Chapter 18- Quidditch

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McGonagall stopped suddenly in front of the Defence against the Dark Arts room. She knocked twice before walking in, motioning for Harry and me to stay out.

"Quirrell, could I borrow Wood and Flint?" I heard McGonagall say.

"Y-yes no p-problem," Quirrell stuttered.

"Flint and wood? Isn't that what they used to use to start fires?" I asked Harry, who I knew had actually paid attention in muggle school.

"Flint and steel, actually," Harry said factually, reminding me a bit of his friend, Hermione Granger. "But with magic? I don't know."

"She's not planning to light us on fire is she?" I joked. "I mean, we did break the rules."

"No. That would be illegal; magic or not."

"Ah, you're no fun. I wonder what she needs wood and flint for though."

Then McGonagall walked out of the classroom with two boys behind her, glaring at one and other. One wore a crimson and gold tie, while the other wore green and silver. The Gryffindor was obviously much older than the Slytherin.

"Harry, Mel-"

I cut her off, "Lily."

"Lily. This is Wood," she gestured to the Gryffindor, "and Flint." She pointed at the Slytherin.

I looked to Harry, then to McGonagall, then to Flint, then to Wood.

"So, you're not going to light us on fire?" I asked fighting to keep a straight face.

"What?" McGonagall looked at me bewildered. "Why on earth would I set you on fire?"

"Well I thought you meant, flint, like the rock, and wood, which people used to use to light fires." I began to mutter under my breath. "Except apparently you actually have to use steel."

"What? Why would I light you on fire?"

"Well I thought we were in trouble," I said.

"No, these are two students, named Wood and Flint: Oliver Wood, and Marcus Flint."

It was then that I couldn't keep a straight face anymore. I burst out laughing and I even heard Harry let out a chuckle behind me.

"These boys are the captains of Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams. They're going to be training you two as seekers. Fast. Your first game is in five days," McGonagall informed.

"We made the Quidditch teams?!" I asked incredulously, my laughter dying out immediately.

"Yes. If you want, that is," McGonagall said.

I shared a shocked look. If just being on a broom and catching a flying remembrall was that exhilarating, I couldn't imagine what it would be like playing an actual sport, for an actual team would be like.

"YES!" Harry and I screamed simultaneously.

"Well you're going to miss a lot of classes over the next few days because your next game is in five days. You two need to train hard," she said. "Especially you Harry, Gryffindor needs to win this year."


To my surprise she laughed. "Go! I booked the pitch for the four of you now. You get the next class off."

"Four? I don't want to go with him!" Flint said pointing at Wood.

"They're going to get ahead in training if you don't suck it up!" I said, turning to face Flint.

"She's right," McGonagall said. "Take it or leave it."

The two older boys grumbled and started towards the front doors without another word. They walked on opposite sides of the hall and glared at one and other. They looked back at Harry and me, and saw us walking in the middle of the hall side by side. They threw us each a glare, and I went and walked behind Flint, Harry behind Wood.

What happened between these two? I thought to Harry.

I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's just because they're the Captains of two different teams. He responded.

Strong hate.

I know. The really hate each other.

Maybe they just looove each other.

We both laughed loudly.

"Are you two talking?" Flint growled, turning towards me. "You're not supposed to associate with Gryffindors."

"He's my brother, I'll do whatever I want."

"He's your brother? I don't see it." Flint said, shocked out of his anger.

"No one does. We're twins. Melody Lily Potter, girl-who-lived, nice to meet you," I stuck my hand out slyly, smirking at him.

"Wait. That makes you Harry Potter," Wood said, turning to Harry.

"Yeah," Harry said, his cheeks reddening slightly.

"I got a chosen one on my team!" The boys yelled simultaneously.

"C'mon then. We've got to get to the pitch," said Wood walking faster. "Let's see how the golden snitch does against the chosen ones."

We walked quickly through the halls to the pitch. It was huge. Wood and Flint each grabbed a small chest.

"They'll face each other in twenty minutes," Flint spat at Wood.

"Done," Wood said.

We walked to opposite sides of the Pitch and Flint looked at me.

"Do you know anything about Quidditch or the Slytherin team?"

I nodded eagerly, having finished reading many Quidditch books way before the start of term. I knew only about the sport itself though, and was completely clueless when it came to teams, as I found out when Neil tried to talk to me about a team called the Holyhead Harpies.

"What positions are there?" Flint interrogated, eyes narrowing.

"There's four positions. Chaser, beater, seeker and keeper. Chasers are responsible for the quaffle and scoring, beaters responsible for the bludger and not letting it hit the players, seekers for finding the snitch, and keepers to protect the goalposts from the chasers and the quaffle."

"How many of each player?"

It was like he was going easy. "Three chasers, two beaters, one seeker, and one keeper. Therefore it's seven to a team and fourteen in a game."

Flint wasn't about to back down that easy, however. His eyes were locked in a battle with my own, and neither of us were backing down. I stood up straighter, confident in my knowledge.

"How many points for the snitch?"

"Easy. 150."

"Hm. How many fouls are there in Quidditch?"

"Seven hundred. There's only 11 common ones though, and if you'd like the extent of my knowledge, during the 1473 Quidditch World Cup final, all fouls were committed," I have a sly smirk. "However I believe we're straying from what's at hand. Harry is already up and training."

Sure enough, when Flint glanced over, Harry was already in the air being taught flying tactics by Wood. Flint grumbled under his breath and I swore I heard him cursing Oliver Wood.

"Alright, Seeker. Here, the golden snitch," Flint handed me the ball.

I looked at the ball in awe. It shone in the light and I closed my hand around the cold metal. I handed it back to Flint who pocketed it.

"Our team had no seeker. We were getting nervous because the game's only days away," Flint stated looking at me, "Do you know who's on the team?"

"I only know two people," I said with a straight face.

"Really? Who?" he looked surprised.

"Me, and you."

"Ha-ha," he said sarcastically. He handed me a scrap piece of parchment. "Here's a list of the team for you."

Keeper: Marcus Flint- Third Year

"You're only third year?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, one of the only ones," he answered smugly. "There were only 3 other third year captains."

I raised my eyebrows, and looked down to continue to read the parchment.

Captain/Keeper: Marcus Flint- Third Year

Chaser 1: Graham Montague- Sixth Year

Chaser 2: Adrian Pucey- Fifth Year

Chaser 3: Terence Higgs- Fourth Year

Beater 1: Grayson Miller-Seventh Year

Beater: Xavier Lazarro- Fifth Year

Seeker- Melody "Lily" Potter- First Year

"Wood is a Captain and Keeper, Harry's a seeker," Flint said to me, I don't know anyone else on the Gryffindor Team. Hufflepuff Captain is Daniel Pines, Ravenclaw Captain is Harrison Douglas. That's all I know," Flint informed.

"Can Captains only be Keepers?" I asked, referring to him and Wood.

"No, Douglas is a Chaser and Pines is a seeker."

"I just thought- because you and Wood are both Keepers."

"No, anyone can be Captain. It's been 20 minutes," he retrieved the snitch from his pocket. "You and Harry are going to have a face off to see who can get the snitch first."

We started walking towards the middle of the pitch. Wood and Harry mirrored. We met in the middle of the pitch and Wood and Flint glared at each other.

"Let's do this," Flint said holding up the snitch. He released it into the air and it flew off.

"Wait one minute," Wood said.

"Mount your brooms," Flint said pointing at the brooms on the ground.

Harry and I mounted and stared each other in the eye.

"GO!" Yelled Flint and Wood.

I kicked off the ground and went as fast as the broom would allow me. I started circling the pitch. I circled above all three goalposts. Harry circled at the same level as me, but the opposite direction. I circled about seven times, when I saw a bright flash of gold near the first goalpost nearest to where Flint and I had stood. Harry wasn't looking that direction so I rushed in the opposite direction, letting him follow me, going faster.

When he was far enough ahead that he couldn't see me, I made a sharp U-turn and sped towards the snitch. I shot towards it and heard Harry catching up, having turned around. I sped towards the snitch, reached my hand out and grabbed at the air, getting nothing. I reached again and when I closed my fist, I felt a small metal ball enclosed in my palm.

"YES!" I screamed and turned to look at Harry's face. I waved the snitch in his face and shot towards the ground.

I jumped while the broom was still three feet off the ground and landed running towards Flint. He was cheering and laughing in Wood's face. I got to him and high fived him and we laughed in the Gryffindors faces once more.

"Quidditch cup, here we come."

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