Chapter 11

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*Harry's POV*

I wake up to find Sev's arms wrapped around me and him laying on top of me. I smile and tighten my hold on him. He looks so peaceful while he was sleeping. He starts to wake up. He groggily looks up at me, blushing and smiling. He goes to slide off of me, but I stop him.

"You don't have to move," I say. "I like you right where you are." He turns a deeper shade of red.

"But we need to get up, get ready, and eat, so you can leave for the battle," he says. "I figured that the sooner you leave for the battle would mean that you would come back to me sooner." He had tears running down his cheeks. I wipe his tears away and kiss his lips.

"I already told you, my love," I say. "I'm not going to be leaving you permanently."

"But-" he starts.

"But nothing," I say. "I'm not going to leave you or our twins. I promise."

"Okay," he says, snuggling into me more. "But I am hungry."

"And we can't have that," I say. I sit up and he wraps his arms and legs around me. I get up and carry him into the kitchen. I make a breakfast feast. As I was putting the last finishing touches on the food, Bella and Selena came out of their room, ready for the day. We all sat down at the table and talked while we ate.

I was the first one finished eating. I got up and got my firebolt, the letters I wrote, the marauders map, and my invisibility cloak. I got everything packed into a small backpack and was ready for when I had to leave. I went back in the kitchen to find Sev and Bella still slowly eating and Selena was no where to be seen.

"Where's Selena?" I ask.

"She ate a small breakfast and went to the library afterwards," Severus says. I get up and go into the library. I go over to her and sling her over my shoulder, which earned me a squeal of surprise in my ear. I wince at the loudness of it, but manage to carry her back into the kitchen and sit her in a chair. I put a new plate in front of her and fill it up.

"Eat, Selena," I say. "I don't tolerate small breakfasts. It's the most important meal of the day and it should not be small or skipped."

"But-" she starts.

"Either you eat or I'll feed you myself," I say, glaring at her. She sighs and eats. I nod and sit back down. We continue to talk while the rest of them eat. Selena finishes the plate I filled for her.

"Is that better?" she says.

"Much better," I say. "I got to get going. It's almost time. I'll see you all later." I kiss Bella and Selena on their forehead and give Sev a short passionate kiss. I get my backpack, put up my strongest wards, and shimmer into the living room of the Cullen house. They were sitting around waiting for me to come.

"Hey, Cullens!" I yell out. I turned my attention to Carlisle and only Carlisle. "I need to talk to you, Carlisle." He nods and leads us into his office. He sits down behind his desk and I sit opposite of him on the other side of the desk. I don't look at him, instead I watch the floor. "I need you to promise me that you will do something for me." He nods.

"Anything," he says. I pull the letters out of my backpack.

"I need you to give these letters to the designated person it says on them and when," I say. "I'm not sure what will exactly happen today, but I need to know that you'll do this for me just in case something does happen to me today." He nods as standing up.

"Don't worry, Harry, I will if something does," he says. "But I also know you will make it through this battle today." I give him the letters and he sticks them in the top drawer of his desk. He locks the drawer.

"As much as I love the thought of that, Carlisle, you don't know that for sure," I say. "I could die at anytime and that scares me. I would like to grow old with my family and see my children grow up, get married, and have children of their own, but I know that things might not happen like that."

"You just got all philosophic on me," he laughs.

"I believe I did," I laugh. "It's more than likely going to come and go, so beware. Come on, it's almost time for the battle to take place." I grab my backpack as we leave his office and head back to the library. I lead us to the battle field. We were a few seconds early. I get my firebolt and invisiblilty cloak out of my backpack. I hide the backpack by a nearby tree. I mount my broom, put my invisiblilty cloak over me, and cast a sticking charm on it. I put a strong shield around the Cullens as I push up off the ground just as the Volturi was coming into the clearing with Aro leading them.

Carlisle and Aro talk, but I don't pay attention to what they're saying. I have my attention on what Aro and Jane are thinking about. I fly down close to the Volturi, creating a breeze. I repeatedly do this for a while. Aro's and Jane's thoughts changed from Severus to the wind that I was making. I swoop down, again. I head outside of the clearing. I morph my appearance to look like Severus. I take my invisibility cloak off and dismount my broom. I hide my cloak in my bag and carry my broom. I go back onto the battle field. Everyone looks at me, shocked.

"Hello, Severus," Aro says. I cringe and suppress a growl at him. "What are you doing here?"

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