Chapter 19- The Potions Accident

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"So you both made the Quidditch teams? In first year? Incredible!" Fred exclaimed. "We are so going to win this year! Isn't that right Harry?"

Harry nodded, not bothering to argue, even though I knew he was thinking there was no way his being added to the team could guarantee victory. Fred and George grinned, each of them wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders. My mind wandered to our go at the snitch and I smirked.

"Fred," said George. "She's smirking. It is never ever good when she's smirking."

"She's always smirking!"

"Not like this!"

"What does that even mean?"

George only pointed to where I'd contorted my face into an innocent smile. George wasn't having it. He scowled and narrowed his eyes in my direction. "What is it?"

"Nothing," I waved it off.

"Now I'm intrigued... and worried," George muttered. "What is it?"

"Drop it, Weasley."

"I will not."

I shrugged. "Fine. I beat Harry to the snitch."

George looked taken aback. His eyes narrowed at me once again. I threw my arms up in the air in exasperation. "You asked, I told. There's no winning with you, is there?"

"Do the Slytherins have a good chance?" George questioned.

"Oh yeah, baby."

"We going to have to tell Oliver we need to train hard," Fred sighed. "Otherwise this will be how many years in a row that Slytherin has won."

"Oh he knows," I smirked. "Both our teams have a practice each day. Wood didn't want to miss any classes because of his O.W.L.S. though so he scheduled all your practices before classes. Ours are all during third class."

"But classes start at eight!" George exclaimed, "Practice is an hour long, so it'll start at seven! You're not telling me we have to wake up at six!"

"I am," I grinned.

I walked alongside them down the corridor towards the great hall. I saw Marcus walking by and instantly I thought of something that would annoy Harry, Fred, and George and I took the chance without a second thought. Just while we were on the subject of Quidditch anyway.

"Hey Marcus!" I called.

"Yeah Seeker?" He called back. I'd adopted the nickname 'Seeker' from the whole team, because, well, I was the seeker. Also I was one of the two youngest seekers in a century at Hogwarts. Technically, as I'd told Harry, I was actually the youngest. There weren't often times I could use my being younger to my advantage, so I took it without hesitation.

"We have practice during third class tomorrow right?" I asked, knowing the answer already, but just wanting the Gryffindors to hear it again.

"Yup, third and sixth," he said making his way to where I stood so he wouldn't have to yell across the Entrance Hall. I didn't miss the look he shot around me at the Gryffindors.

"Sixth? Since when?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Since we got a new seeker that needs training," Marcus smirked. "I don't have owls to prepare for like a certain other captain does."

"Okay, I'm fine with missing two classes," I said happily, ignoring the grumbles from behind me.

"Knew you would be. See you, Seeker!" He grinned, walking toward a friend of his, who had beckoned him into the Great Hall.

Fred, George and Harry all glared at me and walked over to the Gryffindor table muttering something about Wood and Flint and stupid Slytherins.

"Hey! Come on guys! We agreed to sit at the Slytherin table today!" I said, slightly downcast at the simple thought of sitting either alone or at the Gryffindor table for the fifth time in a row.

"Don't care," they said together.

I shrugged when I noticed the others at the Slytherin table already. I made my way over and sat with Sydney, Sadie, Draco, Theo, and funnily enough, Ron and Hermione. Ron had obviously tagged along with Hermione, who was in deep conversation with Sadie about some homework that I hadn't done.

"Hey, what are Harry, Fred and George doing?" Ron asked noticing he was one of the only two Gryffindors at the table, his ears turning slightly pink.

"They're mad because I was teasing them," I smirked.

"What about?" asked Theo, glancing at Harry and taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"They have Quidditch practice before classes tomorrow and mine is during third class and sixth class. I'm going to miss Herbology and Transfiguration," I would have shrugged it off, but Transfiguration was one of my two favourite classes, the other being Potions, with a bat professor or not. I was sure McGonagall knew... somehow.

"Who's going to be my partner then?" asked Sadie frowning. I was usually her partner in Transfiguration, while Sydney often abandoned me to join Neil, who somehow wasn't in Ravenclaw.

"Oh, I don't know," I said throwing my arms up in the air dramatically. "Hermione maybe?"

Sadie grumbled under her breath, but as a proud Slytherin, would never admit I was right. I rolled my eyes and reached out for my goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Oh that's no good! You're going to miss classes. Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout aren't going to me very happy about that at all," Hermione said sternly.

"They won't be happy because they know I'm training to beat their teams," I said laughing. "Theo can you get homework from both Professors for me?"

"You want me to get your herology and transfiguration homework?" Theo asked incredulously. I had a knack for not doing homework even when I did attend classes. I'd gotten quite a few lectures about it from Professors and Hermione alike. I knew all the content, having read my textbooks before start of term, but I couldn't be bothered with homework. Somehow, my professors knew that.

"Well now that you say it like that, I'm rethinking. Just Transfiguration please and thank you!" I laughed. What would Herbology ever do for me anyway?

"You want homework?" Theo questioned once again, raising his eyebrows.

"Hey! I like Transfiguration!" I scowled, but couldn't suppress a grin.

"Fine, fine, I'll get your homework for you," Theo sighed. "But if you don't do it even I'm going to be mad. There's no point in me getting it if you don't do it."

"Thanks!" I said happily. "I promise to you that I will do my Transfiguration homework."

After the end of lunch, I skipped off to first class: potions. The thought of it made me groan aloud. I really didn't feel like dealing with Snape. He was ruining a class that I actually loved. I hated the tone he had when speaking about my father, and the way he treated Harry just because he looked like James Potter.

I was torn between having another chat with him and politely asking him to stop, and just making him hate me as well. I figured I'd go with the Slytherin option, rather than the sensible Ravenclaw one.

"Harry," I called my brother over as the first year Slytherins and Gryffindors waited outside the locked door of the potions classroom.

"Hey Lils, what's up?" He asked, breaking away from where he stood with Ron and Hermione.

"I need you to stand here and look like Dad," I said with a hint of a smirk.

"What if I don't want to look like Dad?" Harry laughed.

"Too bad. Stand."

Harry stood in front of me and looked at me. He looked almost exactly like Dad. I'd seen pictures of my father and thought they were pictures of Harry. He shifted on his feet, making my job more difficult.

"Why do you need me to stand and look like Dad?" Harry questioned. "Not that I can help it."

"We have potions with Snape. I hate the weird treatment I'm getting just because he loved Mom, so I'm going to stop looking like Mom."

Harry laughed but stood still in front of me. I left my eyes their natural shape and colour, as they were identical to my dad's. I let my hair go jet black, and changed some of my facial features to look more like Harry's, like my Dad's. I didn't go too far overboard, however.

"Done," I stated, not even being able to check my own appearance.

"You look extremely different," Harry commented with a smile.

"I know, I look like you. It's gross," I laughed before turning away from Harry and finding a spot on the ceiling. "Sorry, Dad. Just kidding. Anyway, Harry, let's go see how Snape likes the new me. Keep in touch," I tapped my head and knew Harry understood.

We walked in to Potions and I took a seat beside Draco whilst Harry sat beside Ron. I could feel Draco's eyes on me, but I ignored it and began to get my books out of my bag.

"What did you do to your hair? And face?" Draco asked.

"I'm looking more like Dad so Snape doesn't keep not hating me. Long story short Snape hated my dad. It's infuriating the tone he has when talking about my father and even Harry, who looks just like my dad. I figured I might as well join Harry and my dad in the list of people Snape hates."

"Oh," was all Draco said. "As long as he doesn't start giving us Slytherins detentions and taking our points."

I shrugged. "I doubt it. He's still got a reputation to keep up."

Once everyone had filed in, Snape turned around and scanned the classroom. His eyes travelled right over me and I felt a small sense of failure until he did a double take and looked back at me, disbelief written all over his face. I almost laughed out loud.

Oh my God his face!!! I laughed in my head to Harry.

Yes! That was the least Snape-like look I've ever seen on his face.

He's looks angry!

Good. Maybe he'll stop being all creepy. That was the plan right? Harry asked.

Yep. Shhh he's saying something. Probably unrelated though.

"Today we'll be making the forgetfulness potion," Snape said suddenly, face void of all expression. I had to admit, I admired the way he was able to do that so quickly.

"You may start!" Snape drawled, eyes unfocused.

We all hopped up grabbed a cauldron and started working.

Snape strutted around breathing down everyone's necks and watching, glaring over their shoulders. He was angry, but didn't express it in a way most did. He was silently angry, and it would have been impossible to tell had he not already taken 20 points away from Gryffindor.

Merlin we made him angry! I thought to Harry.

Really?! Do you think this was such a good idea? He's taking it out on the Gryffindors.

Oh well. All the better for me.

Harry turned around and glared at me for a millisecond, but quickly turned before he got caught by an angry Snape. Snape continued to strut around the classroom and I watched, amused. He went and hovered over Neville.

"You dare call this a forgetfulness potion?" Snape had often picked on Neville, and so this wasn't unusual. However, at the sound of Snape's voice, Neville jumped. His cauldron fell to the floor. "Start over and you will do it right or come in here after classes."

I watched as the murky brown liquid on the floor spread underneath the desks, under shoes, seeping into the cracks in the floor. Everything it touched started to bubble looking like it was... melting. Snape still stood over Neville who was cowering in his chair.

"No one touch the potion!" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me curiously and then to the potion which seemed to be growing as it spread across the floor. It was growing, and it had covered a third of the floor by now and everyone, including Snape was on higher ground.

"I'll go get Dumbledore!" I called and ran out of the room.

I ran down corridors, up staircases and through rooms, and ran into a person here and there and got some glares and grumbles, but I ignored them all and continued to run. I reached the Gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office, when it hit me. I didn't know the password.

"I need to get through it's an emergency!" I yelled at the Gargoyle.

The Gargoyle didn't budge. 

I suddenly felt burning on my legs and feet. I looked down and saw the murky brown potion had burned through my shoes and had splashed onto my legs, when I'd run through it. I bit my tongue to keep myself from crying out.

I need the password to Dumbledore's office! I screamed to Harry. Ask Snape!

Snape won't answer!!! Harry replied.

Find out now!

I can't! No one knows!

I screamed out in frustration. The potion was slowly burning through my skin. I screamed again, my vision started going red at the edges. I bit the inside of my cheek as a distraction and ran off towards the nearest classroom.

"Potions... accident..." I couldn't seem to get all the words out straight. The room started spinning.

"Seeker!" the last thing I heard before my vision went black.

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