A Love Meant to Be... Or Not?

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It's been almost a month since I last updated. Oh, well. I finally decided to post this. Enjoy!

Summary: Harry doesn't think he'll ever find a date to the Yule Ball, but thankfully, luck is on his side once more.

Pairing(s): Harry/George

Additional notes: the title may sound sad, but it's not; the twins are goofballs, but what else is new?

Word count: 828

Harry stormed away from the dungeons, Snape's sneering words echoing in his head.

"Harry, wait up!" Hermione called as she and Ron ran to catch up.

"Yeah, Potter, wouldn't want to lose the Mudblood and blood traitor," Malfoy jeered.

Ron's face reddened, and he shoved Malfoy away. "Shut up, Malfoy."

"Detention, Mr. Weasley," Snape said, a vicious smirk on his face. "With me tomorrow evening. Can't have you enjoying detention tonight with Mr. Potter now, can we?"

It was only Hermione's tight grip on Ron's arm that prevented him from launching himself at the teacher. As soon as Snape and Malfoy were gone, she released him. "You can't go around attacking people, Ron, no matter how much they provoke you."

"You heard what Malfoy said," Ron argued. "He used that — that — disgusting word!"

"As he has been doing for the past two years now," Hermione said resignedly. It was terrible to have gotten used to such vulgar language, but unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do. It didn't help that Snape always turned a blind eye to his Slytherins.

Harry had already moved on, having not reacted to Snape's interference for once. Snape just loved doling out detentions and deducting points from anyone not in Slytherin, especially if you were a Gryffindor. Especially if you were the Gryffindor son of Snape's rival. He hadn't even done anything to warrant this detention. Apparently, his potion — which was actually correctly brewed — was proof that he had help from Hermione and therefore cheated.

It didn't help that his name had come out of the Goblet of Fire, giving yet another reason for Snape to hate him.

"Harry!" Fred suddenly leapt to his feet and ran forward so he was directly in front of Harry.

"Um, yes?"

"Will you go to the ball with me?"

Harry blinked several times. Of all the people that have asked him so far, Fred was among the last he expected. "Really?" he managed to get out.

Fred grinned. "Yes, Harry, my love. I have been summoning up my Gryffindor courage to ask you for the past week."

Harry looked around in bewilderment. The Gryffindor Quidditch team members, Angelina, Katie, and Alicia, were all giggling as they watched the scene unfold. Colin Creevey had his camera out, ready to snap a picture. Ginny was laughing behind her hand, and beside her, Neville looked torn between embarrassment for Harry and amusement at his expense. George was nowhere to be seen.

Fred turned Harry's head back around. "If our love isn't meant to be, I will go back in time and slap myself."

Okay, now Harry was really confused. Because you needed a Time-Turner, and he was pretty certain Fred didn't have one of those. Whether he was capable of obtaining one was a completely different story.

Suddenly, George jumped out from behind Harry and backhanded Fred across the face. Fred dramatically fell to the floor, holding his cheek.

Colin took a picture, and Fred pretended to look aghast as George took Harry's hands. "Since that clearly didn't work out, how would you like to be my date to the ball?"

Harry stared at him for several long seconds. "Is there anything against two guys going?"

"Not that I'm aware of," George said. "So is that a yes?"

"How good are you at dancing?" Harry asked.


"Terrible," Fred said at the same time. He was still lying on the floor.

Harry shrugged. "Why not?"

George beamed.

Fred got to his feet. "Well, I'm crushed. Hopelessly. Can't you tell by the look on my face?"

"Er..." said Harry, because Fred looked anything but hopelessly crushed.

"Oi! Angelina!"


"Want to come to the ball with me?"

Angelina glanced at Harry, who shrugged. "All right, then."

Fred gave George a smug look. "There. Now we both got dates. You better watch yourselves, you two, because Angelina and I are going to kill it."

"Yeah, right!" George shot back.

"Honestly," Hermione said in exasperation as the common room went back to their previous conversations. "Couldn't you have asked Harry in a normal manner?"

"Normal?" Fred repeated. He stared at Hermione in confusion. "What does that word even mean? Gred?"

"Excellent question, Forge. Perhaps we should look in the dictionary."

"Right you are. Come along, then. See you later, Harry." George ruffled Harry's hair affectionately and took off with his brother close behind.

"This is just great," Ron muttered.

"Is there something wrong?" Harry asked, not wanting to fight so soon after making up.

"No," Ron quickly assured him. "It's just those two won't be shutting up anytime soon, that's all."

"Since when do they ever shut up about anything?" Harry countered.

"True enough. Hey, don't you have detention with Snape?"

Harry's eyes widened, and he bolted away without another word. Behind him, he head Hermione still wondering why the hell the twins had to be so dramatic.

Detention was sure to be hell, but at least Harry found his date.

Fred/Harry is a little more popular than George/Harry and I'm not against pairing Harry with either twin, sooooo... I decided to have some fun.

And the idea was inspired by this (put at the end to avoid spoilers):

[Tumblr post that says: if I had a twin I would go into crowds of strangers and profess my love to someone and then say "if our love isn't meant to be, I will go back in time and slap myself" and then my twin would burst in and slap me]

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