Chapter 16

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*Harry's POV*

"We found an abused 6 year old boy," he says. "I thought that you and Severus would like to adopt him."

"I'll talk with him and let you know as soon as we decide," I say. "Bye." We both hang up the line. The whole class had turned their book into a parrot by the time I got done with the call from Carlisle.

"Very good, class" I say. I turn their parrots back into their books. "Now, those questions of yours."

They spent the rest of the class time asking me questions and me giving them answers. It was like this with each class until lunch came around.

I sling the diaper bag over my should and pick up the connected car seat with our twins strapped in it. I carry the twins to the Great Hall, where I meet Severus outside the doors.

"Sev, Carlisle found an abused boy," I say. "He wants to know if we want to adopt him. The boy is 6 years old."

(Their son, Adam Carlisle, will be called Carl from now on.)

"It would give little Carl someone to play with," he says. "I think we should go and meet this child." I nod and pull out my phone and call Carlisle back. He answers on the first ring.

"Hello?" he says.

"We would like to meet the boy before we decide," I tell him.

"Ok," he says. "You can come here now."

"Thank you," I say. "See you in a few minutes." I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

I make a baby chest carrier appear and make it big enough to fit Carl. Severus straps it to his chest with my help. He places Carl in it and snuggles into my side. I shimmer us into the bathroom of the hospital where Carlisle works. We walk out and to the front desk.

"We need to see Carlisle Cullen," I say. She nods and calls him over the intercom. A few minutes later, he appears beside us. He leads us outside of a room.

"The children need to stay out here for now," he says. "I'll watch them for you while you see the boy." I sit the twins and their diaper bag down beside him while Severus places Carl on the ground. We walk into the room together to see a small, scared boy sitting up in the middle of the bed. We slowly walk over to his bed and sit on each side of it.

"Hi, buddy," I say. He visibly tenses up. "We won't hurt you. We want to help you get better. You won't be going back to where you came from." He slowly nods and scoots a little closer to us. "Can you tell us your name?"

"I'm Albert Thomas," the boy says. "Who are you?"

"I'm Harry Potter and this is my husband, Severus," I say.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. Severus and I look at each other, smile, and nod.

"We would like to adopt you," I say. "Would you like that?" Albert smiles at us, nods frantically, and jumps into our arms. "You won't be an only child either." He pulls back and frowns at us. "What?"

"You'll love them more than me," he says quietly. I pull him into my lap and wrap my arms around him.

"You don't have to worry about that, Albert," I say. "We both love you already and we love your 3 siblings, too. We both love all of you equally and that won't change." He nods and starts to sniffle. "Go let Carlisle know that we'll be adopting him and see if he'll let our other children in here, so he can meet them." He nods and leaves the room. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Draw, read, and write silly short stories," he says.

"I do, too," I say. Severus comes in carrying the twins' adjoined car seat with little Carl in front of him and Carlisle behind him. Carl smiles and runs over to the bed. He tries to climb up, but can't. Albert crawls out of my lap and I help Carl get up on the bed. Carl crawls over to Albert and makes some of his toys appear.

They play together while Severus and I fill out the papers to adopt Albert. We finish the paper work and clean up the mess that the boys made. We gather everything and everyone up.

"By the way, his birthday is October 30th," Carlisle says.

"Thank you, Carlisle," Severus says. "Let us know if you need us, again." He nods and I shimmer us all to Diagon Alley.

We buy clothes, toys, the best drawing equipment, the best writing equipment, a lot of age appropriate books, a bed, and some decorations for his new bedroom. After paying for and gathering everything up, I help Albert change out of his nasty, dirty clothes and into a set of new clothes we just bought. I gather everyone close to me and shimmer us in front of the doors to the Great Hall in Hogwarts.

We walk in and go straight to the Head Table. We sit down with Carl and Albert between Severus and I. Carl was next to Severus and Albert was next to me. We put some food on the boys' plates. Then, we both fed one of the twins. After the twins were finished eating, we ate quickly.

The bell rang, which signaled that lunch was over and it was time to go to our next class. I casted a strong cleansing charm on our 2 messy eaters while I picked the diaper bag up and slung it over my shoulder. I picked the adjoined car seat up while Severus picked the older boys up. I kiss both of the boys' foreheads while Sev kissed the twins' foreheads.

"I'll see you later," Severus says to the twins and I say to the boys. I give Sev a short kiss and we go our separate ways to our classroom. The rest of the day went by quickly and with no problems.

Harry didn't oversee Ron's detention that night. Instead of Harry, Filch did it. During the detention, Ron was miserable and coming up with a plan to take Harry down and ruin his name, too.

Harry and Severus set Albert's stuff up in Carl's room, since the boys are going to share a room, so they won't be alone in separate rooms.

Albert drew different things and started on writing a short story for the rest of the day and he was a very talented writer and artist for a 6 year old.

Harry and Severus decided to rotate what they teach. Harry teaches the 5th to 7th year transfiguration and the 1st to 4th year potion classes. Severus teaches the 1st to 4th year transfiguration and the 5th to 7th year potion classes. This is how it went for the rest of the week. On Friday, something awful happened.

Cliffhanger!!! What do you think it could be? Comment to try and guess what it is! Don't hate me for making it a cliffhanger, but I promise you that it will be good. Hope you are enjoying this story!!!!

Peace out

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