It Started With Cookies! Jily Story

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A/N Just to warn you this REALLY long!
"Guys I swear this year she will say yes!"
"That's what you have been saying for the past 6 years Prongs." Said Remus.
"Siriusly I will make her say yes. I am actually Sirius."
"No I'm Siruis you moron!" Remus and Peter started cackling with laughter, Siruis smiled smugly that they were finally laughing at his jokes, while James just scowled at all 3 of them.
"Hey James, have you ever tried being a gentleman and getting to know her?" Asked Remus.
"Yeah I don't think you have actually had a nice conversation about each other." Piped up Peter leaving the other 3 astonished he wasn't stuttering for once. See Peter unfortunately had a very severe stutter. But that made James think his mum always said the way someone's heart was cooking. But you see the only problem was James couldn't cook for the life of him. James thought it was worth it for Lily the love of his life. So for hours and hours he slaved over handmade cookies. He found out from Remus her favourite cookie was a classic chocolate chip. So the next James went to find Lily. At breakfast his tremendous nerves he went up to Lily. "Hi L-L-Lil-Lily h-h-ho-how a-a-are y-y-y-yo-you?"
"Good until you came along Potter. What do you want?" This worked out much better in my head thought James. "U-U-Um I j-j-ju-jus-jus-just w-w-w-wan-want-wanted t-t-to g-g-g-give y-y-y-yo-yo-you t-th-th-th-these." James said handing her the cookies.
"How do I know you haven't poisoned this Potter?"
"U-U-Ur... Um... Well... I... m-m-ma-made th-th-the-the-them my-my-my-my-myself."
"That's exactly why I'm doubtful Potter. And stop fake stuttering it doesn't suit you. If you came to ask me out then no."
Umm... I-I j-j-just w-w-want t-t-t-t-to b-b-be y-y-y-yo-yo-your f-f-fr-friend. R-R-Rem-Remy s-s-sa-sa-sa-sai-sai-said I sh-sh-sh-should b-b-be n-n-nic-nice t-t-t-to i-invite y-y-y-y-y-you t-t-t-to m-m-m-m-my C-Ch-Chr-Christmas p-p-party. A-a-as a-a-a fr-fr-friend." James said tears welling in his big brown eyes. He the popular, brave, amazing, tough guy, ran out of the room crying like a little girl and locked himself in his room. Because of a girl. That's how much of a man he is. Lily suddenly felt awful, she thought he was tricking her for all these years. Soon she ran out chewing the cookies that didn't taste half bad. Except for the cinnamon taste. Lily knocked on the door.
"Who is it? Go away."
"It's Remus." Said Lily imitating Remus' voice. Slowly James opened the door. He noticed too late. Before he could shut the door on her, Lily ran in. "You know what Lily I'm sick of trying. I'm sick of each day you saying 'no Potter' or 'Go away Potter' and pretending it doesn't hurt me. Because it does, you drive me insane night and day 24/7. But I can't be mad at you because I love you!"
"I love you too, now shut up and kiss me Potter!"
James chuckled and started kissing Lily.
"Sweetie, will you do me the honour of going on a date with me?"
"Can I call you Lily-pad?"
"As much as you want."
"I thought you hated that name."
"I lied."

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