Act 3: Scene 11 (continued)

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DRACO hits HARRY directly in the chest with a spell, point blank. HARRY caves forward in a fit of violent coughing. He ducks into the open and empty train. DRACO follows. HARRY is quick to reset, he blasts a bolt of red light at DRACO, who just manages to get out of the way. An interior wall of the train explodes. DRACO returns fire. HARRY dodges the blast from DRACO's wand.

Jets of bright light fly from both wands as we see the two adversaries ducking and jumping, slashing and swinging from behind the train windows. HARRY throws a potion vial to the ground and a cloud of angry yellow smoke fills the car. As the stationmasters run into the compartment to diagnose the problem, we see HARRY and DRACO climbing to the roof of the train from opposite ends.

DRACO is first to act, sending HARRY sprawling backwards. He aims his wand at the train car below his feet and it grinds forward into the next car. HARRY is pinned between them. Before DRACO can enjoy the small victory...

HARRY: Incarcerous!

DRACO is bound tightly. HARRY wiggles his way free and climbs to the roof.

You've been practicing, Draco. That really the best you got?

DRACO: Not by a long shot.

DRACO releases his own binds. Below, the Muggles have yet to notice the duel. The smoke has kept them occupied. Both men face one another. They cast simultaneously. Their wands repel and then break apart, sending their spells back at them. DRACO throws himself out of the way. HARRY is sent twirling through the air. DRACO laughs. HARRY gets to his feet, still coughing.

HARRY: Good. Enjoy yourself, Malfoy. These are the last minutes of your life.

DRACO: True, I really thought you'd try to murder me by now. What was that horrible curse you used during our sixth year at Hogwarts?

HARRY: Thanks for the reminder. Obscura!

HARRY hits DRACO with a spell. A black blindfold appears over DRACO's eyes, covering his vision. DRACO acts quickly, he knows what's coming.

DRACO: Accio Briefcase!

HARRY: Sectumsempra!

A brown briefcase is torn from a traveler's hand. DRACO releases himself from the blindfold as soon as the briefcase hits him in the chest. DRACO has just enough time to use the briefcase to block the blast from Harry. The brown leather is slashed to ribbons.

DRACO (panicked): You're actually trying to kill me...

DRACO sees his chance to escape. He starts to run down the length of the train car. HARRY, enjoying every second of his changed identity, aims VOLDEMORT's wand at DRACO's feet.

HARRY: You poor creature. Thinking you can escape me.

A bolt of fiery orange light bursts around DRACO's legs. And then, to our complete shock, DRACO's feet are raised to the sky and he is pulled, as if falling upwards, to the ceiling of yellow skylights. He crashes into them and confusedly stands. Gravity has reversed for DRACO, and he's a little frightened by it.

The Muggles saw this as it happened. Chaos ensues on the platform as they run screaming. HARRY hits his own legs with a similar spell, which allows him to walk up the side of the building until he reaches the ceiling. Now, upside down, the two wizards prepare to continue dueling.

DRACO: You're deranged!

HARRY: A man can only be pushed so far.

DRACO readies his wand, but as he does... HARRY sends spell after spell at him. DRACO dodges each one and fires back. HARRY rolls away from a curse. He cracks off a spell as he gets to his knees. DRACO has to throw himself out of the way.

The two wizards abandon magic and run at one another. They wrestle across the ceiling. DRACO finally gets the upper hand. He pins HARRY to the skylights and glances down at the terrified Muggles below.

DRACO (breathless): The Muggles — they saw everything. You've broken so many laws. Percy will make you hang for this!

HARRY (grunting): What does that matter? What does any of it matter now?

DRACO takes HARRY by the lapels and shakes him vigorously, trying to rattle some sense into him.

DRACO: Stop, Harry! Why would you go this far? Do you have a death wish or something?

HARRY: Tell me about the Augurey!

DRACO: I've told you everything I know.

HARRY (with a sinister laugh): It's all right. I'll get your son to talk.

DRACO: Stay away from Scorpius!

HARRY: I want the TRUTH!

DRACO: And you'll do what with it? Nothing you can do will bring back Ginny — or Albus. They're gone. But it's not too late for you to —

Beat, DRACO leans back.

Why are you smiling?

HARRY ignites a burst of fiery orange light around DRACO's legs. DRACO drops suddenly from the ceiling, falling hard to the roof of the train. He bounces and tumbles awkwardly off the edge to the platform. The remaining MUGGLES scream as a spell lights up around HARRY's legs and he walks slowly down the wall until he is, once again, on the ground level.

DRACO fights to get to his feet. He limps forward and readies his wand.

HARRY: Expelliarmus!

DRACO switches the wand to his gloved hand at the last second.

DRACO (weakly): Mobilicorpus...

HARRY sidesteps the bolt with ease and advances casually.

HARRY: Expelliarmus!

DRACO switches the wand again to his other hand. His left arm is torn back by the blast, and he loses his balance, but he can still fire off a spell.

DRACO (weaker still): Expulso...

HARRY casts a shield charm. The explosion happens a few feet in front of him.

HARRY: Expelliarmus!

Exhausted, DRACO switches the wand to his gloved hand... but HARRY has caught on to the trick.


DRACO's wand flies through the air. With it, the long black glove. DRACO clutches his exposed arm, feebly. HARRY continues his steady approach, and we can see by the expression on his face that the arm looks ghastly. DRACO sneers and lowers his hand. He looks down at the ruin of his left arm.

DRACO (snarling): You weren't the only one he left scarred, Potter.

HARRY: You tried to remove the Dark Mark? Draco, you... had to know this would happen.

DRACO: I chose my side. With Astoria.

DRACO turns his back to HARRY. He finds his wand next to a toppled trolley. DRACO limps toward it as HARRY takes aim.

And I'll continue to choose my family. Even if it kills me.

HARRY sighs and looks away in irritation. He lowers his wand and takes something gold out of his pocket.

HARRY: That's it. I'm through trying to force you.

HARRY grabs hold of DRACO, who faces him uncertainly. He looks down as HARRY reveals the Time-Turner. It shines out alluringly.

DRACO: What — what are you doing?

HARRY: Getting the truth.

HARRY spins the Time-Turner. It begins to vibrate and then explodes into a storm of movement. And with it, the stage starts to transform. The Christmas wreaths vanish with the trolleys and suitcases. The train pulls out of the empty station. The two men look at the Time-Turner. And there is a giant whoosh of light. A smash of noise. And time stops. And then it turns over, thinks a bit, and begins spooling forward, slow at first... and then it speeds up.

Fade to black

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