Chapter Three-Books Galore

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Layna felt like she had just put her book down and closed her eyes when hands were shaking her awake.
"Roy, stop it! I like my sleep!" Whined Layna.
"Layna, it's me," Said Emley, standing beside her bed.
"Oh, sorry," replied her little sister.
Emley sighed. "What book was so good that you couldn't put down?"
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."
"For what, the fifth time?"
"No, the ninth," Said Layna smugly.
"Ok, whatever. Breakfast is ready. Mom wants to leave in an hour."
"Kk," responded Layna. Now that breakfast was mentioned, Layna could smell sausage, waffles, hashbrowns, eggs and bacon. She also heard loud music from the kitchen. The two sisters went downstairs to find Dad, Roy, and Troy dancing to Dad's amplified music. The music was blasting from muggle speakers as loud as it could go. The two brothers jumped around Dad in circles.
"I'm going to go before this gets weird," said Emley and made her way to her bedroom.
"Umm, GUYS!" screeched Layna. Dad imedietly shut off the music and Roy and Troy froze like ice.
"It was his idea!" Roy and Troy pointed at each other in unison.
"No, it was your idea!" Screeched Roy. At those words, Troy launched himself into an arguement. They yelled and cried at each other.
"Dad," said Layna. "Can you get them away from each other before someone gets hurt?"
He smiled as his said "Stupefy!" His wand pointed at the brothers, they fell over backwards.
"Oof!" Then, as though nothing had happened, Roy and Troy sat down at the table and stuffed their mouths with bacon. Layna shook her head and filled her plate with averything, but the bacon(there was none left). Ten minutes later, Mom and Emley came back to the kitchen.
"Roy, Troy," scolded Mom."We wanted some bacon too. No bacon for you for a week."
They looked like they were about to cry.
"We're leaving in ten minutes," said Mom."Go get dressed kids."
"Ok Mom" replied all four kids.
After everybody was dressed, the family met at the fireplace. Mom opened a small container filled with fine powder.
"Floo Powder, you've all used this before. Just step in the fireplace, say 'Diagon Alley' and throw the powder." stated Mom. "Layna, you go first."
"Why can't I go first?" whined Troy.
"Because Layna's older," replied Emley simply.
Layna stepped into the fireplace and grabbed a handful of the Floo Powder. "Diagon Alley!" Layna wa swallowed by emerald green flames. She turned and twisted through countless tunnels, keeping her arms tucked into her chest. Then, as soon as it started, it had stopped. Layna climbed out of a different fireplace, covered in ashes. She had read about a spell that would clean her in an instant. 'Scorgify' it was called.
Emley suddenly came whizzing out of the fireplace. Regaining her footing, she said: "Wow! I'll never get used to that. Oh here, Scorgify!" As though they were water, the ashes on both sisters evaporated into thin air. Troy then came into view, closely followed by Roy. Then Mom, then Dad. After eveyone was ash free, Mom started   speaking.
"Ok, so the plan is that Emley and Layna, you two do your school shopping while us four go to The Leaky Cauldron. But first, we have to go to Gringotts." The family then entered the gigantic golden building filled with goblins. Multiple vaults later, holding their money bags, they parted ways. Emley and Layna decided to go to Flourish and Blotts first.
Layna felt like she had just walked into a dream. Rows and rows of books made her feel extremly content. She looked down at her supply list.
The Standered Book of Spells,Grade One, By Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic, By Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory, By Aldabert Waffling
A Begginer's Guide to Transfiguration, By Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, By Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions, By Argenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, By Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, By Quentin Trimble

Layna navigated her way throuugh the bookstore. At first, she was confused at why she needed Fantastic Beasts. First-years weren't taking any courses including animals. But she forgot about that, why refuse so much imformation? After finding all of her textbooks, Layna wandered around the store. She did have some extra birthday money after all. Then, a book caught her eye. 100 Useful Spells By Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
"Interesting book you got there." Emley's voice caught Layna off guard. She jumped.
"Yeah," said Layna after she regained herself. "I might spend an extra three galleons on myself."
"Wait, I haven't gotten you a birthday present yet. Hand me that book."
The two girls walked out of the bookstore, clutching their new books.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Layna, you're welcome." Layna hugged her sister. "'Ouch!"
"What happened? asked Layna.
"Nothing," replied Emley. "I think you still have an amber on you. Something just burned me."
"Oh, sorry. Anyways, we should buy robes and our other stuff before we have to meet up with Mom and Dad"
And so they did. They bought new school robes, quills and everything else besides a wand. Then, they went to ther Leaky Cauldron to meet up with Mom and Dad.
Roy had his arms behind his back and a look that decieved nobody.
"What you got there, Roy?" asked Emley. He just giggled.
"Layna," Mom said. "When Emley started her first year at Hogwarts, we got her a broomstick. So, we bought your school present."
Dad held out the thing that Roy was holding. Layna gasped.
Hi guys! FYI 100 Useful Spells is not a real book. 

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