Rewind (Part 2)

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Harry's POV

"Who are you?"

Those words echoed and haunted in my mind.  She didn't remember me.  I had to step out because I couldn't deal with the pain.  I let out a sob and covered my face as I slide down the wall near her room.  My baby has forgotten me.  Everything that we have shared together.  The love she had for me is gone.  But my love will never go away. 

"Harry." I heard Louis.  I looked up, my eyes filled with tears. 

"She doesn't remember me, Lou bear."  I sob out. 

He kneels down my level, "The doctors say there's a 50/50 chance she will regain her memories, but we need to be patience."  He places a hand on my shoulder, "Be thankful she's alive, Harry.  This is against my belief but maybe this is a chance for you to start over with her.  Take one day at a time."  He said. 

I let out a sniffle and rubbed the tears away and nod.  He helps me up and we walked back into Y/n's room.  She stopped talking to Liam and looks over at me with curiosity in her eyes. 

Liam clears his throat and begins to walk out, "Let's give them a few minutes."  He leans in closer to speak softly, "You hurt her again, I'll hit you where it hurts more." 

I gulp and nod as I pass by to sit near her. 

"So...Liam said that I know you." She starts.

I nod, "Yes, I'm...well...I'm your friend, Harry.  Harry Styles.  We've been friends for years."  I said, hesitantly, not knowing if I should mention our past. 

She bites down on her bottom lip, I always loved that, "I don't remember you at all, but your sounds familiar.  I can't place it."  She sighs, frustrated.  I reach forward and took her hand in mine, I instantly felt shocks.  I smiled softly.

"I'll help you remember."  I wasn't going to mess this up.  No way.

A couple of days later, Y/n was released from the hospital and I took her back home.  Our home.  I guess it seemed weird for her to be in a home that wasn't familiar but I did all I could to help her out.  I threw out ever picture I had of Kelly and found a few pictures I kept stored away to help her remember.  Tonight I plan to take her out to dinner and start over from scratch. 

I drove us to our favorite restaurant, hoping some memory will spark.  God, she looked beautiful in that lilac and white sundress.  She placed a hat on, covering her bandage, but I thought she looked beautiful either way.  I really missed her. 

We entered the restaurant and even sat at our table, "So, we've been here before?" She asks.

"Yes, we've been coming here for years.  Do you remember any of it?"  I ask, keeping a close eye at her reactions.

She looked down at the menu, "A few things are familiar.  Wait..." She rubs the side of her head and winces.  I quickly grab her hand in comfort.

"Are you ok?"  I asked. 

"Just a little pain but, I think I'm starting to remember a few things.  We went to dinner one time here kissed me." She says. 

I smiled so big and cheered inside, "We had our first kiss right here at this table."  I said. 

"So we were dating?"  She asks.   "Are we dating?" 

Hesitantly, "Well, I want to...but only when you're ready.  We were dating before for two years...then...we sort of...broke up.   But I want to try again...I never gotten over you...over us.  I'm not just saying because of the accident, I'm saying it because I...well...I don't want to scare you anymore than you probably are now."  I slumped a little in my chair in defeat. 

"Actually, I feel something with you but I can't be sure.  I remember...something about the break up...I heart breaking."  She says sadly.

I sighed, "Words were thrown, words I regret every day since that night.  I want to make it up to you.  I want to start over with you.  That is...if you want to..."  I wait patiently.

She took her time to think then was about to give me her answer till a certain pest interrupted us.

"Harry!  Baby, I missed you much." Kelly calls out and rushes over to our table. I rolled my eyes and cover my face in annoyance.

"Harry...why are you with her?  I thought what we had was special?"  Kelly whined like a 2 year old. 

"Harry, who is this?"  Y/n asked, confusion covering her face.

"Oh, please, that is so old.  Harry, baby, I love you.  Please, I didn't mean to lie, but she was sleeping with another guy.  You have to believe me."  Kelly sobs, I could see right through her fake tears.

"Kelly, for the last time, we are through.  Because of your lies, you've ruined my happiness with Y/n, placed her in a hospital, and now, ruining a wonderful night I'm having with her.  You're lucky I'm not calling the cops right now on you for harassment and fraud." I growled out. 

"I love you, Harry! She doesn't care about you!  She's just using you!" Kelly sobs again. 

"I don't love you.  I was only with you to get back at her, but now I see through your slimy lies and your clown make up.  Ever wondered why we never slept together.  I still regret even kissing you.  No mouth wash in the world can erase that nasty kiss."  I hear a few of the patrons stifling their laughter.

"Oh! You're such an arsehole, Harry Styles!  And YOU!  You're nothing but a slutty, bitch, whore of a cu**!  I hope you rot and die in a di-!"

Kelly couldn't get the rest out cause Y/n's fist came flying into her face, knocking her ass out and breaking her nose in the process.

Y/n's POV

Breathing heavily, I fist my hand so tight, my knuckles turned white.  I started to remember everything as she stood there yelling at Harry.  And I remember what Harry did to me...

"Y/n..." He starts but I cut him off with a slap on the face.

"Don't talk to me."  I said softly and walked out of the restaurant. 

"Wait! Y/n please!" He runs after me and grabs my arm but I snatch it out of his grip.  "Baby..." He starts but I cut him off again.

"Don't call me don't deserve to call me that after what you did to me."  I snarled. 

"I didn't text you to meet me at the Eye.  Kelly did...she lied to us.  She told me you were cheating on me." He said, head lowered in shame.

"And you believed a slut more than your own girlfriend?"  I sneered, crossing my arms.

"She had pictures.  But they were photo-shopped.  I believed it cause I was an idiot.  An arsehole of an idiot."  He said. 

"Yup."  I agreed then walked away but he caught up with me again.

"Please, I want us to start over.  I still love you.  I never gotten over you that night, I was hurt when I saw those pictures and I thought you didn't love me anymore, that you never loved me in the first place."  He said.

I sighed, "Harry, I loved you since the day we met on that plane.  I loved you before we even met when I was a fangirl.  Seeing you that night with..." I gagged on her name.  "I was hurt and pissed off.  Then you started calling me those names.  Who the hell does that?"  I scoffed. 

"It was Kelly, she filled my head with those words and for some reason I repeated them in your face.   I understand that you never want to see me again.  But I love you so much and I don't want to give up on us.  Not again.  I lost you once, and nearly lost you for good.  I don't plan on letting that happen anytime soon.  Please, if I give you space, will you please give us a more time?"  He even got on his knees in front of me and people started to stare. 


He looks around and sees the people, "I LOVE THIS GIRL!  AND I HURT HER!  LOOK AT HOW MUCH OF AN IDIOT I AM!  I WOULD SHOUT TO THE WORLD MY LOVE FOR HER!" He yells out. 

My cheeks light up in redness as I see people curiously looking over at us. 

"Harry, get up."  I whispered.


My eyes widen at that and the fact we were surrounded by random strangers.


"Harry, get up and I will tell you my answer."  I growled softly.

He gets up in a flash and I couldn't help but laugh...

"You're an idiot...and your hurt me so bad...I'll never be able to forget it.  It's gonna be hard to forgive you.  But, I love you.  So much.  Give me time."  I said. 

"All the time in the world."  He says. 

Narrator's POV

It took a few more years, but your relationship slowly started to build it's way back up to the clouds.  Kelly was later arrested for assault.  You and Harry won't be hearing from her for a very long time.  Harry managed to charm his way back into your heart and he made up for every mistake he has made to you in the past.  It's a rough ride but your love held on.  Another year passed and you found yourself pregnant. After you told Harry, he proposed. Not because of the pregnancy, because he's been wanting to propose since that night with Kelly.  He never got rid of the ring.  Together you both have a long and happy marriage...

Hope you like this...sorry for the long wait.  Been extremely busy.  Please leave comments and votes...also still no requests...Don't be shy everyone.  Lots of love ~Song~

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