Shitty Waiter

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Written; 7/5/202


Word count; 1842


Morning had been rough. The ashen blond had woken up to obnoxiously loud music from the other side of the hotel room and clothes thrown everywhere. Especially on his bed. Great. Fucking fantastic. This is why he hated sharing a room with the other boy, things would get real messy real quick and he'd be the one who had to clean it all before they left. Katsuki was honestly surprised he wasn't the first to wake up, since he would normally go for a run or something, come back and shower by the time Kaminari's alarm. Not that the electric blond would wake up for it. Waking the boy up usually included a large pillow and screaming.

Sighing softly, Katsuki sat himself up and lifted a hand to rub at his eyes. Arms then stretched over his head with a yawn, waiting till he felt awake enough to then actually get up and out of bed.

"What the fuck have you done?" The blonde's voice was groggy from sleep- rough and brittle- though somehow silky smooth, like honey. His eyes scanned over the mess that Kaminari had created with a heavy sigh, letting his gaze wander till it hit the other boy with an unamused look, eyebrow arched in a way that told him to fucking hurry up and answer already.

"I'm getting dressed, leave me alone,"

"It looks like you've gone through a fucking war!"

"Well, sleeping with your loud ass makes me feel like I have!" At that, the electric blond stuck his tongue out at the other before hurrying his way into the bathroom before Katsuki could attack him or hog it. The door shut with a loud bang and Katsuki winced softly, rolling his eyes before moving to his suitcase where he packed a few outfits for the night they stayed before they'd be moving on to their next show. They weren't on tour, no, not yet. But their boss had suggested setting up a few shows around the country to try and boost both their confidence and popularity. The four of them had reluctantly agreed, wanting nothing more than a break after writing for weeks on end and practising nearly every day.

"Why are you even trying to get all dressed up anyway? I didn't think we were doing much today," Katsuki had raised his voice a little, despite the walls being thin he knew that the other boy would be getting himself dolled up for whatever reason.

"We're going out for food! Mina said that we should go out and eat at a nice place down town as a celebration for the new song!" Even through the door, the ashen blond could tell that Kaminari was grinning as he did whatever he was doing, the cheer in his voice evident.

He didn't even bother to reply, even though he thought that was a terrible idea. It was a waste of time and they never really celebrated things like this- But what the girls say usually goes, what they planned usually went /so/ well or /horribly/ wrong- it was always a blindfolded experience. Katsuki got to cleaning the room, having noticed that Kaminari was already dressed and assumed he wouldn't need all of the items on the floor- before getting dressed and ready himself.


Oh how Katsuki was wrong. By the time the four of them had reached the place they were eating: Kaminari had changed three more times after leaving the bathroom, the girls came down to the lobby twenty minutes late and Katsuki already wanted to go back to sleep. Having to go to sleep at four in the morning and then getting up and being ready by twelve in the afternoon was not fun. At all.

And by the time they had gotten to their choice of food place, Katsuki was /starving./ The four of them sat down at a round table, red leather bench like seats curving around the polished wood perfectly. It was fancy. The girls had picked nicely- But it wouldn't have been the ashen blonds first choice of place, he liked the more- pick at the food with your hands kind of places, despite being the tidy one of the four. He ate like a pig.

It wasn't long after the four had been seated that their menu's were handed to them by a waiter, a friendly looking boy their age and- whoa. His hair was bright. The ashen blond couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he let his gaze drag up and down the other, curious as to how someone their age worked somewhere so fancy like this. Sure, they're collage students and all, but how could a part time job be handled here- he mustn't have many classes. Katsuki kept with that thought as he was quickly dragged out of his head by a hand waving in front of his face and an embarrassed boy smiling at him. He blinked. Oh. Right.

"Ah, You're back,, can I take your order now?" His order? OH RIGHT. Katsuki rolled his eyes softly as if to brush of his now flustering embarrassment and the laughter of his band members from the side of him.

"I'll have the spiciest thing on your menu, Shitty hair," Katsuki smirked softly, leaning his arms against the table and letting his hands fold together by his face. The waiter looked almost taken back by that and Katsuki noticed how the boy took a quick look up at his hair before puffing his cheeks out a little.

"Ignoring your insult and moving on,, The spiciest thing, got it," The red head gave a soft nod, writing it down on the notepad before smiling up on the other. He opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Katsuki.

"Seriously though, you blend in with the fucking seats, dude,"

"I'll have to politely ask you to not use the foul language in case other customers over hear. My hair may match the seats but its not something you should comment on, not with your dress sense after all. You really dont fit in with this place," The red head sent the boy a wink before giving the other three a smile "Your orders will be out soon, have a nice meal,"

With that, the boy walked off and left behind the four stunned band members. It took a moment before the pink haired girl snorted, starting a chain reaction of the other two laughing and caving in together. Nobody ever spoke back to the ashen blond, it was a rare sight. The red head mustn't have known who he was.

With a sigh, Katsuki leaned back in his seat and he crossed his arms over his chest in a grumpy way. His outfit was fine. He looked down at himself after a second with raised brows. Yeah, he totally looked fine: Black skinny jeans with a plain t-shirt on, sure, he wasn't dressed in the most fanciest way but he hadn't exactly been told there was a dress code or where they were going. That wasn't fair on his behalf.


An hour later, the four of them had been served and eaten their food and lucky enough for them- the red head hadn't served them for most of the night. A few had even noticed that the waiter had practically been avoiding their table, but thought nothing too much of it but plain embarrassment from their earlier encounters.

It was a nice place to sit and eat, the atmosphere was home like and the people there seemed friendly. It was fancy, of course, and the girls had dressed up for it of course- nice dresses which definitely did not compliment their every day outfits of ripped jeans and tank tops. Mina and Jirou were usually the ones to plan outfits, hair and makeup for the shows, so it was no surprise they knew how to look /stunning./

By the time they had finished their meals, both the girls and Kaminari were already hungry again, leaving them having to stay for dessert. Unlucky for Katsuki, of course, the red head just /had/ to serve them- and not only that, make a friendly conversation with the other three band members on how their day had been and blah-blah-blah. It wasn't like the ashen blond was listening, more staring. What was it about the red head that his friends seemed to like? His shitty hair? His smile? His voice? Or was that just what he found interesting?

"You good there Bakubro?" A light voice brought him back to reality, looking over to the side of him to see Mina with a huge grin on her face. He gave a soft grunt in reply, eyebrow raising as if to silently ask 'Why? What's wrong?'

"Oh nothing, you just seem to like staring, is all," Her grin became more of a smirk as Katsuki became confused, taking a moment before his lip twitched up in an annoyed manner. "Shut up!" He practically snarled- only to have his attention moved at the sound of small laughter. Him.

"It's fine, really, I should get going now anyway, my shift is almost over and I have a few tables to serve before I can go. Good luck with whatever It is you guys are doing," The red head gave them a big smile and a wave before leaving to finish his shift and let the four of them carry on with their day.


The streets were cold, the chill of the night brushing up against the arms of the ones who didn't bring their jackets and bringing the leaves of the trees into a sweet dance. It was poetic. Stars lit up the sky like lampposts for the galaxy, the rising moon singing soft melodies into the wind like an old record player starting up after many years of no use and the pitter patter of feet landing against the cobble pavements in a rhythm so natural and soft.

Nights like these were Katsuki's favourite, it clashed so colourfully with his normal every day life that the change was refreshing. Bright, flashing lights dissolved into dark night skies, clouds of alcohol shifted to swirls of fresh air and show lights turn into the soft glow of street lights. With his close friends by his side, the night was perfect, not too cold but enough to have a comfortable set of goose bumps run down his arms and make his hair stand on end.  

The night couldn't get any better, and that's when Katsuki had decided it was definitely going to get worse. A soft breath escaped past the boys chapped lips as the other three bickered about whatever it was, the ashen blond blocking it out as he watched his breath curl around and dance within the soft wind of the night. It was beautiful, but as all beautiful things do, it came to an end- whisking away into the night.

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