19. Aftermath

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"Love ignited a fire inside me."


"In a horrific incident that took place last night at twelve, the superstar also known as the 'Queen of negative roles', Park Violet, was admitted to Seoul National Hospital. The star has been severely injured and is in a critical state. Seo Juyoung, CEO of Seo Fashions seemed to have hit her on the head allegedly, in an attempt to rape and was arrested on the spot. 'Seo Fashions' stocks instantly plummeted as soon as the news got out. Fans of the actress can be seen outraged outside the hospital asking for justice for Park Violet. In the viral video, co-actor Jeon Jungkook can be seen carrying the actress in the ambulance, police investigations are still going on and-" The news anchor was reading out the news but Yoora turned off the television in mid, unable to hear anything more.

The air felt so tense, so thick and all of them were in a state of aghast.

There they sat on the chairs of the hospital hallway just outside the VIP room where Violet is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit- Yoora, Seokjin, Hyun and Jungkook. A look of misery and sorrow was evident on their faces. The most shook up person of all seemed to be Jungkook. His clothes were still the same as the previous night, hair ruffled, eyes that once shone brightly were now reddened with tears, a pinkish hue spread on his nose and cheeks, and looking at him anyone could make out how miserable he appeared.

So miserable that there were no more tears left to cry.

He sat there silently, contemplating about everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours but his silence meant nothing but the melancholy he was suffering through.

"Jungkook, she'll be alright. Treat your wounds, it's bleeding." Sensing the tension in the environment, Seokjin tried to console the male only to receive a distressed look from him. He saw the younger's knuckles bleeding but he jerked off the elder's hand from his shoulder.

"Where were you guys when she was going through all this? She considers you as her elder brother, where were you?! And you, Yoora... You didn't get a single hint of what she was going through?! You call yourself her management people, it's your responsibility to safeguard her from everything. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL?!" He screamed, jolting up from his position, his frustration taking a toll on his mind making the others flinch by his outburst.

He remembered how fragile Violet appeared and he couldn't even imagine if it had not been for him to live just five minutes away from her house, that monster would've wrecked her sanity. Those whimpers, sobs and the image of her bathed in blood from top to bottom couldn't seem to leave his head. That broken expression on her face was going around in circles in his head.

Yoora couldn't help but blame herself for everything, she wailed so much the moment she got to know about everything and now, seeing the 'forever calm' Jungkook being super enraged was something very saddening. She knew it was her fault for not giving attention to her artist who was more like her 'younger sister' and she was in this state because of her ignorance. The manager burst into tears again and Hyun side-hugged his wife, rubbing soothing circles on her back. His eyes too, were glistening as this whole situation was way too traumatising for anyone.

Jungkook's demeanor softened for a moment when he looked at Yoora and he turned their backs on them sprinting towards the balcony of the hospital to have some fresh air and clear his mind. A huge crowd of people could be seen, appearing like ants from the top floor of the hospital.

Seokjin followed him outside to give the male some moral support, he knew being the chairperson of 'Jinhit Entertainment' and an elder brother to his artists, he must not lose control and act like a strong pillar towards them. He must think rationally and at this moment, Jungkook needed someone to console him.

He remembers how helpless Jungkook sounded when he called him last night. When the management along with the cops and medics rushed towards Violet's mansion, the scene in front was soul-shattering. Truly, in all his years of working in the entertainment industry, he has never seen something so heart-wrenching that, for a moment, he couldn't believe his own eyes.

Violet lay there unconscious, covered in blood from top to bottom, her clothes tattered and the whole living room appeared as if a storm had hit there. Jungkook took her body in his embrace and hugged her as tightly as he could. Seo Juyoung could be seen laying on the floor, his mouth bleeding and by the looks of it, he was gaining consciousness soon.

Seokjin, Yoora and Hyun saw how devastated the male appeared that time- he was crying and wailing, whilst looking at the woman. When he saw Seokjin, he gasped while speaking further.

"H-hyung she isn't w-waking up!" He cried, his lips quivered, and even his whole body seemed to be shivering. The medics instantly rushed towards the two taking the woman apart from him for treatment. Jin was gobsmacked looking at him, he couldn't utter a word until Violet was taken apart from him and admitted to the hospital.

He clearly remembered as soon as Violet was taken away, Jungkook's rage hit the clouds. He took the glass stand in his hands and was about to smash Juyoung's head with it until the cops stopped him from doing so. No one had ever seen the cold, soft-spoken, and calm Jeon Jungkook this enraged. His nose flared in fury and he yelled, trying to break free from the cops' hold.

"Fucking LEAVE ME!!" He screamed, his eyes spitting fire and if he could, he would've killed Juyoung by now.

"Mr. Jeon, calm down! You'll be charged with murder at this rate!" One of the senior cops spoke out but he didn't seem to calm down until Yoora gave a tight slap across his face making the corner of his lips bleed. The slap was to knock in some senses in his brain. He stopped speaking and just stayed in the same position as a statue. She was crying herself but she was sane and aware of the fact that if Jungkook lost control today, there would be havoc.

They wouldn't be able to cover up the aftermath if he did something in anger.

"STOP IT, JUNGKOOK! LET THE COPS DEAL WITH IT!" She held him by his shoulders, shaking him to and fro, sobbing. Hyun came forward and held Yoora by her shoulders.

"Take him away." He rasped, shooting the darkest glare towards Juyoung who seemed to be in a dizzy state. The cops dragged that psycho out and then he glanced at Jungkook who stood still, his knuckles bleeding and his right cheek reddened by that slap.

Seokjin remembered he didn't utter a word until Violet was admitted. This was the very first time they saw Jungkook this broken and irked. His patience seemed to have hit its limits and he wasn't sounding like himself.

Jin shook his head coming out of his trance and walked towards the younger, who stood resting his hands on the balcony railing.

"Calm down, Jungkook. Doctors said she'll regain consciousness in a day or two. Whatever happened, wasn't anyone's fault neither yours nor ours. Had we known Violet was being blackmailed by that motherfucker do you think we would've sat back? Yesterday, I fired everyone taking care of her security and hired new people, and 'Seo Fashions', you're aware his whole empire is done after what he did. He's going to rot in prison forever, I'll make sure of that." The elder explained assuringly, patting Jungkook's back and the younger turned to look at him. He couldn't help but burst out crying.

Everything was too much for him to handle.

"H-hyung, she- she was b-bleeding so much! I couldn't h-help her." He hugged Jin and cried his heart out, groaning, hiccuping, and stammering. The elder patted his back, his eyes glistening but he made sure to not shed a single tear.

He should be strong for everyone who was working with him.

"Jungkook, she'll wake up soon and I assure you whoever is involved in doing such a shameless thing, would pay back tenfold," Seokjin spoke sternly and by this, Jungkook suddenly remembered something.

Her last words before passing out.

He broke from the hug and looked at the male making knit his brows in confusion. "What happened?" Jin asked.

"Hyung, can you investigate something?" He questioned, the mood suddenly turned serious.


Time felt like it was flowing away slower than it should. Each and every minute passing felt like a stab in everyone's heart because it had been more than seventy-two hours since Violet hadn't opened her eyes.

Throughout these four days, Jungkook didn't leave Violet's side. He stayed at the hospital and waited for the woman to wake up soon. Whenever he looked at her pale face, her whole body covered in bandages, the little beep-beep sound of the monitor indicating that she was just in a deep slumber, he used to console himself by thinking 'She'll open her eyes soon'. He used to silently cry for hours whilst holding her cold hand.

Mr. Hwang, the past directors, and the close working professionals in their field came to meet Violet but were strictly denied from doing so because she was in a critical state. The whole entertainment world seemed to be in shock after this incident and fans of the actress were constantly asking for justice. The movement became so big that even international artists came in support of Park Violet.

Finally, somewhere around six in the evening on the fourth day, the doctor announced that Violet has regained consciousness. Hyun called Seokjin as he had gone to work, to inform him about the artist. Jungkook jolted up from his position and was about to break open the door just to see her but the doctor made him halt on his steps. He allowed Yoora and Hyun to go to meet her but asked Jungkook to have a talk.

"Mr. Jeon, can we talk for a moment?" The doctor asked and Jungkook nodded following him while the managers went inside to meet Violet.

"Is she... alright?" He enquired in a low voice, praying internally that everything should be alright.

"She has major injuries on her head, back, hands and legs. It'll take at least three months for her to recover fully, you can take her home and the medicines will do the work but these are external injuries they'll heal with time..." The doctor sighed and continued giving shocking news to the male.

"What concerns me is her mental health, she isn't in a good state of mind. We tried to talk to her but she isn't opening up with anyone, leave talking she's scared to even see new faces. I would suggest seeking a therapist as soon as possible." He patted the male's shoulder and the ground swept below his feet. The weight of those words was too much for him and so, he sat on the chair with a 'thump' sound.

Simultaneously, Hyun and Yoora came outside with distressed and concerned looks on their faces.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked.

"She... didn't speak anything. She just stared blankly like a soulless being." Hyun informed and Jungkook understood what it meant. He gained his composure and tried to sound normal.

"She's in shock. Let's just take her home, I'll explain everything to you guys but first, let's move out of here." The actor pleaded because he knew staying here any longer meant that the paparazzi and media people won't let them breathe in peace considering the outrage that was going on.

I feel so sad for Violet. Grab up your tissues you all. It's gonna be a roller coaster ride! 🙂

Oh also... Jungkook in the new Vogue Korea photoshoot is a total three course meal. (When he isn't? XD) 🤤

Rockstar!!! 🎸

The bad boy who's rich!
I swear I can create so many scenarios just by seeing these pics... he's literally turning ffs to reality 🤩

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