Act 4: Scene 7

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HARRY and HERMIONE are still at the edge of the forest. It is still night. The dementors are gone. But the stage is now bathed in a green glow. Suddenly a cloudy figure of light emerges in front of them, floating above the castle. It is the original Dark Mark — a fiery green skull with a serpent tongue. HERMIONE turns away from HARRY. She needs to grieve. HARRY wants to console her. This is quite a long and sorrowful moment.

HARRY: Ron was incredibly brave.

HERMIONE keeps her back to him.

Hermione, I...

HERMIONE: Stop talking to me.

HARRY: I needed Dumbledore's advice.

HERMIONE (pained): We trusted you.

HARRY: You can still trust me.

HERMIONE whirls around. She stares menacingly at him.

HERMIONE: Can I, Harry? Are you not leaving anything else out?

HARRY looks down.

That's what I thought.

HARRY: You can trust that I've got the best intentions.

HERMIONE: And where has that gotten you with Ginny and Albus?

HARRY is stung by this. HERMIONE sighs.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have

HARRY: No, you're right.

HERMIONE hugs HARRY. Together, they grieve.

HERMIONE: Well, let's get to it. We have three lives to... save... now.

They notice the Dark Mark and exit the forest.

That shouldn't be here. Not yet.

HARRY: Draco must've been wrong about the time.

A DETERMINED VOICE can be heard casting a spell, followed by a burst of green light illuminating the highest castle tower.

DETERMINED VOICE (from off): Avada Kedavra!

HARRY: No... Dumbledore...

HARRY unconsciously steps toward the school, his expression revealing all. HERMIONE pulls him back. It is a struggle.

HERMIONE: They can't see you, Harry — it might damage time — and we're not doing that. No way are you going to risk being seen — not after what Ron sacrificed.

HARRY: But...

HERMIONE: Dumbledore is dead, Harry.

There is a distant thump, as ALBUS DUMBLEDORE has landed after dropping from the castle. HARRY stares in shock. HERMIONE reaches into HARRY's pocket and takes out the Time-Turner. She looks at it uncertainly, and we are meant to understand that HERMIONE pulled out the wrong Time-Turner. She hesitates and then spins it. There is a small, but jarring bang and a flash, and the Dark Mark recedes from the sky.

HARRY looks down, still dazed, as HERMIONE replaces the Time-Turner and trudges up to the castle.

HARRY: What happened?

HERMIONE: I took us back an hour. Get out the map. We don't want to be seen.

She wipes the tears from her eyes.

The dangers of infecting time — are too great.

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