Chapter 15

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Another month almost went by without an issue. Harry found out he was a royal dominant living vampire and would only have 1 mate, He was super protective of Severus because of Sev being his mate and him being pregnant with their children. He wasn't as protective with Carlisle, but he was still protective. The Ministry of Magic couldn't touch him. If he killed someone protecting his family, he would be able to get away with it.

Bella and Selena easily settled into Hogwarts. Harry, Bella, and Selena still see each other and have heart to heart talks. Harry was welcomed into Ravenclaw because of the way he treated Bella and Hermione, but he isn't welcomed into Gryffindor because he is a Slytherin and there is a feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Bella and Selena are welcomed in Slytherin because of Harry being in Slytherin now and he threatened the Slytherins occupants to leave them alone. Harry continues to help Bella and Selena catch up to the 6th year.

2 more months almost went by without an issue. Ginny and Hermione both found out that they were pregnant with little boys. Molly was mad at them both, but was mad at Ron even more. Arthur and Molly have changed their mind and are willing to support Hermione and Ginny, since they were going to keep their child.

Severus and Harry started talking about Harry coming out about him being gay and having a mate, but Harry didn't want to yet. He wanted to wait another month, but Sev wasn't okay with that. They have come up with a compromise to wait until the twins were born.

Draco found out that Harry and Severus was together. He was okay with it. He was told a slight edited version of the truth about who Harry was. Draco was okay with everything that he was told.

Severus was put on bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy. He was allowed to go to the Great Hall for meals, but that was it.

Harry had finished all of his 7th year assignments and passed his N.E.W.T.S. with flying colors. He now started with his teaching degree.

Bella and Selena was finally where they were supposed to be in catching up in their studies.

*March 7th*
*Harry's POV*

Sev, Carlisle, and myself was headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco had already left. On the way there, I noticed that Sev was in pain, but didn't say anything. He stops in the middle of the hall.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I believe the twins are coming," he grits out. I bend down next to Carlisle.

"Carlisle, go tell Bella and Selena that Sev is having the babies," I say. He nods and runs off towards the Great Hall. I pick up Sev and run to the Hospital Wing at vampire speed. I lay him in the farthest bed from the entrance. He grabs my hand and squeezes my hand tightly. Madam Pomfrey, Selena, and Bella, who was carrying Carlisle, came running into the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey bustles around the infirmary to get everything set up.

"Bella, Selena, take Carlisle and go play with him," I say. "I'll floo you when he has had the twins and do me a favor and put a sign up on the potions classroom door saying that all classes are canceled please." Bella and Selena nod, Sev and I kiss Carlisle's forehead, and they leave. I strip Sev of his pants, boxers, and his many shirt layers.

"These children are going to be the death of me," Sev complains.

"If you die, I'll just revive you," I say. "They will not grow up without their dad." We both chuckle at this until another contraction came. Sev screamed out in pain. Pomfrey came over to check how far along Sev was. He was only dilated 4 centimeters. We all thought, 'It's going to be a long day,' but no one said it.

3 hours went by and it was finally time for Sev to give birth to our twins. He cursed at me the entire time he was in labour. He gave to birth to a boy at 12:12 pm and a girl at 12:15 pm. The boy had brownish black fuzz for hair and the girl had pitch black fuzz for hair. The boy had Sev's onyx eyes and the girl had my emerald eyes. We decided to name the boy Gregory Emmett Potter and the girl Lilliana Jasper Potter.

I floo called Draco to tell him the news and Draco and Carlisle came up to see the little beauties. Sev and the twins had to stay in the Hospital Wing for the next 4 days. After the 4 days were over, we all would go back to their quarters to live. Those 4 days passed by quickly with potion classes were cancelled and Sev and I spending all of our time with each other and our children. Finally, we were able to go back to our quarters. Sev was still a bit sore, but that was to be expected.

I had personally made 3 necklaces for our children. Each necklace had each child's name on it. All of the necklaces had very advanced protection charms on them and much more.

We spent all of our time with our small family. The first night that Severus spent back in our quarters, we ate in there, instead of the Great Hall. We put the children to bed and went to bed ourselves afterwards.

Morning came too soon for us, but we got up. We got ourselves ready before getting our children ready for the day. We left our quarters for the Great Hall when the time for breakfast rolled around. I carried Lilliana, Sev carried Gregory, and Carlisle walked in front of us to the Great Hall for dinner for the first time in a few days. Sev stops me right outside the doors.

"What if something happens when we get in there?" Sev asks. I pull him into my arms careful of our newborns.

"Nothing will happen," I say. "Not to you or our children." He nods. "It'll be okay." He nods, again. I kiss him quickly to diminish his worries and released him. I take his hand and lead our small family in. Everyone went quiet when they saw us.

"What you staring at?" I ask, glaring at them all.

"You're with Snape?" someone asks. I smile at them all and nod. Several wands are drawn and pointed at Severus. I quickly hand Lilliana to Severus, put Severus and Carlisle behind me, and let out a fearsome warning growl.

"Things happen in life you don't expect," I say. "This is one of these times, but you can't change it and I don't want it to change. I'm finally happy." Everyone, except Ron and Albus, slowly lowered their wands. I let out another growl. Albus fires the killing curse at me while Ron fires off some other spell at me. I do nothing to block either spell and let them hit me. Their spells stun me for a minute. I let out a fearsome roar before charging at Dumbledore. I tackle him to the floor and start hitting him.

I hear screaming, running, and a familiar person screaming at me to stop. Then, the person reminds me of the no killing clause that I'm under. It was Severus who was trying to stop me. I stop hitting the man and let Severus continue to talk and calm me down. I slowly get up off Dumbledore. I pick him up and slam him against the wall.

"If you cast another spell towards myself, my mate, or our children, I will kill you," I growl in face. I drop his body and go back to Severus. He looked at me, terrified. I let out a whine as I wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle his body to mine, but cautiously as not to squish the twins.

"Don't be afraid of me, Sev," I whisper to him. "I would never hurt you." He slowly relaxes into me and nods his agreement. We looked around to find Carlisle in this chaos, but we couldn't find him. I cover Severus's ears and whistle very loudly. Everyone stopped and stared at us, scared of me.

"Sit down now," I yell. "I'm not going to hurt any of you." They slowly walk to their seats and sit back down. I uncover Severus's ears and we scan the Great Hall and find Carlisle in a corner staring at us. He was looking at me with fear in his eyes. I nudge Severus to go sit down, which he does. I don't move until he's seated.

I slowly approach Carlisle. He starts shaking in fear. He begins to have a panic attack. I quicken my slow movements and get to him quickly. I sit down next to him, wrap my arms around him, and pull him into my lap. I continuously whisper reassurances in his ear and he slowly stops shaking. We sit there for a few minutes while he thinks. Then, I get up and pick him up. He lays his head on my shoulder and I carry him to the Head Table.

I put him in his seat and pull them Carlisle and Severus closer to me. I hear Albus struggle, yet succeed in getting up. I stand up and walk around to Severus's chair, putting me between Dumbledore and my small, but growing family. He fires spells at me repeatedly, which I easily block.

After he gets done firing spells off at me, I lift him from behind the Head Table and drag him outside. I spin around and let him go, which causes him to land beyond the wards. I access the wards and block him from entering and improve them greatly. I go back to the Great Hall.

Everyone was where they were when I left. I conjure up 2 swings and place one of the twins in each swing. We sit down and start to eat. When one of the twins would start to whine or cry, we would get up and soothe them by entertaining, changing, or feeding them. We continued to eat until we were full. Before we left the Great Hall, Severus had to speak to Minerva.

"Minerva, I believe this makes you Headmistress," Severus says.

"What makes you think that?" Minerva asks.

"I know Harry," he says. "If Harry kicked Albus out of Hogwarts, he would make sure Albus wouldn't be able to get past the wards."

"Albus set up the wards though," she says. "No one can change or improve the wards until Albus is removed as Headmaster by the board of education. Until then, we can't do anything." I start laughing at this. "What's wrong with him? Why is he laughing like that?" I continue to laugh and eventually fall out of my chair. This calmed me down from my laughing high.

"Minerva, you should know by now that if something is impossible and I'm around, it's more than likely to happen," I tell her. "Think about everything that has happened since I came to this school." Her eyes go wide and she starts laughing, too. "That's just what you know about. There's more to each story. Looking back myself, some of those stories had gotten so crazy that they became ridiculous. No wonder no one believed me when I tried to tell them the truth about it."

I start pacing back and forth as I think about everything Albus has done. The more I think about it, the worst my anger gets with the man. Finally, I have had enough. I put impenetrable protection charms around Severus and our children.

I gracefully stalk out of the Great Hall. I hear Severus tell Minerva to watch our children and follow after me. We walk to the Entrance Gate to find Albus trying to get back onto Hogwarts grounds. I stop right in front of him and glare at him.

I use magic to dangle him upside down in the air. Severus catches up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Harry, you can't do this," he says. "You will go to Azkaban if you do this. Our children need you. I need you." I sigh and release him.

"You're right," I say. "Albus, if you try what you just thought, I will not hesitate to kill you. No one will ever hurt my family, especially you." I turn around to face Severus and give Severus a passionate, thankful kiss, which relaxes him and calms me down even more. I take a dazed Severus's hand into mine, and lead him back to the castle. We go to the Great Hall to find everyone, except Minerva and our children, gone.

"Sorry about that," I say.

"It's okay, Harry," she says. "Severus, you best be getting to the Potions and to Transfiguration classrooms, Harry."

"Why the Transfiguration classroom?" I ask.

"I would like you to take over for me and Severus to take his role of potions teacher back," she says. "I'll be too busy as Headmistress now to teach." Severus and I look at each other.

"I'll take the twins and you can take Carlisle with you," I say. He nods his agreement. "What about the lessons?"

"My lesson plans for all of my classes are on my desk," she says. I nod. I conjure 2 car seats that are connected at the sides while he picks up Carlisle. I place the twins in the car seats and put the diaper bag for them across my shoulder.

"I would rather be teaching defense," I say. "The curriculum is lacking badly and needs major improvement, which I believe I could do along with teaching them how to defend themselves without magic." She nods.

"Then, I'll search for a permanent transfiguration teacher," she says. "Until then, you will be teaching transfiguration, Umbridge teaching defense, and Severus teaching potions." I nod and pick up the car seat. I kiss Severus goodbye and we go our separate ways.

I quickly make it to the classroom, enter, and head for her desk. I set the twins down beside the desk and look at the lesson plan. Once I get done, I look around the silent room of 6th year Slytherins and Gryffindors. I walk around my desk and lean against it.

"I will be taking over for Minerva until she can find a replacement," I say. "Any questions?" Everyone raised their hands. "About what I said?" Some of them put their hands down.

"What are we going to be doing with you as a teacher?" A Slytherin girl asks.

"Minerva gave me her lesson plans to use," I say.

"What qualifications do you have to teach?" Draco asks. I smile and look up. I make shooting stars appear against the ceiling along with real live birds flying around. Everyone looks up at it in awe. After a few minutes, I make all of it disappear.

"That good enough for you all," I say. "Or do you need more proof."

"Harry needs to stop showing off," Ron mumbles.

"What was that, Ron?" I ask.

"I said you need to stop showing off," he repeats.

"Detention with me tonight at eight sharp, Ron," I say.

"That's unfair!" he yells.

"I believe I would change that tone unless you want a month of detentions," I say.

He instantly shuts up. "Now, I'll answer all of your questions, but first you must turn a book into a parrot. The spell is on page 50."

They all get to work quickly. After a few minutes, my phone starts to ring. Everyone continued to work. I pull it out and see 'Carlisle.' I answer it.

"What's up?" I ask.

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