Mistake (part 1)

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Y/n and Harry have been dating for 6 months.  Everything was going perfectly, better than you have ever dreamed of.  Till one day, out of the blue, he comes up with devastating news.

Y/n's POV

"Why?" My voice cracks.  He wouldn't even look at me.  How could he do this?  Just giving up on us without a simple explanation.  "Was it something I did?  Did I do something wrong?  Am I not pretty enough for you?  All I did was love you unconditionally! How can you just sit there and tell me we're over without even giving me a fucking reason!" I screamed at him.  He just stared at me with no emotion in those beautiful emerald eyes.  I scoffed and go upstairs to our...I'm sorry...his bedroom and grabbed my stuff.  "I'll send someone for the rest."  I reached the door but turned back at him, "I hope you're happy with the choice you made, Styles.  Just so you know, you just lost the one person who truly loved you."  I slammed the door so hard, I'm pretty sure the frame cracked.  But I didn't care.  I officially hated Harry Styles right there. 

3 weeks later...

    I cried.  For weeks, I was a zombie.  An automatic zombie.  I couldn't eat nor sleep.  I missed Harry but obviously he didn't miss me.  It was already spreading in the news like a wildfire that we were over.  And oh, no surprise, he moved on.  He was seen several times with a bleach blonde over makeup caked whore who possibly carried more diseases than a nautical toilet. From what I heard, she was a daughter of a famous Hotel chain.  (Yes, like Paris Hilton but not her).  I got so mad; I threw the flat screen against the wall.  After destroying every picture I saved of me and Harry, I felt so much better.  I erased him from my life completely. 

    One day, I went to get the mail and sat down with my best friend, Jordan, who is as gay as RuPaul is and had an attitude like Lafayette from True Blood.  I opened a letter from a college I have been desperately been trying to get in and to my shock, I couldn't speak nor breathe.

"Well?"  Jordan asked impatiently.

I just read the letter over and over again, I couldn't believe it.

"Hookah, say something!" He yells.

I finally looked at him.  "I got in!"    I squealed.

    We jumped up and down in excitement but then he stopped with a frown, "I'm not gonna have my bitch anymore."  He whines like a 5 year old.  I laughed and pulled him in for a tight hug, "You can come see me anytime you want.  We can go to the hottest clubs in Boston and meet hot guys."  I laughed as I pulled back seeing him smirk.  "And you can finally hook up with a man who can help you forget about what's-the-whore's-name?"  He pulled my close to him to give me a side hug.  Thinking about Harry again still hurts but I'm not gonna sit around and mope over a guy, it's time for me to live for (y/n). 

2 weeks later...

    This was it, I am moving to Boston to persuade my dream at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.  I always wanted to work in the film industry.  I haven't decided on a career but maybe this will help me.  Maybe be a famous director.  Let's hope so.  I packed up the last of my stuff and turned to Jordan, he looked so down but happy for me at the same time.  "Well, this is it."  I sighed.  He hands me a bag, "This is all the necessaries you might need while living on campus.  And don't forget to call me every chance you get and when you land."  I opened the bag and found tiny bottles of liquor, condoms, lube, and a black book.  I looked up at him and gave him a wtf look.  He laughs, "Better safe than sorry, bitch."  He smiles.  God, I was gonna miss him.  I pulled him in for one last hug and got into the car to drive to the airport. 

Harry's POV
One month later...

    God, I missed her so much. What have I done?  I didn't want to break up with her but stupid management forced me.  Saying I should date someone famous not someone so ordinary.  (Y/n) wasn't ordinary, she was unique.  So much more than anyone I ever dated.  She was my heart, my soul, my love.  I have to get her back. 

    I got up and grabbed my jacket, but Britney or Nancy or whatever her name is opened her mouth, "Hazzy, where are you going?  Daddy invited us to dinner to congratulate our anniversary." Her squeaky voice was like nails to a chalk board.  "We are not dating, Britney." I scowled at her.  She placed her hands on her hips, "My name is Megan!" She whines like a freaking kid!  Even sounds like one.  "Whatever, I never wanted to date you in the first place.  I don't love you. I have someone else.  This whole thing was a mistake.  Get out of my flat and out of my life!" I shouted at her.  She just scoffs and grabs her purse, "I'll come back when you cooled down.  Bye, babe." She said.  I just rolled my eyes and snatched her keys to my place out of her hands and pushed her out but not before catching a very shocked look.  I locked my door and grabbed my cell and called the love of my life.  No answer.  I kept trying to call but it all went to voice mail. 

    I drove to her place and knocked on the door.  After waiting for what it seemed like hours but really only 5 minutes, her roommate Jordan answers the door with a deep scowl, "Oh, great, the whore's back.  What'd you want, bitch?"  He leans against the door and pops his hip. "Where's (y/n)?  I really need to talk to her, Jordan."  I asked.  "She ain't here.  She's living her life without you."  He says.  Panic filled my heart, "Please, where is she?"  I begged.  "Why do you want her anyway?  You kicked her out and basically fucked her over.  Do you have ANY idea how badly you have destroyed that poor girl?  She heard about you and that whore; it was the final nail in her heart.  She was so mad she threw the TV and basically starved herself.  She was at the point where she wanted to die, Styles!  But, why would you care, huh?"  He scoffs. 

    Tears filled my eyes.  How could I have done this to someone so beautiful?  I am a monster.  "Please, I love her, Jordan.  Management forced me to break up with her.  I fought so hard for her.  I don't want to lose her.  Not again."  I sniffled.  Jordan sighs, and motions me to come in.  He told me to follow him and he showed me a room, but not just any room.  It was (y/n)'s room, what was left of it at least.  All there was in there was a bare mattress, a few dressers, and a box on top of the bed.  My heart pounded in my chest, where was she?!  He handed me the box and I gasped at what I saw.  Every picture of us together, shredded, cut up, and marked by red and black markers.  I looked up at him, my lips trembled.  I couldn't get a clear word out.  "She did this the same day you 'moved on'." He does air quotes and adds, "She basically erased you, Harry.  She's gone to a new life.  Without you."  He said, I could see he was feeling sympathy for me.  I raked my hands through my curly locks and rubbed my eyes clear of tears, "Where?"  I begged, my voice was broken.  "She went to her dream college.  Massachusetts.  She left last month." He said.  That was it.  She was gone.  I had to get her back.  No matter what.  I needed to talk to her.  I dropped the box on the bed and stormed out of there.  "Where are you going?"  Jordan shouts.  I turn but continue to walk to my car.  "To get my baby back."  I shout. 

Well, whatcha think?  Please leave comments and if you want to request any other images please PM me.  Does anyone want a part 2?

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