Chapter 17

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*Harry's POV*

I wake up to find a relaxed Severus snuggled into my left side, a snoring Carl snuggled into my right side, and an Albert, who was awake and coughing, between Carl and I by my hip and Carl's feet. I carefully flipped Carl over me and into Severus's arms. I gently sit up and pull Albert into my lap. I feel his head and he was burning up.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"My tummy hurts," he says. Right after he said that, he puked right in the middle of the bed. This woke up Severus and Carl. Seeing the puke, Severus and Carl started puking, too. I move Albert out of my lap.

"I'll be back, guys," I say. I leave the room and floo call Minerva. Her head appears in the fireplace a few minutes later.

"I need you to cancel at least potion classes and transfiguration classes if you aren't going to teach it," I say. "Severus, Carl, and Albert are sick. I believe it's the stomach bug, since it has been going around the school. I'm going to stay here and take care of them until further notice. Be alert, too. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen today, but I don't know what exactly what it is. If you need me, let me know. I got to go now."

"Good luck," she says, disappearing from the fireplace.

I go back into the bedroom to find the twins crying in their bassinets, Carl and Albert still puking over the sides of the bed now, and to hear Severus puking in the toilet. Albert stopped puking first. I picked him up out of the mess and use a cleansing charm on him. I conjure up a bucket and hand it to him.

"If you need to get sick, do it in the bucket," I tell him and he nods. I carry him to the couch and laid him down. I pour some sprite in a small cup with a lid and sat the cup and bucket near Albert. I turned the TV on cartoons and covered him up with a thin blanket. I sit with him for a few minutes until he falls asleep.

I go back to the bedroom and pick up a sleeping Carl up. I use strong cleansing charms on him and the whole room. I carry him back to the couch and lay him down on the opposite side Albert is laying. I cover him up with another blanket. I get him some sprite and a bucket and put them near him.

I go to Severus's and I's bathroom to see Severus asleep with his head leaning against the toilet. I pick him up bridal style and carry him to the living room. I conjure another couch up and lay Severus on it. I cover him up and put a cup of sprite and a bucket near his head.

I go back to the room and soothe the twins. I feed and change them. I spend a bit of time with them until they start to get fussy. Then, I put them back to sleep. I think of this situation being really strange. I floo call Pomfrey and her head appears in the fireplace.

"Madam Pomfrey, I need you to come on through please," I say. She disappears for a few. Then, she steps through the fireplace.

"What's going on, Harry?" she asks.

"I want you to do a full health scan on the 3 of them," I tell her. "I think they might have food poisoning." She waves her wand over each of them. 3 pieces of parchment appears in the air. She reads them and pales.

"You were right, but it's not food poisoning" she says. "It doesn't say exactly what kind of poison it is. Whatever poison this is, it's shutting everything in their system down." I let out a small whimper growl and start pacing.

"Madam Pomfrey, can you stay here for a few?" I ask. She nods. I leave our quarters and put my strongest wards into place. I make my way quickly to the Great Hall.

I mask my worry with a mask of calmness. I enter and walk quickly up to Minerva. I get her to walk away from the other teachers before I told her anything. I quickly explain what is going on and who I think did it.

Something in me breaks and I have to hold onto the wall to keep steady. I lightly growl and take off out of the hall and to our quarters. I storm into the room to see Pomfrey cover Severus's head with the blanket. I let out a whimper. I go over and sit beside him. I take his hand and squeeze it. Nothing. I uncover his head and kiss his lips.

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