Chapter 2

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*Harry's POV*

"Albus is trying to apparate onto the grounds," I say. "I'm going to let him, but I believe this just might be the last hour of his life." He nods his agreement. Father comes over to us and I stand up with Bella between father and me. "Bells, stay in here. Do not leave this house. We'll be back." I allow Albus to apparate onto the grounds. I go out to meet him.

"You've been a bad little Savior, Harry," Albus says. I laugh.

"You're right," I say. "I am a Savior, but not yours anymore." I smirk evilly. Albus and I start sending spell after spell towards each other.

"Harrison!" Bella yells. I run over to her and put her behind me.

"Who do we have here," Albus asks. "Another puppet for me to control? Good. I can use her."

"You've used enough people in this world, Albus!" I snarl. "You hurt her and I'll make you wish you were never born." My eyes start to glow. I cast a stunning charm at him. He doesn't react fast enough. It hits him square in the chest and his body falls backwards, stunned. I go over to him and take the Elder Wand from his hand. I calm myself down and turn to Bells to see fear in her eyes. I go to touch her and she moves away.

"Bells, I told you that I would never hurt you," I say. "He would've tortured and eventually killed you, Bells. I couldn't let that happen. I just got you back. I'm not losing you, again. I'm your big brother. I'm always going to protect you. No one will ever hurt you, I promise. And if someone does hurt you, I will hunt that person down. Okay?" She nods, teary eyed. She wraps her arms around me tightly, sobbing. I wrap my arms around her just as tightly, holding her to me. "Don't cry, sis. It's all over for now, I promise." She slowly calms down. "Let's go inside." She nods. I pick her up and she snuggles into me. I carry her inside and sit down with her in my lap, again. Everyone watches me. "I guess it's explaining time." They nod. I sigh.

"Who was that?" Carlisle asks.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," I say. "He is the headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Why did you kill him?" Rose asks.

"He's technically not dead. He's the reason we've been separated from each other and our father," I say. "He sent Bella here to the Swans. I've almost died every single year for 5 years because of him. I was in a house full of magic hating muggles because he put me there and paid them to do so. Plus, he's lied, stolen, manipulated, raped, and obliviated me afterwards, so I would forget about it."

"Why would he do this to you?" Esme asks.

"He needed a perfectly well behaved, well controlled weapon to defeat my father," I say. "He was going to use me to kill my father and claim that I was the next Dark Lord. If I survived, I was to marry Ginerva Weasley, have a child, and he would claim I did horrible things. I would either be killed or be sent to Azkaban, which is a prison in the Wizarding World. Ginerva and her mother would kill our child afterwards. The Weasleys would get all the gold in my vaults and Hermione would get all the rare books in my vaults. Are you all done asking questions now?" Everyone nods their head. "Good. Now, Bella. It's not safe in our world yet. I want to introduce you into the Wizarding World when there's no threat, so I believe it would be best if father and I left until it is. We'll still stay in contact with you. I'll send you your own owl, too. This way you can write to me whenever you wish to. Okay?" Bella and I both have tears running down our checks. I wipe her tears away. "Don't cry, Bells. We'll be back for you as soon as we can." She nods. "I'll come visit you soon." I look up to see Edward glaring at me. I look through his memories and thoughts. "For now, I want you to stay with the Cullens, and away from that Charlie and Phil. Got it? I'll handle them soon enough. I'm just waiting on the appropriate timing." Bella nods frantically. "Edward, I expect you to tell her soon, but not right now. Okay?" I slide Bella out of my lap, knowing what Edward is going to do. He charges at me. I just laugh. We go flying through 3 walls, him growling and myself laughing. I stand up, growing a few inches in height. I pick up Edward by the front of his shirt and slam him against the a wall. He winces in pain. "Edward, it doesn't have to be soon, but I expect it to be done by my next visit. Got it?" He nods frantically. "Good." I drop him. I kick him in the stomach and walk away through the damage. I repair the damage and flop down by Bella. I take her hand in mine. "Don't get mad when the truth comes out, Bells. It's not worth it. It'll be worth it in the end because you have family and friends who love and care about you no matter what. Just know, the Cullens, father, myself, and your twin will always support you even during this time. Carlisle, I'm serious Phil and Charlie isn't to be around Bella."

"Why not?" he asks. I look to Bella and she nods, sighing. I squeeze her hand and pull her into a tight hug.

"Because they have both raped and beaten her," I say. They all gape, angry. I kiss her temple and a last squeeze before disappearing into the shadows, heading for my father. I come out of the shadows beside him. Everyone jumps. "I'll see you soon. Probably not next week, but the week after."

"Sounds like a plan," Carlisle says. "We'll see you then." I grab father and shadow walk us outside.

"I'll take Dumbledore's body back to Hogwarts and put him in his bed and you can apparate to Gringotts and wait for me, so we can get my inheritance information together," I say. He nods and apparates out first. I make Albus's body weightless, sling Albus's body over my shoulder, and apparate outside of the Hogwarts gates. I shadow walk us into the Headmaster's office. The gargoyle springs to life automatically for me. I head up the steps and go to his private corridors. I lay him in his bed and change his robes into pajamas. I smirk to myself. I hurry to his desk and charm a feather to write a threatening letter for the Order. I put the letter in an envelope and lay it on his chest. I shadow walk out of the castle and to the apparition point. I hear a blood curdling scream come from the castle and know they found his body. I laugh and apparate to Gringotts.

"Hello father," I say. "Let's go get my inheritance information." I walk up to my father and lead us into the bank. We walk up to the first goblin available. I bow, which is followed by my father. All of the goblins stop their work and look at us.

"Excuse me," I say. "I don't mean to interrupt you, but I need to see our family's vault manager to do an inheritance test on myself please." The goblin nods. He talks to another goblin in their own language. The goblin steps up to us.

"I am Warnook. Please follow me," the goblin says. "I will take you to Gringotts manager, Ragnook, for testing."

"Lead the way," I say. He takes off and we quickly follow after him. He leads us to an office door. He knocks and we wait until we hear a 'come in.' He opens the door and bows. We bow back, he disappears, and we go into the office.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This is my Christmas present from me to you. Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year! 😀😀😀😀

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