Chapter 8- The Raven

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Of course, everyone knew the first Quidditch game of the season was approaching; Gryffindor vs Slytherin always attracted quite the crowd. What I was almost equally excited for, however, was the trip to Hogsmeade. I had high hopes that Harry and I could get our forms signed by either Severus or Remus. Even if we couldn't, we always had the invisibility cloak, and the Marauder's Map in George's bag also contained secret passages leading out of the castle.

The Gryffindors weren't in such high spirits. Oliver was working them half to death in desperation to win the house cup in his final year at Hogwarts. It was quite amusing, actually. They were up before sunrise every morning, which even I couldn't bring myself to do. In addition, they were out at least once after classes as well. Harry and the twins had been sulking for days.

Slytherin team and I had been meeting them on the pitch for a couple practice games, but had stopped after last Tuesday. We'd won the practice game, and Oliver had become redder than a tomato and stormed out. He hadn't spoken to any one of us but Adrian since, and we decided that keeping our distance was probably a good thing. We'd instead met Roger Davies and the Ravenclaw team for a few games.

They'd replaced a few players since last year, and their team was a lot stronger than it had been. It was still a good game on the pitch with the Ravenclaws, and it was only a bonus that Roger Davies didn't storm off if we won the game. The only player on their team who was nearly as competitive as Wood was their keeper, Page. Even he had only had a few unpleasant things to say to Higgs, who only snickered.

The Slytherins and Gryffindors had gotten used to multi-team practices, which is why we'd gone to the Ravenclaws after backing out of the practices with Wallowing Wood. The Gryffindors, however, were still on their own. A few Gryffindors, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, gone to Cedric in hopes of getting a few practices in with the Hufflepuffs, but, having heard that Oliver was a very sore loser, they opted to have practices on their own.

Harry wasn't pleased at all with Oliver today. I'd been sitting in the Gryffindor common room, having a game of Wizard's Chess with Percy after Ron left, making excuses about homework, when Harry, Fred, and George, threw themselves down on the couch by the fire. I ignored them for a moment, but Percy had a very proud look on his face.

"Checkmate," he stated, sliding his rook into place.

I glanced at the board to ensure he was right. "Alright. Good game, Perce."

We shook hands before Percy head off to do some of his Head Boy duties, while I took a seat in the armchair,  glancing at a very windblown Harry, Fred, and George. I didn't speak for a moment, for it didn't look like they were in any mood to. George began the conversation so I didn't have to.

"Is it possible to switch houses? I think I'd like to play for your team, Lily."

"I'd join you," Fred groaned, massaging his arms with his hands as Harry nodded in agreement. "Please, Lils, let us play for Slytherin instead."

I laughed at the pleading eyes that all Harry, Fred, and George looked at me through. I sat up straighter, crossing my arms and taking in their puppy eyes. I did feel sorry for them, somewhere deep, deep, down, but the scene was too funny for me to even recognize that.

"I would, but a: I have no intention of pissing Oliver off like that, because he'd likely have my head, b: I don't want to replace my beaters, or myself, and c: I don't think switching houses is really allowed."

Fred pouted, crossing his arms and huffing much like a toddler would. At this even Harry and George laughed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Fred's arm, pulling him up off the couch. He looked like he'd rather fall to the floor than make his legs support him, but he didn't.

"Alright, Harry, George. I'll bring him back in better spirits."

I dragged Fred into the corridor where he finally fell into step beside me without me having to literally drag him along. I huffed, finally letting my hand release his wrist and fall to my pocket while he matched my stride. He had a grin slowly creeping onto his face.

"Well I must say, I must be really good at cheering people up," I smirked, letting my eyes travel up to find his pale blue ones, which he rolled.

"I wouldn't get too confident," he grinned. "Maybe I just needed some air."

"Maybe. But maybe I'm right. It seems more likely."

I watched as Fred shook his head while he chuckled, his red hair falling onto his face as he did so. He pushed it out of his eyes with one hand as we continued onward through the corridors. He turned to find that I was watching him.

"Want an autograph?" he asked with a laugh, but didn't give me a chance to respond. "What're you thinking?"

"Nothing. We just haven't talked in a while," I confessed, not redirecting my eyes.

Fred seemed to contemplate this. Sure, I had seen him around, and had a chat with him here and there, at breakfast or between classes, but we had yet to talk without George or Harry tagging along like we had back in first year. Last year had been too hectic, especially with my being petrified.

"I suppose you're right. How about you come to Hogsmeade with me? My treat?"

I couldn't resist. "If I'm allowed, sure I'll go with you. If I'm not allowed, I'll meet you there," I winked. "I've got to see if I can get my formed signed late."

I didn't elaborate. I didn't bother to go on about how Vernon had actually torn the form into pieces when we'd sent it to him, and that I was hoping that one of my newly discovered godfathers could do it. He didn't seem to be overly curious though, for he smiled and continued to walk.

As we walked silently through the corridors, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander back to first year. Fred and I had been close that year, and I laughed at the kiddie crush I'd had on him. I was only newly eleven at the time, and even now I knew I still was still just a little kid at thirteen. Admittedly, I'd found myself thinking back to that crush quite often recently.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I glanced at Fred, to find his eyes locked on me. "I don't know if you know muggle money, but a penny's worth one knut. I don't give my thoughts out for only a knut. How d'you know that term anyway?"

"Dad's got a book of them. He tries to use them, but isn't very good at it," Fred chuckled. "You grew up around muggles; what does it mean when someone says 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'?"

I'd heard the term few times in my life, and struggled to think of a way to explain it. I was saved, however, when my name was called from behind me by a welcomed voice. Fred froze beside me, however, the voice not so welcomed to him.

The two of us turned around to Severus stalking down the corridor toward us, the usual scowl on his face. Fred's shoulders moved back as he came out of his slouch in the face of the very intimidating potions master. Severus' frown deepened.

"I do not recall my saying your name, Mr Weasley. You may go."

Fred's eyes widened and he turned to face me, mouthing a 'good luck' before he scurried off. I rolled my eyes at the smug smirk that remained on Severus' face. Obviously, he was quite proud at how well he terrified the students.

"Yes?" I said, having to tilt my head up to meet the eyes of the much taller wizard.

"I heard you wanted to speak to me," Severus said nonchalantly. "Minerva mentioned."

"Harry and I both," I said, falling into step with the potions master as we headed back toward the dungeons.

Harry? Meet me in Severus' office. Bring the permission forms.

I'll be a minute.

Satisfied, I stepped into the office behind Severus, who shut the door loudly, presumably to scare the first year Ravenclaw that had been walking the dungeon corridors. He succeeded, judging by the small yelp that came from the other side of the door. I grinned as I took a seat.

"I heard you've got your team training with the Ravenclaws now," Severus said as he sat. "What happened to the Gryffindors?"

"Wood's a bit too competitive," I laughed. "It wasn't worth it."

"He's been that way since he made the team in his second year. Even the captain, a seventh year, seemed a little frightened of him."

I laughed at the thought of a very red faced twelve-year-old Oliver Wood storming away from a big and burly seventh year. I decided I definitely needed to owl Charlie to get some stories of the short tempered keeper, remembering they must have played on the same team for a few years when Oliver was younger.

I'm outside the door. It's locked.

I leaned my chair back on the back two legs in order to be able to reach the doorknob behind me. Harry entered looking somewhat frightened, but took the seat beside me nonetheless. I shut the door and let my chair fall back into place. Harry handed me the envelope.

"It's a surprise to see you, Po- Harry," Severus said. "How did you know to come here?"

I shared a glance with Harry, wondering if he thought it a good idea to share with Severus our magical trait. We'd had what we'd thought were normal powers before, but last time we'd thought that we'd been terribly mistaken. Everyone had thought one of us was the heir of Slytherin just because we could speak snake. Before we could come to an agreement, however, Severus began to speak again.

"Interesting," he began, touching his fingers to his chin. "A rare power, though not unheard of. Those two twins in your year, the Gryffindor and the Ravenclaw, have a magical connection, but not as powerful as yours."

My eyes widened at this. Did he know? If he did, how had he found out? I pondered for a minute, but when I came to the realization, my jaw dropped. Harry eyes me curiously as I hesitated to speak, and simply sat gaping.

"You- You're a legilimens?!" I exclaimed loudly.

Severus smirked. "I think Harry is as well. Of course, he needs to be trained how to control it."

"Really?" Harry said, his interest obviously peaked. "You mean those things I hear sometimes are people's thoughts?"


Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He'd told me of the voices he heard sometimes, but we hated to talk about it. Hearing voices was never good. Only last year we'd heard a disembodied voice. That voice had belonged to a giant snake that went on to petrify a half a dozen students, and had killed one fifty years before that. It was relief to hear that the voices this time came only from other peoples heads.

"Neat," I grinned.

"And you," Severus said to me. "I can't read you."

"Thank Merlin for that," I laughed.

"Now, what did you two want to see me about?"

I hesitated, suddenly nervous to bring it up again. Harry cleared his throat, but didn't speak. I'd informed him immediately of what was happening after the argument my godfathers and I had with Dumbledore. Harry, as I knew he would be, was adamant that he'd much rather live with Remus, or even Severus.

"We were actually here about... what Dumbledore said," Harry finally said.

Severus looked very distasteful at the mention of this. He didn't speak right away, but clicked his tongue as he collected his thoughts. He tapped a finger against the desk, glancing at the silver adorning both of our wrists before he began to speak.

"Professor Dumbledore is adamant that we must attempt to repair your mother's protective charm," Severus said slowly. "Lupin and I are doing all we can for the two of you, to make certain you need not go back to that place."

"But Severus, would we be betraying our mother?" I asked timidly. "Her life is what put that charm in place."

"I knew your mother since we were both only children," Severus said. "She would want for you both to be happy. I believe she would trust you would be just as safe with Lu- Remus or I. She gave her life to protect you both, and she did. You defeated Voldemort that day."

I pondered that silently, supposing that he was, in fact, right. I smiled slightly at the thought of moving out of 4 Privet Drive and in with someone who would care for us. Harry and I exchanged a look as the thought flitted through my head.

"So, what about Dumbledore?" Harry asked. "Surely he wont just stop trying to repair the charm just because a couple of thirteen year olds asked him to?"

"Unfortunately, you'd be correct in that assumption," Severus said, frowning. "However, Remus and I will talk to him as well. Don't fret."

I smiled and shared a glance with Harry. It seemed, despite everything from the last two years, that he didn't mind being in the potions master's office. Harry and Severus both seemed comfortable where they sat.

"Professor Snape-" Harry started.

"I assume that you do not call Mister Lupin by his last name," Severus smirked. "You need not call me by mine."

"Severus," Harry tried once more. Severus seemed satisfied by that, and so Harry continued. "We've also got a second question." He glanced at the Professor's eyes. Severus motioned for him to continue and Harry held out the papers. "Would it be possible for you to sign these?"

Severus glanced at the paper he'd picked up from the desk. He shook his head. "Especially with what we are doing to try and get you away from the Dursleys', I do not think that Dumbledore would allow anything but your legal guardians' signature."

Harry and I both let out a sigh as I took the papers back. I nodded. "Thanks anyway."

"My apologies. I would if I were able."

I glanced at the clock on the wall above Severus' head, which read 6 o'clock. Harry and I thanked Severus many times before heading to the Great Hall for dinner. We sat at the Slytherin table with Draco and Theo, who quickly took our minds off the Dursleys.


Halloween came quick, but the teachers didn't seem to care much of the holiday. We were assigned just as much homework as always. Neil and I, in the company of Hermiome, had just finished our homework in the library, and were now lugging our full bags back to the Slytherin common room. I was ready to spend the night far from the festive Great Hall as I did every year.

"You're sure you don't want to come to the feast?" Neil said.

"I'm sure, Neil. Thanks. I've got a book I'm looking forward to waiting up in my dorm for me. Maybe a walk calling my name as well," I grinned, as Neil gave the password to allow us into the common room.

After chucking his bag up the stairs (mentioning he'd bring it into the dorm later), Neil seemed to contemplate staying once again. He cast a glance to me, and then to the door. I chuckled, shoving him toward the exit with both hands, assuring him I was indeed fine. He finally left the room.

I dragged a blanket and pillow down to the common room and settled in front of the crackling fire with my book; a collection of old poems by a muggle poet. Otto was even kind enough to bring me a mug of hot chocolate from the kitchens. He stayed for only a few moments to talk, before heading back to the kitchens happily.

I'd only gotten through a few poems when there was an incessant tapping coming from the corridor. I rolled my eyes, presuming it was simply a first year who'd forgotten the password again. I tried to ignore it.

"It's just a first year," I muttered quietly to myself. "Forgotten the password and now knocking at the door."

Whoever resided on the other side of the door, however, persisted. I shrugged the blanket off from around my shoulders and set my now empty mug down on the table. In the empty common room, the echo mingled with the echo of the steady tapping on the stone wall.

"Kid," I groaned loudly. "I was reading. The password's Lethifold."

I stood, and made for the door, my shadow stretching across the wall beside me as I moved. I was ready to give the first year an earful, but upon my opening of the door, found it was no first year.

The door slid open and revealed the corridor, but no one in it. I frowned, glancing up and down the dark hallway. After making sure there was no one there, I stepped back into the warm common room as the door slid shut again.

When I turned back, I found the source of the noise immediately. A dark feathered owl was perched proudly on the back of one of the couches, clutching a letter in it's beak. I glared at it for having sneaked by my. It didn't understand the look, for it only dropped the letter onto the couch. I picked up the envelope and opened it.

I know you're not very fond of Halloween, and presume you're not at the feast. If you're hungry, you may stop by my quarters.

I grinned, collecting my things and putting them back into my dormitory. Without changing out of my tracks and hoodie, I headed back downstairs. Back in the common room, the owl was once again tapping to get out. I beckoned it away from the window, which only had lake beyond it.

"'Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore''," I recited the poem I'd began to read only moments ago, chuckling quietly to myself.

As I headed toward the door, the owl took a seat on my shoulder. I stroked it's dark feathers once before I slid my sneakers onto my feet and headed out of the common room. It wasn't far from there room to Snape's office.

When he opened the door, his owl left my shoulder and landed on a perch inside his office. He wasn't in his office, and I approached the door to his personal quarters. At my knock, he opened the door and beckoned me inside. I took a seat on the couch, where a plate of food already waited on the table in front of me.

"Remus apologizes," Severus said, the harsh tone he held just barely audible, obviously being held back. "It is the full moon tonight."

"Thanks, Sev'rus," I said through a mouthful.

"Chew, child. Keep your mouth shut while you're eating," Severus sneered.

I rolled my eyes and took a hard gulp, swallowing my half unchewed food. "Sorry. Thank you. How come you're not at the feast?"

"Same reason as you, I suppose," Severus said, entering the room from the kitchen with his own plate and goblet, taking a seat on the armchair and lighting the fire with a simple wave of his wand. "Though, I never much enjoyed Halloween."

I shrugged, forcing another forkful of food into my mouth. We ate in silence for a long while, though I didn't mind. Although I always refused to go to the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast, I was always quite hungry. Sydney would always bring me food from the feast, however, for which I was always grateful. When I finished, I looked over Severus' bookshelf as he read The Daily Prophet.

"Profe- Severus. Would you mind if I stayed a while and read this?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't mind, considering it would be past curfew when I left if I did.

Severus sighed defeated. "I suppose. However, if you get detention on your way back to your common room, I had no part in it."

"Of course. I'm sure I can squeeze another detention into my schedule somewhere," I smirked. "I only have the night off because it's Halloween."

I plopped back down into my spot, curling my knees to my chest and propping the book up there. I wasn't aware how long it had been as we sat there in silence. When I glanced up next, the clock read 7:30, just after dinner. What had made me look up, though, was much more intriguing.

"Severus!" Said a portrait from the other room. "Professor Snape!"

The portrait sounded very urgent, and though his passive look didn't falter, Severus seemed to be moving a bit faster as he headed for the other room. I wasn't far behind, watching over Severus' shoulder. We arrived in front of the portrait, who looked quite flustered.

"Ah, Professor! The Headmaster has requested you in the Great Hall immediately."

"Sir Harrington, what, may I ask, is of such urgency?"

"Oh, Professor Snape! The Fat Lady, of Gryffindor Tower, she was attacked! By him! By Sirius Black!"

Severus paled. I stepped just a little closer, fearful of missing anything. How had Sirius Black gotten past the dementors? The portrait seemed to finally notice me upon my stepping forward. He gasped.

"Oh! Miss Potter! Professor Dumbledore requests you as well! The students will be spending the night in the Great Hall," the portrait lowered his voice. "I am not supposed to tell you this, but I think the Headmaster is afraid that Black is after you and your brother."

"Sir Harrington, is it?" I asked. "Is it truly safer in the Great Hall?"

"They know not!" Harrington said, moving across the canvas. "They suppose you will be safer under the supervision, but Sirius Black made it past the dementors, didn't he? Who's to say he wont make it past the Professors as well!"

"Harrington! Enough! Do not scare the poor child. Off with you now. I will escort Miss Potter to the Great Hall."

"Oh. Yes, Professor Snape, Sir."

The portrait ran off. Snape, who allowed me to take the book from his quarters, led me to the dark corridor. His hand tightly gripped his wand beneath his sleeve. I did as well. Being petrified had somewhat put me on edge while in the hallways after dark. I didn't avoid it, however.

We walked slowly through the corridors, Severus' nervousness hidden beneath a cool exterior. We passed the potions classroom, and turned toward the stairs. Our walk to the Great Hall was silent, and we met Professor Dumbledore in the Great Hall.

"Ah, Severus. I see you're already in company of Miss Potter. I'm sure Sir Harrington informed you of what is unravelling?"

"Yes, Albus. What's our next move?"

"First and foremost we must get all the students here immediately. Miss Potter will remain while you and the other heads of houses go to retrieve the others."

Snape turned without a word, heading back the way we had come. I gave Dumbledore a smile as I headed into the Great Hall. I found Harry immediately, setting up his sleeping bag with Ron and Hermione next to him.

"Lily!" Hermione said, seeing me before the other two. "Oh thank goodness that you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay, Mione."

"Well, it's just that Sirius Black is after you and Harry. Neil told me that you were going to go for a walk during the feast. I know how you dislike the Halloween feast. Why're you here before the rest of the Slytherins?"

"Ah. Well I did go for my walk," I lied, casting a sideways glance at Harry. "But I ended up in Professor Snape's office. I was discussing the upcoming Quidditch game with him when a portrait interrupted and told that we should come here immediately. He escorted me here."

"Good. Come set up here with us. We've saved room for Sydney over there next to Harry. Here, there's room for you here next to me."

I set up my sleeping bag between Emily and Hermione. Sydney entered not long later, followed closely by the boys.

"Alright Harry, Ron?" said Neil.

Ron shrugged. With little room left now, Slytherin being the last house to arrive, Theo, Draco, and Neil were forced to move a little ways away. We all slid into our sleeping bags upon instruction.

"Little less cheery than our sleepovers at Bill's, don't you reckon?" Said George's voice from above my head.

"Well, there was no mass murderers loose in Bill's house," I said nonchalantly.

"Not unless you've got something you want to tell us, eh, Georgie?" Sydney said from my left. "Is that what's going on, Sirius Black was spotted nearby? Snape didn't tell us anything. No one's telling us anything."

"No one told you? Sirius Black was spotted nearby, alright," Fred said, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Very nearby," George said, copying his brother's movements.

"What? Where?"

"Sirius Black was spotted at Gryffindor Tower. He attacked the Fat Lady," I finished for the Weasley twins.

"Sirius Black is inside the castle?" Sydney exclaimed loudly.

She alerted all the students, and chatter broke out immediately, theories flying this way and that, none of which were even possible. Joining into a Ravenclaw's conversation, Ron suggested that Black might've apparated in, while Dean butted in saying maybe he's simply flown in.

"Honestly, am I the only one who's ever bothered to read Hogwarts: A History?" Hermione huffed. "The castle is more than walls you know."

"She's right. There's all kinds of wards, including an anti-apparation ward, Ronald. Plus the dementors now."

"How d'you suggest he did it then, huh?"

"If I knew, you wouldn't be the one I'd be telling Ron. It'd be straight to McGonagall," I rolled my eyes, just as Percy shouted for everyone to quieten and go to sleep.


By the time 3 a.m. rolled around, everyone was asleep in the hundreds of purple sleeping bags on the floor of the Great Hall, most silent, some snoring. Even Harry had fallen asleep, with his back to me. I had left my sleeping bag hours ago, unable to sleep. I sat in the windowsill silently. The book I'd taken from Severus was propped open in my lap, the words illuminated by the light of the full moon. It seemed, however, that every time the howls echoed quietly through the school grounds, my gaze was drawn away from the pages and out the window.

I sighed, and leaned back against the wall. Glancing at my watch, I wondered quietly how Moony was, and how long it took for him to come back to himself. I knew he wouldn't be in class tomorrow, and Severus had told me to give him a day before going to see him. I myself was considering skipping class the next day anyway, and try and get some shuteye that I wasn't getting that night.

Percy was the only one still at least half awake. He'd stopped prowling between the sleeping bags a half hour ago, and was now half asleep in a chair by the grand oak doors of the Great Hall. Every once in a while I'd hear him mutter quietly to himself about staying awake, but it never lasted long.

I was hidden from his line of sight, curled into the corner against the window. The window was high off the floor, and I'd had to jump up off the head table and grab the edge, before hauling myself up. I didn't think that Percy would even take the time to look up where I was.

I leaned my forehead against the cool window, letting myself get absorbed into my novel once again. It was an old novel by a wizard author, and it was different from what I usually read. Usually I preferred muggle works, but enjoyed the change of pace.

I was able to read only for another half hour, when I heard three pairs of footsteps enter the Hall. I placed the book down, shutting a torn piece of parchment inside to mark my place. I quickly stuck my head to glance around the corner, seeing McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Snape, all enter the Great Hall.

"Is everything good here?" I heard Dumbledore ask Percy.

Percy made an odd noise as Dumbledore startled him awake, it, along with the scratch of the chair legs on the floor and his jumping up, echoed quietly in the large room. Percy cleared his throat in order to try and redeem himself.

"Yes sir. Everyone's asleep."

"Good. You head off to bed too then Mr. Weasley."

I heard Percy sigh in relief, and his footsteps headed over to the corner of the hall, where I knew Ginny was. There was a shuffle as he climbed into his sleeping bag, and then the hall fell into near silence once again.

"Albus," McGonagall spoke up. "Do you think Harry and Lily should be warned?"

There was a long silence that followed. Knowing through sound, the Professor's didn't move, and none of them spoke. I heard Dumbledore hum thoughtfully to himself only seconds before he finally answered.

"Perhaps, Minerva. For now we shall let them sleep. I must go and inform the dementors that Black wasn't found."

I thanked McGonagall silently for being one of the few that didn't want to keep Harry and I in the dark. I was sure, however, that we knew more than they thought, and that Severus knew that, but wouldn't tell Dumbledore. There was very little communication between the two, and it wasn't a secret to me that Snape didn't particularly like Dumbledore.

"Where is Miss Potter, Dumbledore?" Snape asked, voice steady.

"She is with her brother, Severus. They must sleep."

"No, Albus, I'm afraid Severus is right. Ms Potter is nowhere to be seen. Her empty sleeping bag is next to Ms Gould's there."

"Surely, Black hasn't gotten her?" Snape said, and I detected the slightest hint of worry in his voice.

It wasn't the guilt that made me give away my position. It was, rather, the idea of a castlewide search being put out for me. I didn't like the thought of the dementors searching for me, and even less the thought of them finding me.

"I'm fine, Professors," I said, sticking my head around the corner and giving a small, but genuine smile.

All of them turned to face me, and a smile formed on Dumbledore's face. The moonlight had lit the entire hall and it was easy to see the relief that even Snape had written on his face. They came closer to the windowsill where I sat, so I could lean back against the wall, and still see their faces.

"Can't sleep Lily?" Dumbledore asked, having to tilt his head upward to face me.

"Just keeping watch, sir," I shrugged. "Percy could hardly keep his eyes open, and I can't sleep anyway."

"Kept company by literature?" Dumbledore nodded to the book in my hand.

I held it out. "I finished it a little while ago. Thank you, Professor Snape, for loaning it to me."

Snape accepted it, not cracking a smile in front of his coworkers, Dumbledore in particular. I leaned back against the stone wall behind me, feeling the cool radiating off of it. McGonagall, in a very motherly way, conjured up a pillow and blanket, handing them up to me.

"If you're not going to sleep, Miss Potter, you might as well be comfortable," she smiled, casting a knowing glance from me down to Harry, before putting a cushioning charm on the ground beneath the ledge on which I sat. "Another book?"

"Thanks, Professor McGonagall," I said, putting the pillow against the wall and the blanket over the rest of my body. "I have one though. An old collection of muggle poems."

"I see. Goodnight, Miss Potter. Alert the ghosts if you need anything."

The professors walked away again, and I opened my book that I'd been reading in the common room earlier. I was only just continuing the poem I'd been reading before having left, when I was interrupted by the same sound again.

Another bird, dark feathers and all, was tapping once again, this time on the window beside me. I couldn't help but shiver at the coincidence. I read quietly aloud.

"'Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, 'art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore –
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'"

The dark bird didn't hear me through the thick glass, but when I shifted my leg, the movement scared it, and it flew away into the night, as a howl sounded through it's departure.

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