Happy Birthday???

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Y/n's POV

The sun started to peek through the big window, waking me up from my beauty sleep.  But I'm not gonna let it bother me.  Cause it's my birthday!  Yay, I'm finally 21.  I turn to reach out to Harry with a big smile but my disappointment, Harry's side of the bed was empty and cold.  I looked at the clock, it was almost 10am.  I sat up and found a note on his pillow.

"Had to go to the studio.  Will be back later.  Harry."

That's it?  No 'I love you'?  No 'Happy Birthday'?  I hope he didn't forget.  I got up and went to shower and got dressed for the day.  I checked my notifications as I cooked breakfast.  Not even a happy birthday from my own friends.  I scoff and put my phone in my purse.  After I ate, I decided to go treat myself.  I tried calling anyone to hang out with me and remind them about my birthday but everyone was apparently was too busy.  I sat at my favorite deli and ordered a small little cake for myself.  "Happy Birthday to me." I said, sadly.  I finished my meal and left to check out some of the stores but stopped when I see Harry walking into the jewelry store with another woman!

I walked over to the window and hide in the corner to watch.  He was hunting rings with the woman.  Not just rings.  Engagement rings.  I can't believe it.  No wonder he forgot my birthday, he's been so busy with his other relationship.  Not just that, he's planning on marrying her!  I rubbed my chest where my heart laid, breaking.  I let out a sob and ran back to my car and sped back to our...his place and packed my stuff.  After I loaded up the car with as much as I could carry, I emptied out my jewelry box and broke everything that he has given me.  But kept the jewelry that meant so much to me.  That carried no memory of him.  My phone let out an alert; he was texting me.

"Hey, love, I left a few sheet music in the office.  Could you please send them to the studio and pick up some food for me and the boys?"

"You gotta be kidding me."  I scoff and blocked his number.  "Good-bye, Mr. Styles.  Hope we will never see each other again."  I slammed the door so hard, I cracked the frame. 

About an hour later, after sending all my stuff ahead of me, I sat on the plane, waiting for it to take off.  I decided to go back to America and stay with people who actually cared and loved me.  As I waited, my phone goes off again, it was Liam.

"Hey, y/n.  Harry has been trying to get a hold of you but for some reason the call wouldn't go through.  Where are you?  Are you safe?  Please let us know." 

"Oh, so now you guys care?"  I sneered at no one.  I turned my phone off as soon as the plane took off.  What a lousy birthday.

Harry's POV

Everyone was waiting for y/n's arrival.  God, I was incredibly nervous.  Tonight was the night I ask her to marry me.  Gemma's friend helped me pick out the perfect ring for Y/n and they both were positive that she would love it.  I checked my phone; she should have been here a while ago.  Everything was perfectly set up.  I invited all of her friends and I made sure no one wished her a Happy Birthday. I felt really bad for that but I really wanted to surprise her. 

"Hey, Liam, any word yet from her?"  I asked.  He sent her a text a little while ago but we haven't heard anything yet and for some reason every time I call her, it just rings and rings, not even a voice mail. She always has a voice mail.  I was seriously getting worried.

"No, nothing yet.  Even Louis has been trying to text her.  I'm sure she's probably just stuck in traffic."  Liam said. 

"I don't know.  I have a bad feeling."  I said.  I tried calling her again but same thing, it just keeps on ringing. 

"Harry!"  I heard Niall call out.  "You gotta see this!"  He says pointing at the TV.

"Trouble in paradise?  It seems like it for the hottest couple, Y/n Y/l/n and Harry Styles.  Today, what was supposed to be a day of celebration for Y/n's birthday but fans have seen her at the airport alone and in tears.  What could have happened to drive Y/n away and upset her?  Did Harry Styles forget her birthday?  Was there a fight?  Are they officially over?"  The male news caster announced. 

"What?"  I couldn't take my eyes off the screen...she was gone. 

A little short drama of misunderstandings.  I hope you like.  I love drama and will write a lot of it and a handful of sappy happy endings lol.  If you want part 2, let me know and I'll get started on them.  Lots of love ~Song~

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