Mistake (Part 2)

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Y/n's POV

    So far so good, the college life was everything I ever dreamed of.  After a month of living here in the dorm, it has opened a whole new world for me.  I even made new friends but of course Jordan will forever be #1.  I love my classes and better yet, I have completely forgotten what's-his-name.  Till Jordan called...

    "He what?!"  I exclaimed into the phone.

"That's what I'm saying, girl.  He came over; pouring out his heart about you and left saying he was gonna get his boo back. You." Jordan sighs on the other line.

"Maybe you should listen to him.  He said..."

I cut him off.

    "I don't give a rat's ass, Jo.  He hurt me in the worst way.  He could have told me this a long time ago and I would have understood.  But, now, if I see him, I'm going to punch him.  I cannot stand Harry Styles anymore.  Besides...I've moved on.  He should too.  Oh wait, he did."  I added the sarcastic remark.  "Bitch, I know how you must feel.  Hell, if it was me I would castrate the mother.  But, you didn't see what I saw in his eyes.  True pain.  Just, for me, let him explain."  Jordan said.  Taking a deep breath, I tried calming down.  But I was still so angry.  "I hate it when you ask me to do things for you." I growled.

    After banging my head on the wall, phone still pressed against my ear, "Fine.  I'll give him a chance when I see him."  I rolled my eyes and made silly angry faces at the phone, mocking Jordan.  "Don't you mock me, little whore."  He scowled.  I stopped and looked around, seeing if he was about to pop out of a door.  "You better talk to him or I'm gonna lock you both up in a room and force you two to work it out before I bitch slap yo' ass."  Then he hung up.  I pulled the phone away with a shocked face and stared at it. 

"Drama queen."  I shut off my phone and go sit on the bed.

I grab my pillow and inhaled deeply,


I muffled my screaming into the pillow.  I fell back against the bed, sighing.  "I hate my life as of now."  I muttered to no one. 

    A few days have passed and so far no Harry.  I knew it was too good to be true.  Part of me wanted him to come back and beg me to take him back, not that I would.  But, I can't help but miss him sometimes.  I miss our cuddles at night, watching horror movies together and romance.  Going out on dates.  Him surprising me in the most unpredictable ways.  Why....why did he do this to us?  I shook my head at the thought, I shouldn't be wallowing in my self-pity anymore. 

    After class was finally over, I went to the nearest Starbucks, "One tall White Chocolate Mocha espresso, please.  Extra foam." 

I sat down at the nearest table and waited for my order. 

"Y/n."  I heard someone whisper.

I turned but didn't see anyone.  I shrugged it off and got out my Night Play book by Sherrilyn Kenyon (My favorite book, her work is must reads and she's got a TV show coming out based on her books. SO EXCITED!) 

    "Y/n!"  The whisper started again.  I looked but still...

    "Y/n!" This time it was a little louder and seemed to be coming from a hooded figure.  I squint my eyes at the figure, he looks up and pulls his hoodie up just a little bit and takes off his sunglasses, "Y/n."  Harry whispers. 

    "Harry?!" I whisper furiously.  "Y/n!"  The girls calls out my name and I get up to pick up my order and then head to Harry's table.  "Harry, what the hell are you doing here?" I speak softly but furiously.  He places his sunglasses back over his eyes, "I wanted to talk to you but too many fans found out I was here.  Please, hear me out."  He reaches to grab my hand but I snatch it out of the way, "I gave you a chance to explain yourself months ago but I got shit.  Now, go back to you little toy slut and get infested with god knows how many diseases and leave me alone."  I said.  I roll my eyes and storm out of the place and of course, Harry follows me out, "Y/n, please!  It was management." He runs after me and grabs my arm, "Management forced me to dump you and go out with that girl.  I fought but they threaten my career."  He said, panting after running.  "Oh so," I lick my lips, "Your job is more important than our relationship.  Oh yeah, that sums it up." I said sarcastically and rip my arm out of his hand.  "Y/n, that's not what I meant.  I didn't want to give up what we had but I didn't want to give up my job."  He said.  "Harry, they couldn't have fired you even if they tried.  You're Harry Styles!  The face of One Direction!  How can anyone fire that?  You just lost me for bullshit." I turn to walk away but he catches up, "I know! I know!  And I'm sorry!"  He runs to stand in front of me.  He sighs and takes off his disguise, "Baby, I love you.  I always will love you.  Please, can't we start over?  I promise to never make another stupid mistake ever again.  Please."  He gets down on his knees, begging.  I shook my head, "Harry, I love you too.  I love you so much."  He had a glint of hope in his smile.  "But you blew it.  You blew it big time."  I turn and walk away in the other direction, not before catching the heart breaking look on Harry's face.  I winced when I hear a group of girls screaming Harry's name and him running away from them. 

    A few days have passed since then.  The pain of heart break was filling back up inside me, and I hated it.  I missed Harry, but I keep reminding me he hurt me.   I had a hard time concentrating in class; all I could think about was that pitiful look on Harry when I told him he blew it.  It was true.  He did blow it. I don't know what can be done to make it up.  After class was over, I basically went to the cafeteria to grab a drink, and then all of the sudden music was playing in the courtyard.  Dozens of classmates were surrounding the area.  I walked through the crowd to see what was going on, and as I got closer, I noticed how familiar the song was. 


Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed

'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart

I tore it apart

And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence

And no woman in the world deserves this

But here I am asking you for one more chance

    The boys were in the middle of the freaking courtyard, Liam was standing in front of one table while Louis was on top of the table behind him.  Niall was sitting with his guitar, playing the tune.  Zayn was standing next to Liam, and Harry was standing on the table behind Zayn.  Harry was looking right into the crowd and our eyes finally met, he smiled,


Can we fall, one more time?

Stop the tape and rewind

Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade

Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's gotta be you

Only you


Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles

When you speak to me I don't resemble, who I was

You've almost had enough

And your actions speak louder than words

And you're about to break from all you've heard

Don't be scared, I ain't going nowhere


I'll be here, by your side

No more fears, no more crying

But if you walk away

I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's gotta be you

Only you


Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time?

One more, one more, can we try?

One more, one more time

I'll make it better

One more, one more, can we try?

One more, one more

Can we try one more time to make it all better?


'Cause it's gotta be you

It's gotta be you

Only you

Only you

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's gotta be you

Only you

    I chuckled softly; I shook my head at this situation.  I couldn't believe how far he went.  Harry hopped off the table and walked towards me.  He took my hand and pulled me into the middle of the court yard.  "Everyone.  This is y/n.  We've been dating for more than 6 months.  But recently, we had a fall out.  Cause I was a dumbass.  I listened to others when I should have listened to my heart."  He turned to me and held my hands, pulling me closer to him.  "Y/n, baby, my heart, my love.  I am so sorry for hurting you.  I love you more than anything in the world.  I would give up anything just see a smile.  I don't ever want to lose you again."  He reaches in his pocket, and pulls out a velvet box.  I gasp and look up into his eyes, "Harry?"  I eye him cautiously.  He opens it to revel a beautiful violet ring with small blue stones on each side with a white gold band (I hate yellow gold).  "This isn't an engagement ring.   This is a promise.  I swear to you I will never make the mistake again to do anything to hurt you.  I want to start over with you.  I want to marry you one day, have lots of kids with you.  Grow old with you.   Until then, I'm going to work very hard getting your trust back. I promise."  He swears.  I smile slowly but big.  I looked into his eyes, I could see the truth.  His love for me.  His promise.  I answered him with a kiss.  Everything didn't matter in that kiss, no one else existed.  We were one.  Gravity had no meaning anymore.  It was him.  It was us.  Pretty soon, we pulled apart and everyone was cheering.  I looked and saw Jordan hugging Louis, sobbing his eyes out, "That was so beautiful.  God, I need a man!"  He lets out a big sob and hugs Louis tighter.  Louis pats his back and eyes me, "Help me."  He mouths. 


Narrator's POV


    It took a few months, but Harry managed to win your heart again.  Management wasn't happy at all but they finally approved.  After graduating from college, you went on tour with the boys.  Megan tried several times to win Harry back.  She nearly messed up the relationship again, but you had none of her tricks.  After an anonymous source spread a rumor about her having almost every STD known to man, the press was all over her social life.  Hmm, I wonder who spread that awful rumor.  (Evil laugh)

So far so good? Please leave comments. Thank you to the ones who sent me all those votes. I got more ideas on the way and if you want to request anything, feel free to leave me a message.

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