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Hunter- present day

I wasn't sure what her reaction would be when she saw me. It could have been worse, the good news is that she is still sitting in front of me. I was hurt, this week I have felt so so empty. Just knowing that I had betrayed the trust of Emma was worse than seeing her cry. I had stepped over her. I didn't tell her anything about my past and the fact that she had every right to know because she opened up to me like a book and I just kept shutting down. The waiter came in with a bottle of champagne.

"I don't think we need that, we are definitely not celebrating anything!" She says in a harsh voice. The waiter pulls back in surprise, he was only trying to do his job and Emma just threw her anger at him. I nod and give him an understanding smile.

"We'll have red wine please." I say after looking at her.

"Of course Sir." He disappears back into the salon. I can see her shiver so I take my blazer off and get up as I wrap it around her shoulders. It's a nice view from here but it's February and believe me it's cold outside. She offers me a small smile as I sit back down and begin to speak,

"Em, Dean and I got into a mess when we were seventeen years old. A mafia gang was after us and the secret service got involved and put us under witness protection. Dean and I had to move away from Beverly Hills and start a new life. My name was Taylor Lockwood and I got a new identity, Hunter Lane. This all happened five years ago, they put us back in high school for some stupid reason but I don't regret it because thanks to that I meet you. This week has been horrible not having you by my side. I guess you never really know how much someone means to you until you lose them." I can't keep my eyes off her beautiful green eyes, they sparkly just like the first day I spoke to her. She takes in a deep breath and says,

"Christina came to speak to me yesterday. She told me everything that happened after the kiss was her fault." What? Nothing happened after the kiss! I push her away and told her I was in a relationship. How could she have lied like that? How could Emma believe me now? No wonder she was furious. She had obviously believed Christina. 

"Nothing happened after the kiss, I swear. Emma I have never lied to you and I would never do that." The truth is I am not a liar and I have never told her a lie I just never spoke of my past. I didn't want her to find out.

"I want you again. You are mine Emily Kate Skys. Please forgive me. I made a terrible mistake and trust me I will never cheat on you again." I know it's not easy to believe because they always say that boys talk a lot of bullshit. I had never loved anyone like I love Emma. She was different and it was the best feeling having her all to myself. 

I couldn't lose her. This week was like hell and seeing her yesterday with Brad made me really mad. My adrenaline was all over the place and seeing her get in the car with him wasn't a pretty site. I wanted to beat the shit out of him but I know he was only being a friend. Brad wasn't the kind of guy to hit on a girl when she was broke and seeing her yesterday she was broken because of me, and he was the one beside her instead of me.

"I want to hate you but I can't. Don't fuck this up, Locke!" She says as she reaches for my hand on top of the table. I can't be happier right now. When I hear her say Locke my heart was beating very fast. I knew she had forgiven me, she was mine again. Emily was mine again! I get up from my seat and press my lips hard against hers. Her hands run through my hair like she always did. I kiss her like there's no tomorrow. I have been waiting for this all week and now her lips pressed against mine was the best feeling again. The kiss got more desperate as my tongue slipped it meeting hers like we always did. She pulls away as she hears the door open. I hear it too but I couldn't care less at this moment. The waiter comes in with the bottle of red wine. I am standing up next to Emma holding her hand. When the waiter leaves I take her by the hand and stand her up as she still has my blazer around her shoulders. I take her to the border of the terrace and wrap my arms around her waist as her head is resting my chest. We look at the city light in silence for a few minutes as I hold her tight against my warm body.

"You look beautiful in this red sexy dress." I finally say as I was eyeing it before. Her smell of sweet cinnamon surrounds me again. I kissed the top of her head as I still hold tight onto her waist.

"I love you Locke." Them four words are the words I will never get tired of if she would pronounce them. We sit back down and look at the menu. 



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