Chapter 3

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*Harrison's POV*

Father and I go in the room and bow to the family goblin, Ragnook. Father and I take a seat.

"Hello, Gaunt family," Ragnook says.

"Hello, Ragnook," I say. "I'll like to get my inheritance information please." Ragnook nods and takes out a stickpin and a piece of parchment.

"I'll need some blood from you," Ragnook says, passing the stickpin to me. I poke my finger, letting some of my own blood drip onto the other parchment until words appear. I hand the stickpin back to Ragnook, heal my finger, and pick up the parchment. I read:

'Birth Certificate (Official)

Mother- Lilith Cassandra Evans-Potter.
Father- Tom Marvolo Gaunt.
Child- Harrison Salazar Gaunt.
D.O.B.- July 31st, 1980 at 12:00 a.m.
Creature Inheritance- Unknown.

Living/Dead Relatives

Lilith Evans-Potter/Mother (Dead)
James Potter/Stepfather (Dead)
Tom Gaunt/Father (Alive)
Isabella Gaunt/Younger Sister (Alive)
Selena Gaunt/Younger Sister (Alive)
Lucius Malfoy/Godfather (Alive)
Sirius Black/Godfather (Alive)
Draconious Malfoy/Godbrother (Alive)

List of Vaults

Potter Family Vaults
James's Personal Vault
Evans Family Vaults
Lily Evans-Potter's Vault
Black Family Vaults
Prevelle Family Vaults
Lefay Family Vaults
Hogwarts Vault
4 Founder's 'Safe' Vault
Salazar Slytherin Vault
Godric Gryffindor Vault
Helga Hufflepuff Vault
Rowena Ravenclaw Vault
Merlin's Vault

List of Properties

Potter Manor
Godric's Hallow
12 Grimmwauld Place
Prevelle Manor
Lefay Castle
Founder's 'Safe' House
Merlin's 'Safe' Guard
Potter Safe House
Gaunt Manor

Lord to-


Heir to-


Creature Inheritance-

Creature- Unknown
Mate(s)- Unknown

Level- Merlin
Too many to list'

I let out a growl, startling Ragnook and father. "I have been lied to by everyone I ever knew! I can't trust anyone!" I calm down. "I, Harrison Salazar Gaunt, claim lordship to the houses of Gaunt, Peverell, Potter, Gryffindor, and Slytherin." The rings appear, molded together, on my pointer finger of my left hand. "I, Harrison Salazar Gaunt, claim heirship to the houses of Death, Fate, Merlin, and Black." The rings appear, molded together, on my ring finger of my right hand.

"I'd like a credit card for my personal vault, school vault, and the muggle world," I say. Ragnook pushes 3 papers to me. I sign them and pass them back to Ragnook. 3 cards appear as the papers disappears. Ragnook passes them to me and I put everything in my pocket. "Thank you, Ragnook. I shall be coming to see you soon. Something tells me the missing Hogwarts Founders' Portrait is in the Hogwarts vault."

"Thank you Harrison for the heads up," Ragnook says. "The goblin world would like to form an alliance with you."

"I accept your alliance," I say. There's a loud boom, making me laugh. "I believe we just made history."

"Indeed," he says. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"What does this creature inheritance thing mean?" I ask. "It says unknown." I show him.

"You will go through your creature inheritance next year," he says. "The magical and creature inheritances come separately and a year apart from each other with the magical inheritance first. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Thank you and not at this moment," I say. "We should be going, though. Lots of shopping to do." We exchange pleasantries.

"Father, you go home," I say. "I'll see you there, but I need to do a bit of shopping."

He nods and apparates out. I apparate to the ministry and take my apparition test. I pass with 'flying colors.' I go to Diagon Alley.

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