Act 4: Scene 8

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The stage is littered with piles of furniture. There are stacks of books, goblets, and cauldrons that come to a point at varying heights, creating many oblong shadows. The only real light is coming from a long taper candle at center stage in a silver chamberstick candle holder. It is on the floor beside a resting YOUNG DRACO, who sleeps at the foot of a simple oak-paneled cabinet. HERMIONE and HARRY enter, their wands alight. They look around the room.

HERMIONE: Honestly, I was worried. What if the room kept itself hidden from us?

HARRY (after a beat): Hermione. I hadn't considered that.

HERMIONE (curtly): I know.

HERMIONE stops and looks apologetically at HARRY.

I'm sure we would've found a solution.

They walk on, navigating the awkward passages made by towers of discarded objects. HERMIONE knocks into one of the stacks. A potion bottle falls. HARRY catches it before it hits the floor. A halo of light shines upon a small red apple a few feet away. HARRY notices the apple and picks it up. He looks around and spots the vanishing cabinet. He gestures to HERMIONE.

HARRY: It must have rolled away.

HERMIONE leads them to the cabinet, careful not to make a sound, careful not to knock anything else over. They stand over YOUNG DRACO. It's much easier to see him now in the light of their wands. He is practically curled in a ball under a Slytherin house robe beside his wand and the chamberstick candle holder. Soft, angelic music is heard.

HERMIONE: Look at him, Harry. Draco is...

HARRY: ...a kid. He's just a kid.

HARRY's expression reveals the guilt he feels for never forgiving DRACO MALFOY.

HERMIONE: He looks so innocent.

HARRY: And terribly frightened.

HARRY lowers his wand so they can better see YOUNG DRACO.

I was wrong about him. Wasn't I?

HERMIONE: We both were. No child should have to endure this kind of pressure.

HARRY: I'd like to think — under different circumstances — that I would listen to Al. That, perhaps, if he insisted again on changing my mind — I would be willing to give Draco... and Scorpius... another chance.

HERMIONE: I suppose you'll find out, won't you?

HARRY: Yes. I will.

HERMIONE leans down and carefully plucks a long blonde hair from the boy's head. She stands and makes to leave. HARRY lingers. He is looking back and forth between YOUNG DRACO and the vanishing cabinet.

HERMIONE: Harry. They will be back — we don't have long.

HARRY nods. He places the apple beside YOUNG DRACO. HARRY exits with HERMIONE. The soft music diminishes.

Fade to black 

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