Chapter 8

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*Harry's POV*

By the end of the month, we had the book finished, found a publishing company for it, visited Bella and Selena a few more times in between, got the shifters and Cullens working together to protect my sisters, and stayed with her for our last weekend before we had to go back to Hogwarts. We even had enough free time that we now knew Las Angeles like the back of our hands, too.

Our book had only been out for a week and we've already sold 200,000 books all over the world. We put the money we've gotten paid in a compartment of my trunk and lock the whole trunk up with a password in Parseltongue. We sent father, Bella, and Selena a signed copy of our book.

We love living in Las Angeles and in Forks, but it's time for us to get back to England, so I can start my 6th year and he can be the potions teacher/master at Hogwarts. I sent our motorcycles to Forks, Washington, knowing that they will be safe while we're at Hogwarts. Severus and I are no longer suicidal now that we have each other. We gather up all of our stuff in our room and get ready to leave the hotel. When we had this done, we headed for the lobby and checked out. We left the hotel, walked for a while, and walked off into an alley. I gently grabbed Sev quickly and shimmered us onto Platform 9 3/4.

We quickly spot the Weasley family. We stayed in the shadows until we were right behind them. We emerge from the shadows slowly for a dramatic entrance. I put my hand on Ron's shoulder causing him jump. Severus and I laugh. There's a bunch of 'Harry!'s as I'm engulfed in a bear hug. I know Severus is still insecure that I'm going to leave him, but I won't be leaving him. I love him too much to let him go now. I know he's getting jealous, too. I hug everyone quickly and step back beside Sev. Everyone notices he's here now.

"What's Snape doing over here?" Ron says.

"I'm just keeping an eye on Mr. Potter as I promised," he says.

"Well, you don't have to anymore," he says. I continue to say 'Ron' trying to get him to shut up. "You have never helped us. You've always picked on us. Never have you protected us-"

"Ronald!" I yell, gaining the attention of everyone on the platform. "How dare you?! How dare you say that Professor Snape has never protected us! How can you just forget about when we were out by the Whomping Willow in our 3rd year with Remus? Remus turned into a werewolf and tried to attack us, but Professor Snape came in time and stepped between us and the werewolf. He didn't have to do that for us, Ronald! And if you can't show a bit of respect to teachers, then stay away from me." I go to leave, but someone grabs ahold of my arm. I look to see who it is and see it to be Ginny. I pull her in another hug.

"Help me," she whispered. "Get me away from my mother. Please." I hug her tighter to me.

"Meet me in the 7th corridor tonight," I say. "I'll show you a place you can get away and never be found. Just don't tell anyone." She subtly nods her head. "But for now, you'll have to deal with them." She sighs. "See ya soon, princess." I leave the Weasleys and board the train with Sev following behind me. He takes the lead. He leads us into the teacher's section. As we pass the compartments, I see Professor McGonagall sitting alone in a compartment, crying. I stop and watch her. Sev doesn't notice until he gets to another compartment that I'm going to guess is his. He looks around and spots me. He comes back towards me, confused. I watch him as he comes back to me.

"What's the matter, Harry?" he asks.

"I feel a familial bond to her, but I don't think she's truly related to me," I say. "Come on. Let's see why she's crying." He nods. We walk into the compartment, scaring McGonagall a little bit. She smiles at us and dabs at her eyes. I sit down beside her and Sev sits across from us. "What's the matter, Professor McGonagall? And don't say nothing because it's obvious that there's something wrong." She chuckles at me, making me smile at her.

"This should be my honorary grandson's 6th year," she says. "But he died soon after his baby twin sisters were born. It was unofficial, but that's how I saw him and his sisters."

"What was his name?" I ask.

"Don't judge me," McGonagall says, giving us a stern look. We nod. "His name was Harrison Salazar Gaunt." My mouth dropped open. I took a sideways glance towards Sev. He looked confused. I shut the blinds on the window and door. I lock it and put up powerful wards. They look at me, surprised and confused.

"This goes no where," I say, seriously. They nod. "It cannot leave this compartment." They nod, again. I morph back into the real me. "My real name is Harrison Salazar Gaunt. I was stolen from my parents and given to the Potters." They gasp in shock.

"Oh, Harrison," Minerva squeals. She pulls me into a tight hug. After a while, she slowly let me go. I turn to see how Severus is taking the information. He has tears in his eyes, looking at his feet. I get up and sit beside him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks. I pull him into my lap. "Now there's a whole new person that I don't know." He lays his head on my shoulder and I hold him tighter. I tilt his head up, so he's looking me in the eyes.

"Sev, you know both sides of me," I say. "I'm still the same person you've spent time with this past month and I want to see the Sev I seen this past summer more. I love you more than you know, Severus, I won't be leaving or giving up on you anytime soon. You're mine now and I want that family I have always wanted with you and I know you want that, too." He nods his agreement. "We good?" He leans up and kisses me.

The train starts moving and he breaks the kiss to throw up. After he's done, I clean the mess up. We look at each and knew he was pregnant, smiling. I do the spell to make it official. It told us that he was definitely pregnant with twins.

"Twins must run in the family," I say, amused. We all laughed. "Is there a way I can do a potions apprenticeship this year while still doing my 6th year? This way, I can watch over Sev while he's in class and make sure the students don't do anything stupid."

"Well, that's very kind of you," he says, kissing me. "Yes, you could technically do that. Minerva and I just have to approve you and you'll have to do independent studying."

"That's no problem," I say. "Just give me the assignments and I'll get them done. I bet I'll be so far ahead that I'll be ahead of Granger and be top of the class in every class."

"I bet you will, too," they both say. The train comes to a stop. We all look out the window to see that we weren't in Hogsmeade Station. Everything outside was freezing. We could all see each breath we all took. I put myself in front of Sev and Minerva. The door slowly opens. We can all see a dementor in the doorway.

"This train is full of children," I say in their language. "You should not be here. You should be at Azkaban."

"We had orders to come here and search for Harry Potter," it says.

"Why?" I ask.

"To kill him," it says.

"By whom?" I ask.

"Dumbledore," it says.

"Harry Potter does not exist," I say. "I am the heir and Master of Death. I want you all to go back to Azkaban and do not leave unless I say otherwise." He nods and disappears. The train continues. Sev and I cuddle while we all talk and laugh for the rest of the train ride. We finally arrive at the train station. I morph into Harry Potter. I unward the door. I lace my hands with Sev's and Minnie's hands. I lead them out of the compartment and off the train.

"What are you doing with the greasy git, Harry?" Ron asks. I let go of their hands and march right up to him. I hit him square him in the nose followed by a hard kick to his nuts. He doubles over in pain. I bend down and pull his face to mine.

"Learn some respect, Ronald," I spat. I get up and walk away from him and back to Sev and Minnie. I take their hands and shimmer them to the castle. We walk into the Great Hall and up to the teacher's table. I sit with Severus on my left and Minnie on my right.

"Why is Mr. Potter sitting up here?" Umbridge asks. I turn to look at her.

"Why do you have to be so nosy?" I ask, glaring. Sev puts his hand on my thigh and rubs it up and down, calming me down. All of the students come into the Great Hall, leaving no room for discussion. Then, Minnie leaves to bring the 1st years in. They get sorted and the feast begins. I get up and walk over to Dumbledore. "Headmaster, I have a proposal for you." I smirk as I get the attention of the whole school.

"What might that be?" he asks.

"We duel right here in front of everyone, but protected with a shield," I say. "If I win, I get to be the potions co teacher along side of Professor Snape. If you win, I'll do whatever you wish for an entire day. Deal?" He thinks for a few minutes, then nods. I turn towards the students and staff. "Everyone get up and get against the wall. 1st years in the front, so the can see please." They all do as they are told and Albus removes all of the benches and tables. We head down off the little platform. I throw a strong shield up around all of the staff and students. We both get into dueling positions.

Cliffhanger!!!! (Evil laughing can be heard now.) I hope you have enjoyed this story almost as much as I have enjoyed writing it. See you soon in the next chapter.

✌Peace out✌

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