Chapter 10

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Harry dropped his jaw and just sat there for a few minutes. Then he said,

"You are my father? I though James was my father! He was married to my mother Lily! How are you my father? So is Tonks my mother since you are married to her?" Remus held up his hand to stop Harry from asking any more questions and to get him to stop talking and it made Harry flinch. Tonks saw this and said,

"He is just trying to get you to stop talking. He is not going to hit you." She wrapped her arms around Harry, looked at Remus and nodded. He said,

"James and Lily were your parents. The reason that I am your father is because your father had an accident during his last year at Hogwarts and well let's just say, that he wasn't able to have children after that." Harry thought for a few minutes then said,

"What happened to my dad?" Remus looked at Tonks and she looked back at him. Then after a few minutes Tonks said,

"Well your father got into a situation with a fellow student and he lost the body part that would affect his ability to have children. It was cut off by accident but there was no way to reattach it." Harry gave Tonks a confused look. Remus sighed and said,

"He got his balls cut off!" Harry shuddered and cringed. Tonks glared at Remus and said,


"What? It is not like you were going to say it." Tonks shook her head and turned back to Harry and said,

"Yes Harry that is what happened to your father."

"Who did he get into a situation with and how did it get cut off?" Tonks looked at Remus and Remus said,

"After Lucius joined the dark side he tried to get me and James to join him but we refused. Lucius dragged James off to Malfoy Manor and tried to force James to join. James refused and Lucius decided that he was going to regret it."

* Flashback*

Lucius called a few death eaters over and told them to strip James and hold him. James put up a fight but after a few minutes the death eaters had gotten his clothes off and had gotten him down on his knees. Lucius went over to the wall beside the fireplace and placed his hand on the wall. There was something that scanned his hand and the wall opened up to reveal a lot of weapons. Lucius grabbed a whip and closed the wall by placing his hand back on the wall. He walked over to James and said,

"Let's see if we can't change your mind about joining the dark side." With that he began to beat James. James tried hard to not scream, whimper, or cry as he felt the whip slice through the flesh on his back. After about ten minutes Lucius stopped and knelt beside a bloody James, pulled his head up so James was looking him in the eye and said, "I am going to ask you one more time. Will you or will you not join the dark side?" James glared at him and said slightly out of breath,

"I will... never join... the dark side! I would... rather die... a slow and... painful death by... having my insides... cut out and I... bleed to... death." Lucius smiled and said,

"That can be arranged!" Lucius commanded the death eaters to put James on his back and hold him. Lucius got down next to James, pulled out a knife, and placed the blade on his stomach. He then began to press down and blood began to flow down James' side. Lucius began to drag the knife across James' stomach. Just then Bellatrix walked in and said,

"Lucius what in the world are you doing?" This startled Lucius and it caused him to slice down and then he caught himself and he moved his hand but the knife accidently cut off James's balls in the process. James screamed in pain and Lucius told the death eaters to let him go. They released him and he crawled into a ball. After about five minutes and a lot of pressure James was able to stop the bleeding enough to escape.

* End of flashback*

Remus shuddered and said,

"I remember when he got back to the school in excruciating pain and covered in blood. Sirius and I patched him up while he told us the whole story. We did the best that we could but like Tonks said there was nothing we could do to fix it. One because the part was still at Malfoy Manor and two because the cut was not even anyways and yeah." Harry thought for a few minutes and then said,

"So you had sex with my mom?"

"God no! James would have killed me and then Tonks would have brought me back to life only to kill me again herself. We did in vitro fertilization with my sperm and her egg. She then carried you for nine months. James was going to be your father and we planned on telling you the truth on your 13th birthday. So happy birthday Harry I am really your father." Remus said with a smile. Harry sat there for a few minutes trying to process everything. Harry nodded his head and said,

"Okay so since my parents are dead, does this mean that you guys are going to be my parents now or is Sirius going to be my guardian?" Tonks sighed and said,

"Well Sirius would have legal guardianship over you but he is still in hiding. Arthur is allowing him stay here to keep an eye on him until he can clear his name. Remus and I want to adopt you but we wanted to tell you about you being a wolf first and we wanted to check with you first to see if you even wanted us as your parents or not. The choice is up to you Harry!" Before Harry got a chance to answer here was a knock at the door. Remus opened the door to find his three-year-old son Teddy standing there a little bit out of breath. Remus picked up his son and then once Teddy had caught his breath he said,

"Dada, Mama, Arry, mi Molly said inner ime!" Remus looked at Tonks and nodded. He then left the room with Teddy. Tonks just sat on the bed next to Harry. After a few seconds of awkward silence Harry said,

"You don't want me I am a freak! Freaks don't get families!" Tonks wrapped her arms around Harry, held him close and said,

"Harry honey, you are not a freak. No one sees you as a freak."

"I am a freak! Everyone tells me that I am one!"

"Who tell you that you are a freak?"

"My uncle, my aunt, Ron, students at school who I pass or they pass me in the hallway. I can hear them whispering about me." Tonks put her hands around Harry's face and smiled at him and said,

"You are not a freak. It doesn't matter what other people say Remus and I will always love you no matter what!" Harry turned towards Tonks and buried his head in her chest and began to sob. Tonks just rubbed his head and she said, "I didn't mean to make you cry buddy. I am sorry." Harry picked his head up and said through tears,

"It's oookkkaaayyy! Sniff, I haven't hhad anyone tell me they lloovvee mme since before mmmyyy mmmoomm ddiied." Harry buried his head back in Tonks' chest. She held him and said,

"Awe that not right! I will make sure that I tell you that I love you every day for the rest of the summer and Remus too and I will make sure that Remus tells you that he loves you every day once school starts back up." Harry pulled his head back up and wiped his eyes and said,

"My uncle told me that no one wanted me and that no one loved me." Tonks smiled and said,

"Remus, Teddy and I will always love you to pieces and of course we want you. Besides I know of a fact that a certain turquoise haired little boy named Teddy already sees you as a big brother. So do you want a loving family that will love you no matter what?" Harry nodded and hugged Tonks. The two of them walked down to dinner. When they got down the stairs Tonks said, "Guess what everyone? Harry has agreed to let Remus and I adopt him." Everyone cheered and it made Harry turn red.

Later that night in Hermione and Ginny's room Harry and Hermione had the flowing conversation:

"Are you excited for school to start back up?" Hermione asked. Harry quickly shook his head and said,

"No I don't like school for many reasons."

"Is it because of Ron and Percy?"

"Well there is that but there is more than just that."

"Like what?"

"I don't like homework, papers, lectures, things of that nature."

"Is it because you don't understand it because you have trouble reading because you are dyslexic?" Harry started at her and then said,

"I can read just fine!"

"I have seen you grab the wrong ingredients during potions and I have also seen you taking notes and your letters are all jumbled up. I have also heard you reading under your breath or should I say trying to read." Harry hung his head in shame. Hermione smiled and said, "Which is why I spent the summer trying to find a tutor for you and I finally found someone, besides me since I will be extremely busy this year and not have the time to help you like you will need." Harry lifted his head and asked,


"Draco Malfoy!"

"What? You are going to have Malfoy tutor me? Have you lost your mind Hermione?"

"No Luna is too ADHD, Neville is too introverted and I don't have time, like I said I have a lot of work to get done this year. Draco was the next best person that I could find for the job. He is really a great guy. Just give him a chance Harry!"

"Fine I will give him a chance but you have to promise not to leave me alone with him." Hermione promised not to leave Harry alone with Draco.

The next day owls flew in and out of the ministry. Arthur had seven different owls fly into his office alone dropping school letters off for his four children, his niece Ginny, Harry and Hermione. He also received a letter from Minerva. He opened the letter, it read,

Dear Arthur,

Severus, Remus, Filius (Flitwick), Pomona (Sprout) and I have received letters informing us to change our curriculum so that we are teaching the students' things that are more on the dark side and less towards the side of good like what we have been teaching. They are all signed Albus Dumbledore but we all know that Albus would not have us teach dark arts to the students. We have a feeling that someone is impersonating Albus. I just wanted to make you aware of this situation.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Arthur thought for a few minutes and then grabbed a quill and piece of parchment paper and sent the following reply,

Dear Minerva,

Thank you for letting me know about what is going on at the school. Please keep an eye on things for me and let me know if anything drastic happens or anything changes.


Arthur Weasley

Minister of Magic

When Arthur and Ron (he is cleaning the bathrooms at the ministry) came home Ron went to his room as he has also been grounded for the entire summer for lying to his parents. Arthur handed the letters to their rightful owners. The next day Molly took Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, and Harry to get school supplies. Once they arrived back at Grimwald Place Hermione and Harry went to the girl's room to catch up on what had happened over the summer. Harry told her all about what the Dursley's had done to him and how he was positive that it had been Dudley who helped Remus and Tonks find him. He then told her everything that had happened after he arrived at Grimwald place up to the point when he received her letter. They just talked for several hours. Hermione ended up falling asleep with her head on Harry's chest. He fell asleep with his head resting on her head. Ginny walked in and saw the two of them and began to giggle. She went and got Fred and George. They came and took pictures to use as blackmail if needed. Then Molly came up to do her evening sweep to make sure that all the children were in bed. She saw Fred and George standing in the doorway of the girl's room and shooed them back to their room, woke up the sleeping couple and sent Harry to bed in Remus and Tonks' room. The next few weeks everyone spent their time enjoying the last few weeks of summer except Ron and Hermione. Ron because he was working at the ministry, which was busier than normal, cleaning the bathrooms, and Hermione because she was reading and memorizing her textbooks for the upcoming school year. The third year approached and Arthur took Ron, Percy, Fred and George to the train station while Molly came with Ginny, Harry, and Hermione. After all the students were on the train the Hogwarts express began its journey to Hogsmeade. After a few hours, Hermione grabbed her robes from her trunk and went to the bathroom to change. After she left the car, Harry got his robes from his trunk and waited for Hermione to come back so that he could go change. All of a sudden the car door flew open and in walked Ron and Percy. Percy closed the door and placed a silencing charm on the car and locked the door.

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