Tuesday Night

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It was the bell to switch for class. 'Oh no! NO!' He thought to himself. He finished getting dress and rushed out the door. When he was almost to the the headmasters office, he was only a staircase and corridor away, he heard a high pitched meow coming from the upper floor.

Harrys' heart races as his feet raced up the stairs. When he rounded the corner Snape was no where in sight. Instead it was Malfoy. "Ha! Did you see his face? He freaked out so bad when I pulled his tail." he laughed to his friends. Harry lost all control, grabbed Malfoy by the neck and smashed him into the nearest wall.

"What the fuck did you do to him Malfoy?" he shouted and held his wand to his throat. The anger in his eyes spoke volumes and made Malfoy turn a few shades paler.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Malfoy wailed. Pansy tried to cast Exspelliramus on him but his grip was so tight on his wand it was pointless.

"I just heard you say you pulled his tail! If I find out you hurt him again in any way your DEAD Malfoy." he warned his voice dropping dangerously low. He then through Malfoy to the ground and took off in the direction of the headmaster office.

When he got tot he gargoyle grading the staircase he noticed that on the ground in the dust, were small little footprints and small drops near them. His kitten was crying for the third time that day. "Cauldron Cakes." he said with a heavy heart, and rode the staircase up. He slowly opened the door and saw the headmaster staring blindly into the fireplace.

Severus sat crossed legged in front of the fireplace holding his tail. Harry looked closely at him and cold see tears running running his face and off his small nose He quietly walked over the headmaster. Dumbledors eyes beamed when he saw Harry. Anyone who could cheer up Severus, it was him.

"Could you give us a moment?" Harry whispered.

"Yes, I think I'll go to the kitchen and put in a request for lunch." The headmaster whispered back. He then got up from his seat and walked to the door. But before he left, he looked at Snape then back at Harry with a sad expression on his face. He waited till after he left to see if Severus would come to him, but he didn't. Harry remembered a spell he found when reading about nekos. This spell would turn him into a neko. Because when a neko was really upset, only the presence of another neko would calm them down.

Harry silently castes the spell and crouched down next to Snape. "Kitten?" he asked in a small whisper. Severus sniffed and slowly turned his head. His red puffy eyes widen a little in shock. Harry had a dark brown tail and two pointed ears. Harry opened his arms and said, "Come here kitten."

Once those words left his mouth, Severus flung himself into his arms. Harry scooped him up and placed him on the couch. Harry buried his head in Snapes hair. Once comfortable on the couch, Harry let out a low, calm, steady purr, and rubbed him behind the ears. Not long after Snapes breathing evened out, and was leaning his head back into the touch. Harry knew Snape was feeling better when he heard him start to give off his low, deep purr.

Harry learned that he liked Snapes purr. It fit him well. Harry risked something that normally would get him a detention for the rest of his Hogwarts life. He kissed Snapes forehead. Snape looked Harry in the eyes then did something he didn't think Snape was capable of. He showed his affection for Harry by leaning u[ and kissed him back on the nose. All Harry could do was smile at his kitten. He leaned his forehead on his. "Feel better kitten?"

"A little." Snape replied in a small voice.

"Why don't you tell me whats wrong? Maybe I can fix it."

"Well.." he started out. "As I was coming up to see Albus I ran into Malfoy and his friends after the bell rang. I tried to just go around him, but right when I passed him, he grabbed my tail and hng me upside down and started swinging me back and forth. He was saying how I lost my authoritativeness." he gave a small sniff and continued. "And he's right. No one will respect me after this." he finished in a small whimper.

"Well, when you return to normal you can put each of the hoses in negative points, and hand out detentions like kids in Honeydukes with a free sign in the window." Harry said hoping to cheer him up.

"Yeah I guess so." he replied still a little down. "But what I did get out of him was that he did through something into your cauldron." Severus said resting his head on Harrys chest. Just then the headmaster decided to make his presence known.

"Well know we know who through that ingredient into your cauldron Harry. So perhaps I should call young Malfoy to take care of Snape in his care instead of yours Harry." Dumbledore said calmly When he went to go towards Harry, he let out a low growl. Dumbledore immediately stopped. He recognized it as a warning, and a threat.

"Harry, you know that Severus should be in Dracos care,"

"I don't care. He's my kitten." Harry said protectively. "He stays with me."

"Well, I'll leave it up to Severus." Dumbledore chimed in. "Severus, who do you want to be with?"

"Harry." He said with out a moments hesitation. Dumbledore tried to speak but Severus cut him off. "No Albus. I don't care who's flying the fucking toilet paper. I don't giver a shit. Malfoy grabbed my by the tail and swung me like a fucking pendulum in the middle of the damn hall! At least I know Harry will actually care for my well being. Every thing he's done up to now has proven that." Severus finished a little red in the face.

"Well Severus you can stay in Harrys care if you so wish." Dumbledore said a little taken aback by his sudden outburst. At that sentence Harry thought Severus smiled bigger then the universe. They dinned with the headmaster and told of the morning events. The headmaster said to return and to see if anything happened again. If something were to happen they were to leave imminently. They bid their farewells to the headmaster and made their way back to the Room of Requirements.

Harry and Severus walked into the Room of Requirements and the air felt thicker then normal. Severus took Harry's hand and stood close as possible without stepping on him.

"Come on kitten. Lets wash up before bed." said Harry as he led Severus down the hall to the bathroom. Harry filled up the tub with warm water and bubbles. "Can you get in by yourself or do you need help?" he asked as he remembered last time. 

"I'll need you help." Severus replied as he started to play with the bubbles. Harry, to cheer him up, charmed the bubbles to change colors.

"Do you want me to get a step latter?" he asked even though he had a feeling what Severus answer would be.

"No, you can just put me in."

"But...I thought-"

"It's fine. I really don't mind." Severus answered as he reached in the tub and popped a bubble.

"Okay, well you can get undressed while I got change into a shot sleeved shirt." Harry said as he shut the bathroom door. He was changing while figuring out his thoughts. He could easily put his professor in the tub, but no one said he had to look down.

When he walked back into the bathroom, Snape was sitting on the toilet, waiting. Completely nude. "Ready?" he asked. Severus gave a small nod of his head. Harry, keeping his eyes level with his ears, picked him up from under the arms and placed him in the tub. Their routine proceeded like the day before. Harry scrubbed his ears and tail. Severus purred and mumbled like last time, but Harry thought he heard a little meow out of him.

Together they brushed their teeth with Severus standing on the counter. When Harry got his shower, Severus stayed outside the door. He didn't want to be far from Harry. When he came out from the bathroom, they went to the bedroom. Harry noticed that Severus didn't want to get in his bed. 

"Wanna sleep with me?" Harry asked as he sat on the bed. Severus nodded his head fanatically with delight of not sleeping alone. "Come on." Harry said patting the spot next to him. Severus ran across the room and jumped into Harrys bed. They burrowed down in the covers together with Snape wrapped in his arms. "Goodnight kitten."

"Goodnight Harry."

Later that night Harry woke up to the smell of something burning. He quickly detached himself from Severus and made his way to the kitchen. When he saw nothing out of place he made his way back to the bedroom. Severus was still asleep curled around a pillow.

Harry slowly climbed back in and laid on his back. He could not fall asleep. Suddenly he felt as if someone was siting on the end of the bed. He sat up, and could physically see the dip mark of someone sitting. Before Harry could do something, the make grew bigger, stretching in his direction.

He could fee the force of this...thing sitting on him. With enough force it sent him crashing back into the bed. While Harry was struggling to breathe, Severus was still sound asleep. Soon Harry could feel ice cold fingers wrap around his throat He began to claw at his neck trying to get this force off of hi. The force was more powerful and caused his arms to fall back on the bed.

Harry was begin pushed deeper into the mattress. Eventually, the force let off so quickly, Harry chocked to breathe in the air. He fell to the floor crying and gasping.

"Harry?" came his kittens worried voice as he scurried to the side of the bed. Without thinking, Harry grabbed Severus and raced out of the room. He only stopped running when they reached Griffendor tower.

"Harry what happened?" Severus questioned him when they sat down on the couch.

"I...I don't know. I woke up to the smell of something burning. I got up and went to the kitchen and when nothing looked wrong, I went back to bed. I thought I felt someone sit on the bed so I looked up and I saw the dip in the bed. All of sudden I was thrown back. The pressure kept building and building, until it suddenly diapered." With every word Severus paled more and more. Growing frightened for Harry.

Seeing this Harry goes," I'm alright now kitten. Don't worry." and scratched his ears. Severus started to give off a soft little purr. Using his wand, Harry set and alarm for six. Most students wake up around seven so that would give them an hour to get out with out anyone asking questions. He would then go up and see the headmaster about this. Harry wrapped himself, in cat from around Severus, and drifted off into sleep once more.

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