Chapter 9

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We both get into dueling positions.

*Harry's POV*

I fire a spell, which Albus blocks. He starts firing spells right after another, but I block every spell. I start firing spells at him in a rapid fire. He blocks all of them, except my last spell. It hits him and paralyzes him. He falls to the floor. I undo the spell.

"I do believe I win," I say. He sits up as I take down the shield around the Hogwarts occupants and return the tables. Everyone, except Albus, sits down and continues to eat.

"Well done, Harry," Sev whispers to me. I smile at him. I see a spell coming towards me and I throw strong shields up around everyone in the great hall.

"Albus, stop being such a sore loser and admit it already," I say without looking at him. "I won and you lost and that won't be changing any time soon." He sits down, scowling and muttering to himself. "Finally." I see Bella's owl come flying into the great hall and towards me. My eyes widen. He lands and I quickly take the letter from him. I open it and read: 'Help! Volturi are coming to attack us and kill Bella.' I quickly get up. "I'll be right back." I leave the Great Hall and head for the gates. As soon as I make it passed them, I apparate right into the Cullens house and Bella flies into my arms.

"What's happened?" I ask. "Why are they coming after Bella?"

"A vampire, Victoria, thinks she's just human, so she went to the Volturi," Carlisle says. Bellatrix beating my Severus up in front of the Death Eaters. She goes to kill him, but is interrupted. "Dammit!" I run out of the Cullen house and shimmer into the Death Eater Meeting at Gaunt Manor. I see Bellatrix torturing Severus. She ends the curse. I march over to him. I bend down to Severus and check on him and our twins. She almost killed both of the twins and Severus. I get up and lunge at her. I tear her to shreds in front of everyone. After I finish with her and clean up my mess. I go back over to Severus and heal him and the twins. He holds onto me tightly.

"It's okay, Severus," I say. "You won't be left alone, again, I promise." He nods. The doors to the room open and close. I look up to see my father. Everyone bows to him, except Severus and I.

"What is going on here?" he asks.

"Bellatrix tortured and almost killed my mate and unborn twins," I spat out.

"I had no knowledge of this," he says, sensing my anger.

"Of course you didn't know about it," I yell. "I know you wouldn't be so daft to almost kill your son in law and grandchildren. She did it without consulting you."

"You're right," he says. "I wouldn't be so daft to do so."

"Now, if you'd excuse me I have to go back to Forks and settle with this Volturi that wants to kill my sister," I say. He nods.

"Let me know if you need help with that," he says. I nod. I pick Severus up with ease and shimmer us into the Cullen house. Everyone goes onto edge. I go over to the couch and coach Severus to open his eyes and look at me. When he finally does, I see terrified eyes staring into mine.

"It's okay, Sev," I say. "You're not going to be left alone, again." He snuggles into me.

"They almost died. I almost died," He mutters so low that only I can hear him. I shush and soothe him. I get him calmed down enough to fall into an uneasy sleep. I look around to see everyone was staring at us. Bella walks over and sits down in front of us.

"What happened to him?" Bella asks, moving some of Severus's hair out of his eyes.

"He was almost tortured to death," I say. "That's why I don't want you in the magical realm yet."

"I'm okay with that," she says. "Is that why you left so quickly?" I nod.

"If I wouldn't have got there when I did, all 3 of them would be dead by now," I say, a few tears escaping. "Now back to the issue at hand. When is the Volturi coming?"

"They'll be here at the end of the week," Alice says.

"Do you know what time?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Okay. Well, I'll just have to spend my Saturday here. I had other plans, but they can be changed to accommodate this situation. Jasper, they need to be trained. Wolves need it, too." He nods. "I'll get the wolves here." I lay Sev down on the couch and head outside. I shift into one of my animagus forms, which was an oversized wolf like them. I howl telling them to come to the Cullen house, that the treaty won't be broken when they come, and that Bella is in danger. They howl back their agreements when I start to hear Sev start to freak out.

I shift back quickly and run into the house. I go straight to him and start working on calming him down, again. He calms down enough. His eyes shot open and he jumps on me. I hold his weight with ease. I hold him to me as I hear the wolves arrive. "Go meet with the wolves and inform them of the situation. I'll be out in a minute." They nod and leave the house. I sit down on the couch with him on my lap. "What's up?" He puts his head on my shoulder and looks up at me.

"We almost left you," he says, snuggling deeper into me.

"If you did, I would have brought you and our twins back to me," I say. "I wouldn't let you go that easily. From now on, I'm not letting you out of my sight unless it's absolutely needed. Then, you will be in our quarters under very powerful shields." He nods. I give him a short passionate kiss. I get up from the couch with him still in my arms and head outside to watch and help them train.

By the time it was time for Sev and I to go back to Hogwarts, they had improved enough to be able to survive the attack.

"When the day comes, I want the wolves unseen in the woods and scattered around the battlefield," I say. "The Cullens will be lined up, ready to fight when I say. I will have a shield over all of you before the battle, so no one will get hurt until then. I will use my metamorphagus powers to look like Bella during the battle. Severus, Bella, and Selena, you will be in our quarters at Hogwarts with very powerful wards around it. No one will get in or out of the quarters until I take them down personally." They all nod, agreeing to the good plan. Severus clings to me, afraid of losing me.

"Shift back, Sam," I say. He nods and goes into the forest. I slide a plain black onyx ring on Sev's finger. I go over to Bella and put a plain orange ring on her finger. I go over to Selena and put a plain green ring on her finger. I head over to Carlisle and slide a plain gold ring on his finger. Sam comes out of the woods and over to me. I slide a plain red ring on his finger. "These rings are communication rings. I have one, too. All you have to do is put your lips to the ring and think of what you want to say and to who. Just don't think so loud or you'll give the receiving person a headache. No one else can hear you, except those you want to hear it. If anything and I mean anything happens, use them to let me know and I'll be here in minutes." They nod. "I'll see you this weekend. Until then, continue to practice for the fight, don't be arguing or fighting to kill each other, and be safe." They all nod and I hug Sev to me and shimmer us into our quarters at Hogwarts.

I put up impenetrantable wards and we go to bed. I change our clothes into pajamas and we cuddle together in bed, both falling asleep and dreaming about a little girl with Sev's long black hair and my emerald eyes and a little boy with my messy brownish black hair and Sev's onyx eyes.

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