Chapter 1

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I hope you enjoy the book, you bookworms!!!
*Harry's POV*

The end of my 5th year at Hogwarts was a month ago and I was yet again sent back to live with my 'loving family'. I hate it here. My so called 'friends' have sent letter after letter to me, but I refuse to reply to them.

Vernon just got done beating me, yet again. He always does this. I'm starved while I'm here, too. I only get a slice of bread and a glass of water a week. It is now mere seconds away from my birthday and I'm stuck spending it here, all alone. Midnight struck and I am racked with pain and begin emitting a blinding glow. I close my eyes due to the glow and bite my tongue to stop me from screaming out.

As soon as the pain started, it ended. I open my eyes and get up off of the bed. I creep over to the door, slowly open it, and walk to the bathroom.

I look into the mirror to see that I was still had messy black hair, but it was a little more controllable. I now stood at the height of 6'5" with pasty white skin and my same avada kedavra green eyes. I have dainty fangs and didn't need my glasses anymore. I had a good build, too. 'I'm taller than Professor Snape now,' I muse.

I hear a tapping on my window and run quickly and quietly back to my room and opened the window before it wakes Uncle Vernon.

The owl flew in and perched itself on my shoulder. He nibbles on my ear. It has an official looking letter with him. I take it and look it over. It's from Gringotts. The owl flies off. 'Why would they be sending me a letter? Well, let's find out.' I open it to read:

'Dear Harrison Salazar Gaunt,

The Ministry of Magic and Gringotts have come into realization that you have gone through your magical and creature inheritance. In the eyes of the ministry, this makes you a legal adult. Please get away from those terrible muggles and get your apparition test as soon as possible. Gringotts also needs you to come in to sort out your inheritance. When you're ready to come, just hold this letter and say 'Liquorice.'

Head of Gringotts,

I walk over to the bed, lift up the loose floorboard, and get all of my stuff. I get my trunk from my wardrobe. I take the marauders map, the invisibility cloak, and my notes out of my trunk and destroy everything else. I send the killing curse at Hedwig, killing her. I make blood splatters appear around the room. I pocket the map and the cloak. I pick up the letter. 'I'm finished with the lies. I won't tolerate it anymore. I'm going to see the Dark Lord.' I apparate into Gaunt Manor.

I follow the sound of voices. I walk into the dining room to see a Death Eaters meeting. It went dead silent in the room and wands were pointed towards me. I smirk. I bow to Tom.

"My lord, I wish to speak with you," I say. "I'm tired of the lies from the so called light side."

"What has Dumbledore and his minions done to you to make you think so badly about them?" Tom asks. I get up, pull the letter from my pocket, and toss it to him. He picks it up and looks at it. He passes it around.

"I didn't want to go alone, so I came here instead," I say.

"Well, this is your home son," Tom says. I nod in acceptance.

"I'm going to go watch the stars," I say, leaving the room. I head outside and sit there until dawn without being interrupted all night.

"Son?" Tom asks. "Have you been out here all night?" I nod my head in confirmation. "Why?"

"Being outside soothes me," I reply. "It makes me feel free. Like I have no responsibilities or expectations required of me." He sighs, sitting down beside me.

"You had two younger sisters, you know," he states. "They were twins. I've missed you, them, and my wife. There's not been a day that I haven't thought of all of you."

"I know," I reply. "I've met one by accident. I have dreams about all of them almost every night. I have nightmares of that horrible night at least once a week."

"Which sister have you found and where is she now," he asks with desperation.

"Isabella," I respond sadly. "I had to make a deal with the vampire king to make sure she and her mate lived. She doesn't know that I made interfered, though. They are currently happily living back in Forks, Washington."

"Please take me to her," he asks. I nod in acceptance.

Grabbing his arm, I apparate us outside a white house with a wall of glass. We walk up to the door and knock. A blonde man comes to the door.

"Hello," he says. "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a Bella," I say. I hear a growl come from inside. My mouth falls open. "What was that?"

"Nothing," he says quickly. "Bella, someone's here to see you." A brown haired girl and a bronzed haired boy comes to the door. "You're Bella?" She nods. "May I speak to you alone outside for a few minutes?" She nods and he glares at me. She steps outside and slams the door in his face. Chuckling, I take her hand and lead her away from the front door and over to father. "Is it her?" He nods. She looks confused. "Bella, this is going to be hard to believe, but you're a witch. I'm your older brother, you're a twin, and this is our father." She slings her arms around me and I slowly wrap my arms around her. She laughs and I spin her around, making her squeal.

"Wait, can they come with me?" she asks, pulling back. We both look to dad. He shrugs.

"If they want to," he says. She laughs and leads us both back to their house. She waltz in and sits on the bronze haired boy's lap. I look around at the others gathered in the room. "My name is Tom and this is my son, Harrison." The blonde haired man stood up after that.

"My name is Carlisle," he says. "This is my mate, Esme. There's Edward, who is with Bella. This is Rosalie and Emmett. That's Jasper and Alice."

"I want to thank all of for taking care of my Bella. I just hope my daughter's life hasn't been such a danger magnet as my son's life has over the years." They stare at us as I subconsciously rub the scarred skin on my left hand and give an involuntary shudder. I walk over to where Bella and Edward is and sit beside them.

"You hungry, Bella?" I ask. She nods. "Where's the kitchen?" Esme points me in the right direction. I walk in and take a quick look around. I get cooking some spaghetti and meatballs enough for the 3 of us while dancing around the kitchen. I hear a giggle and turn to see my small family standing there, watching me. I continue to prepare and serve the food and place them on the counter. My father, sister, and I eat quickly. We go back into the living room.

"I'm just going to say it," I say. "We came here to patch our family back together. We would like Bella to come back to England with us, but she wants you all to come, too. We're perfectly okay with this if you would like to come." They all look at each other. Rosalie glares at us.

"Why is everything we do about Bella?!" she says. "It's not fair!" I get up and storm over to her.

"You really like being the center of attention, don't you," I ask. She gives me a sheepish look. "You really should know that life isn't fair by now."

"How would you know about life being fair," she sneers at me. "I bet you've had a perfect life."

"You don't know shit about me," I yell. "Did you live under the stairs until your 11?! Do everything around the house since you were old enough? Be downgraded ever since you were born? Almost dying because of the same teacher every year for 5 years? Beaten every night before going to bed? Chased by your fat ass cousin? Not having any friends until you're 11 and they're not even true friends? Not having clothes that fit you? Being starved almost to death? Not being loved your entire life?" I storm into the kitchen, grab the knives, and head outside. I throw them into the surrounding trees, splitting a few.

"Harrison!" Bella shouts. I look at her. She slowly approaches me. She wraps her arms around me, calming me. I wrap my arms around me. "You scared me."

"Bells, look at me," I say. She looks up at me. "I will get mad sometimes, but I promise that I will never hurt you. I will always help, protect, and support you no matter what." We smile at each other, but I can tell that she is broken. "What's happened to you, Bells? I can tell your broken. Why?" She sighs and has tears in her eyes.

"Phil and Charlie rapes and beats me," she sobs. I hold her close.

"You're suicidal, too. Aren't you?" I say. She nods. We drop to our knees. I pull her in my lap and rock her. "I can help you." She nods. "You have a loving family who cares about you. None of us want you to kill yourself. We don't want to loose you, again." She nods. We sit there, her crying and me rocking her. She quickly falls asleep in my arms. I pick her up and carry in the house. I sit down on the couch with her in my lap. Her head was on my shoulder. They all stare at me. "Sorry about that outburst." Edward gets up and tries to take her out of my arms, but Bella holds onto my shirt. "Just let Bells sleep. She's fine." He glares at me, but sits back down.

"We should get going soon," dad says. "Albus might find out we're here." I nod. "Are you all coming with us?"

"We don't want to be a bother," Carlisle says. "But I know Edward wouldn't let Bella go with you if he didn't go, so I guess we'll be coming with you."

"Okay," I say. "Well, you wouldn't be a bother and glad to hear that you're coming. Bells is going to need all of us." She starts to whimper in her sleep. I gently rock us side to side. "Does she do this often?" They nod. I sense someone trying to apparate onto the property. My eyes go wide. I turn towards father, which causes Bells to wake up.

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