Chapter 7- Revelations

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I'd frozen in place watching Dad and Sirius Black smile in the unmoving picture (that I later supposed may have just been undeveloped). They both wore big grins with their dress robes, and I could see Mum in the background with Remus, smiling at the two. In Sirius Black's eyes was no madness. There was only a cunning, but still merry sparkle. He looked much better than he did in The Daily Prophet. Here, his elbow length black hair was tame, his cheeks were less sallow, he looked alive.

Sirius Black was near unrecognizable. In fact, I had nearly not been able to put the pieces together. Surely, Sirius Black couldn't be one of the Marauders. There was no way that Sirius Black was Padfoot. He had to be Wormtail. For Harry's sake, he had to. Sirius Black just couldn't be Harry's godfather.

I gulped and shoved the picture in my pocket. I collected myself before I went to Divination. I was going to confront Remus about this right after classes. I would tell Harry afterwards. Calming the anger that I had directed at Remus, I headed to Divination alone, hoping to be able to take a few breaths.


I rapped my knuckles against Remus' door roughly. He opened it without magic, pulling it open when he saw it was me. I, for the first time, didn't smile. I almost felt it hard to be mad him. I was almost scared to be mad at him, for fear of losing the first family that Harry and I had ever had. But I remained so.

"You're early."

I simply shoved the picture roughly into his hands. Remus' eyes fell, and it seemed he was near tears at seeing the smiling faces. He said nothing as he beckoned me into his quarters, and set the photo in a potion to develop.

"Why, Remus? Why wouldn't you tell us that he knew my parents before he joined Voldemort?" I wasn't sure if the quietness in my voice was due to anger or a sadness that I was trying to let back into my heart.

"I didn't know how. I didn't..." Remus trailed off. "Please don't hate me."

Remus' voice was surprisingly scared. His eyes, I noticed when he glanced up at me, reflected that same fear. I slowly felt some of the anger bubble away as we both settled into chairs in his sitting area.

"When I was in Hogwarts, your father and I had two other very good friends," Remus said, pointing his wand at the kitchen so that the kettle and mugs began to prepare the tea themselves. "Their names were Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. We were, as you have mentioned, the marauders. I'm Moony, obviously, your father was Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot, and Peter was Wormtail.

"We were all the best of friends all throughout Hogwarts, and when Voldemort came after your family, they chose Sirius Black as their secret keeper. He, and only he, knew where you all were. He wasn't... he..." Remus sighed. "He gave them up."

"And what about Peter? What happened to him?"

"I'm sure you heard that Sirius Black blew up a street, killing twelve muggles?" Remus asked. I nodded. "Well, he blew up not only the street, but also Peter Pettigrew. I've never been able to accept that he'd done such a thing, he was always such a good friend, and a good person. He never wanted to be like his family, they were all Voldemort supporters."

I sighed. "If Sirius Black Padfoot, then he is Harry's godfather."


I finally admitted to myself that Hermione had rubbed off on me, and maybe I didn't hate the library. I had spent countless hours in here last year. I went to the old newspapers, searching for the date that I hadn't dared search for before.

November 1, 2001.

Of course on the front page was a picture of my family. I didn't read the article that went along with it. I wanted never to relive that night again, and wanted not to read about it either. So I flipped the page, and sure enough, Sirius Black, younger, and not yet haunted by dementors, stared back at me.

Mass Murder

November 1st, the morning after the fall of Voldemort, and the rise of new heroes. But the demise of James and Lily Potter, and the orphaning of young Harry Potter and Melody Potter, was not enough for Sirius Black, for on the morning of November 1st, Sirius Black struck again.

After running from Godric's Hallow following the betrayal of two of his friends, Sirius Black sought shelter from the ministry. Peter Pettigrew, a loyal friend of the Potter family, sought vengeance. He cornered Black on a muggle street. Black, with a single wave of his wand, blew up the street, in hopes of escape.

Pettigrew and twelve muggles suffered the consequence. All were dead instantly, many blown to pieces. All ever found of Peter Pettigrew was an index finger.

I blanched and threw the paper on a table, backing away from it as if it would bite my hands if I were to touch it again. Thankfully, Madam Pince was nowhere to be seen, or I'm sure I would have gotten quite the scolding for simply leaving the paper out on the table like that, with Sirius Black's gleaming eyes staring up at the ceiling.

I practically ran from the library, as if Sirius Black had shown up in there and killed those twelve muggles, and betrayed my parents, in that very room. My heart ached for Harry, for we had found Padfoot, and he wasn't who we wanted for him to be.


"He isn't," Harry shook his head and retreated further into the Forbidden Forest. "He isn't!"

I felt horrible. I got kind, loving Remus as my own Godfather, and Harry got Sirius Black, a murderer who betrayed our parents to Voldemort and was now out to kill us. I took a step toward Harry, who was breathing heavily and looked on the verge of tears, and put an arm around him. I felt him take another heaving breath.

"I hope he finds me," Harry said finally.

"What? Harry..." I gulped and a great fear gripped my chest. "Please, be careful. Please don't do anything rash or... or dangerous. Just-"

I didn't continue as the image of the boggart flashed through my mind. Harry's lifeless eyes stared up at my own. Harry seemed to remember that very scene, for he took a breath and stepped toward me, putting his arms around me.

"I'll be fine, Lils. I'll stay safe. But if he comes for me..."

I pushed him off, letting my hazel eyes meet his green ones. There was a certain darkness in them that I knew had been put there by Sirius Black. I sighed, feeling some of the anxiousness from within me to be replaced with an anger.

"Then I'll be by your side. I want to avenge them as much as you do, Harry. Sirius Black deserves to pay for what he did."

"They were friends... They were friends."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah. No one deserves that from a friend."

"You don't think... Do you think any of our friends would ever do that?"

I took a minute to think. I trusted our friends with my life. In fact, Ron, Hermione and Sydney had saved our lives before. First through the trapdoor in first year, and then again last year with the Chamber of Secrets. I don't think Harry and I would have ever made it out of those situations without their help.

"We've been deceived before," I finally said, remembering the events of Sadie first year. "But we learned from that, I think. The Weasley's are family, and Hermione and Sydney have saved our lives so many times before. I trust them."

Harry nodded. I patted him on the shoulder once, hoping it might coax the frown off his face. He glanced up at me, a slight smile flickering across his face. It was good enough for me, and I beckoned for him to sit with me against a tree trunk.

"What are we doing?"

"Just taking a moment to collect our thoughts. Merlin knows we need it."


Remus, Harry, and I were walking along the wooden bridge quietly. It was peaceful out, and slightly warmer than it had been the previous few days. The dementors, though, were closer to here than they were to the castle, and I could feel the slight effects even from where I walked beside Harry.

Remus smiled suddenly. "You both know about Sirius Black being Harry's godfather, no?"

Again hearing the news that had upset Harry nearly to the point of tears, caused my black hair to turn red, to match my previously hazel eyes. I clenched my fists, and breathed deeply. The dementors were once again letting my anger peak much easier. I took a breath.

"Yeah, Moony, we did," I couldn't hold back my frown.

"He has a Godmother too."

With this news, I smiled. Harry and I shared an excited glance. Maybe, just maybe, not all was down in the ditches after all. Sure, Harry and I both still had revenge on our minds, but a little good news was enough to pull us out of dark and dismal thoughts.

"Alice Longbottom," Moony said. "One of the best friends of your mother."

"Like Neville Longbottom?" Harry asked curiously, his emerald eyes shining beneath his round glasses.

"His mother," Remus nodded.

Harry's chest seem to swell with pride in a very Percy-like action. Again, we were all quiet for a moment as we continued along the wooden bridge, nearing the sundial garden. We stopped before we reached it though, and leaned on the guardrail to admire the view from the covered bridge.

"Do I have one, Moony?" I asked curiously, letting my hazel eyes meet his green ones. "A godmother?"

Remus laughed. "No, no. But you have two Godfathers. Your father thought this ridiculous. But your mother insisted. She couldn't choose between me and your other Godfather, nor could she think of anyone to be your Godmother."

"Well, who is my other Godfather then?"

"Severus Snape. Your mothers first, and best friend."

My eyes widened, and I'm sure my jaw was only inches away from the floor. Severus Snape? Professor Severus Snape? The one who hated my guts? I didn't even bother to look at the incredulous look on Harry's face that surely matched my own.

"I've got to go. To er- to meet Draco in the common room," I lied quickly, and in my opinion, quite terribly.

I stood and walked quickly towards the door, wondering where the potions master could be. I was angered, but nervous. Why didn't Snape tell me? I had been going to Hogwarts for over two years now.

"He's in the staff room," Moony called from behind me.

"Draco is?" I said, turning around and shifting my left foot as I tried desperately to keep up with my own lie.

"You know Lily, Harry has told me you have some particularly good lying skills most of the time. Most Slytherins do. But you seem to be lacking," Remus smiled when Harry snickered for the first time in days. "I may not know where Draco is, but Severus is in the staff room."

"Thank you, Moony."

I turned around again and made to go into the castle and straight to the staff room. Another call from behind me made me stop again. I turned once more, to find Harry smiling at me widely. He waved.

"Good luck. My Godfather may be a mass murderer, but at least he isn't Snape," Harry said, obviously finally being able to cope through humour.

I smiled in thanks before I took off. I started at a normal pace through the corridors, but ended up wanting answers so bad that I was running through the halls towards the staff room. I wasn't sure how to feel, or whether or not this would change anything at all. I myself didn't mind Snape, he'd helped me many times before, but I hated that he hated Harry.


I turned to find just the one I was looking for. Severus Snape was approaching behind me, glancing around me as if looking for any Gryffindors with me that he could take some points off. Finding none, he turned back to me.

"Do not run in the halls."

As usual, I just got told off, no points taken away, no detention. It was the special treatment that came along with being a Slytherin. It was completely unfair, and we all knew it, but accepted it with open arms and cunning smirks.

"Professor I was actually coming to look for you," I said, glancing up to meet his dark eyes.

"Yes? Why so?"

"Well you see I had a question."

"What would that question be?" Snape said smoothly.

"Better off answered where there aren't any little Hufflepuff eavesdroppers," I said, pointing a thumb to the left, where a first year Hufflepuff's head was visible poking around the corner.

Turning, Snape started off towards the dungeons, where the cool comfort calmed me slightly, and I felt some of my nervousness start to ebb away. Snape led me into his office, where I sat in the remarkably comfortable leather chair across from Snape's desk.

"Now, what was your question, Potter? I haven't all day," Snape drawled.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself, the nervousness seeming to overtake me. I didn't quite know what was making me so nervous, but I'm sure it had to do with the fact that Snape had obviously known I was his Goddaughter for the two and a half years I'd gone to Hogwarts, but he hadn't said anything.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I do not understand the question."

"The hell you don't! You're my Godfather and you didn't say anything!" I said, feeling an unexpected anger flow through my veins and take control of my words.

Snape was shocked. He fell silent, his eyes meeting the desk in front of him, as if it were suddenly very interesting. I didn't say anything, but waited (though not very patiently), for him to speak first.

"You hated me," he said quietly. "I was going to tell you, in your first year. But I didn't, because you hated me. And then last year, you didn't seem to, and I was going to tell you then as well, but you got petrified."


"You know, what Lupin says is true. You shouldn't have to call your Godfather 'Professor', and nor should you have to call them even by their last name," Snape said monotonously.

"Severus," I tried the name. It was odd, but somehow felt right. "I didn't really hate you. Sure, I didn't like you, I'm not going to lie, but it was all because of Harry. You always seemed to hate him, and he's the only family I have. Honestly, I was just angry at you for treating him the way you did."

"I'm-I'm sorry."

Snape and I sat in silence for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. He, however, looked like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I glanced up at him, was surprised to find that the air in the room was... comfortable.

In only the last five minutes that I'd known Severus Snape was my godfather, his whole demeanour had changed. Suddenly he wasn't quite so looming, he didn't seem to be scowling as much. In fact, when I caught his eye, he smiled at me.

"Could I ask a question? It's... unrelated," I said after a while, glancing away from the odd arrangement of potions ingredients lining the walls and deciding to make conversation.

"Of course."

"This wand," I pulled my wand from my pocket and lay it on his desk. "Dumbledore said you knew the full story. Care to tell it?"

"Ah, Salazar Slytherin's wand has returned to Hogwarts once more," Severus said, taking it off the desk. "I do know this story very well indeed.

"Salazar Slytherin made this wand for himself. He used snakewood and basilisk horn, as I'm sure you must know. He taught it himself to turn off on command, using parseltongue. So when he handed it down to his descendants, they were all able to do the same, having had the language passed down as well.

"It's last owner was Gormliath Gaunt, before it was stolen from her by her niece Isolt Sayre, who later fled to America and founded Ilvermorny School. Long story short, Gaunt tracked her down and deactivated the wand. Sayre did not have the gift of being a parselmouth, and therefore the wand became useless to her.

"Years later she buried it on the grounds of Ilvermorny. Unbeknown to her, her adoptive son, Webster Boot, took it, with no dark intentions, but out of curiosity. Years later Boot moved back to England, bringing it with him. He assumed that the wand had broken and somehow it ended up at Hogwarts.

"Flash forward to 1937, Tom Riddle had just turned 11 years old and was the direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Dumbledore decided to keep it in their family, and so he bestowed upon him the wand, which Riddle himself was able to reactivate. But it wouldn't work for Riddle, and so, when he turned thirteen he got himself a new one from Ollivander's, trading it in for his own. Ollivander knew not the history of the wand."

"And then I bought it, back in first year," I said, taking it back from Severus. "Thank you."

"That's a powerful wand which would only choose a powerful witch or wizard."

"Yet, it didn't choose Tom Riddle."

"I wonder myself why it didn't work for the young Lord Voldemort. But that will forever remain a mystery."

It fell silent again. I glanced at my watch when the air began to grow a little awkward, the newness of the situation beginning to weigh down.

"I guess I'd better go. I've got homework to do, and I'm sure you have some to mark."

"Indeed. I'll see you soon, Lily."

I grinned, and Severus smiled back as I shut the door behind me.


"Hello, Moony," Harry grinned, stepping into Remus' classroom ahead of me.

Harry was still in a good mood. He and I both had aced our Divination assignments, despite having made up all of our answers. I suspected that Trelawney just felt sorry for us after her prediction about Harry, but I wasn't to complain. A good mark was a good mark, grim or no grim.

"Hello, Harry. You seem quite happy today," Moony smiled widely, our good moods seeming to rub off on him quickly.

"We got our Divination assignments back."

"Ah," Moony chuckled. "I suspect you did well then?"

"You suspect correctly then, Remus," I grinned. "Mine's all nonsense, of course. Trelawney didn't seem to notice."

"Just like your father," Remus sighed, but I was sure I could detect a hint of amusement.

I swelled with pride at this. I'd always loved hearing how much I was like him, even if it was in harsh words coming from Vernon Dursley. It never failed to brighten my day to hear another bit about my father, or how I reminded someone of him.

"Anyway," Remus said, derailing my train of thought, "I fancy myself a warm cup of hot chocolate. Would either of you like anything?"

"Could I have one as well, please?" I asked, as Harry nodded enthusiastically beside me.

Remus responded with a smile as he moved toward his small kitchen and began to bustle around. I leaned back in the chair I sat in, playing with the gold chain around my neck that held the lion that Harry had gotten me in first year, finding myself deep in thought.

As Remus took a seat across me, my gaze didn't move from the table, my hand didn't quit fidgeting with the golden chain, and I didn't say a word. Remus cocked an eyebrow, and it was only when he cleared his throat that my eyes snapped up to his face. With my eyes I traced the scars, wondering where they could have come from, and wondering if it was appropriate to ask.

"You can ask," Remus said as if reading my mind, "but you may not like the answer. If afterward either of you want to leave..."

"I wont want to," I said, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "I promise."

"I won't either, Remus," Harry said sincerely.

Remus' eyes filled with the fear I'd seen in them when I'd told him I'd found out about Sirius Black. I smiled at him, to which he only focused his gaze elsewhere. I shared a worried glance with Harry, that was disrupted when Remus began to speak.

"The scars... I've had most of them since I was a kid. My father insulted someone he shouldn't have- someone by the name of Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf. Greyback took revenge by attacking his son... me."

I took a moment to absorb what Remus had told me. I wondered more than anything, though, why Remus was so fearful that Harry and I would hate him for a mere sickness, something that was entirely out of his control. We weren't monsters, and nor was Moony.

"You think that'll make us hate you?" I questioned, to which Moony's gaze didn't move. "Moony, it will take a lot more than that to drive us away."

"But I'm a monster."

I snorted. "Really, Remus, last time I checked the status of a wizard was still being."

"I'm a werewolf," Remus whispered.

"I'm not seeing any fur or anything. You look like a wizard to me. What do you think, Harry?"

I wasn't very good at being sentimental, being kind, or giving any kind of comfort or advice. All I was trying to do was make Remus believe that Harry and I didn't care about his affliction, but I wasn't sure that I wasn't just making the situation worse. It seemed I could only make jokes and sarcastic remarks in hopes of helping.

"He looks like a wizard to me, Lils."

Harry, on the other hand, was good at all that. When he built on what I was doing, I grinned, knowing maybe I was approaching the situation in an appropriate way. Remus glanced up from the table to confirm my suspicions.

"Really? You don't think I'm a monster?"

"No, not at all. Though, I do consider myself a little mental. I mean, I did take the time to pet a basilisk last year while I was petrified. In fact, I'm quite upset about her unfortunate demise. She really was a beautiful creature." I smiled.

"Well I, unlike Dee here, do not think I am mental, and I am not upset over the death of the basilisk that nearly killed the both of us. I do agree with her though. You're no monster," Harry said, rolling his eyes in my direction.

Remus chuckled at this. "Good, because I would like to know a little more about this basilisk you speak of."


"Hullo, Severus," I grinned, sticking my head into the potions classroom, void of any student.

Severus looked surprised to see me. He glanced up from the papers he'd been grading, a small smile gracing his face. It was an expression I was still growing used to seeing on the potions master. I visited him a few times since I found out about him, trying to rid the air of awkwardness when I did. He motioned for me to shut the door.

"Hello, Lily. Might I ask, shouldn't you be at lunch?"

I shrugged. "I decided to visit you instead. Harry wont quit whining about his History of Magic assignment. It's quite irritating. I trusted I wouldn't hear any sort of whining down here."

The smirk that crossed my face elicited a chuckle from the man I'd recently discovered was my godfather. He conjured a chair across the desk, and beckoned for me to sit. I did so, dropping my heavy bookbag on the floor next to me.

"Bitz!" Severus called.

The house elf appeared suddenly. "Good afternoon, Master Snape, sir. How may Bitz be of service?"

"Some lunch for Miss Potter, please, Bitz. Thank you."

After taking an order, Bitz dissaparated, promising to be back momentarily. Severus set his papers aside in a desk drawer, locking it magically, just as Bitz returned and placed my bowl of potato soup on the desk. Severus cleared his throat, suddenly very awkward as he turned over in his hands a small cardboard box.

"You should have these," he said, handing it to me. "For Christmas..."

Severus purposely trailed off, motioning for me to open the box. I obeyed, very carefully opening the cardboard only to reveal another box. A small wooden one this time. What I found made my heart thud.

Inside the wooden box was two tiny silver cuff bracelets, obviously meant to fit toddlers. One read the name Melody Lily, and the other Harry James. I picked one up between two fingers.

"I don't know if you'd still want to wear it, but an enlargement spell wouldn't affect the charm on it."


Severus sighed. "Your father and I got along just for the two of you, you know- you and Harry. Well, not so much as we simply didn't speak. He and I were watching over the both of you while your mother was busy composing a letter. He wondered if Harry and you thought of each other, being so young. It was the first time he'd ever spoken to me, I think."

Severus seemed to have changed the subject completely, but I didn't mind. My interest had been peaked, and I leaned forward in order to avoid missing anything. Severus picked up the other tiny cuff and turned it over between his fingers.

"Months later, I found these two bracelets. They're charmed. When both parties are wearing them, they heat up when the other is thinking about them. I found myself thinking of what your father had said to me, so I got them for the two of you."

I couldn't imagine Snape and my father being left alone in a room together and having a simple conversation, especially due to the stories Remus had told me recently. But glancing down at the cuffs, I believed him.

It, unexpectedly, wasn't hard to get used to the idea that the potions master was my godfather. In fact, I should have suspected it when he told me that he and my mother were best friends. Although for the two years I'd gone here he hadn't told me, I couldn't blame him. I was never kind to him in any way until last year, when I'd been petrified. After being revived, I didn't see him again until arriving at the castle again this year.

I smiled, searching his eyes. "Thank you, Severus."


The silver cuff on my wrist shone in the candlelight as my pen raced across the paper in the letter I was writing to John.


It has been an interesting start of the year to say the least. Not so uneventful as I would have liked, but hey, at least I'm not petrified (though I suppose it's only September still, anything could happen).

Just thought I'd tell you, because why not? Anyway, there's lots to tell. We got a new DADA professor, obviously, since I accidentally wiped the old one's memories. The new DADA professor is Moony. Remember I told you about him? His real name is Remus Lupin. I've been visiting him after classes. He told me about my other godfather, and you couldn't guess who if I asked you to. It's Severus Snape, the potions master. He's actually quite kind, now that I've gotten to know him.

How have you been doing? How is Ollivander's? Are you well at the Weasley's? Give them my best, by the way, please.

-M. Lily Potter

I sent the letter with Stripes, who had been perched in my dorm, opening the door for her to exit. Satisfied, I began to collect my things for our Quidditch Practice, excited to get in the air for a bit. I grabbed my broom and threw it over my shoulder, meeting Adrian in the common room and heading out.

"She'll get over it," I laughed, putting my broom across my shoulders and resting my arms on the handle. "She's just jealous over the attention Jet's getting. As soon as the hype dies down, I'm sure they'll get along just fine."

"I hope so," Adrian sighed. "I want to win this year. Ravenclaw might just start getting cocky."

"They didn't even win," I pointed out. "They just happened to be in the lead when Quidditch was cancelled. It wouldn't be fair to give them credit. They played Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff's team last year wasn't that good. Sure, they had Diggory, but their chasers were rubbish."


"We faced Gryffindor. I'd be okay with Gryffindor having had lead. They're competent."

Adrian snorted, but didn't argue it. We continued on through the corridors, stopping to smile at a new first year Slytherin boy that I knew as Marley, who stared up at us with wide eyes as if watching celebrities. Adrian quite liked the attention.


The dreaded call of my name rarely meant anything good. I pretended I didn't hear it, making Adrian snicker. I glared at him as the voice behind us repeated my name. I stopped walking this time, but didn't turn around.

"You know, Potter," McGonagall said, stepping around us so we stood face to face, "I think Madam Pomfrey may need to check your hearing."

I didn't answer.

"I overheard in the hallways that Miss Marshall wishes to see you. Her robes have been turned to Hufflepuff colours, and she is refusing to leave the common room until the culprit comes forward."

"Thanks, Professor M," I grinned. "Adrian, I'll meet you at the pitch."

So we all went our separate ways: McGonagall to her office (so I suspected), Adrian to the pitch, and me back to the common room. I reentered the dungeons, and soon heard a sound that caused me to furrow my eyebrows. From Severus' office I could hear muffled voices, but there was no mistaking the voices of both my godfathers. I knew they didn't like each other, and wondered for what reason they'd both be in there.

I moved toward the door quietly, glancing around to make sure there were no onlookers. Sure that there weren't, I pressed my ear to the door, making clear a third voice. Dumbledore sounded quite worried as he talked to Severus and Remus.

"So what if they didn't return to Petunia's home?" I could practically hear the sneer in Severus' voice. "As far as Lily has told me, they treat her and Harry terribly. They were much happier with the Weasley family."

I found myself smiling. Before this year, I would have never suspected that Snape would ever stand up for me, or say anything relating to my happiness. Hearing him relay what I'd been talking about with him made me grin.

"That does not matter, Seveurs," there seemed to be a snap in Dumbledore's voice. I'd only heard it once before, and it had been directed at Fudge and Lucius Malfoy as they came to take he and Hagrid away from Hogwarts. "The fact is-"

"The fact is, Albus," Remus said, cutting Dumbledore off, "that the two of them were happy. I don't understand how that doesn't matter to you. This was the best summer that they'd ever had. It was the only summer that they actually enjoyed. Those Dursleys use Lily and Harry as their personal slaves."

"Remus," The disappointment was clear in Dumbledore's voice. All Remus had done was stand up for Harry and me, and told Dumbledore that he cared that we were happy. The fact that this actually disappointed Dumbledore made me want to burst in and defend Remus. I didn't. "I do care for the children's happiness, truly. However, being with their blood relatives kept alive a protection charm that Lily put on them. They only had to visit once a year, but it has been over a year now. The protection charm has broken."

I sent a silent apology to my mother, but didn't regret what we'd done. Harry and I had escaped another summer of absolute misery. Though the protection charm may have been broken, we now had an excuse to finally leave the Dursley's to live with a witch or wizard. Both Severus and Remus had already offered after Harry and I had told them horror stories of the Dursley's.

"Then please, please, Albus," Remus begged. "Put them somewhere else now. With someone who can keep them safe. Severus or I would be only willing."

"I would like to try and restore the charm first."

I suppressed a cough. I didn't want the charm restored. I just wanted to leave that place for good. I hated it there more than anything else. I hated that we could only eat table scraps, were used as slaves, and that Vernon had no sympathy about the multiple times Harry and I had been injured by any of the three of them.

"Albus you can't. You don't know how they're treated," Severus' voice was quiet. "It's horrible."

"I'm sorry, Severus, the decision has been made. If the charm is able to be restored, Harry and Lily will be returning to the home of Petunia Dursley."

At this point, my heart had dropped into my stomach at the thought of returning to the Dursley's. I couldn't think of a worse fate. Sure, teasing Dudley could be amusing at times, but it would never be worth living there.

Harry and I had been so happy in our summer without them. Harry had told me so himself that he wished we never had to return. He was ecstatic that Vernon didn't throw us down the stairs into the basement if we accidentally released a burst of magic, or even spoke of Hogwarts.

At the thought of Harry, I made up my mind. I pushed the door open, and saw that Remus, Severus, and Dumbledore all were shocked at my sudden appearance.

"Hullo," I said, nodding to Remus and Severus. "I'm going to be honest, here. I've been listening to you guys for a while now. I've heard everything. I'm not going back."

"Lily, you're far too young-"

"I'm not," I growled, narrowing my eyes at the headmaster. "You haven't tried living with them. You didn't live for eleven years off the crusts of Dudley's sandwiches, in a cupboard, or a cold stone basement with the blanket you've had since you were three, that grew too small when you were seven. You don't know what it's like to watch Vernon throw Harry at the wall in his cupboard just because he accidentally spilled hot coffee on Petunia. You didn't feel the sound of that resonate in your chest."

"Harry told me," Remus said suddenly, catching my eye, "that when they were young, Dudley once broke a glass in the kitchen, and had run out, accidentally leaving behind his toy. None of them were wearing any shoes, and so they sent Lily to fetch it. She was, of course, hurt in the process."

Dumbledore seemed to have been rendered speechless at the unlikely army opposing him. We were all standing opposite Dumbledore, I between Severus and Remus. I liked the feeling of protection I could almost feel radiating off the both of them. Dumbledore sighed in defeat.

"We will continue this discussion with Harry. For now, good day."

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