Chapter 4

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I hope you enjoy this chapter, my lovely friends!!!
*Harrison's POV*

I go to Knockturn Alley and enter a clothes shop. I walk up to the counter.

"What can I do for you," the workers asks.

"I need 7 full school uniforms, 6 royalty robes, 4 winter cloaks, and 30 everyday outfits made from the finest materials and in a variety of colors and styles," I say. "I need 3 dress shoes in brown, black, and gray, 5 pairs of sneakers varying in colors, and 3 high tops in various colors, including a lot of dark green, silver, and black. I also need a wallet and a black and silver trunk. It needs to have extra protection spells and a special lock. Then, I need hair supplies, a nail care kit, a box of black nail polish, and a box of various nail polish colors. The worker goes and gets everything, laying it on the counter. I give her my gold card. I sort everything and put them away in the different compartments of my new trunk and once she give me my card back, I put all of my papers and credit cards in the wallet. I shrink the trunk down and pocket it. "Thank you." I left the store.

I go into a tattoo shop a few doors down. "Hi, can I help you?" A male worker asks.

"Yes," I say, going and laying down in a tattoo station. "I need some tattoos for myself." Bella and I follow him to a station. "I want a white rat, black grim, brown wolf, and brown stag with 'Wormtail,' 'Padfoot,' 'Mooney,' and 'Prongs' under it with 'The Marauders' over it in black on my right side on my ribs."

The man got to work and was done within 20 minutes. I automatically heal. "I want a black mamba on my upper right arm," I say.

The man is finished within 10 minutes. "I need the deathly hallows symbol on my left ankle," I say.

The man was finished in 5 minutes. "I want a gold snitch on the lower part of the back of my neck," I say.

The man is finished within 20 minutes. "I need a big blue doe with the saying 'Always' scene under it in the same color blue covering my whole back."

The man was finished within an hour. "I want 'I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good' in black on my right wrist," I say.

The man was finished within 15 minutes. "I want a black heart around the names 'Tom,' 'Lilith,' Isabella,' and 'Tom Jr.' in black on the left side of the heart. I want it on the back of my left hand," I say. He was finished within 45 minutes. "I want the word 'family' making another heart with that word on my inner left wrist."

He finishes within 45 minutes. "That's all the tattoos for now," I say. "Can you do piercings?"

"Yeah," the man says. He walked away and came back with a ring case. "Just pick what you want out." I pick out a dragon that'll wrap around my ear and a snake that wraps around my ear for later. I pick out a red heart belly button ring and an alternate green belly button ring. I pick out a pair of silver studs for my ears, an alternate small, thin silver hoop, an alternate small, thin black hoop, an alternate small, medium thick silver hoop, and an alternate small, thick black hoop. I pick out 2 small black hoops for my nose. The man finishes within 1 hour.

"I'll definitely be back for more tattoos and maybe some more piercings," I says. I pay the man for his work and gave him a huge tip. I leave the store.

I head into a custom wand shop. I head towards the counter.

"How may I help you?" A young man asks.

"I need a custom made wand," I say. "Do you have any muggle weapons?"

"I'll need you to follow me," he says. I follow him into the back of the store. "I need you to close your eyes and wave your hand over each object to see what connects with the magical core." I do as he says. I end up with willow for the wood, dementor's cloak, phoenix feather, and a basilisk fang for the core, and basilisk venom, phoenix tears, and ammorentia for the substance to hold the wand together. "The muggle weapons are over there. Do you want any specific decal for your wand?" He points to a place filled with muggle weapons.

"Make it a snake with it's fangs showing please," I say. "Thank you." He gets started and I head over to the muggle weapons. I pick up a sword, a sword case that goes on my back, 2 guns, a gun holster, the whole stock of bullets for the guns, 3 daggers, 2 leg holsters for the daggers, an arm dagger holster, an arm wand holster, a thigh wand holster, a bow, and the complete stock of arrows. I head back over to the shop keeper to see him finished and watching me. He hands my wand to me and I pay for everything, put everything away in my trunk, and leave the store.

I go to Flourish and Blotts. I get enough new parchment, notebooks, ink, quills for myself. I get my 1st-7th year books, a few books on quidditch, a lot of books on the dark arts, many different books on creatures, a few books on government, a few 'muggle' school books, a bunch of books on potions, a few books on creature law, a pureblood etiquette book, a few pranking books, a hefty load of books on starting businesses, and a book on every language. I pay for all of the books, put them in a compartment in my trunk, and leave the shop.

I go into a quidditch shop and get 6 sets of black and emerald gear and 6 black firebolts. I pay for everything, put it in my trunk, and leave.

I go to an apothecary and get 10 sets of all of their potions ingredients and 10 of every premade potion in stock. I pay for them and leave the store.

I go to an animal shop and buy my sister a black owl. I pay for it and send it off with a letter explaining that she will need to name the owl and this is how she can contact father and I. I get myself some new familiars, too. I get myself a black hawk, a black mamba, and a pair of mated wolf pups. I name my hawk Pitch, mamba Precious, and the wolf pups Lily and James. I pay for them and leave.

I have Pitch find me later. I use my metamorphagus powers to make myself look like Harry Potter. I wrap Precious around my neck and pick up Lily and James.

I apparate right into the Weasley's living room. I put Lily and James down as all of the Weasleys along with Hermione come running in. I stare into Ron's eyes and he looks into mine. Ron's face turns a darker red than his hair.

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