Act 3: Scene 11

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It is a cold morning at a bustling Muggle train station — King's Cross. The roof is high, with a framework of cast iron brackets that stretch to meet a curving, barrel-vaulted ceiling of many yellow skylights. A man in a high collared black jacket looms near the barrier between platforms nine and ten, his back to the audience.

A train car arrives. It takes up much of the stage. The doors open and travelers exit. The tracks are separated from the platform by bricked archways, upon each column is a wreath and a holiday poster. It is Christmastime once again. Hogwarts students are coming home and a few parents on stage are eager to use the entry point at King's Cross to greet their children at a secret platform reserved for wizarding families.

One such couple walks the length of the stage. The wife is reading RITA SKEETER's new book, whispering details to her husband who looks both shocked and amused. This interaction comes to an immediate halt when they notice the man in the high collared jacket. It is HARRY POTTER. He glares at them as they lower their gaze and sneak through the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters.

HARRY faces the audience. He looks paler and more fatigued than ever, yet hyper-aware of his surroundings. There is a feverish craving in his eyes that is unfamiliar to us. HARRY is inspecting everything on the platform. He is waiting for someone. And when DRACO MALFOY enters at an even pace, impeccably dressed, with that signature long black glove on his left hand, HARRY's eyes widen and he moves forward, concealing himself masterfully in the architecture of the station, predator stalking prey.

HARRY swoops in behind DRACO and jabs his wand into DRACO's back, who is taken by surprise and comes to a stop.

HARRY (without emotion): Walk.

Together, they move to a quieter corner of the station. DRACO is trying not to panic.

DRACO: What's this about? Whatever you're planning, I can be of assistance. I am very influential in certain circles and if given the chance How can I help?

HARRY: Did I say you could talk?

A look of recollection comes to DRACO.

DRACO (with a sickly smile): Potter? Is that you? How funny. I admire your confidence. But what on earth do you think you can do to me in front of all these Muggles?

HARRY: End this charade, Malfoy. I know you're involved.

DRACO: Dear, oh dear. You're making quite the fuss. Skeeter wanted a quote because of our history. I knew you'd be offended by the comparison, but this you're being ridiculous. And however important your reputation may be to some — it doesn't give you an excuse to

HARRY jabs the wand harder. DRACO winces.

Tell ya what...

HARRY (his voice strained): I don't give a toss about the ruddy book!

DRACO: My mistake. To what "charade" are you referring?

HARRY pulls DRACO behind a column.

HARRY: How'd yeh do it? How'd you trick the Red Caps?

DRACO: Red what-nows? (beat) Potter, I think you need a good sleep. In fact, I know just the elixir that can

HARRY spins him round. He pressed the tip of his wand into DRACO's chin.

HARRY: Red Caps. They're like goblins, with a nose for detecting blood. All sorts. I dispatched three of them to follow your son during the inquiry, using me as the standard. They claimed there was no sign of my blood in him. So tell me how did you outsmart them?

DRACO: I'm sincerely confused. Why would your blood...?

HARRY: Voldemort was reborn during our fourth year using my blood. That would pass to his heir. But the Red Caps said there wasn't any trace, and there should've been. Something was done to trick them.

DRACO: What are you implying, Potter?

HARRY: Your son... so-called... is the heir of Lord Voldemort.

DRACO: How dare you!

HARRY: Scorpius is the Augurey.

DRACO: You take that back... right now.

HARRY: Bane told me he sensed a darkness around my son. Near my son. It all makes sense. That's how you knew about the mask. The Tempest gave him to you to raise after your wife died. Befriending Albus... it was all part of their plan to infiltrate my life and my family. And you went along with it. How did you make him look so young? Aging Potion? He should be ten years older by my account. How did you get Scorpius into Hogwarts, I wonder? Must have gone to great lengths...

DRACO: These are very dangerous allegations.

There is a pause. HARRY looks menacing. DRACO changes to a defensive stance.

HARRY: The Hogwarts Express is arriving shortly, and I will take him this time. If you do not tell me the truth right now I will take him by any means necessary.

DRACO: You're wrong. You're wrong!

HARRY: This is all news to you, then? Hmm? The Tempest? Lord BLITZFANGER?

HARRY lowers his wand and opens his arms wide, his expression discouraging.

DRACO (an awed whisper): So, it is true. You're Blitzfanger.

He takes HARRY in.

And I see you have Voldemort's old wand. (beat) I never thought... Not you...

HARRY: Tell me what you know. The Hogwarts Express will be arriving shortly.

DRACO (suddenly eager): You don't understand. There are powers much greater than us at work. They've been planning this for twenty years. They're in everything, Harry. From branch to root. Ever since that child was born, they've been working toward this goal. It's happening, whether we want it to or not. Make no mistake.

HARRY: Then it is Scorpius.

DRACO: No. My son was never a part of it.

DRACO is getting angry.

The only mistake he ever made was following his heart and choosing to be best friends with a Potter.

HARRY: If you believe that, they've Confunded you. (beat) I've seen Bellatrix, Draco. She told me the heir was born at Malfoy Manor. That's where the rumors originated.

The tension is ratcheting up as HARRY persists.

Scorpius was never your son.

DRACO: You are wrong!

HARRY: He is the child of Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort, conceived with the sole purpose of creating a seventh Horcrux.

DRACO: Take it back!

But HARRY doesn't take it back. So, DRACO takes out his wand.

I'll fight you if I must. To protect my son. And don't think the presence of Muggles will prevent me from inflicting punishment.

HARRY readies himself. They stare each other down.

HARRY: You do not want to do this.

DRACO: Yes, I do.

HARRY: I need answers. I don't want to hurt you, Draco.

DRACO: How interesting, because I do want to hurt you.

The two square up. And then release their wands.

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