whatever she was doing. I need you to pick her up at her house at eight PM and bring her down to the address I text you." I add. After Emma rejecting my offer of coming to dinner tonight, I've had to bring matters into my own hands and think of a way of her having dinner with me. Dean and I always help each other out so I know I could count on him with helping me. And the fact he likes Emma for me pleases me even more because that means he will definitely do it.

"What makes you think I don't have plans for this special day?" I am so sure he doesn't have anything plan I could put my hand on fire and swear on it. I smirk at him questioning him.

"What have you prepared? A romantic dinner with Jennifer?" I laugh at that thought just picturing him all dressed up for a romantic getaway with no sex during the dinner. He wouldn't do that. He hasn't experienced love yet but he will eventually and laugh back at all these one night stands with half of the girls from school.

"I'm going to the lake house with Laura." I laugh even harder. Laura was this girl he slept with last year. She wasn't all there, she was crazy over him. Dean had this rule of not sleeping with the same girl after the same month they had met. Laura didn't like that rule and constantly was knocking around at our house asking for Dean. I remember the last night she came without asking, I told her that Dean wasn't home but she just entered the house and saw him sat on the sofa. Dean eventually got up and made up one of the many lies he told the poor girl. This lie went too far and ended up kissing me to show her he was gay and was in a relationship with me.

" I bet you she would take you back before a blink of an eye. Well are you gonna do that for me or what? I could call Laura and tell her we broke up and you want to find your way back to dating girls. She would love you help you out on that." He should seem to like the idea of having that girl back in this life. She was a nightmare, every night knocking on the door. She was obsessed with him.

"I'll do it. Just let me text her to make sure she cancels her plans if he has already found a new boyfriend." He says glancing over at me with a smirk across his face. That thought is like getting punched in the stomach, over and over again. I heard that she was asking around to go to prom with someone else, I know it was the idea of Meghan because she doesn't care about these things. I took that under control after Garry had told me. She is mine and I wasn't going to let anyone take her away from me or even lay a hand on her. If everything goes as plan I will take her out for dinner and we will have a calm talk about everything that has gone down. If after tonight things can't be sorted I'm not sure what I will do because I need her next to me. She is the most important thing and I don't care if I have to move away to keep her all to myself.



I'll soon post the next chapter ;)

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