Chapter 9

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Molly went to the door and opened it. Hermione walked into the room with a book in her hand. It was a picture book about Qudditch. She walked over to where Harry was and placed the book in his lap and went and stood behind Severus and Remus. Tonks told Harry he could open his eyes. Harry opened his eyes and looked down at his lap. He saw the book and picked it up and began to flip through it. He smiled and said,

"Thanks Hermione! I love it." She stepped out from behind Severus and Remus and said,

"You are welcome Harry! How did you know it was me?"

"When you placed the book on my lap I smelled your perfume." Hermione looked at Harry and said,

"I am not wearing any perfume."

"I... I... um... umm... I could just smell you okay. I have a sensitive sense of smell." Tonks looked at Remus and smiled. Harry shook his head and said, "Sorry! Mrs. Weasley your timer is going off. Sorry!" Harry hung his head. Molly left the room. Ginny and Hermione took Teddy to get him washed up before dinner. Severus grabbed Sirius and took him downstairs to help with dinner and set the table and Fred and George left the room to go finish up some new pranks for the upcoming school year. This left Remus, Tonks and Harry in the room. Remus looked at Tonks and nodded. Tonks looked at Harry and said,

"Harry how long have you had the strong sense of smell and sensitive hearing?" Harry though for a minute and then said,

"As long as I can remember. I have always been able to hear everything around me. I have also always had a strong sense of smell." Tonks smiled and then said,

"You are a werewolf Harry!" Harry dropped his jaw. Then he said,

"How can I be a werewolf? I thought you had to be bitten by a werewolf in order to be one."

"Normally yes, in order to become a werewolf, however there are rare cases when someone is born a werewolf. These cases are rare but not unheard of." Harry just sat there trying to process what he was being told. He then said,

"In order for me to have been born a werewolf, one of my parents would have to have been born a werewolf right?" Tonks nodded. Harry continued, "As far as I know neither of my parents were werewolves." Tonks smiled at Remus and nodded. Remus cleared his throat and said,

"Your mother was not a werewolf!"

"So that would mean that my dad was a werewolf!" Harry interrupted. Remus continued,

"Your father is a werewolf!"

"My dad was a werewolf. My parents are both dead Professor Lupin. They died when I was one." Remus looked at Tonks and she smiled at him and nodded. Remus gulped and said,

"No Harry I am your father!"

AN:/ I know this in an awkward spot but the letters got delivered in the middle of all of this and Severus and Remus briefly leave and then go back.

Meanwhile at Hogwarts in McGonagall's office

Minerva was sitting at her desk signing letters when there was a knock at her door. "It's open!" she called from behind several piles of late Hogwarts letters. The letters should have been sent out last week but she had only just received them today and needed to get them out by the end of the day tomorrow. The door opened and in walked Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick. Sprout closed the door and placed a silencing charm on the room. Minerva looked around a stack of signed letters and saw her two colleagues standing there. Flitwick nudged Sprout and she cleared her throat.

"Minerva can we talk to you please?"


"We are concerned about the letter we received from Albus telling us to change our curriculum and what to change it to." Minerva looked confused and then said,

"What do you mean?" Professor Flitwick spoke up,

"I received a letter saying that I needed to start teaching less about the history behind the charms and I need to start teaching charms that can be used to harm people." Sprout spoke up next,

"I have been told to get rid of some of my "normal" plants and get some that grow ingredients that are used in potions that I am pretty sure are harmful to the students and potentially deadly." Minerva stood up and walked over to where Sprout and Flitwick were standing. Before she could say anything her fireplace lit up and out popped Severus followed by Remus. They both had pissed off expressions on their faces and letters in their hands. Severus was the first too speak,

"Albus has lost his mind! He wants me to gather ingredients and teach my students how to make potions that are not only harmful to them but some are also deadly and forbidden." Remus spoke next,

"At least you are still teaching what you signed up for. My title has been changed from Defense against the Dark Arts Professor to just Dark Arts Professor. I also have to change my entire curriculum to now teach Dark arts rather than how to defend against the dark arts." They all turned and looked at Minerva. After a few minutes, she said,

"Let me see the letters." Everyone handed her his or her letters. She looked at each one for a few minutes and once she had looked at all of them she handed each letter back to its rightful owner and went to a filing cabinet behind her desk. She rummaged through a lot of papers and then she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a letter that Albus had sent her. It was her letter inviting her to be the Transfigurations professor. She looked over it and then she walked back to her distraught colleagues. She handed Sprout the letter and said, "Look at the signatures! The ones on your notes don't match the one on mine." The four professors looked at Minerva's letter and then at their own letters. She was right they were indeed different. The signatures on their letters matched each other's but didn't match the one on Minerva's letter. At first no one spoke then Minerva said, "I think we have an imposter on our hands! I have a strange feeling that someone is using Polyjuice to make us believe that he is really Albus while hiding the real Albus. Come to think of it Albus has seemed a bit off for the last 13 years! Everyone nodded in agreement. Then Severus said,

"It would appear to me that this is the work of none other than you know who." Minerva looked at Severus and said,

"Oh for Pete sake! Just say his name Sev Lord Voldemort! Say Lord Voldemort Severus. Just say it!" Severus sighed and said,

"Fine I have a feeling Lord Voldemort is behind this!" The Professors nodded in agreement. They all knew something had to be done the questions was what!

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