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I'm just looking at the menu the waiter brought us as he took us to this amazing table. It's already been five minutes but I don't mind. I could wait and if not I can stay here just looking at the city.

"Is this seat taken, Emily?" I couldn't see him, but I knew it was him. He is standing behind me. I put my menu down and slowly turn over to look at him wearing a suit. You gotta be fucking kidding me! How did I not see that Hunter was behind all of this and obviously Dean was in on his little plan? I sigh as he walks over and takes the seat in front of me. I am annoyed with myself as my continuous tells me to get up and walk out of here but my heart wants to hear him out. He always gets what he wished for and I knew he wanted me here for Valentine's day and look, here I am.

"What are you doing?" I knew Dean had left me here and now I was stuck with him. My heart hurt as I look into his eyes. I could see he was hurt and he was fighting for me. I knew everyone does mistakes but he lied to me so much. The strongest thing in a relationship was trust and now I didn't trust him. How could I? He didn't mean to lie but he didn't tell me the truth either.

"We need to talk about this. Please" This week I had seen this face to many times and every time it kills to see the pain in his eyes. I was feeling pain too but seeing the person you love in front of you with that pain because of me was too much.

Emma- Yesterday, Friday.

I am walking out of history class when I see Christina walking down the corridor. I couldn't stand looking at her. She just looks so innocent. I get into the girl's toilet and hear the door open as I lock myself in the last toilet.

"Emma?" I recognized her voice perfectly. I flush the chain and open the door. I walk up to the sink and wash my hands as she stands there looking at me. I take a step forward keeping the distance between us and add,

"You wanted something?" It hurts me to look into her eyes. She has amazing long blonde hair, she is beautiful. She was definitely the type of Hunter. I still wonder what he found in me. I am nowhere near as pretty as Christina.

"I am sorry about you and Tay... Hunter. I didn't know he had a girlfriend and just seeing him there was a trigger. I have never got over him, he was my first and I was his first." My eyes widened. Was she seriously telling me this? What would I want to know? I don't care! Right, so he lost his virginity with her. What came after was worse.

"It wasn't his fault, everything after that kiss wasn't his fault. I am so sorry Emma." So there was more than a kiss? Hunter only told me they had kissed. That is another lie to an to the many I was finding out. I am paralyzed, I can't move. I can't believe they had sex. If he had told me everything would have been much better but finding out through her is worse. She isn't to blame. Hunter is! He knew he had a girlfriend. She didn't. How could he lie to me and betray me? I walk out of the bathroom without saying anything. The tears began to roll down my chicks. I know Hunter has Science now so I walk down the opposite direction to be sure to not run into him. My head is spinning. I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. As I rush down the empty corridor looking at the floor I bump into someone. I quickly look up and see Brad. Hunter's mate from his soccer team.

"What's wrong Emma?" I know who he was but I didn't think he knew my name. I look up at him as he grabs my arm as I attempt to walk away. I am not in the mood to talk to one of Hunter's friend. I know he isn't going to tell go of my arm if I don't give him any explanation of why I'm crying my guts out. He holds me with both hands on each side of my arms as I look up once again.

"I've heard that you and Hunter are fighting." Then he has heard wrong, we aren't fighting there is no us anymore. We have broken up that's all. No fight, just no more relationship. I am so upset and angry that I just want to cry and lock myself in my room.

"We have broken up. He had sex with her. Not just a kiss! SEX!" I have to say it out loud to believe it. Christina didn't say she had slept with him but if it was more than a kiss that means it was sexual intercourse. Brad's eyebrows fly up in surprise, I bet he hadn't heard that part of the story. I feel such a fool for even considering giving him a second chance, he doesn't deserve it. I begin to cry harder, sobbing on Brad's chest as his arms wrap around my waist.

"Let go outside and get some air." He adds as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I really had never had a conversation with him before, but now here he was open to listening to my problems. I don't often open up with my personal life with people but right now I needed it. Sometimes it's better to open up to someone because they have a different view that you might have never heard and right now he was better than Meghan. Meghan has heard all of this during this week, of course, I will tell her about Christina but it's nice to talk to an outsider. We walk out of the building at sit on the bench that's under the tree. I sit next to up as he puts his arm around my shoulders once again. I am still crying when he adds,

"Emma, I know Hunter. He can be a dick sometimes with girls but trust me that you are all he thinks about." I understand what he's trying to do but right now I don't want him to back Hunter up. I look into the classroom and see a bunch of students listening to the Science teacher babble on.

"Just forget it's Hunter Okay? What should I do? He told me it was just a kiss and now the girl told me it was more that a kiss." He nods as he keeps listening to me. He is a guy so he might be able to give a reason of why Hunter did it. I know there ain't no good answer for explaining what he did to me but I am trying to understand him.

"Right, why do you believe her and not him? He could be telling the truth did you think of that? Many girls want to sleep with him so this girl might of made it up to get you to break up with him." I understand where he is coming from because sometimes us girls can be very bitchy when it comes to our crushes. What if he is telling the truth? He still kissed her. I really want to believe him but Christina really did look sorry and I don't think she is the kind of person to make it up. She looks really responsible and sensible that's the impression she gives me. I don't know her and I have no intention of getting to know her but she looked ginda of sad for me like she didn't even know I existed.

"I really want to believe him but he doesn't deserve to have me back. He blew it! All the lies and secrets he has kept from me kills me." I say continuing to cry a little bit softer this time. My subconscious says to walk away and very speak to him again.

"I know he loves you, he even told all the boys that we couldn't go to prom with you. That you were all his and none of our hands will ever lay a hand on you. I guess I've already broken one rule and I might break the second rule too if I didn't already have a date to prom." He says smiling. I was furious at this point. Who does he think he is? I am single now and any boy in this school can have me if I want to. But of course, with Hunter cutting their dick off if they lay a hand on them is going to be hard. I really couldn't care less about prom but the point is that no boy can control my life. Hunter had taken it a step too far. I look up at Brad and give him a warm smile as I wipe the last tears.

"Get your hands off of her!" This wasn't happening right now. I cuddle more into Brad's chest. I don't want Brad to get into trouble with Hunter because I knew they are friends. I get up and walk over furious at Hunter.

"Don't ever I mean ever forbid boys to lay there hands on me. Do you understand me? I am done with you Hunter. I hate you so much. You lying bastard." I say as tears begin to roll down my face in anger and pain at the same time. I would have never had the gut to tell him this before but after what Brad told me. I had to tell him straightforward that he couldn't control me anymore. He looks over at Brad who was now standing by my side.

"I'll take you home." Brad says. I nod. I wasn't waiting for Hunter to answer me, I didn't even want to hear it so I just begin to walk to the car park with Brad next to me. I get into the car and see Hunter still standing there. Brad drives me home as the drive home was quiet silence. 



Hoped you like this chapter ;) Just a few more chapter to finish book 1 ;) CAN'T WAIT!

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