Chapter 1

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Static, white noise, that's all he focused on, or at least tried to with the new couple heavily making out on the other side of the room. If there was any moment in which Superboy hated his super hearing it was definitely right now. Or any time his ex and her rebound were in the same room as him. He tried to focus on the static playing on the TV, he really did, but it was like his ex was purposefully being loud with her make out session just to make sure he heard every disgusting detail. Luckily enough he wasn't the only one who wanted them to shut up.

"Ugh, gross guys! PDA! Can you please get a room already??" Beast Boy covered his ears as he shouted, disgusted by the couple from his spot on the couch.

Miss Martian, Superboy's ex, giggled lightly at her adoptive brother's antics turning back to Lagoon Boy, "I should really make dinner, unless you want to continue this in your room?" she whispered the last part in her new boyfriend's ear just loud enough for only her ex to hear. Lagoon Boy, or La'gaan, smirked, taking Miss M's hand and leading her out of the room. (A/N: ack 😖🤮 I can't believe I just wrote that! I hate this ship so much)

"She's not actually going to be making dinner anytime soon is she?" Blue Beetle questioned after the couple left.

"Probably not," Garfield aka Beast Boy replied, "Wanna order take out?"

"Sure," Jaime, aka Blue Beetle, shrugged in response as the two also left the room leaving Superboy to continue watching his static peacefully without anyone to bother him. With nothing but the static on the tv his mind started to wander.

Him and his now ex-girlfriend got into a nasty argument and broke up not even 4 months ago and she quickly rebounded to Lagoon Boy. He's had to endure every painful second of it as they made it rather obvious they were a couple. Last week after a "covert" mission he talked to Batman and requested to switch to a different team, he didn't specify why, but Batman being Batman had his suspicions. Now the boy was just waiting to see what happens, hoping that he'll be on a new team away from his ex. Luckily for him he won't have to wait much longer.


"HEL NO!" an angry voice shouted as it echoed around the batcave, "I AIN'T JOINING NO STUPID TEAM!" he continued.

"Aww come on Jaybird it won't be that bad it'll just be us, Bab's, Timbo, and Kon it'll be fine!" the mans older brother interjected before an argument between the bat and his second son could ensue, "Besides we won't even be working with the other teams and we'll be centered here in Gotham and in Blüdhaven-"

"I am not working with that clone!!" Jaybird cut his brother off.

"You need a team Jason!" Bat's stated cutting them both off, "This will do you and Superboy some good."

"No way! I'd sooner die again than work with that freak!" Jason shouted back.

"This is not up for discussion!" Batman bellowed, hardening his glare, "Now suit up. Robin and Batgirl have already gone to get Superboy. The four of you will be taking him to patrol Blüdhaven." With that said Batman disappeared further into the Batcave the sound of the Batmobiles engine the last thing Jason and Dick, Jason's older brother heard.

"Jay-" Dick started but Jason had already disappeared to change into his Red Hood uniform cursing profusely on his way there. The eldest son of the one and only Batman sighed heavily before he too left to change into his own uniform.


Recognized: Robin B20, Batgirl B16

"Hey Kon!" Robin chirped as he entered the room Kon, aka Superboy was in, finding him staring at the static filled screen, which wasn't unusual but he definitely seemed grumpier than normal.

"Robin." He replied simply. Kon had to admit it was strange calling someone else Robin since the first Robin now went by Nightwing. The two had oddly grown close to each other even if the boy was younger than him.

"What no hello to me?" Batgirl questioned the clone.

"Batgirl." Kon responded in answer, "Did you two need something?"

"Yep! We need you," Robin answered, strangely energetic, probably due to the amount of caffeine he added to his 5 cups of coffee that he downed just before coming to get Superboy.

"Why?" the boy asked suspiciously, finally turning to look at the two bats.

"You're part of our team," Batgirl stated, "We've been told to show you your new patrol route. There's five of us in total. Me, you, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood, if that's fine with you." she continued. Superboy looked at the two skeptically. His new team would consist of mostly bats, not only that but Red Hood would be there. The two had met once and well... let's just say it didn't end well.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he stood up from the armchair he was sitting in.

"Blüdhaven." Batgirl stated while pulling something out of her utility belt, "Here put this on. Batman requested that you wear one just in case." She handed him a black domino mask. Kon looked at it silently before heading towards his room.

"Kon, where are you going?" Robin called out after him.

"To change." was the response the two bats got, it wasn't until he came back that they understood. In front of them was Superboy only instead of his usual outfit he had a completely new suit. It was all black with red detailing and the signature 'S' over his chest and he had his new domino mask over his eyes. "What do you think?" he asked them a little insecurely.

The two bats, Robin and Batgirl, looked at him before looking at each other with a smirk on their faces, "Perfect." 


A/N: gosh that first bit was difficult to write. If any of you like the ship Miss M x Lagoon Boy I'll respect that however I hate it with a passion. Anyway here's a picture of Superboy's new suit and mask!

Here's an edit I made I personally don't think it turned out that well but I tried my best so there ya go 

Also his suit will change one more time in this story but that'll be near the end. 

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