Chapter 20- Quidditch Practice

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I woke slowly in the hospital wing, lying nearest to the back wall. Marcus Flint was sitting in the plastic chair beside my bed, his hand resting oddly close to my own. I frowned and pulled my hand away. This was the perfect moment for a small easy prank.

I grabbed the pillow out from behind me and swung it directly into Marcus's face. He jolted awake and nearly fell out of his chair. I smirked as hee swivelled and glared at me.

"Bloody hell Lily! What was that for?" He exclaimed, earning himself a very dirty look from the patron.

"It was funny," I huffed. "How long have you been here?"

"Since you ran into my class and started yelling for help then passed out in the middle of the room."

"It's not my fault!" I argued, forcing the red out of my cheeks.

"Never said it was."

We were both quiet. Me lying back in the bed, him sitting in his chair. Sunlight streamed into the room and fell onto Marcus. His blonde hair shone and his bright blue eyes sparkled. 

I frowned and looked around the hospital wing, taking in my surroundings. White. Everything was white. It was plain. It smelled terrible. It was too quiet. It was stuffy. The bed was scratchy. I groaned loudly.

"When can I leave?" I asked, bored of this boring room with its boring beds, boring walls, boring everything, already.

"As soon as you'd like," replied Madam Pomfrey, the patron, making her way over to my cot. "I fixed you up as quickly as I could."

"Okay. Where are my clothes? I'll be leaving."

I couldn't wait to escape this room. It had only been a few minutes (that I was conscious for) and I was already overtly eager to leave. The Hospital Wing was somewhere I hoped to never end up again, but I had a feeling that was never going to happen.

"Well it's almost third class..." Marcus pulled a set of green and silver robes from under his chair.

"Quidditch! Quidditch practice! Are those my Quidditch robes?" I practically screamed.

Marcus just nodded, a smile on his face. I grabbed the robes, pushed Marcus away, and closed the curtain around my bed. I changed within ten seconds and pulled the curtains back roughly, earning a look from Madame Pomfrey.

"Here, I've got gloves and boots for you too," said Marcus handing them to me.

I pulled them on, put my hair up in a high ponytail and went to glance in the mirror. I had to admit, I looked pretty cool.

"Let's go Marcus don't wanna be late now!" I yelled, and darted out of the room.

Everyone had just started to change classes, and while running for the door, I literally ran into Harry. We both stumbled, only keeping balance when an older Ravenclaw student steadied Harry with a laugh. 

"Lils! You're out!" He exclaimed.

"Hey nice robes!" Sydney said walking over. 

"I've got Quidditch Practice!" I called much louder than was necessary.

"A broom came for you," Harry said. "Apparently, it's the nicest broom yet. I got one too. I've got yours in my dormitory."

"Well come on then," I tugged on Harry's arm.

"I've got class Lily."

"I don't care. Broom. Quidditch. Now," I pouted.

"I'm telling McGonagall it's your fault I'm late," Harry complained, but headed towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Great. While you're at it, make sure you tell her it was me that left the bag of kitty litter by her desk will you?"

"That was you?! You're going to get detention for a month!"

I just grinned, and kept walking, leaving a stunned Harry behind me.

Once we were in the Gryffindor common room, I ran up the stairs two at a time, into the boys dormitory. Harry went over to the bed I assumed was his, reached under, and retrieved a broom which had the words, Nimbus 2000, scrawled on the end in gold letters.

"Woah! Thanks Harry! Bye gotta run!" I said excitedly and ran out.

I ran out into the halls and stared running for the door when I got an even better idea. I mounted my broom, and started flying towards the door.

"Ms. Potter!"

I hopped quickly off my broom and landed steadily on my feet. I turned to see Professor McGonagall striding towards me, her lips pressed into a thin line. I stood straighter and dropped my broom.

"Yes, Professor," I answered monotone.

"What on earth do you think you're doing!"

"I'm heading to Quidditch practice. I didn't want to be late and I couldn't run fast enough so I thought 'Hey! Why not try out this new Nimbus 2000 before I get to practice?' So I decided to fly down the hall instead of run."

"Don't do it again. 15 points from Slytherin," she said.

"Sorry Professor," I said. "I won't do it while there's teachers around."

"Ms. Potter," she said sternly, but there was the smallest hint of a smile on her face.

"Sorry again, Professor. I'll be off then. I'm getting Theo to get my work for me, don't worry," I said, really wanting to get to practice. I put my hand over the handle of the broom, "UP!"

"Goodbye Ms. Potter," McGonagall said.

"See ya Prof!" I called over shoulder, already walking away.

Once McGonagall was out of sight, I hopped back on my broom and shot towards the door. I was there within seconds and jumped off the broom to open the doors. I heard a whizzing sound and saw Stripes lingering by the door. I walked out and the owl followed.

"Race you?" I said looking towards the owl.

She did a backflip as if to say yes and lined up beside me. I mounted my broom and shot towards the pitch at full speed. I heard whizzing beside me ear and I urged my broom to go faster. We reached the pitch, Stripes seconds ahead of me.

"Merlin's Beard! That broom is fast!" I saw a tall, lean kid running towards me. "What is it?"

"Nimbus 2000," I answered smugly, knowing it was the best broom yet. "And you are?"

"Xavier Lazarro," he answered quickly.


"I know who you are! You're Melody Potter, but you prefer Lily."

"Word gets around fast," I commented to myself.

"Yeah, let's head over to the rest of the team," Lazarro took off running.

I mounted my broom once again, and with Stripes still by my side, whizzed past Lazarro and came to a halt in front of the rest of the team.

"That is one fast broom," said Marcus as soon as I got there.

"Not as fast as this owl," I said pointing towards Stripes.

Marcus laughed, "Yeah but we're not playing against owls."

I simply shrugged. We all got our brooms and walked to the middle of the field. I looked around the huge pitch and wondered how I was supposed to find a tiny, flying ball that moved at crazy fast speeds, while staying out of the way of bludgers and players and racing against Harry.

"Okay Montague, Pucey, Higgs! Start passing around the Quffale; I'll be up to the goalposts in a minute. Miller, Lazarro! Take out the bludgers, do your thing and watch out for our team. Lily! Release the snitch. After a minute or two, go out to find it. Come on everyone we gotta beat some Gryffindor arse!" Marcus barked out his orders and we all did what he said.

I walked over to the chest and glanced at all the balls. I didn't need to worry about any of them (assuming our beaters were as good as Marcus said they were). I reached into the tiny compartment above all the rest of the balls and retrieved the golden snitch. It was a walnut sized ball, shiny, and near impossible to find. The wings sprouted out and it struggled against my fingers. I released it and watched as it flew up into the foggy sky. I waited for two minutes before I mounted my broom, and shot up into the air.

I circled the pitch, watching carefully for any sign of the snitch. I also kept an eye on the team. They were really good. Montague, Pucey, and Higgs all had really good aim, had a good arm and could catch really well. Marcus blocked a lot of the shots too. He kept most out, but when they did go in, he insisted it was only because our chasers were so good. The beaters, Lazarro and Miller did their jobs and got the bludgers away from the other players before they even knew it was headed their way.

I continued to circle the pitch when suddenly, I saw a flash of gold near the goalposts, right near one of the chasers, Higgs, I think. I raced after it shooting right towards Higgs head and outstretched my arm. I felt all eyes on me as I went in for the catch. The snitch dropped and I dove right above it. I chased after it and closed my fist, feeling nothing. I urged the broom to go faster and closed my fist again. I felt it; the tiny ball was trapped inside my fist.

The rest of the players cheered and flew my way. They all either slapped me on the back or punched me in the arm. I held the snitch in the air and cheered along.

"Hey guys!" I laughed. "I haven't played in a game yet! Who knows? Maybe I'm no good against the other seekers. This is only a practice after all."

"You'll be great!" Higgs yelled.

I laughed and cheered along with the other players for another minute before Marcus came over and told us to get moving.

"Okay Mr. All-work-no-play," I drawled. "You're boring!"

Marcus just shook his head and went off to the goalposts. Practice went on like that for an hour. Release the snitch, find the snitch, get cheered my teammates, get told off by Marcus for not focusing, and start back at square one.

I was disappointed when it ended. We all walked off the pitch and into the change rooms. I changed into my school robes and grabbed my book bag. I was looking forward to the next practice taking place after Charms.

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