I'm yer dad

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Written; 04/05/20


Word Count; 1859


"I'm your dad,,,"

Lights blared around the blackened room, blue's and green's and pink's, the people in there anything but loud as they watched the blond start up the last song of the night. The strumming of the guitar started up and the band looked around at one another, almost as if letting each other know this song had to be /perfect/. Blue's and green's and pink's became brighter, became yellow's and purple's and red's- flashing on and off to attract. And that's exactly what they did.

"I'm your dad,,,"

Drums crashed, strings strummed and the band seemed so concentrated. It was almost refreshing to see the band cower under what seemed to be their new song, it reminded everyone that yes, they were human too, and they feared that their songs wouldn't come along so well to the crowd. But it did. Even after the first two lines people were already hyped. This was gonna be fucking awesome.

"I'm your dad,,,"

Whispers started to increase in the crowd, this was a new song- nobody recognised it. The basement in which they performed in slowly began to grow more confident as the lead singer grew louder and confident in his song, the same lyrics repeating before the music fully picked up and screams came from the crowd of about one hundred people.

"Call me daddy!"

This wasn't Katsuki's usual set, down in a bar like venue in which not many people showed up, the walls vibrating from their bass guitarist and the floor bouncing from the jumping and dancing of various different people- But he loved every second of it.

"Feed me food while I watch sports, In my man cave made for sports, Whores in my porn, porn in my sports, Whores and porn and whores all in my sports! Fucking sports! Fucking sports!"

Katsuki pulled himself away from the mic to practically attack his guitar, a wide grin tugged at his lips and his eyes sparkled from both the excitement of the gig and the beaming lights that lit up the place. It was unusual to see the ashen blond this way- and everyone knew it. His fans, interviewers, his band mates. Everyone. Katsuki was your bad boy band leader, his grumpy and aggressive attitude on both stage and on interviews being the thing that made him adored by many.

"'Cause I'm your dad,"

The song rang loudly from the echo of the mic, his band mates hyping him up in the background and lighting up the stage like a firework. The energy was their best. It brought so much excitement from their fans and the people that hadn't ever heard of them before but saw their advertising poster to be thrilling.

"I'm your dad! I'm your dad! Call me Daddy!"

The girls in the crowd screamed at this, bringing the oh-so-well-known and loved smirk across Katsuki's features as he sang. This is what he sung for, he sung for the freedom and expression he could create and people would still /love/ it. Jirou crashed down hard on the drums, her heart thumping along with the beat as did everyone else's- this was their life, their muse, the thing that kept them going.

"Suck my dick in my fast car, fuck me fast in my fast car, fast car fast car nascar! I park my car then fuck my! Oh, I fuck my car, I fuck my car!"

Katsuki dropped his voice to roughen the lyrics, head tilting back softly as he strummed his guitar. His gaze landed on the ceiling to focus on his breath, sweat dripping down his forehead and making his hair stick to his skin- shows always did this to him, and he'd end up being the first to rush off for a shower despite the fans wanting to talk to him. He tried his best, he really did, but people weren't exactly his forte.

"Oh I'm your dad! I'm your dad, I'm your dad, Call me daddy!,, I'm your dad,"

The pause in the song had everyone going confused, the band stopped playing and heavy breaths where pulled away from the mics so it wouldn't drag around the room like the music had. If the members didn't end up like this during breaks they didn't deem themselves good enough that night, didn't bounce and jump enough or had the best show they could have. The ashen blond leaned close to the mic, eyes now scanning over the crowd to make eye contact with as many as he could've before practically groaning out the next lyrics,

"And I got a really big dick,"

The music started up again and Katsuki practically threw himself away from the mic to strum his guitar, pressing up close to Kaminari on the bass guitar as they both belted down the electric blonde's mic.

"Oh I'm your dad! I'm your dad!"

Katsuki manoeuvred  his way around the stage as if he'd done it a million times, having had it memorised like the back of his hand despite this being the first time he'd performed here. He pressed up against Mina, their electric guitarist, with a grin.

"I'm your dad!" 

Their voiced matched perfectly, the bright haired girl bouncing in excitement as she belted the lyrics along with Katsuki- she was always fun, loving and excitable, she was one of the favourites in the band for her cuteness despite their fan base being full of rockers.

"Call me Daddy!"

Katsuki pulled from her mic to bounce his way around the stage, careful as not trip but be lively and make the crowd even more hyped for the first sounding of their new song. The music slowly faded out and eventually came to a stop, the band giving themselves a moment or two to catch a breath before Katsuki made his way up to his mic with a laugh.

"Thank you! The hype for that song was,, beyond what I was expecting. That was a sneak peak for our surprise release which was suppose to be in a few hours, called 'I'm yer dad,' but, whatever, many of you may not have realised we released it just before the show. We thought we'd release it now," The ashen blond winked towards the crowd before pulling back and shouting a quick "Have a good night!" Before the four of them left the stage, taking the gear that they could with them and leaving the rest for the team to pick up later.

Rolling his shoulders till a satisfying pop sound was heard, the other three of the group bounced around Katsuki- giving each other high fives and well done's on how well they'd performed all of their songs.

"We rocked!" Kaminari cheered, pumping a fist into the air as they left the room, into an area they where given to relax in before leaving. The electric blond let himself fall down on to the couch, fingers gently dragging themselves up and down the string of his guitar with a laugh.

Small mutters of agreement where heard around the room as the group sat down to rest, Katsuki leaning himself against the wall opposite the couch that the other three squashed themselves onto. Despite being so pumped and energetic from the gig, the four of them where tired, sweaty and just wanted to rest for the night. Well, what was left of the night at least.

"I just wanna shower, these clothes are sticking to me like fucking honey," The ashen blond grumbled, eyes rolling as his hand moved to pull the front of the black tank top he wore away from his torso.

"I've told you this so many times, dude. Do gigs shirtless, you're a guy! Just put some sharpie tattoo's all over yourself and let them sweat off, I'm sure the fans will think that's hot," Mina sighed, watching Katsuki with her own eyeroll- though, hers seemed to be more playful and light-hearted, a teasing way of shutting the boy up.

"And I've told you, no, fuck off- I already get enough weird girls stalking my every move and making,,, really odd fan-art. Though most of them are chill," He shrugged, pushing himself off the wall "Whatever, doesn't matter. We should help the team bring out stuff back so we can go back to the hotel already,"

Sighs filled the room at that and the three of them stood up "Oi, fuckin' be grateful and go help," The ashen blond snarled at them and they scurried out the room faster, the two girls dragging each other along and Kaminari dropping off his guitar before leaving. Taking a minute or two, Katsuki soon followed after to help.


Sighing heavily, the ashen blond let the warm water run down his face and chest. Hands lifted to drag through his now flattened hair and he let his muscles relax. It wasn't often Katsuki got to give himself half an hour to destress and take the heavy load of his life off his shoulders, to just let his mind wander to anything but the upcoming shows or interviews. It was peaceful, calm. Something he definitely wasn't used to.

It was a nice feeling, the smell of his shampoo that he dragged along his scalp in a massage filled the bathroom of the hotel he stayed at and his fruity shower gel mixed in a soft swirl in the air. The steam fogged up the mirrors in a way that Katsuki didn't have to see himself, letting himself escape from the image he held up to people that didn't know him personally and the image he kept up for the media. Despite that not being too far from his normal personality, the boy still found it hard to cope with- and shower times where his escape from it all along with playing the music he loved so dearly.

The peace that came with the shower was ended as soon as it began, or that's how it felt to the loud ashen blond. Loud bangs erupting from his door, and a voice he wished he didn't have to hear so early into his time of relaxing came from outside.

"Hurry up man, you can't stay in there forever! I need to shower too!"

Kaminari. Perfect. Of all the times he had to share a room with the electric blond it just had to be after the big night of their new song release (Which, as all four band members knew, wasn't suppose to be revealed for another few hours- but they'd let it go right before the show as a surprise,) and he couldn't take his usual time to soak in the shower. Fuck it.

With an annoyed groan, Katsuki reached to turn off the shower after he quickly rinsed his hair and pulled himself out- grabbing a towel to wrap it around his waist before he swung open the door violently. The two blonds where now face-to-face, one scowling and the other holding a nervous smile. "I hope the water freezes you to death." Katsuki growled out, softly, though- he didn't actually mean it of course.

This was definitely going to be one long night.

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