Chapter 10

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The week flew past. A student found out Severus was pregnant and told the school. Severus has been made to take time off while he's pregnant, so the children wouldn't be harmed.

Harry took over as the potions teacher until Severus had the twins. Harry was still doing all of his other class work while teaching and grading the students' papers.

Severus stays in their quarters, reading and such during the day. He still eats in the great hall with everyone else.

*Harry's POV*

Severus and I were cuddled up together on the couch in front of the roaring fire. I look down at Severus and smile as I realize he was cuddled into my side. I hear sniffling. I tilt Sev's head up to look at me and see tears streaming down his face. I wipe them away.

"What's the matter, darling?" I ask.

"I don't want you to go and fight tomorrow," he pouts. "I don't want to loose you." I pull him closer to me in a tight, comforting hug. I run my fingers through his hair soothingly.

"Darling, you're not going to loose me," I say. "I'm going to fight and protect my sister, but I'll be back here tomorrow before 5:00." He nods. "I'll be coming to get you and Bella as soon as the battle is over."

"I guess that's better," he says.

"I have to go get Bella and Selena now," I say. "Would you like to come with me?" He nods frantically.

"I couldn't miss out on seeing my sisters," he says. I smile as I stand up and pull him to me. He staggers a little, but he catches his balance and wraps his arms around me tightly. I shimmer us into the Cullen living room, putting everyone in attack mode.

"It's just me," I say. "Calm down." They all relax. I spot Selena and Bella sitting in a corner, giggling about something. I smile at them. "You ready to go, Bella and Selena?" They look at me and back at each other. "Don't argue with me about it either. You're getting out of Forks, even if I have to drag you both." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at them and they shiver. "Now, go pack." They nod and go upstairs to get their stuff. I flop down on the couch and Sev sits down in my lap.

"These twins won't be able to get away with anything," he mutters.

"Well, as long as whatever they're doing is harmless,  I'll let them get away with it," I say. "Plus, this is different. This involves people living or dying. They will always be loved and protected no matter what." I kiss Sev's cheek, causing him to blush.

'I love Selena, but her brother will never let me date her,' Alice thinks, frowning. Selena comes down with a backpack on and notices Alice is frowning. She goes over to Alice and starts tickling her, making Alice burst out laugh and smile at Selena. I smile at the interaction. Selena stops tickling Alice after a few more minutes.

"I'll be back, Sev," I say, sliding him out of lap and going towards Alice and Selena. "Alice, can I talk to you?"

"Sure," she says.

"Let's take a walk while we talk," I say. I lead us outside and put strong wards around the house for precaution reasons. We walk far enough away from the house, so no one could hear us.

"I'm just going to get to the point, Alice," I say. She nods. "I'm okay with you dating Selena., but if you hurt my sister, I'll find you and hurt you right back. You won't be able to hide from me and I will not hesitate to do so either." She nods frantically, scared of me. We smile at each other. I engulf her in a tight embrace, which she returns. "Welcome to the family, Alice." She squeezes me a bit tighter then breaks the embrace.

"Thank you, Harrison," she says. "It means a lot to have your blessing.

"Alice, please, it's Rye," I say. "We are going to be family eventually." I can hear several sounds of apparition. I grab Alice and shimmer us back to her house. We see 10 death eaters trying to take my wards down and the rest of the Cullens, my sisters, and Sev peeking through the window. One of the death eaters spot Sev and sends a spell towards his head, but is destroyed by the shield I have over the house.

"Alice. House. Now," I growl at her. She does as told and goes into the house safely. All of the death eaters turned their attentions and focus on us. Before they could say a spell, I had them all, except Lucius, in magic restraining cages.

"Lucius, you have a wife and son," I say. "You shouldn't be here attacking others' family. You should be home with them. They need you. This is your chance to leave here and go back to your family and leave the Death Eaters." He nods.

"What about my mark?" he asks. I go over to him and he shows me his mark. I make his mark disappear as I did Severus’s dark mark. Everyone looks at me in shock. I give him 2 gray communication rings and explain what they do to him.

"Go, Lucius," I say. "Get Narcissa and get out of England. I'll make sure Draco stays safe while at Hogwarts and when our breaks come, he will be returned safely." He nods and apparates away.

"Now for the rest of you," I say, eyeing Fenrir.

'Darling, please don't hurt Fenrir, Crabbe, or Goyle. They're good friends of mine,' Severus thinks using his communication ring. I give him a thumbs up and he smiles.

"Fenrir, Crabbe, and Goyle, you're friends with Severus," I say. "Right?" The three look at each other, confused. They all nod. "Since I can't hurt Severus, I'm going to let you go as long as you agree to never send another spell, hex, or jinx at the people in this house." They all nod, again. "Good." I release them from their cages and they wave goodbye to Severus, which he returns. They thank me for letting them go and apparate away after that.

"As the 2 left," I say. "I got a real treat for you all. Especially you." I point to the death eater who tried to hit Sev with a spell. I release the 'special' death eater from the cage and take them into the forest and put a silencing spell over him, so no one could hear him. I slowly rip him to shreds, enjoying it way too much. Eventually, I get bored and kill him. I burn the body and go back to the house. I repeat this process, again. I cast a strong cleansing charm on myself and the area I used. I head back to the house and enter house. Severus jumps into my arms as I slowly take the wards down from the house. I walk us over to the couch and flop down with him in my lap. He snuggles into me.

"Sev, I'm fine," I say. "No damage was inflicted on me."

"This just proves the point I made earlier, Rye," he grumbles. I left his head, so we're looking into each other's eyes.

"Severus Tobias Potter," I say sternly, but still soft. "If I can take on 6 wizards by myself, I can take care of a vampire army with some help." He sighs, nodding his agreement. "It'll be fine. I can promise you that there will be no one hurt or killed tomorrow during this battle tomorrow." He nods, again. I pull him closer into me as he snuggles into me some more. We stay like that for a few while he calms down. I stand us back up with Sev tucked under my arm.

"Selena, Bella, are you ready to go?" I ask. The pack and Cullens come into the living room. Bella and Selena come in shortly after they do with a backpack for each of them. They say their goodbyes to Cullens and come over to me. I have Bella climb on my back. "Bye guys. See you tomorrow." Selena and Severus wrap their arms around me tightly and I shimmer us into our chambers. Selena lets go and Bella hops off my back, but Severus just snuggled deeper into me.

"Here we are," I say. "Home sweet home." We show them around and they love it. Bella's and Selena's favorite place is our immaculate private library.

"You all can read anything in here," I say. "Just don't stay up too late." They nod.

Sev and I leave them be for the evening. Severus graded the potions homework that was turned in today while I wrote a letter to my father, the Cullens, the pack, Jake, Alice, Selena, Bella, Sev, and a letter for each of the twins starting when they turn 14 and ending it when they're 18, including the special occasions of when they find their mates, they get married, and start having children of their own in case something happens to me tomorrow. I put them away to give to Carlisle tomorrow. By the time I was done, Sev had fell asleep on the couch in front of the fire where he was grading and Bella and Selena had fallen asleep curled up together both of them reading a book. I smile at the sight of all three of them.

I add 2 more rooms in our quarters for the unborn twins and Bella and Selena. I go into the library, pick Bella up from the floor, carry her to the room they're going to share, and place her in one of the beds. I go and do the same with Selena, but putting her in the other bed. I wave my hand over them, making them be put in night clothes. I leave the room.

I go over to Sev and take the ink, quill, and ungraded papers off of his lap. I gently shake him awake. He groggily looks at me, which I find adorable.

"Sev, let's go to bed," I say. He nods and reaches for me to pick him up. I pick him up and carry him to our bed. I lay him down under the sheets in our bed. I change our clothes into nightwear, causing Sev to let out an adorable yelp. I chuckle at him as I crawl under the sheets. He snuggles into my side with his head on my shoulder and we both fall into a blissful sleep for the night. We both have dreams of our twins growing up before the both of us.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and share this story! I'm starting to think that not a lot of people like this story.

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